Chapter 94
Once she was taken off the oxygen, Callie was able to sit up straight and her family and friends were allowed to reenter the room.
" How are you feeling?" Dad asked as Cheryl sat on the bed taking her hand.
" Alright," Callie shrugged. " Dehydrated."
" How that poison must have had dried up your throat," Cheryl said. " What happened Callie? Who took you?" She looked forward, she recalled that night, she was not ready to revisit it.
" Hey," Sweet Pea breathed, Callie's head jolted to him. He looked like he hasn't slept in months. " You can tell us everything." The door opened and in walked Archie.
"CALLIE!" Archie exclaimed happily, he pushed his way through way everyone and bear hugged her. " I should have brought you to the gym with me."
" No that's on me for not being cautious enough," Callie insisted.
" Nobody should have been breaking in the first place," Cheryl said.
" I agree with Blossom," Sweet Pea agreed.
" Do you want to tell us what happened?" Dad asked.
" Not yet," Callie denied, her eyes seemed to have lost a lot of light.
" You need to talk about it," Cheryl insisted. " I'm sure that the Farm can help."
" As thoughtful as that is, I'm not ready to talk about it with anyone just yet," Callie denied as she rubbed her best friend's hand.
" Do you know what happened to Baby Teeth?" Archie asked. Tears filled her eyes. She could still feel herself hanging on to Baby Teeth's dead body, sobbing over him as the Gargoyles tried to draw away from him.
" Give her some space," Sweet Pea advised. " Everyone out of the room, one at a time." Everyone agreed.
" I have to go catch up with Toni," Cheryl said. " I trust you in good hands."
" See you later," Callie said weakly. Cheryl kissed her forehead and left the room to leave the building. The only person left was her Dad. " Dad."
" I was so worried about you," Her dad chocked out tears. " I was worried it would be for real this time."
" I did too," Callie said as he sat down and grabbed her hand. " I was scared I would not be able to see you again."
" Whatever college you choose I pray it isn't anywhere close to this town," Dad said as tears fell down his cheeks.
" Harvard has always been my dream," Callie said with a small smile.
" You make that dream into a reality," Dad said. " You are my little girl no matter how big you get."
" It seems to be all the Andrews in Riverdale has had a near-death experience," Callie noted.
" Let's put a stop to that," Dad advised." No matter trying to die on me."
" You can't go try getting yourself killed either," Callie argued.
" As long as you don't," Callie laughed, he kissed her forehead. He got up and left the room, next came in Archie. " A rematch with Randy Ronson?"
" Yeah," Archie nodded.
" Is this smart?" Callie asked.
" It's just a rematch," Archie assured. " Hopefully it'll be La Royale."
" And Pops is the sponsor?" Callie asked.
" Yeah," Archie answered.
" I hope I'm out of the hospital before Friday, I want to see the rematch," Callie wished.
" You should probably stay here till they discharge you," Archie advised. " I know you don't what to...What happened to Baby Teeth? Me and Mad Dog are going to dedicate our next matches to him, we're fighting for him."
" He was dead before I got there," Callie answered softly as tears fell down her face. " Sweet Pea and Fangs wanted him to join the Serpents...He could have had a family Archie. I am so sorry."
" It's not your fault," Archie said as tears filled his eyes. " Do you know who killed him?" Callie nodded. " Who? A Gargoyle?"
" The Gargoyle," Callie answered.
" The King?" Archie asked. Callie shook her head.
" He was in the Serpents for a very short time, called me the red hair princess," Callie said. " He wanted me to ascend as well as Baby Teeth. "
" By ascend, you mean murder?" Archie asked she nodded her head.
" You should go get ready for the fight," Callie advised.
" Not till Friday," Archie said he stood up.
" I can't wait," Callie smiled at him. He then left the room and Sweet Pea immediately walked in. " Pea." He didn't say anything, he sat on the bed and pulled her into a tight hug. It was nice her limbs were not going through anyone as it did in her dream, so she tightened her grip around him.
" I...I thought I lost you," Sweet Pea cried. " Stop scaring me. Why didn't try calling me?"
" He took my phone before I could," Callie answered.
" He?" Sweet Pea asked. " Nick St. Clair?"
" No, this guy is a complete monster," Callie stated. " Said he used to be a Knight."
" Kurtz?" Sweet Pea asked.
" He killed Baby Teeth," Callie cried. Sweet Pea stood up angrily, she grabbed her hand.
" I have to go avenge Baby Teeth," Sweet Pea glared at her.
" Please stay," Callie requested as tears fell down her face. " I don't want to be alone."
" Callie," Sweet Pea breathed as he sat back down. " What happened?"
" I'm guessing FP didn't show you yet," Callie said slowly.
" No, neither did Jughead," Sweet Pea said.
" You know the markings Ben, Dilton, and Baby Teeth had?" Callie asked. Callie looked away as Sweet Pea's eyes hardened. He moved so he was more by the pillow. He then moved her hospital gown and looked at her back, there were the markings carved on her back.
" Callie," Sweet Pea breathed in shock. " Your back? How did no one here you scream?"
" They put something around my mouth," Callie answered. " I don't even remember drinking the poison." Sweet Pea pulled her into another hug and kissed the top of her head.
" I will not let anything bad happen to you anymore," Sweet Pea promised to himself for than her. " I can't lose you again. I love you, Callie." Her eyes went wide, that was a big bomb he just dropped.
" I love you more," Callie said. He pulled back and looked into her eyes, before kissing her.
" Give me your hand," Sweet Pea ordered as he pulled away from her. Callie put her hand in his, he then dug in his pocket and took out a ring, her Serpent ring. Callie looked confused.
" I don't recall taking this off," Callie said.
" You probably didn't," Sweet Pea said as he slid the ring on her finger. " That junkie probably did." He then kissed her hand and Callie smiled. " You should probably get some sleep."
" Will you come back?" Callie asked.
" Forever and Always," Sweet Pea said as he stood up. " I'm so happy you are okay." He kissed her before leaving the room.
Late that night Callie was asleep, she was awoken by her Dad.
" Everything okay?" Callie asked as she rubbed her eyes.
" FP and Jughead would like to ask you a couple of questions," Dad informed. " Will you be up for it?" Callie scanned his face. " It's okay, we can trust the Jones."
" I know," Callie breathed. " Yeah, I can talk to them."
" If you get overwhelmed just let them know," Dad said, he kissed her forehead. He then went to the door. " You two can see her." He opened the door. The two Jones boys walked in as her Dad left.
" How are you feeling kiddo?" FP asked as he took a seat as Jughead engulfed her in a hug.
" Alright," Callie breathed.
" I'm pretty sure Reggie would have visited you if he wasn't away from the week," Jughead said as he put her phone on the table. " I told him what happened."
" Thanks," Callie said slowly. " You want to know what? And the who?"
" Are you ready to tell us, or would you like to wait till tomorrow?" FP asked.
" Would it be okay if I just tell you who?" Callie asked.
" Hey, we need all the details," Jughead insisted. " You can take your time." Callie took a deep breath and then slowly told them everything when she was finished both of them was speechless and she looked at her hands.
" Oh my god," Jughead breathed in horror. " Kurtz did all this?" She nodded.
" He's busy distributing drugs," FP said. " Well, that's what we suspect."
" He had a nasty trip," Jughead said. " It's made him go into some sort of rabid state, foaming at the mouth."
" That's awful," Callie breathed.
" When you get discharged would you like to help?" Jughead asked.
" No," Callie denied. " I don't want to step foot near that monster ever again."
" Understandable," FP said. " Would you like to listen in or do research out of sight?"
" I can do that," Callie nodded.
" One more thing," FP said. " Baby Teeth's blood was found on you."
" I kind held on to him for a bit," Callie answered. " I saw the situation he was in, so I crawled over to his body, dead, and then the Gargoyles tried to drag me away from him, but I held on for a bit."
" His real name was Brandon Morris," Jughead informed.
" He didn't deserve that," Callie said. " He just got released from L&L, he was free."
" We know," Jughead said as he rubbed her arm. " We know...You should get some rest now."
The next morning, Sweet Pea was back in. He laid on the bed with her, he held out his phone, they were face timing Mad Dog, today the boxers were being weighed. There were a lot of people and a lot of cameras.
" Randy Ronsons to the scale," a guy ordered. " 159 pounds." The guy showed his muscles and grunted as people applauded. " Archie Andrews to the scale. Archie walked up, the guy moved the lever thing. " 154 pounds." People applauded as Archie showed his muscles. Then the face time ended.
" So that's Randy Ronson," Sweet Pea noted.
" He seems a lot bigger than the last time I saw him," Callie said.
" Checking him out?" Sweet Pea asked.
" No," Callie denied with a smile. " I was in the audience at the first match they had, some things like that are hard to not notice." There was a knock at the door, Sweet Pea moved to the chair as it opened.
" Ms. Andrews," the Doctor said. " Your Dad is signing your discharge papers, and you should be free to go."
" That's great," Callie smiled. " Thank you."
" What are you going to do when you get out?" Sweet Pea asked.
" Go to Pops," Callie answered.
" You are going to go to work?" Sweet Pea asked disapprovingly.
" Nah," Callie laughed. " I want food." Sweet Pea laughed.
After she got released her dad had her wait at home with Sweet Pea as he got food from Pops. At the moment they were face timing Jughead, as him, Archie and Betty sat in the student lounge at school.
" You locked your mom in Dilton's bunker?" Callie asked.
" Yeah," Betty answered slowly. " It's the only place where she'll be safe from the Farm, Cal. And I've already made some headway with the deprogramming. Next, I'm gonna listen to her testimony tapes, and see if there's anything I can use to help me get my mom back." There was banging sound, Sweet Pea and Callie looked at each other, it wasn't coming from Andrew's home.
" What is that?" Sweet Pea asked as they looked back at the others. They left the student lounge, Jughead handed the phone to Betty. And from what they could see a Vixen was banging her head against the lockers, other vixens were trying to stop her.
" What the hell is going on?" Jughead demanded. " Hey, did she take something?" The vixen's eyes were wild, foam coming out of her mouth.
" Yeah, she took some G," another Vixen answered.
" Get her to the infirmary!" Jughead ordered. They dragged the vixen away. Jughead took a call and then picked up a packet of Fizzle Rocks. He then hung up the phone. " Callie, are you up for anything? Can meet me and my Dad at the station?"
" Yeah, sure," Callie said.
" You sure?" Sweet Pea asked her.
" I mean it deals with Kurtz, but it's not actually him," Callie said. " And now my vixens are getting taken down again."
Callie was now at the station with Jughead and FP, in the cell was the prisoner muttering and banging.
" It's gotta be a bad batch," Callie noted.
" One that causes Fizzle Rock psychosis," Jughead added.
" Or the Fizzle Rocks are being cut with something," FP suspected. " Bath salts, maybe. We need to catch whoever's dealing this garbage before someone turns up dead." One of the prisoners looked calm.
" Looks like our John is almost ready to talk," Callie noticed. FP stood up and they looked all looked at the guy. They grabbed the guy and put him in the interrogation room.
" What does it mean?" Jughead asked he slid a Fizzle Rock packet with a G on it.
" The G's for Gargoyle, I think," John answered.
" Which Gargoyle?" Callie asked. " Is there anyone in particular?"
" This time it was a guy named Kurtz," John answered Callie, Fp, and Jughead looked at each other. " Do you have any idea where Kurtz is now?"
" How should I know?" John asked as he rubbed his wrist. Jughead slid the packet back toward them, FP leaned over to the other two.
" Kurtz is the cook and he's selling, too," FP said. " But we need the kingpin. I'm gonna pay Hiram Lodge a visit. Tell your mom I'll be home late." Her and Jughead then got up and left.
" So what killed did they poison him first?" Callie asked.
" You want to know?" Jughead asked.
" Not really," Callie admitted. " I don't even know why Ias ked."
" You asked because you saw his body first," Jughead answered. " You want to know the truth...honestly it's a gruesome one." She looked at him. " He died from blood loss." Callie looked forward.
" Cremated?" Callie asked.
" Buried," Jughead answered. " Would you like to visit his grave?" She nodded.
" Let's stop at the flower shop first," Callie requested.
" Of course," Jughead agreed. The two went to the flower shop and the to Baby Teeth's grave. It was easy to find, it was freshly buried. Jughead sat on a bench and watched from a distance as Callie stood in front of the grave with flowers.
" Hey, Baby Teeth," Callie greeted softly. " I hope you are eating all the Pops burgers that you can up there. I know we have only known each other for a short time, but it was really great meeting you. Sweet Pea and Fangs took a big liking to you as well. You don't deserve any of this, you just got freed. I am so sorry this happened to you." She dropped to her knees and began crying. Jughead got up and walked over to her.
" It's not your fault," Jughead said as he knelt down next to her.
" He should still be alive," Callie sobbed. " He spent all the time in the juvie, got freed, tortured and killed."
" At least he doesn't have to be in Riverdale anymore," Jughead said, Callie cried more. Jughead's phone. " Hello? Yeah, we'll be right there. Come on the other guy is ready to talk." He helped her up, Callie put the flowers in front of the gravestone and went back to the station.
" He's the guy I collared at Pops," Fp informed. " Finally woke up, that's when I called you. Hey."He tapped the table, the guy looked like he had seen things. " You could've really hurt someone, pal."
" Where'd you get the G?" Callie asked." From a guy named Kurtz?" She sat down next to FP as Jughead remained standing.
" Yeah," the man answered. " He wasn't my usual dealer," Fp's phone started to buzz. " He was real aggressive. Trying to get me to buy more than my usual."
" He's still in Riverdale," Jughead said. " He's getting desperate, it sounds like."
" Hm. It's Laura," Fp informed.
" Who?" Callie asked.
" Our lady friend from the Maple Club," Fp answered. " Hello." They then went to the maple club.
" Callie," Ms. Blossom breathed. " I'm glad to see you are okay."
" Thanks," Callie smiled lightly.
" So what happened?" Fp asked as he and Callie sat down. " Another crazy John?"
" You told me to call in case anything came up," Laura recalled. " Well, some preppy rich kids were here, rowdy and stirring up trouble."
" Were they on the same Rocks that drive the other customer feral?" Jughead asked.
" No, but they were here killing time before meeting a dealer in the lobby," Laura answered. " But I guess the guy never showed."
" How'd you get rid of them?" Callie asked.
" One of the ruffians got a call," Ms. Blossom answered. " Sounding like a supplier looking to reschedule."
" He said something about a fight," Laura said as she showed a flier. It was for the match between Archie and Randy. " Left this in the trash." FP took it and looked at it. He showed it to the other two.
" That's Archie's gym," Callie informed.
" One last chance to bust Kurtz," Fp hoped.
The next morning Callie stood in the Jones's house next door. She stood in the living room with Fp, Jughead, and Sweet Pea.
" Kurtz is going to be at the match," Fp said. " He won't be going into the building, more like dealing outside."
" Sweet Pea you are too attend the match with Callie," Jughead ordered. " Make sure he doesn't lay eyes on her, can't let him know that she is still alive."
" On it," Sweet Pea agreed.
" You two be careful," Callie told the Jones men.
" Callie, is there anything else you can recall from Kurtz?" Fp asked.
" He said Baby Teeth was a warm-up," Callie recalled. " But I forget who he said the warm-up was for."
" You going to school today?" Jughead asked.
" No," Callie denied. " I'm not quite ready to go back yet."
" Fair," Jughead nodded. She then went home as Veronica was driving away. She walked into find her Dad going into the kitchen and Archie with new shorts.
" Those new?" Callie asked.
" Yeah, Veronica got them for me," Archie answered.
" That was nice of her," Callie smiled. " You two getting close again?"
" Nah, just friends," Archie denied. " I have Josie now."
" Does she know about the match?" Callie asked.
" She should be coming tonight," Archie smiled. " Are you still coming?"
" Of course," Callie smiled. She went upstairs as her phone rang, she cautiously looked at it. But to her relief, it was Reggie calling.
" Hello Mantle the Bulldog," Callie greeted as she answered the call.
" Strawberry, how are you feeling?" Reggie asked. " I'm sorry I couldn't be there."
" It's alright," Callie smiled. " I'm glad you called."
" So who did this to you?" Reggie demanded. " Once I find out who, this dumbass will beg for mercy."
" It was Kurtz," Callie told him. " Don't worry about it. Jughead and Mr. Jones are already on it."
" Once they lock up Kurtz, I'm coming home and punding that son of a bitch."
" I don't want you to interrupt your vacation," Callie said. " You enjoy it, Sweet Pea is ready to pound him as well."
" Tell Pea brain to go for both eyes," Reggie huffed.
" I will," Callie laughed. " I'll let you go now Reg."
" See you later Strawberry," Reggie said before hanging up.
Late that night Callie was at the match. She sat with Sweet Pea, Josie, her dad, and Veronica. The crowd was cheering as Archie walked out with Mr. Keller right behind him.
" You nervous?" Josie asked Veronica and Callie.
" Yes," Callie admitted.
" Not a bit," Veronica said.
" Is that a new robe?" Josie asked.
" And trunks," Callie noted.
" Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe is Archie's official sponsor," Veronica informed. " You like 'em?" Soon the two boys faced each other, ready to fight. They pounded gloves. The match started and they were swinging at each other.
" Attaboy, Arch, stick and move," Mr. Keller said. Dad started to try to do some block moves from where he was sitting. Archie punched Randy in the face. Growling noises came from him, he turned back to Archie mad look in his eyes.
" Something's wrong," Callie breathed.
" Randy's juicing," Mad Dog informed as he sat down behind her.
" With what?" Callie asked.
" This new drug," Mad Dog said.
" G?" Callie asked.
" Possibly," Mad Dog answered.
" That's not good," Callie said as she looked back at him. " The match needs to end."
" Come on, kid, get the hell out of there!" Mr. Keller ordered. The bell rang, but Randy kept swinging, the referee got in between. Archie was bleeding badly. Mr. Keller then stood up.
" Hey, ref." Mr. Keller called. " Ronson looks like he wants to chew off my fighter's face. We want a disqualification."
" Only way this match ends is if you forfeit, Andrews," Elio informed. " You wanna take the loss?"
" Screw you, Elio," Archie growled.
" Seconds out!" Ref called as the bell dinged. It dinged again and the two started fighting again. Soon Archie landed to hits knocking Randy out cold Everyone stood up cheering.
" Attaboy!" Mr. Keller cheered.
" Two, three, four...five, six, seven, right," the ref counted.
"He's not moving," Callie noted as the crowd cheered her brother's name.
" He just got knocked out," Sweet Pea reminded her.
" It's over," The ref announced, the bell dinged and everyone cheered. Archie then went up to Randy and tapped him with his gloves.
" Ronson?" Archie asked. " We need a doctor. Somebody call a doctor!" People pulled out their phones to make the call. " Ronson, wake up."
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