Chapter 91

Things have gotten a lot better between Callie and Sweet Pea, but Riverdale was still a watch your back town. As Sweet Pea was at the school in the middle of the night for Deputy training with the other Serpents, Callie was at Pops. Her and Veronica were talking to Betty as they worked. 

" Is there any way that maybe you can see this divorce as a good thing?" Callie asked as she put the coffee pot down.

" I'm trying to find a lining of tarnished silver, but..."Veronica began she put the milkshake down in front of Betty. " My parents raised me to believe that family is the most important thing in the world.

" I'm so sorry, Vee," Betty sympathized. The shop door chimed, they looked to see Evelyn walking in with a stack of papers, she held one up against a wall.

" Hey Evelyn," Callie greeted as she dried a cup.

" Hey Callie," Evelyn smiled as she walked over. " Veronica, hi. Do you mind if I hang some fliers? The Farm's having an open house tomorrow.

" An open house?" Betty asked.

" Yes, we are opening our doors to visitors," Evelyn informed. " Everyone is welcome to tour our renovated premises, meet with Farm Elders and learn about our values and practices."

"Go ahead, Evelyn," Veronica allowed.

" Thank you," Evelyn smiled. She turned to go hang up fliers, Betty slurped through her straw loudly and looked at the other two girls.

" Of course, we'll go with you," Veronica confirmed. The door opened once more they looked to see Sweet Pea, he looked tired. Tonight Sweet Pea was taking Callie home, it would be the first time she got on his bike since the breakup. Now that the two are back together they are taking things a bit slow.

" Coffee?" Veronica asked.

" No, thank you," Sweet Pea denied as he looked over at Callie." You ready?"

" Yeah," Callie smiled. " See you ladies in the morning."

" See you in the morning," they smiled at her. Callie grabbed her things and walked out of the restaurant. " How was training?"

" We had to redo it about six times," Sweet Pea answered. "We kept messing up."

" Oh?" Callie asked as she saddled on his motorcycle.

" At some point, the red laser pointer was on the back of my head," Sweet Pea answered. " Mr. Keller and FP had us do it till we get it right."

" They want you to stay alive when you go out on the field," Callie said he started for the Andrews house.

" It's just a lot of work," Sweet Pea groaned.

" I'd rather have all of you alive than dead," Callie said.

" Even the best of the best get hurt," Sweet Pea reminded her.

" Yeah," Callie breathed as she wrapped her arms around him tighter and put her face on his back. It was like the first time she rode, except this time she wasn't an ex-captive of the Ghoulie gang. 

The next morning Callie was getting a tour of the Farm from Kevin. She was with Veronica and Betty,

" If you cross over this way, here you will find two of our more artistic members expressing themselves," Kevin informed. " Hi, Megan. Hi, Garrett." 

" Hi," they greeted as they painted on a poster.

" At the Farm, we like to nurture everyone's unique talents," Kevin informed.

" It's like Hockney meets Heaven's Gate," Veronica whispered to the two.

" Now, would like anyone like to guess what this room's used for?" Kevin asked as they stood in front of a pair of giant medieval looking doors.

" Ritualistic drownings?" Betty guessed softly.

" Sorry, Betty, I didn't hear you," Kevin said.

" Hey, what's behind there?" Betty asked as she pointed at a door with the number 317 on the front.

" That is just the janitor's closet," Kevin answered. " Now, if everyone will follow me, I'll show you the garden." He walked passed the group and started to lead them outside. The door opened revealing Alice Smith.

" Betty!" Alice gasped,

" Mom," Betty breathed. " Go ahead, Vee and Cee, I'll catch up with you in a bit." The two girls nodded and caught up with the tour group.

" I miss when things were all about the Black Hood and Farms and an evil board game," Veronica commented.

" Me and you both," Callie agreed. " But I don't think Riverdale is about to return back to that time."

"If it did I would be on stage for the Variety Show singing with whoever," Veronica said.

" I would be in the audience with Cheryl no doubt," Callie said.

" Knowing Cheryl you two would maybe have a whole cheer routine with Tina and Ginger," Veronica commented, Callie laughed.

" If I could wear my uniform for a whole day and not have a seizure while in it, I would," Callie said. 

" If Cheryl would step down as Captain would you want to take her place?" Veronica asked.

" Yeah," Callie smiled. " But with everything on both our plates its probably best it gets handed to Tina or Ginger...Maybe even both. Would you?"

" If I stayed at my old school definitely," Veronica said. " Maybe for the Vixens." 

" We are blue and gold," Callie said.

" We are dynamite," Veronica said. " We'll take you down, and fight the fight."

" Go, Bulldogs!" the two cheered before laughing.

" Veronica? Callie?" Kevin asked as they walked around the garden. " What's making you laugh?" The girls looked at each other laughing.

" Sorry Kev," Callie laughed.

" We got a case of the giggles," Veronica laughed. After the tour ended they went home. Callie walked in her house to find Jughead eating the food she brought home from Pops last night and Archie.

" Enjoying yourself?" Callie asked.

" Yeah," Jughead said as he ate a fry. " One good thing about being your neighbor is I got twp kitchens to raid for grub now. Especially when one of them works at Pops. Think about bringing home a burger next time."

" Sure," Callie breathed,

" Yeah, no worries, Jug," Archie smiled as he put a smoothie on the table. " How's it going with your mom?"

" It's a cold war," Jughead answered." I mean, the nuclear option is that I tell my dad everything, but that cold spell mutualy-assured destruction. So instead, the Serpents and I are just dismantling her drug trade piece by piece."

" And after that?" Callie asked as she filled her water bottle.

" Up next, we're gonna drive the Gargoyles out of town, and her cook Kurtz," Jughead proposed. " I am gonna make Riverdale a very unwelcome place for Gladys Jones."

" And if she does fo, what happens to JB?" Callie asked as Archie took a fry.

" Still need to figure that out," Jughead admitted. The telephone rang, Archie walked over to answer it.

" Hello," Archie answered.

" Willing to land the Serpents a hand?" Jughead asked as he looked at her.

" I'll think about it," Callie said.

" Uh-sure," Archie said on phone. " Mad Dog? Dude, what's up?" Soon her hung up the phone. " I'm going to L&L to talk to a friend, he needs help."

" See you later," Callie said.

"Let's go, red hair princess," Jughead said as he stood up. " We gotta go find Kurtz."

" You can find him," Callie said. " I prefer to never see his face again." She stood up.

" Yet, he's dying to see yours," Jughead smiled.

" You think you're so funny," Callie rolled her eyes.

" The absolute funniest," Jughead laughed. Soon the two went to the new Serpent headquarters where the others waited.

" The drug trade has reared its ugly head in Riverdale yet again," Jughead informed. " Now, my dad doesn't think we're ready, but we're going to be Riverdale's unofficial DEA."

" That means you're gonna make life miserable for the Gargoyles and run them out of our town," Callie informed.

" But first, we're gonna hit the hotspots," Jughead declared. " Make sure Gladys isn't using any of Hiram's old infrastructure."

" First, we are too start off with the with comic shop," Callie said. " We need someone to be some sort of player, go in ask for game enhancements."

" I'll do it," Sweet Pea offered.

" I was thinking Jinx," Jughead said.

" I'll do it," Sweet Pea confirmed as he glared at anyone that was willing to step up.


The next morning Callie was waiting outside the comic book shop with Sweet Pea. She was fixing the mic on his shirt.

" Well, I guess it was only a matter of time before I put a mic on you," Callie stated.

" Guessing you have had practice," Sweet Pea said.

" You could say that," Callie nodded as she put her hands down. " Don't worry about speaking loud and clear."

" Why?" Sweet Pea asked.

" It'll be suspicious if you do that," Callie said. " Just act normal and we'll know when to come in. Now go get 'em." She turned him towards the door, smacked his ass and sent him off.

" I'll remember that," Sweet Pea playfully glared at her before walking into the shop. As soon as he walked in Jughead and a few others came out.

" Nice job keeping it PG," Jughead rolled his eyes as a voice came up.

" Hey, man," the Game Master greeted. Callie recognized the voice from the last time they came in. " Can I help you?"

" Yeah, Do you, uh do you think I could get a enhancement?" Sweet Pea asked.

" That's a limited edition," the Game Master said. " 50 bucks." There was a sound of paper rustling. " Everything good?"

" Not for you," Sweet Pea declared, Callie signaled the others and they all walked in. They walked in to find Sweet Pea having the Game Master pinned on the table.

"Hey, there," Callie greeted. " Remember us? Last time we were here with the Red Paladin."

" And that day I was in a good mood," Jughead informed as he got close to the guy's face. " But today..."Jughead took out his switchblade. " I'm in a bad mood. But you can help me with that by telling me where all these drugs are coming from." Jughead put a firm grip on the guy.

" The Gargoyles are dealing again," Game Master answered.

" Where are they selling from?" Callie asked.

" We've been to all the other hotspots," Jughead said.

" No, it's old school," the guy answered. " Street corners. But you can tell by the gargoyles on wires." Jughead nodded his head, Sweet Pea through back to the counter.

" What the hell does that mean?" Sweet Pea demanded as objects clattered.

" In some cities, when you see a pair of sneakers on telephone wires, it means that there's a drug den nearby," Callie explained. " But he's saying--"

" Look for Gargoyles instead of shoes." the Game Master said.

" Okay," Jughead breathed. " Search this place. Confiscate any contraband or drugs or gaming equipment. Don't make me come back here." Callie left with Jughead

" Going back to headquarters?" Jughead asked.

" Nah," Callie denied. " Archie did some miracle work and wants to meet two guys from the juvie."

" Have fun," Jughead said.

" Of course," Callie smiled.

" Keep it PG," Jughead warned.

First ew," Callie scrunched her nose. " Second none of them are Treetopper."


Minutes later Callie was at Pops she had her uniform on. She had set down three plates and shakes down at a table. The booth contained Archie and two of his friends from L&L.

" You must be Archie's sister," the boy sitting across from Archie commented.

" You are correct," Callie smiled as she sat down next to Archie. " You must be Mad Dog and?"

" Baby Teeth," the other boy said before taking a bite of his burger.

" I gotta give you props, Red," Mad Dog said as he looked at Archie. "One minute we're headed to Hiram's prison, and the next we're walking out of L&L, time served."

" Now you're out, what's next?" Archie asked. " What's the plan?"

 " I'm gonna go find my family," Mad Dog smiled. Baby Teeth looked at his plate. " Some of these guys got no place to go."

" I mean I got no one, so..." Baby Teeth stated.

" Hey, don't worry, Baby Teeth," Callie assured as she reached across the table. He looked at her.

" Think I got a place," Archie confirmed. After Callie got off, Archie and she took them to the boxing gym.

" Sweet," Baby Teeth chuckled as they walked in.

" It's not fancy, but..." Archie began as he turned on the lights. " It's a hell of a lot better than a cell in L&L. Set some cots up around the place. You guys can stay as long as you want." The guys started to explore the place.

" This is yours?" Mad Dog asked. " You own a gym?"

" It's a long story," Archie said as Mr. Keller came down the steps.

" Guys, this is Mr. Keller," Callie informed.

" Trainer extraordinaire," Archie informed. Mr. Keller chuckled. " Mr, Keller, these are the guys I was talking to you about."

" Good to meet you, fellas," Mr. Keller said.  Glad to see that Archie's gonna finally have some competition around here.

" You ever think about taking about boxing little red?" Baby Teeth asked.

" Not really my style," Callie shook her head.

 " Not even a couple of moves?" Thumper asked.

" I did in the past, only a couple of moves," Callie answered. " Self Defense."

" If you want anymore learning hit us up," Peter offered.

" I do live with Archie," Callie reminded them.

" He doesn't know all the moves," Baby Teeth said.

" If you can beat my brother, I'll get you a free burger from Pops," Callie offered.

" It's on Andrews!" Baby Teeth shouted playfully.


Later Callie was back at headquarters, the guys were out getting hotspots as Callie pinned spots and Jughead handled the radio.

" All right, what's your 20?" Jughead asked.

" We broomed out the Gargoyles at the intersection of Baker and Main," Sweet Pea reported. 

 Good work, Sweet Pea," Jughead congratulated. " Move to the next corner." Callie put a pin on the map of Riverdale.


" Lover's Lane is all clear," Fangs informed. " Gargoyles took off quick."

" Copy that, Fangs," Jughead said as Callie pinned the spot.


" Took care of Sixth and Benedict, boss," Sweet Pea said.

" Great job," Callie congratulated as Jughead put the pin-up. " Keep it up."


" What you got for me?" Jughead asked. " First and Mapel? Nice work. Got it. Well done, Jinx."

" One more corner to go," Sweet Pea informed. " If you two wanna get in on the action."

" I'll meet you there, Sweet Pea," Jughead confirmed. " Shortstop is off to work."

That night after Callie got home from work she sat on the edge staring at her murder board. Top two suspects were Hiram and Penelope, and right now her best friend's mom was about to be the only suspect. She put a few new faces up their such as Gladys Jones and the Gargoyles that left with Kurtz. The window jingled to get opened, she looked over and saw Sweet Pea. She walked over and opened it for him.

" When are you going to take the chains off?" Sweet Pea asked as soon as she opened it.

" As soon as Kurtz is out of town," Callie said as he stepped in. She highly recalled the night he broke in and doesn't want a repeat. 

" You can unchain it for good," Sweet Pea said. " I'm back in your life." Callie shook her head.

" It's when I'm alone he tends to find me, not when I am around others," Callie said.

" Do you think he's the one that reintroduced the game?" Sweet Pea asked.

" No," Callie denied. " More like a pawn in this game, just like the rest of us." They sat on her bed and stared at the board. Sweet Pea then smacked her ass. 

" Told you I was going to remember that move you pulled on me earlier," Sweet Pea stated as Callie rubbed her butt.

" I'll remember this," Callie said.

" Is this war?" Sweet Pea asked.

" Absolutely," Callie declared as she looked at him. Sweet Pea put his lips on her and she happily kissed back. 

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