Chapter 88
A few mornings later, Callie wast Pops with a marked man, and two love birds.
" Here's the deal Archie," Jughead began. " I checked with my dad, pulled all the files on Warden Noton after he committed suicide, and me and Callie cleared out his office and we found this." Jughead head showed many Kill Red Paladin quest cards in a plastic bag. " Quest card."
" Kill the Red Paladin," Archie read. " Like the one Ricky had."
" These two cards are identical," Callie informed. " That's the same design, same card stock. To me, that indicates that someone printed out multiple Kill the Red Paladin cards, put them out into the world."
" We need to find out who," Betty urged.
" I know where to start," Archie confirmed.
That night Callie was jamming out the Heathers when someone banged on her window. She jumped cautiously she walked to it, thankfully it was just Sweet Pea. She unchained the window and let him in.
" Hey," Callie said.
"Are you busy?" Sweet Pea asked.
" Yes," Callie confirmed.
" You're listening to Heathers," Sweet Pea noted.
" It's this year musical," Callie informed.
" I hate showbiz," Sweet Pea said. " Not really my style."
" It is mine," Callie informed.
" Can you to take a break?" Sweet Pea requested.
" I'm in a crunch," Callie denied. " Kevin is really on me about it."
" Well Fangs and I wanted to know if you wanted to get to Pops with us," Sweet Pea said.
" Not tonight," Callie said as she ushered him to the window. " Please leave." Sweet Pea glared at her and left.
The next day after school Callie sat in the Swords and Serpents classroom both FP and Mr. Keller was there.
" Today the Serpents start a new a chapter," Fp announced. " You're no longer outlaws, you're lawkeepers, which is why I've got Tom Keller here to help. He is the best damn Sheriff Riverdale's ever had."
" Well, thanks, FP," Mr. Keller laughed. " That's quite an introduction. Um, a lot of what we'll be doing over the next couple of months will be like basic training. Each junior deputy will be paired with an officer who will then mentor them."
" Jughead, boy, you're riding with me," FP requested. Everyone got up to leave.
" Where you going?" Jughead asked Callie.
" To work," Callie answered. " Have fun, be careful and see you all later." Callie got to work and not long after some Fizzle Rock junkier came in, spazzed out, and threw hot coffee all over Delores and they had to call it in. Not too long after Jughead and FP were walking in.
" Hey Pop," Fp greeted. " What's going on?"
" Some Fizzle Rockie spazzed out and threw hot coffee all over Delores," Callie explained. Then ran out of here."
" I thought Fizzle Rocks were gone," Jughead said. " This whole candy epidemic was over?"
" Yeah, but I've heard rumblings and rumors that someone's looking to reopen the candy store," FP said as he went to sit down and talk to Delores. Jughead then looked at Veronica suspiciously.
" I wonder who," Jughead wondered.
" That's a good question," Veronica agreed before turning around.
After her shift, Callie was down in the bunker with her brother and the two love birds. Archie told them what Hiram told him.
" And you believe Hiram?" Callie asked.
" I do," Archie said. " He said he gave out 12 quest cards."
" Well, he's nothing if not thorough," Jughead said.
" Okay, so that means there could be as many as ten cards still in play, and that means we need to figure out how to track them," Betty said. " And whoever's holding them down."
" Yeah," Archie agreed as he took out a piece of paper. " Mr. Lodge gave me a list of the places his dealers used to go to, or where G&G players congregate." He handed it to Betty.
"Suds Laundromat, Innuendo," Betty read. " These places are all nearby. I saw we check them out, starting with the comic book shop. See if we can tap into Riverdale's gaming network."
" And so continues our nerdiest mystery yet," Callie stated. They nodded at each other. Late that night the four of them walked into the MLJ comic, toys, and games store,
" Princess Faye, it's your roll," a boy's voice said as they walked in. " But you're down five hit points and the hellhounds are gaining on..." He stopped when he saw the four. " You're not allowed back here. This is a sacred space."
" Sheath your sword, Game Master," Jughead advised as he put his hand out.
" Just here to ask some questions," Callie said.
" Sorry to interrupt your game," Betty apologized. " But, uh, we're here because of this?" She held out the Kill the Red Paladin card.
" Do you recognize it?" Archie asked.
" Yes," the boy asked. " And we know who you are. That quest is in okay here."
" Yeah, well, take your shot, then," Archie advised.
" Who gave it to you?" Callie asked.
" The King," the boy answered.
" The Gargoyle King came here?" Callie asked. " To the back room of a comic book store?"
" One of his disciples delivered the Quest card for him," the boy answered. " He wore a mask. Didn't say much."
" Well, was he delivering Fizzle Rocks?" Jughead asked. The boy looked down.
" Who has the card now, one of you?" Archie asked.
" No one in this room," the boy answered.
" Well, whoever does have the card, why haven't they made a play against the Red Paladin yet?" Jughead asked.
" The Red Paladin is an advanced quest," the boy answered fiercely. " It takes time to adequately prepare for it. But they'll act on it. And sooner or later, they'll come for you Red Paladin."
The next night Callie was back in the bunker with the other three, they had quest cards of the red paladin out along with pictures of faces.
" It's a weird feeling," Archie admitted. " Knowing that there are all these people, strangers out there who want to kill me."
" It's the game," Callie said. " It makes people crazy."
" You know, as a matter of fact, those hardcore gamers are so obsessive, any message they receive from the Gargoyle King they take as gospel," Jughead concluded. " Maybe we can harness that."
" Like when I became the Gryphon Queen," Betty recalled.
" Right," Jughead agreed. " Now, we know that the only way to complete Hiram's quest is to kill the Red Paladin. But who says the Gargoyle King can't add to his own quest, offer a different outcome?" He then stood up after a second of silence. " Do you guys remember when we were in elementary school, and it was snowing, and we played that game."
" King of the Mountain?" Callie recalled.
" Yeah, kind of," Archie smiled.
" Not really, no," Betty declined.
" Well, you won every time Archie," Callie recalled.
"So we can play to your strengths," Jughead suggested. " I'll write an addendum to the quest that says the Red Paladin will defend his mountaintop for 12 hours, dusk till dawn. Anyone that has this Kill the Red Paladin card can try and take you down, but if they don't by the time the challenge ends, your mark of sacrifice is lifted."
" Let's do it," Archie agreed.
" Okay, well, if we're gonna do that, no weapons, hand-to-hand combat only, only one challenger at a time," Betty listed.
" Perfect," Callie said. " But we're still gonna need a space. A mountaintop that's going to increase your chances of winning."
" I think I know someone who can help provide that," Archie said. Get writing, Callie comes with me, we'll call you." The two then left.
" Who do you have in mind?" Callie asked.
" The man who made the quest cards," Archie answered. Soon enough they both stood in Hiram's office.
" We have a request," Callie said.
" I need somewhere to host and end my Red Paladin challenge," Archie requested.
" You what now?" Hiram asked. Archie looked back and walked closer to the Man In Black.
" I'm calling in everyone who has one of you Quest Cards, and since you're the one who got me in the first place, I figure you could help me find an appropriate spot," Archie requested. Hiram nodded.
" As a matter of fact," Hiram said as he waved his finger. " I recently acquired a city block near Sweetwater Docks, where there are various shuttered businesses including a hole-in-the-wall boxing gym." He opened a drawer at his desk and pulled out keys. " Right now, it's just sitting there. You're welcome to use it." He held out the keys.
" Thank you, Mr. Lodge," Archie thanked as he took the keys. The two of them left and went to the gym. It was very messy, but nothing that could not be cleaned up. Callie turned on the lights as Archie walked up on to the boxing mat.
" It can use a mop," Archie said.
" More than a mop," Callie laughed. " Call Jughead. He took out his phone and told Jughead everything. They would be seeing everyone at dusk.
" Come on," Archie said. " This place isn't going to clean itself."
" Your the one on the phone," Callie pointed out.
" Wanna go?" Archie asked playfully, the then got to work.
Jughead went down tot he bunker and gathered the Serpents, he Callie on speaker as she cleaned up the gym.
" Sweet Pea, Fangs, you're going to the old comic shop," Jughead ordered. " Old Deuteronomy and Weasel, you're going to hit Innuendo, and Termine and Jinx, you're going to cover All About the Glaze. And we need to canvass all of Hiram's hot spots if we're going to get the word out fast.
" What about these masks?" Sweet Pea asked as he held on up.
" Wear 'em," Callie ordered. " Remember, the goal is to try and convince them that this quest came directly from the Gargoyle King."
" We're on it," Fangs confirmed.
" And there's one more thing," Jughead said. " It's kind of personal. These aren't just gaming hot spots. They were hubs for Hiram's Fizzle Rock trade. I've heard rumor that a new player is moving in to restart it. I want you guys to suss any information that you can discreetly. And if you find anything, I want you to come to me and only to me. Okay?"
" Let's go," Sweet Pea urged.
" Yeah," Fangs agreed. They all left for the mission.
Now the gym was cleaned up the four of them stood on the boxing mat. Archie was in a red cover-up that was had white words painted on the said Red Paladin.
" Maybe we didn't allow enough time for word to get around?" Betty suggested. " Maybe they didn't believe that it was actually coming from the--" The door opened and a man walked in holding a piece of paper.
" I'm here for the Red Paladin," the man announced. Many others came in from behind. All dressed up. " Arch." He nodded.
" Well, I guess the word got around," Callie noted. Everyone got into position, Callie stood in the ring with Jughead and Archie as Betty was on the sidelines.
" Challengers!" Jughead yelled. " Welcome to the Iron Mountain. Approach this hallowed battleground, submit your Kill the Red Paladin card, bring the Paladin to his knees in three minutes, and your quest is won."
" However, should you run out of time, should you fall to the Paladin's hand, then your quest is over," Callie informed. " Is that understood?" The challengers murmured.
" Then let's go!" Jughead ordered as he and Callie got out of the ring and stood on the sidelines, they all cheered and the fighting began. A guy walked up, he handed his card to Betty. The first guy put up a fight, but Archie knocked him out.
"Who's next?" Callie asked the bell rang. The next guy Archie fought it into him. He threw him off and punched the opponent down.
" Next!" Jughead ordered.
" You're doing great, Arch," Betty said as Archie quickly out someone.
" How many of these guys am I fighting?" Archie asked.
" 12," Callie answered. The fights continued on, Archie kept winning, his opponents put up quite the fight.
" Okay, uh, there's only 11 cards here," Betty reported.
" What, that's all?" Archie asked covered in blood. " Who else wants to try?" The door opened a buff older man walked in.
"Who is that?" Jughead asked.
" Captain Golightly," Archie answered. " My old guard at L&L. Warden Norton's lap dog."
" My price for admission," Golightly said as he held up a card.
" Hey, look at me," Jughead urged Archie. " Are you sure you're up for this?"
" It's okay," Archie assured. " I want the sacrifice mark off me."
" Enter the Kraken!" Jughead ordered into the microphone. The crowd cheered. " Begin!" The Captain put a real big fight he was landing a ton of hits on Archie. He went to g deliver a final blow Archie uppercut the man.
" Yes!" Jughead cheered.
"Whoo!" Callie and Betty cheered and clapped. The three all ran into the ring, Callie put the red jacket around him.
" Sacrifice no more," Jughead said. All of them laughed in relief that it was finally over. When they got home Callie patched Archie up, then they both went to bed. Well, Callie was going to until she walked in and saw Sweet Pea on her bed.
" The window is practically no way in," Callie said as she closed the door.
" I still have a key to your house," Sweet Pea reminded her. " We need to talk."
" About what?" Callie asked.
" Me and you," Sweet Pea answered. " Each time I feel a breakthrough coming in, you seem to pull back or something happens. I can't keep being on this merry go around with you."
" I got off the ride a long time ago," Callie told him. " You should get off as well."
" So that's it?" Sweet Pea asked tears formed in his eyes. "You're not even going to try?"
" I have tried," Callie said. " I am not about to put myself down that path again, I am not going to give myself false hope of us again."
" That being said, I won't be coming in here anymore," Sweet Pea said as he put the key down. " We are going to associate only when have to, cause every time I look at you I fall in love with you all over again, and I know you don't feel the same."
"It's probably for the best," Callie agreed reluctantly as he stood up and held his hand out.
" You're the negotiator," Sweet Pea said. " I will see you in business hours."
" Or whenever the need to negotiate with others," Callie said as they shook hands. " I've come to accept that all hours of the day is business hours for me."
" Bye Callie," Sweet Pea said.
"Bye," Callie breathed lightly, he quickly left the room, tears falling down his face.
The next day Callie stayed home, she laid in bed crying. She had officially lost Sweet Pea and hurt it like a hell, almost as if the whole world had turned blue, bluer than when she and Reggie broke up. Archie opened the door.
" Why don't you come out for a bit?" Archie asked.
" I don't want to," Callie sniffed.
" It's FP's 50th at La Boone Nuit," Archie informed. " Come to the party for a bit, you don't have to stay long. Please, it would mean a lot to all the Joneses."
" Okay," Callie sniffed. She then received a text from Cheryl. " I'm gonna be late, Cheryl needes me."
At Cheryl's place, both girls talked to each other about what had just happened while playing crochet.
" I got your message, Cheryl," Kevin said as he walked up to them. " I'm so sorry to hear about Toni."
"Oh, Kevin," Cheryl breathed as Callie hit a ball. " Are you familiar with the phrase, Que sera, sera?"
" Sure," Kevin smiled. " It means whatever will be, will be."
" Yeah, it's also heavily featured in the iconic high school black comedy Heathers," Cheryl said. "As Callie has told me, that's this year's school musical."
" Ladies, the Farm is co-sponsoring the musical this year," Jevin informed.
" Good," Cheryl said. " You're directing, Callie is choreographing and I'm playing HBIC Heather Chandler. Any questions? I thought not. Okay, bye." She then turned and hit the ball.
" I gotta go," Callie said. " FP's 50th, want to join?"
" No, thanks," Cheryl said.
" See you later you mythic bitch," Callie said.
"See you later you mythic bitch," Cheryl mimicked.
Callie got to the party and saw many happy faces.
" Happy Birthday FP!" Callie cheered.
" Thanks, Callie," FP smiled. " Better grab a seat, Gladys said that good stuff is about to come up." Callie nodded and took a seat in between her dad and brother. In front of the bar, Veronica watched was right behind her.
" Thank you, everyone, for coming out to celebrate one of Riverdale's finest," Ms. Jones thanked everyone. The finest, if you ask me." There were whooping sounds. " My husband, FP Jones." People applauded. " Once, he was a king, a great king. Maybe the best ever. But I think the greatest role that he's ever had is that of a father. So, why don't we ask Jughead to come here and say a few words? What do you say, guys?"
" Jug! Jug! Jug!" Everyone chanted. He got up and took the stage and they cheered and went quiet.
" Uh, thanks," Jughead said to everyone. " I wrote it's no secret that the Jones men don't really like birthday parties." Archie and Callie smiled at each other, recalling last year. " We're a rather broody bunch." They all laughed. " You know, I remember when you made me a promise to not stop writing. Not for anything. I haven't. I've written every day. But I could punch keys every night in a booth at Pop's and never come with a story as remarkable as yours. You've gone from the wrong side of the tracks to the right side of the law. From Serpent king to Sheriff of Riverdale. From a man that most people in this town would probably written off to someone that righted his wrongs, and brought our family back together. That's who you are to me, someone that would do anything for his family. " He then paused for a bit. "There's something you need to know about this family. We'll always be here for you. Me and Jellybean and Mom. I'm so proud to be your son. I'm proud to share your name. And I'm proud to be part of your amazing story. Here's to 50, Dad. And to 50 more." They all cheered.
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