Chapter 85
Early morning Callie was dancing around the kitchen making coffee when Archie and her dad walked in.
" What's got in you into a good mood?" Dad asked.
" I scheduled a facetime interview with someone from Harvard," Callie informed.
" Already trying to leave the nest," Dad laughed. " You're going to break your old man's heart."
" I'll visit on my time off Dad," Callie smiled. " You know I will miss morning singing."
" And with that comment, I will send you some voicemails of my singing every morning," Dad said. Callie playfully stuck her tongue out at him. He poured some coffee and grabbed his things. " I will see you Rooster head later."
" Bye dad," both Andrews kids smiled.
"So you and Josie?" Callie asked.
" Going to Pops with her," Archie said. " You?"
" I've been thinking about dropping one of my morals," Callie admitted. " I do miss Sweet Pea a lot."
" Called it," Archie smiled. " Kevin owes me five bucks."
"You guys made a bet?" Callie asked.
" And I won," Archie laughed before running out of the door, Callie laughed and sipped her coffee.
After school Callie showed up to the Serpents, as usual, there was barely anyone.
"Where the hell is everyone else?" Jughead demanded as he and Betty walked in.
" Oh, we're down another eight," Sweet Pea reported.
" Another eight?" Callie asked.
" All girls," Fangs confirmed, Callie had a suspicion where they went, and she was fine with it.
"Where are they all going?" Betty asked.
"Turns out Toni and Cheryl started their own gang," Sweet Pea said.
" With a little help of our own Callie Andrews," Fangs put in.
" I helped form a gang, the choice was up to girls to join was up to them," Callie said.
" All the girls are defecting to it," Sweet Pea pointed out.
" Refer it as the Pretty Poisons," Callie ordered.
"So, what do you want us to do, boss?" Fangs asked.
" Nothing," Jughead answered. " This is all because I banished Cheryl and Toni. I just need to talk to Toni, get her back into the Serpent fold, and the rest will come back, too. They need to be reminded what it means to be a Serpent. I'll make this right. Callie, since you helped started the gang?"
" You want me to come?" Callie asked.
" Yes," Jughead answered.
" You either go or you are out of the alliance," Sweet Pea said.
" She won't be out of the alliance," Jughead argued. " Please Callie."
" When?" Callie asked.
" Tomorrow morning," Jughead answered, Callie, made a face. " Come on Callie."
" Can you make it happen at Pops?" Callie asked. " I have a shift."
" Yeah," Jughead agreed. The meeting shortly ended.
" Why did you help make that gang?" Sweet Pea demanded as they walked down the hall.
" Cheryl asked for help, she wanted to do it for Toni," Callie answered.
" All girls?" Sweet Pea asked.
" Do you have a problem with that?" Callie asked.
" It's a gang of girls," Sweet Pea pointed out.
" And I'm pretty sure they can be just as badass as the Serpents and as frightening as the Ghoulies and Gargoyles," Callie said. " I find The Pretty Poisons a great break from the masculine toxicity from the Serpents."
" Is that so?" Sweet Pea asked.
" Yeah," Callie confirmed. " And kick me out of the alliance, I don't really care. I have an alliance with the Poisons as well."
" Who do you think will stand by your side more?" Sweet Pea asked.
" Both would probably stand equally," Callie said. " I've known Jughead for years, Fp trusts me, I'm Cheryl's best friend and Toni is a really good friend."
The next morning Callie was at Pops working as Jughead and Toni had their meet up, the meeting happened towards the end of her shift.
" You're a Topaz," Jughead stated the obvious. " Being in the Serpents is your birthright. We are a family. I'd like you to reconsider joining the gang."
" You want me back in the Serpents?" Toni asked. " Make me Queen. I mean, since I'm legacy and all, right?" Jughead sighed.
" You know I can't do that, Toni," Jughead reminded her.
" Because of Betty, right?" Toni asked. " Then I'm not coming back."
"What are the Pretty Poisons providing for you that the Serpents can't?" Jughead asked.
" An opportunity to lead," Toni answered. " With the Pretty Poisons, I rule. We're sisterhood."
" You're Cheryl's vanity project, you mean," Jughead stated, Callie, made a face and looked at him a bit angrily.
" And you're wrong about the Serpents still being family," Toni said as she stood up angrily. " That's what we used to be. Not anymore." She then walked away from the table.
" Toni?" Callie asked. " Coffe to go?"
" No, thanks," Toni smiled at her before leaving the restaurant, she then walked back in. " Want me to wait for you outside? I'm going to the Thistle house and I know you get off work in like 5 minutes."
" I'll be right out," Callie laughed. After she got off, the two ladies went to the Thistle house, when they got there, they walked to the Archery area to find Cheryl training the newly recruited members.
" Release!" Cheryl called, the girls did as they were told. They hit the target, but not the middle. " Brava. Now go again."
" Nice work, Poisons," Toni congratulated.
" They have an excellent mentor, Tee," Cheryl informed.
" They certainly do," Callie agreed, she recalled the times Cheryl trained her. Cheryl and Toni kissed.
" Something wrong, mon tresor?" Cheryl asked.
"Jughead," Toni answered.
" He tried to convince her to rejoin the Serpents," Callie informed.
" That worm," Cheryl growled. " What did you?"
" No," Toni answered. " Obviously. He had the audacity to call us a vanity project. But don't worry babe, I'm gonna figure out a way to put him in his place." Cheryl smiled as Toni walked away. Cheryl then turned around and walked toward the target and stopped. She arched her bow.
" Time to show Jughead just how poisonous we pretties can be," Cheryl concluded. She released her arrow and got a bullseye as normal.
Late that night Callie was in Archie's room, the two of them were talking.
" Mr. Keller doesn't want to train me anymore," Archie informed.
" How come?" Callie asked.
" Cause I'm not ready to fight," Archie said. " But I've been fighting the whole time while at juvie."
" I think he wants to pick the opponents," Callie said. " Safely build you up."
" Well, I'm fighting Randy Ranson now," Archie informed.
" How did you land that fight?" Callie asked.
" Elio," Archie answered.
" You are trusting a mobster?" Callie asked him.
" Elio said he'd give me a lot of money, he's giving me money to throw the fight," Archie said. " Besides, its not like I have many places to go after high school. Boxing is my only chance for the future."
" And if not, you can always work with Dad," Callie said. " Just don't go around picking fights."
" Will you show up to the match?" Archie asked.
" You can count on me," Callie confirmed. Then her phone rang.
" Hello," She answered.
" Come to my trailer now," Jughead ordered angrily. Callie stood up.
" Where are you heading off to?" Archie asked.
" Jughead needs me," Callie informed.
" Don't be out too late," Archie warned.
" I won't," Callie smiled at him. She entered the trailer and saw Ms. Jones sitting down tending Fangs, him and Sweet Pea was pretty beat up.
" I can't believe my eyes, is that Rooster top's sister?" Ms. Jones smiled as she saw her and stood up.
" Ms. Jones," Callie smiled before hugging her. " Jughead didn't tell me you were back in town."
" Well, I am," Ms. Jones laughed as she sat back down. " And I will be staying for a while."
" So what happened to these two?" Callie asked as she gestured to the injured serpents.
" The Pretty Poisons," Sweet Pea glared at her. She rolled her eyes, she walked over and tended to his eye.
" Ow!" Fangs gasped as Ms. Jones touched him up.
" You guys are a joke," Ms. Jones scoffed. " Jug, if you don't get your house in order, more people are going to defect are to start popping up. And the Serpents' little piece of the pie is going to get smaller and smaller."
" The store's open for suggestions, Mom," Jughead informed. " You got any?"
" You need numbers. Now I happen to know for a fact the Ghoulies are up for grabs," Ms. Jones informed. " Ever since I took care of Penny, they've been leaderless. Recruit 'em."
" The Ghoulies tried to burn down Pop's on riot night," Jughead informed.
" So tame them and give them something they want," Ms. Jones advised. " Trust me, this your only shot at survival."
" Did you know Cheryl was going to do this?" Fangs asked Callie.
" Honestly no," Callie answered. " But I am not surprised."
The moment Callie stepped foot into her house her phone rang, and it was Cheryl.
" Hey," Callie greeted. " What you did was not the greatest." She put her bag down.
" I know," Cheryl admitted. " I'm sorry about that."
" Don't apologize to me," Callie warned as she took off her shoes.
" I will apologize to dumb and dumber later," Cheryl said. " Toni isn't the happiest with me."
" Fangs and Sweet Pea are her closes friends," Callie said. " Even if they are not in the Serpents together, I have no doubt they are still close, the would lay their lives down for each other. Not because of the gangs, because of the friendship." She was now laying on her bed.
" Yeah, also she didn't like that I made a call like that without her permission," Cheryl added. " Also I wanted you to know when we did go beat up Sweet Pea and Fangs...Sweet Pea called us a sorority."
" Is that so?" Callie asked.
" Very much so," Cheryl answered.
" I will talk to him," Callie told her. " I will have him stop by locker tomorrow."
" Don't do what I would do and make it worse," Cheryl advised.
" No promises," Callie said. " You do call me Mini-Me for a reason." Cheryl laughed.
The next day at school Callie was at locker when Sweet Pea walked up a trash bag.
" Why did you a trash bag again?" Sweet Pea asked.
" I'm cleaning out my locker," Callie said. " Open the bag." Sweet Pea heled it open, she then took his serpent out her locker and put it in the bag.
" Callie!" Sweet Pea exclaimed as he took the jacket. " Why did you put it there?"
" Just cleaning out my locker like I said," Callie said as she put more of his stuff in the bag. " Cheryl told me last night that you called the Pretty Poison a soroity.
" I didn't think they would be that deadly," Sweet Pea admitted.
" So you underestimated them?" Callie asked.
" They are just girls," Sweet Pea said.
" Would you underestimate Ms. Jonse?" Callie asked as she put more things in the bag.
" No," Sweet Pea said as he tried to put things back.
" Then why did you underestimate them?" Callie demanded as she put it back in the trash bag.
" It's a gang of only girls," Sweet Pea answered.
" What's wrong with that?" Callie asked. " If I didn't have an alliance between all of you, I would join them."
" And not rejoin the serpents?" Sweet Pea asked.
" There is so much toxic masculinity in the serpents," Callie said. " I like the idea of a badass Sisterhood. Girls can be just as strong as boys."
" So what does this have to do with your locked?" Sweet Pea asked.
" I'm having you move like I should have you done when we first broke up, and while I'm at it, delete my number, I've already deleted yours after I asked you to come with the trash bag," Callie said. " And to think that I was going to drop my morals for you." She slammed her locker and stormed away, leaving Sweet Pea with a trash bag to dump into his locker.
Late that night Callie was sitting with Jughead at Pops, they were talking to Verne from the Ghoulies.
" So you're really the last one, huh?" Callie asked. " You're the last Ghoulie standing? Where's the rest of your crew Verne?"
" After we lost Malachi, then Penny, no one knew who to look to, who to follow," Verne answered. " So most of the Ghoulies went to the Gargoyles, started playing G&G."
" Now that Tall Boy's dead, do you know who their leader is?" Jughead asked.
" The closest thing they've got to a leader is some whack-job named Kurtz, who's keeping the game going," Verne asked.
" I think I know who you're talking about," Callie said. " Do you know where he is?"
" Can you tell us where to go?" Jughead asked. After Verne told them where to go they two got up to leave.
" Hey Verne," Callie said. " If you ever need back up, don't be afraid to call."
" Sorry about kidnapping you," Verne apologized.
" The past is past," Callie said. Not too long after Jughead and Callie set off on foot to the place.
" How do you know about Kurtz?" Jughead asked.
" I met him at Pops," Callie answered. " I had the menu up listening to Hiram and Veronica, and when I put it down he was in front of him. He popped a few days ago on my way home from Tent City.
" And you haven't told anyone this?" Jughead asked. " Not me? Not Archie? Not Sweet Pea? Not your dad? Not my dad?"
" Peaches knows," Callie said. " Be careful Jughead, this guy...this came is really in his head...he's a worse version of Ethel with the game. Oh, and refer the game more as scripture, he'll get mad if you don't." They soon entered a building, it was dark, loud rock music was playing. It had G&G writing and art all over the walls. Jughead shined a light on a Gargoyle, he cowered away from it. Above them hung doll limbs, they soon came across a group playing the game.
" Red hair princess," a voice said, they looked to see Kurtz sitting below a statue with the Gargoyle King mask on its head.
" Kurtz," Callie greeted.
" Here to ascend?" Kurtz asked as he robbed a doll's leg.
" More like talk," Callie corrected.
" One leader to another," Jughead insisted. Kurtz nodded at a spot, Jughead sat down, Kurtz then patted a spot next to him, Callie reluctantly sat down. " I'm the Serpent King, and I'm here to make an offer. You're all wanted for making and dealing Fizzle Rocks. But if you and your Gargoyles join my gang, I can promise you immunity from the sheriff's office, and the law."
" Law?" Kurtz mocked. " Immunity? I have looked into the eyes of the King, and his is the only law." He pointed up at the Gargoyle King mask. " The law of Gargoyles, carved in stone."
" Right," Jughead nodded. " You wanna play a game? I'm a game master. Let me be your game master."
" You think Gryphons and Gargoyles is a game?"
" He meant to say scripture," Callie corrected.
" Your buddy the Serpent King comes here as a king, but he is not a king," Kurtz said as he looked at her and back at Jughead." He thinks we're playing a game. We are a living prophecy. And you are all just sacrifices waiting to be made. The Gargoyle King lives. He will decide. And he will choose. And only the worthy will ascend." He looked back at Callie. " Whenever you are ready red hair princess, I will ascend with you as your knight." Jughead and her both left, they arrived back at the trailer, they saw the Jones.
" Callie?" Jellybean asked.
" JB?" Callie asked. " Jughead said that is what you go by now."
" It's cooler," Jellybean said.
" How did it go with the Ghoulies?" FP asked.
" They don't exist anymore," Callie informed as they took off their coats. " They're part of the Gargoyles now."
" Same guys, different mask," Gladys said. " Did you recruit 'em?"
" No, I'll find another way to save the Serpents," Jughead said as him and Callie went and sat on the same couch as FP. " Gargoyles aren't the answer. I don't want 'em anywhere near us. They uh..."
"They're so deep into G&G," Callie informed. " It's like they're lost in a jungle."
" Their so-called leader really wanted the red hair princess to ascend with him," Jughead said.
" Take it easy, boy," FP advised. " Get some food in you."
" I'll share my plate with you," Jughead said as Gladys gave Callie a fork.
" Thanks," Callie breathed. " I will only take a few bites."
" Why it gotta be a few?" Ms. Jones asked. " is my cooking that bad?"
" I told Archie I come and watch his boxing fight," Callie said. She then looked at her watch. " I gotta go. I return the fork later."
" Will you come back?" Jellybean asked. " We can spend time together like we used to."
" You got it JB," Callie laughed before taking off.
Callie reached the fight in time. She sat down as the bell went off, Ronson was fighting dirty. The round ended and Archie sat down in his corner, Mr. Keller patched up his cuts. From the side, she saw Josie coming in.
"Josie!" Callie whispered her over.
"How's he doing?" Josie asked when she stood next to Callie.
" He's doing good," Callie answered.
" Go, Archie!" Callie cheered.
" You got this!" Josie cheered.
" Come on, do it, Archie!" Mr. Keller encouraged. Archie then got Ronson in a corner, they were throwing constant hits, but Archie gave the more blows," Stay on him, Arch, stay on him. Attaboy. Don't let up, don't let up." They got into a tight head, then Ronson moved his head and bashed into Archie's face, everyone gasped. The bell rang, and Archie's nose was bleeding badly. The next round started, Archie gave more punches.
"Whoo!" Josie cheered.
" Good boy, Archie," Mr. Keller said. " Do it. Stay on him. Stay on him. Attaboy." The bell rang and the referee pulled Archie off.
" Whoo!" Callie cheered. Mr. Keller laughed and he hugged Archie, quickly the results came in. The referee had both fighters stand either side of him as the announcer spoke.
" Ladies and gentlemen," the announcer began. " We have a split decision. Judge Williams scores, 8 to 7, Ronson. Judge Anderson scores, 9 to 6, Andrews. and judge Patterson scores, 8 to 7 for your winner and still undefeated welterweight, Randy Van Ronson." The crowd cheered as the referee lifted Randy's arms.
" Archie won for sure," Callie told Josie.
" Elio probably paid the judges," Josie stated. All the fans started clearing away. "I'll stay with Archie."
" Are you sure?" Callie asked.
" You got a lot to cry about today," Josie said. " I'll give you a head start."
" Cry?" Callie asked.
" Word got around about you and Pea," Josie said. " You kicked him out of your locker."
" If anyone is going to be crying tonight, it'll be him," Callie said as she stood up. " See you later."
" See you later," Josie said. Callie quickly made it back to the Jones place.
" How was the fight?" Jellybean asked.
" Archie definitely won, but they declared Ronson as the victor," Callie informed as Callie took off her shoes.
" What happened in the fight?" Jughead asked as plopped on the couch.
" Ronson likes to fight dirty," Callie answered. " He bashed Archie's nose with his forehead."
"How's Archie doing?" Jughead asked.
" He'll be fine," Callie hoped, then the door opened revealing masks people.
" Gargoyles," Jughead breathed as they all stood up. " Jellybean" She readied her slingshot and Jughead took out his knife.
" It's okay, kids," Ms. Jones said as she walked in. " Stand down."
"What the hell is this?" Jughead demanded. " Are they here with you?"
" I did what you couldn't," Ms. Jones said. " Take off those stupid masks." They did as they were told, a Kurtz along with others revealed their faces.
" This is a bad idea," Jughead warned.
" Sweetheart, sometimes beggars can't be choosers," Ms. Jones informed. " I know you guys will find a way to work together. Well, we're gonna need all the manpower we can get to take this town back. Trust me. If they behaved well, I offered Kurtzy here a little piece of red heaven."
" Now, that's a bad idea," Callie objected.
"Now, he doesn't it have that part of the deal," Ms. Jones said.
" I probably should head home," Callie said as she stood up. " School tomorrow."
" I'll walk you home," Kurtz offered as he held out his hand as Callie walked towards the door.
" I'd rather ascend," Callie declined.
" So you are ready to go into his Kingdom?" Kurtz asked.
" Go eat some Gargoyle poo," Callie said before leaving.
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