Chapter 82
In Dilton Doiley's bunker was four teenagers trying to explain to the new sheriff that they let Tall Boy go. Callie stood right before the tunnel, Fangs stood to the left the tunnel hole, Jughead, and Sweet Pea at the table and FP on the bed.
" Explain it to me one more time," Fp requested.
" We drove him to the bus station at gunpoint and got him on a bus out of town," Jughead explained.
" He murdered Joaquin," Fp reminded them. " And you thought putting him on a bus was enough punishment? I don't buy it."
" Look, I mad the decision," Jughead informed. " I'm sorry that you don't agree with that, but he's gone." Fp looked at everyone and slowly stood up.
" I'm gonna pretend like I believe you idiots for now," Fp said as he grabbed his hat, Callie stepped aside in the tunnel. " I've got my hands full finding Hiram's would-be assassin. Next time you see me, have a better story." He then walked passed Callie and out of the bunker, everyone looked below the bed and saw the dead body of Tall Boy.
One late night Callie was in the Blue and Gold room with Jughead, she was reading through the newspaper on Claudius Blossom's 'suicide' and as he wrote. The door opened, the two looked over to see Veronica coming in, wearing a 40's kind of outfit.
" Nice hat, Bacall," Jughead commented.
" I've got a job for you, Jones and Andrews," Veronica proposed. " I want you two to find out who shot my father." She slammed down two wads of cash in front of the two. " You'll get the other half when you give me their name."
" Tha is a big job," Jughead noted as flipped through the money.
" I think half the people in this town wanna see your old man kick the maple barrel, no offense," Callie confessed. This was a lot of money, she was sure that Fangs could use it for his mom.
" None taken," Veronica dismissed. " I'll give you your first suspect." Jughead grabbed a pen paper. " My mother. A few weeks ago, I overheard my parents arguing. It was right before the quarantine after I had my seizure. My mother was berating my father. Something about breaking a promise."
" What if you don't like what we find?" Jughead asked.
" I'm a big girl, I can take it," Veronica confirmed.
" Well, then, consider us your Philip Marlowe," Callie stated. Jughead stood up and shook hand with Veronica.
By the next day, Callie and Jughead were in the mayor's office.
" To what do I owe the pleasure?" Mayor Lodge asked.
" We'll get right to it, Madam Mayor," Callie said as Jughead flipped his notepad to a blank page.
" Did you shoot your husband?" Jughead asked as he clicked his pen.
" Excuse me?" Mayor Lodge demanded. " I love my husband."
" Uh-huh, but did you shoot him?" Jughead asked.
" From what we hear, not all is well over at the Pembroke," Callie mentioned.
"As records and witnesses will attest, I was on the phone with Hiram when he was shot, picking up lunch at Pops," Mayor Lodge explained.
" What were you and Hiram arguing about when Veronica has her seizure?" Callie asked.
" Well, Mr. Jones and Ms. Andrews, if you must know, we were fighting because I caught Hiram having an affair," Mayor Lodge answered. " I had been suspicious for a while, so I had Sheriff Minetta follow him. This was before he got butchered, of course. And he gave me these." She pulled out and a file and handed them to Callie. She opened the file, small pictures on top and big ones on the bottom. Hiram Lodge with a blonde lady. " Now, I don't know who she is, but he was meeting he regularly at the Five Seasons."
" Hiram having another woman is a pretty good motive to shoot him," Jughead noted.
" No, it isn't," Mayor Lodge declined. " I simply asked him to end it, and he did, Now, I'm telling you this because I have nothing to hide." Callie went to close the file. " Keep those." She looked at the Mayor oddly. " I mean, who knows? Maybe Hiram's mistress was angry when he called it quits. You do know how volatile blondes can be." The two detectives left the Mayor's office, by the time they got out of the building, Jughead and Callie received a text from Sweet Pea and Fangs to come down to the bunker.
" Do we really have time for this?" Jughead asked.
" Veronica didn't give us a time limit," Callie recalled.
" We are on a job," Jughead asked.
" We need to talk to Sweet Pea anyways," Callie stated.
" Why?" Jughead asked.
" Because he is adroit at tracking people," Callie answered.
" Good call," Jughead nodded. The two went to the bunker.
" Sweet Pea, Fangs, why'd you guys bring us down here?" Jughead asked went they got into the living space. " You know we're on a case."
" I heard the Gargoyle King is riled up," Fangs reported. " They're looking for Tall Boy and as long as his body's down here, it's ticking time bomb!"
" Yeah, well, it's too hot to move him right now," Jughead argued. Sweet Pea sighed and looked at the ground.
" Hey," Jughead said quickly. " Let's not lose our heads, okay?" Sweet Pea looked back up at them.
" Fangs, I need you to stay here with Tall Boy, and I need you to look this place up," Callie ordered. " I'm serious." Fangs nodded. " Sweet Pea, you need to tail someone for us." She looked at him, he nodded. The two left the bunker to get back on the job.
" You're not a serpent, you're not the serpent king, but you make a ton of calls," Jughead noted. " You do a lot of talking, while I do the handshaking, how did this come to be?"
" Your the boss man," Callie said. " I'm just the negotiator, all deals relies on your word." The day went on, the two met up with Betty at the Five Seasons.
" So, who's this blonde bombshell that you two are tracking?" Betty asked.
" Hiram's mistress," Callie answered. " He broke things off with her, so she may want revenge." He stopped and looked at the doors as Callie and Betty kept walking.
" The concierge tipped me about this floor, but I wish they'd given me a room number," Jughead informed.
" Well, maybe there was no room number to give," Betty suspected as they approached a door. I had a red glowing maple leave.
"I think I know who's room this is," Callie said as she knocked.
" Thanks for coming with us, by the way," Jughead thanked Betty.
" My pleasure," Betty said as she leaned against the wall. " My investigation's on hold until I hear back from Dr. Curdle Jr. Turns out there was no autopsy on Claudius. Penelope had him cremated before he could perform one. But i"m hoping there's something in Clifford Blossom's autopsy report." They looked at the door. " No one's home. Let's move on."
" Would Bogart move on?" Jughead asked. " Let's just give it a try." He turned the knob to find it unlocked, and went in.
" What kind of hotel room is unlocked?" Betty asked as the girls followed. They walked in a red room, French music was playing. Women were walking around in black, and red accessories. " And now, apparently, there's a not-so-secret sex club in Riverdale."
" Probably owned by Ms. Blossom," Callie suspected.
" You think so?" Betty asked.
" I know so," Callie stated as she looked at the decorations. They heard whipping and moaning, they walked passed a curtain to find a woman holding grapes over a man.
" Excuse me?" Jughead asked as he walked up to her, they looked at the children and the man ran off. " What is this place?"
" It's the Maple Club," the woman answered. " A safe place, as long as you know the safe word." Jughead held a photo of Hiram's mistress up.
" Have you seen this woman? Has she ever come in here?" Jughead asked she scoffed.
" You just scared off one of my clients," the woman informed. Callie took out some money and handed her it, she looked at the photo again.
" She doesn't work here, but I see her around," the woman informed. " Try room 311."
" Laura," Ms. Blossom's voice filled the room, the woman rushed in. " Why did Mr. Arklight leave in such a rush?"
" Once again Callie was right," Jughead said as they looked at Ms. Blossom and she looked at them.
" What are you three doing here?" Ms. Blossom asked. " You know this is a private club. Get out."
" You mean a brothel?" Callie asked.
" By the way, does the new Sheriff that there's a red light district in Riverdale?" Jughead asked. Ms. Blossom took them to her desk, away from the employees and clients.
" My time is costly, children, so what do you want?" Ms. Blossom asked.
" I knew you were an escort, Auntie, but now you're exploiting other women?" Betty asked.
" These women aren't victims, Betty," Ms. Blossom laughed. " At the Maple Club, it is the men who suffer." She looked at Jughead. " We specialize in domination. These ladies are making enough to start new lives."
" Oh, please, you are helping yourself," Betty said.
" And why shouldn't I?" Ms. Blossom asked as she put her pen back. " No one else ever had. When I was eight years old, I was plucked from the Sisters of Quiet Mercy by the Blossom family."
" Is that why you poisoned the Sisters because they sold you to the Blossoms?" Callie asked.
" I didn't kill those nuns," Ms. Blossom declined. " And anyway, it was the so-called Monsignor who sold me, not the Sisters."
"Fine, you didn't kill the fake nuns," Betty said. " Did you kill Claudius?"
" He committed suicide, so I was told," Ms. Blossom recalled.
" It's pretty convenient, don't you think?" Jughead asked.
" Either way, I was right here when the poor man died," Ms. Blossom said. " Ask any of my girls." The three then left the Maple Club.
" Fun fact of the day, Penelope's the Madam of a kink club," Callie nodded.
" Yeah, her sob story doesn't change the fact that she's a stone-cold murder," Betty said.
" Do 311?" Jughead asked. " I could use one of your bobby pins." Betty's phone buzzed, she pulled it out.
" It's Curdle," Betty informed. " Maybe he tracked down Clifford's autopsy report?"
" And just like that you're back on the case," Jughead said. " No rest for the wicked."
" Not in a wicked town," Betty agreed before they kissed. " See you later."
" Text me details," Callie requested.
" On it," Betty agreed before leaving.
" Come on," Callie said as she started down the hall, they looked till they found room 311. She took out a bobby pin and opened the door.
" Nice work," Jughead said as they walked in.
" I learned from the best," Callie said. They searched the room, every paper, and drawer.
" Callie, come look at these water reports," Jughead insisted. She walked over and picked up the papers as Jughead saw a fancy egg. The door slammed, Callie looked and saw the mistress with a gun and Jughead holding up a Glamerge egg.
" What are you two doing in my room?" The woman demanded as she walked over.
" That's a good question," Jughead agreed. " Here's another one. Why's a water inspector carrying a gun?" The gun clicked. " I only want to talk, Ms. Mulwray."
" Who the hell are you two and how do you know my name?" She demanded.
" It's a Glamerge egg, right?" Callie asked about the egg. " If you shoot him, he'll drop it." The woman put the gun down and Jughead put his arm down.
" You know, we've seen one of these before," Jughead informed. " Hiram Lodge likes to give them out as gifts, or maybe, in your case, payment?"
" And it costs more than you'll make in a lifetime," Ms. Mulwray said. " So, put it down before you break it."
" Based on the things we've found in your room, here's what we know about you," Callie declared. " You're a Health and Sanitation Inspector." Jughead threw the egg around playfully and risky. " That must pay a bit if you can afford a place at the Five Seasons. Unless Hiram put you up."
" But I'm no kept woman," Ms. Mulwray declined. " I do a job, I get paid for it."
" The report says that you were sent to investigate Riverdale's water supply, specifically Sweetwater river, and the reservoir," Callie said. " Why?"
" Young women such as yourself in town were having seizures," Ms. Mulwray answered. " I was sent to help."
" Brought in by Hiram Lodge," Jughead corrected as he threw the egg around more. " He also make you write that letter to Governor Dooley, advising him to support a town-wide quarantine? You see, we're confused. Because the letter says that the water is dirty but the report says the water is clean. So, you either lied to the Governor or you faked that report. Or both."
" You know what?" Ms. Mulwray asked. " Break the egg if you want, I don't care. Just get out of my room before I call hotel security." Jughead threw the egg, she caught it, and both teens left. The two split up for a minute. Callie went home and adjusted her murder board, she received texts from Betty.
" So Claudius is the reason for our seizures?" Callie asked.
" He was running the Fizzle Rock operation and dumped the runoff in Sweetwater River," Betty informed. " My aunt did admit to killing people."
" So she's the main suspect?" Callie asked as she put a red dot on her picture.
" I wouldn't cut out Hiram and the others just yet," Betty warned. Callie tilted her head. " What?"
" Tall Boy is worked for Hiram, so did Claudius, along with Minetta," Callie gathered. " Do you think they all teamed up? Your aunt included?"
"That's wild theory," Betty stated.
" A theory is a theory no matter how crazy," Callie said as she took a string and connected all those people together. Her phone rang, it was Sweet Pea. " Can you answer it?"
" Hello?" Betty asked as she put the phone on speaker.
" Is Callie there?" Sweet Pea asked in a low voice.
" Right here," Callie said as she moved thumb tacts.
" Take me off speaker," Sweet Pea requested. Betty did as she requested and gave the phone to Callie. " I followed Hermione Lodge as you asked. You better get out here, I'm about to call Jughead." He hung up.
It was late, Sweet Pea, Callie, and Jughead crept beside a building, crouching down.
" Stay down and keep quiet," Sweet Pea ordered as they sneakily watched through a window. In the room were Sheriff Minetta and Mayor Lodge having an affair.
"Is that?" Jughead asked quietly. " That can't be."
" Sheriff Minett's alive?" Callie quietly asked Sweet Pea, he nodded. " I thought he was decapitated."
" No," Sweet Pea denied. " From the sounds of it, he and Hermione Lodge been having an affair for months."
" Wait, listen!" Jughead ordered as he held up a finger.
" There's too many people asking questions," Hermione said. " Which means our little outstanding problem, you need to take care of tonight. I've cleared the decks. And use your old Sheriff's gun. Then all signs will point to FP."
" They're talking about framing my dad," Jughead said as he looked at the other two.
" For what?" Sweet Pea asked.
" I'll have to figure it out and warn him," Jughead said.
" It's murder he's framing they're framing him for, " Callie informed.
" We gotta go now," Jughead said as he got up.
" Be careful," Callie told Sweet Pea. " Don't get caught."
" I promise," Sweet Pea said as he tapped her, she then followed Jughead.
" Jug," Callie whispered as she ran after him.
" We need to go to the coroner's office," Jughead urged. She nodded in agreement. The busted into the office to find Dr. Curdle Jr as usual.
" A week ago, the torso of a Michael Minetta was found, without its head and hand," Jughead said as he shoved a wad of money into his chest.
" Except it wasn't Minetta," Callie said. " Because we just saw him. He's very much alive."
" Oh my," Curdle said in an off tone. " Someone must've made a grave mistake."
" Save it junior," Jughead scoffed. " Who asked you to fake Minetta's death?"
" Hermione Lodge," He answered reluctantly.
They rushed to the Sheriff's station, Fp was just leaving.
" Dad, we need to talk to you," Jughead urged.
" There's something at the hospital," Fp said urgently.
" No, you can't go there," Jughead protested. " It's a set-up. Hermione and Minetta...Dad, he's alive."
" The two of them plotted together to kill Hiram," Callie reported.
" What?" Fp demanded as she stepped back into his office.
" Yes," Jughead confirmed as the door closed.
" They're going to finish the job tonight and pin it on you," Callie informed.
" Minetta's alive?" FP questioned.
" Dad, there's a lot you need to know," Jughead insisted. " I just got back from the coroner's office.
" We saw Minetta with Hermione up at some secret love shack up north," Callie reported.
" We heard them talking about setting you up," Jughead added. Fp put his hand on his face. " She's going to try and put Hiram's shooting on you. You need to arrest them."
" I can't do that," Fp declined.
" Yeah, you can you're the Sheriff," Jughead pointed out. " They've clearly been trying to murder Hiram Lodge."
" No..."FP declined. " No, they didn't." He scoffed. " I shot Hiram."
" What?" the two teens asked.
" Hermione came to me," FP explained. " She wanted it done and I...I wanted revenge. Do you really think I forgot about Riot Night when that son of a bitch came this close to getting you killed. I've been biding my time waiting for the perfect opportunity."
" But if you and Hermione tried to kill Hiram, why would she appoint you, Sheriff?" Jughead asked.
" Payment. It was my payment," FP answered. " And I was naive enough to think the office of the Sheriff would protect me in case Hermione got an itch to double-cross me. Guess it was wrong." Jughead turned around.
" Well, I guess it's lucky that you have us in your corner," Jughead said.
" We have a confession to make," Callie brought up. " About Tall Boy."
" Maybe there's a way that we can solve both of our problems," Jughead suggested. " But we'll need Miss Cooper's help." They called Miss. Cooper, they set up the plan and the two teens went to the Blue and Gold room. It wasn't long before Hermione Lodge showed up. She stayed near the door, Callie stayed at the table and Jughead faced the window.
" You two think you're really smart, don't you?" Hermione questioned. " You have all the answers."
" I know Hiram's mistress works for the Sanitation Department and false doctored false water reports to your husband," Jughead reported. Hermione looked farther into the room.
" I see," Hermione said. " Is that all?"
" No," Callie declined as Jughead turned around. " Not the slightest. Betty told me about the runoff with Fizzle Rocks manufactured in the Blossom Maple factory. How it poisoned Sweetwater River, gave everyone seizures." Jughead walked closer to Hermione. " That's why Hiram had to doctor those reports, to cover his ass. It's also why he moved his drug lab to the prison, away from the water supply."
" Now, my guess is that you were pissed and what it was doing to all those girls in town," Jughead guessed. " Soon after, you hired my father to shoot Hiram Lodge. And when that didn't work, you tried to finish the job in the hospital, with Minetta and a Sheriff-used pistol, so that you could pin it all on my dad."
" Oh, and we also know why you did it," Callie said. " Veronica... \You know Hiram was responsible for her seizure."
" Very good Mr. Jones and Ms. Andrews," Mayor Lodge complimented. " Expect you're forgetting one thing. Last year, Hiram hired Tall Boy to take shots at me during the mayoral debate, nearly killing me."
" So, that's what this is about?" Jughead asked. " Revenge? So that you could run off with Minetta and live a happy life together?"
" You can't tell anyone about this," Ms. Lodge ordered. " Not Veronica, no one. Because if I go down, your father and brother go down. And that's a promise." She then fixed Jughead's jacket. " So, I think we should agree to keep each other's secrets. Don't you think?" She then left the room, Jughead and Callie both looked at each other. Not too long after Veronica showed up dressed as she did the first time.
" Working late, I see," Veronica noted.
" We assume you're here to find out whodunit?" Callie asked.
" After my father woke up, it was the first thing he asked me," Veronica informed. " I told him it was Tall Boy."
" Did he believe you?" Jughead asked.
" I think so," Veronica said. " If it's good enough for my father, it's good enough for me." She took out two yellow envelopes. "Second half of your payment." Jughead took it and handed one to Callie. The raven-haired girl went to leave.
" You don't want to know who really did it?" Callie asked. Veronica turned around.
" Forget it Jughead and Callie," Veronica dismissed. "It's Riverdale."
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