Chapter 78

Callie had returned back to school, at the moment her and Cheryl were leading the Vixens down the hallway in their uniforms. They were preparing the annual prep rally. Everyone watched them own the hallway, blowing kisses at anyone. Callie blew a kiss at Chuck Clayton, he slammed into the lockers playfully as if the kiss hit him, Callie giggled. She continued down the hallway, suddenly everything went black. Cheryl turned around and to her horror all her vixens were down, having a seizure. She let out a giant scream of horror.

" Help!" Cheryl cried as she ran to Toni's side, Kevin went to Veronica's side and Valerie Brown went to Callie's side. " Help us. Somebody help!"


Callie opened her eyes to find herself back in her room, she got up and slowly made her way downstairs. 

"Dad?" Callie called out.

" Callie?" Dad asked as he walked into view. " What are you doing out of bed?"

" What am I doing at home?" Callie asked.

" You had seizure ay school today," Dad answered as they walked into the kitchen. " I brought you home as soon as Weatherbee called."

"What," Callie asked taken back. 

" All the vixens, but Cheryl all had one at the same," Dad answered. " You should be back in bed resting."

" All of us?" Callie asked.

" Yeah," Dad nodded. " How are you feeling?"

" Okay," Callie answered.

" Would like any tea? Soup?" Dad asked.

" Tea please," Callie answered as she walked to over the living room and sat next to Vegas. After getting some tea Callie put her Pop's uniform to go do a shift.

" Are you sure you can handle a shift today?" Dad asked.

" Yeah, " Callie answered. " If I'm feeling bad I'll come home or take refugee in the Speakeasy." She then left, when she got there she saw Reggie and Veronica just sitting down, they looked over at her.

" Callie!" Reggie gasped, he got up and tackled her into a hug.

" How are you feeling?" Veronica asked as she got the next hug.

" Fine," Callie stated. " How are you feeling?"

" I got a lot to spill," Veronica said.  Soon they all sat down at a booth together and Veronica told them everything. " My parents are up to something, Reggie and Callie. I mean they're always up to something, but they tried to banish me to New York, which is a new one for them. It's like they don't want me around for whatever's coming next." The door opened and the ROTC came in laughing off their asses.

" Oh, my God," a boy laughed as they sat down.

" Has everyone lost their minds?" Callie asked before sipping her tea. " Is Jingle-Jangle suddenly a thing again?"

" That was so last year," Veronica commented.

" I'm not sure it's the Jangle," Reggie informed. " Mr. Lodge's pulling it off the market and replacing it with some new candy.

" New candy?" Callie asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.

" Fizzle Rocks," Reggie answered.

" Dealt by the Ghoulies?" Callie asked.

" No," Reggie declined. " A new gang. The Gargoyles." Veronica scoffed.

" With ties, no doubt, to this godforsaken G&G everyone's playing," Veronica said. " And what, pray tell, is my father's skin in that particular game, I wonder. Reggie and Callie, I need you both to do some sussing for me and find out what you can about these Fizzle Rocks."

" On it," Reggie agreed.

" Last year, I helped my parents spin their criminal web and good people like Archie got hurt. This year, I'm going to be a fly in their ointment," Veronica declared. " Whatever they're up to, I will stop them."

The next day Callie went out did some sussing with Reggie, they disguised themselves and walked around the Southside. They saw a guy in Gargoyle mask talking to someone. The two peeled off to the side and listened in.

" Take some Fizzle Rocks," the guy in the mask said. 

" Fizzle Rocks?" the person asked.

" For free," the Gargoyle asked. " If you like them, then you pay the next time."

" Where are they coming from?" the person asked.

" That prison that is being built," the Gargoyle asked. " The drugs make G&G more real."

" I'm sold," the person said. Callie and Reggie walked down to the other side, they were just about to step out, when out of the corner of their eye they saw three more Gargoyles. Reggie slammed her against the wall.

" Kiss me," Reggie ordered.

" What?" Callie whispered.

" It won't be suspicious, kiss me," Reggie said. The two then kissed as the Gargoyles passed.

" Young love," a voice stated.

" Why make out when you be eternal in his kingdom?" another Gargoyle asked.

"Maybe later," Reggie said deeply. " But this couldn't wait." The Gargoyles laughed and walked away. 

" Let's get out of here," Callie advised. " We don't want to run into any Ghoulies while we here either." Later that night those two sat in the Speakeasy and Veronica told them what happened at school.

" Drugs, gargoyles, mystery men in hazmat suits, and secret board meetings?" Veronica listed. " How does it all tie together?"

" Not sure," Reggie admitted. " But we got some suss for you." They all leaned closer to each other. " According to our sources, the Fizzle Rocks distributors, aka the Gargoyles, are giving their product out to people for free."

" I've seen enough episodes of Narcos to know this scene," Veronica stated. " Hook them with a first taste, then they're customers for life. And Daddy's always playing the long game."

" For sure," Callie agreed. " And here's the kicker. Fizzle Rocks are coming from the Southside, right out of the prison your dad's been building."

" That must be where he moved his candy factory to after Cheryl, Toni, Callie and I busted his lab at the Whyte Wyrm," Veronica confirmed.

"Hmm," Reggie breathed.

" Speaking of Cheryl..."Veronica began as she picked up her phone, she touched a few buttons and held the phone to her ear. " Cheryl? What time is that School Board meeting and where?" She then stood up. " You two stay here and watch the Speakeasy."

" Give me your phone," Callie said as she fished out a mic and listening device and pulled out her phone. 

" On it Kim Possible," Veronica agreed. Callie took off the case, she put the mic on the back and put the case back on before putting the other device in her ear. 

" You are all set," Callie informed. " I will be listening in."

"Always good to have an extra set of ears," Veronica smiled before leaving. Once she left Reggie and Callie looked at each other.

" I will vacuum the stage," Callie offered.

" I will clean the glasses," Reggie offered, the two stood up. " About that kiss earlier?"

" It was a good cover-up," Callie nodded, the looked at each other. 

" Want to go at it again?" Reggie asked.

" I'm still not over Sweet Pea," Callie said as she backed up.

" And I'm into a raven-haired girl," Reggie told her.

" When you going to confess to Veronica?" Callie asked as she crossed her arms.

" As soon as she's clear of Archie," Reggie answered. " No feelings attached. If you know what I mean."

" I gotta be focused for Veronica," Callie told him. " But if we go quick..."

"  Lock up the door, Speakeasy is closing early tonight," Reggie smirked. Minutes later the two were getting hot and heavy, Reggie still knew all the spots where Callie liked it. Then Veronica's voice came in.

" Stop it right there!" Veronica ordered. " The CDC hasn't set foot in Riverdale High."

"Fact!" Cheryl checked.

" And now my parents are bullying you all into closing it," Veronica said. " Sounds like exactly like what you did with Southside High, which you're now using as a drug factory."

" Wait a minute. I thought Southside High property was being developed into a prison," Ms. Cooper recalled.

" That's just his cover, Ms. Cooper," Veronica informed. " Is that your plan too, Daddy? Trump up a way to get another huge parcel of land on the cheap, then expand your ever-growing drug empire, which now consists almost exclusively of Fizzle Rocks?"

" Veronica, what are you even talking about?" Mayor Lodge asked.

" It's okay, mi amor," Mr. Lodge assured. " There's a reason for this meeting, right? To air out concerns. We called the CDC. They wouldn't send anyone to investigate such a low priority crisis. They think it's all physiological. So, we took some initiative. The men you saw in hazmat gear, they were hired from a private firm to run exhaustive tests. And Southside is becoming a prison, not a drug factory. If you'd like the names of the guards we've recently hired, I'd happily provide a list. Have I left anything out?"

" Yes, you have," Veronica declared. " The part about how you're producing Fizzle Rocks and giving it away for free to get every teenager in Riverdale hooked."

" And I suppose I'm also the Gargoyle King, as Jughead and Callie accused me of being," Mr. Lodge suspected with a laugh.

" Oh, you poor deluded girl," Ms. Blossom fakely sympathized. " I hear tell that these seizures cause hallucinations, and isn't this child one of the afflicted? Isn't Callie one of the afflicted as well?"

" Where is your daughter Fred?" Mr. Lodge asked. " I surprised she's not here with these two girls."

" She studies for the SATS on these nights," Fred answered.

'Yeah, definitely studying for the SATS' Callie thought to herself as Reggie laid on a table and started to unbutton his pants.

" On that note, where are the cheerleaders?" Cheryl asked. " I speak for the disappeared Vixens. What of them? Where were they taken? And by whom?"

" Those girls went to Riverdale General," Mr. Lodge answered. " Where I'm sure they're receiving the best medical care possible."

" And being dissected like fetal pigs, no doubt!" Cheryl argued. " You messed with my squad, which means you messed with me. Now I demand real answers! What? What is it, you Viper?" There was groaning and the sound of a body hitting the floor. The meeting quickly ended and Callie's phone rang. She picked it up and saw it was her Dad.

" Hey," Callie answered.

" Where are you?" Dad asked. " I just got out of a school board meeting."

" I'm the Speakeasy cleaning up," Callie answered. 

"And the SATS?" Dad asked.

" I need a little head break," Callie answered. 

" Don't be out too late," Dad warned.

" I won't," Callie breathed before hanging up the phone.

" No more fooling around," Reggie stated.

" No feelings," Callie said. They got even more hot heavy and every soon she heard Hiram's voice in her hear again, she thought up turning it off since it would just be recorded, but she decided against it.

" I wanted to commend you," Mr. Lodge stated. " The gusto you showed in that meeting, that was audacious. Congratulations."

" On what?" Veronica asked.

" On being right," Mr. Lodge confirmed. " All of it. Or at least most of it. I mean, it's so much bigger than you're giving me credit for. This plan? What's coming next? It's practically biblical. Years in the making. What is it?" Veronica scoffed.

" What do you really want, Daddy?" Veronica asked.

" What every king wants," Mr. Lodge asked. Callie then stopped.

" Everything alright?" Reggie panted. She held a finger to his lips, the Lodges won't be able to hear this, but she had a feeling this next bit would be important.

" A kingdom," Mr. Lodge said. " And a legacy. You know, once things are in place, I'm hoping you'll join me. Take a seat at my right hand and help me oversee the new order."

" You're deluded, Daddy," Veronica stated. " Also you're not untouchable. Maybe in Riverdale, you are, because your wife's mayor and there's no sheriff, but there's a whole wide world out there. They'll see what you're doing."

" Yeah, I'm not to concern about that," Mr. Lodge declined. " You know, it's been a while since I've seen you in pearls. Maybe you'll start wearing them again." After the rendezvous with Reggie, the two got to actual work and Callie got a call from an unknown number, she stopped vacuuming.

" Hello?" Callie asked.

" Callie, it's so good to hear your voice," Betty stated.

" Betts," Callie breathed in relief. " Where have you been? I've knocked on your door, called you a bunch."

" It's a long story," Betty answered. " ButI'm at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy."

"You're stuck in that hellhole?" Callie asked.

" There isn't much time," Betty stated. " Callie, there's not much time. You need to listen carefully. " Mr. Lodge is testing Fizzle Rocks on the patients here. Call Veronica and I will get Cheryl. Stay safe."

" You too," Betty said before hanging up the phone. Callie shot a text to Cheryl. 

" Reggie, you can go," Callie told him. " I got a meeting her with Veronica and Cheryl, it's urgent."

" Sure you don't want me to stay Strawberry?" Reggie asked.

" I'm sure, Reg," Callie confirmed. 

"See you later," Reggie smiled and soon all three girls were Speakeasy.

" Your text said you had news," Cheryl said as she walked up to them.

"Betty called," Callie informed. "She's at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy."

" What?" Cheryl demanded. " That place is the Hellmouth of Riverdale. We have to break her out of there."

" Betty said she's working on that, but us three has another mission," Callie informed. Cheryl crossed her arms and listened carefully.

" According to B, my father's testing Fizzle Rocks on the patients at The Sisters of Quiet Mercy," Veronica brought up. "Moreover, she saw your Uncle Claudius with him, using Blossom Maple trucks to deliver the drugs."

" Shades of the Legion of Doom," Cheryl stated.

" They're planning something big, Cheryl and Callie," Veronica said. " My father likened it to the apocalypse. For all we know, my father may somehow be responsible for the seizures, but he wouldn't be specific about than that. So I was thinking maybe we could ask your mom since she's in cahoots with him?"

" My pleasure, Veronica," Cheryl agreed. " My Vixens has fallen, my best friend has fallen, my T has fallen. T has fallen. If my gorgon-mother has any knowledge of how or why that's happening, we'll get it out of her."


Soon they were interrogating Ms. Blossom at the Thistle house, they had her tied up on a chair as Cheryl poured syrup over her.

" Let's try this again," Veronica demanded as Ms. Blossom gasped. " What does my father have planned for Riverdale?"

" Speak!" Cheryl demanded. " Or it gets syrup again." The woman breathed heavily.

" Fine, you want to know your father's plans?" Ms. Blossom asked. " He's finally going to turn this backwater into something worthwhile. A place where we can pursue-our various enterprises unmolested."

" What does that mean?" Veronica asked.

" She's talking about drug dealing," Callie answered.

" And prostitution," Cheryl added. " Aren't you ghoulunatic?" MS. Blossom licked the syrup on her lips. Cheryl went to go throw another bucket, but Veronica stopped her.

" We specifics," Callie ordered. " How exactly is Mr. Lodge planning on turning Riverdale into Vice City?"

" He's in bed with the mayor, isn't he?" Ms. Blossom asked with a smile. " And as for law enforcement, well, the last time I checked, Riverdale didn't have much of a sheriff." Veronica snatched the bucket out of Cheryl's hands.

" Details," Callie demanded.

" Or so help me, God," Veronica threatened. " I will drown you in this cheap crap."

" And open the garden doors to let the ants in," Cheryl added.

" All right, I'll tell you," Ms. Blossom gave in.

The next morning Callie, Veronica, and Cheryl marched into Pops, Sweet Pea walked up to them.

" Where have you been?" Sweet Pea asked.

" Busy," Callie answered.

" Kevin, cadets!" Veronica greeted as they walked to the ROTC table.

" This meal's on the house," Callie stated. " But you brutes are helping us out."

" We need backup right the hell now," Veronica declared.

" Why didn't you ask the Serpents?" Sweet Pea asked.

" Cause we needed brutes," Callie answered, Sweet Pea looked at her slightly offended. " I thought you guys would sit this one out, you need a break."

" What's going on?" Kevin asked. Cheryl got on the seat and put her foot on the table.

 " On your feet, soldier boys!" Cheryl ordered. " We're going to war."


Later that night, the three girls and the ROTC barged into the Mayor's office.

" Mom, stop!" Veronica protested.

" You heard the woman! Halt!" Cheryl added as she saw Mayor Lodge touching the phone, a drink in her hand. She looked sad. They surrounded her.

" Veronica, what is this?" Mayor Lodge asked.

" Consider it a coup d'moi," Veronica answered. " We know your end game. You are hereby relieved of your mayoral duties."

" Those plans you and your husband had with my dollymop mother are now canceled," Cheryl declared.

" Now, step away from the phone," Callie advised.

" Before you make the biggest mistake of your life," Veronic added as she walked closer to the desk.

"Veronica..." Mayor Lodge began. " You can't just walk in and depose me. I'm an elected official. Besides, you're too late. The order went out ten minutes ago. I was just about to call and tell you." Everyone's phones went off, Callie took it out and saw an alert pop up about how the town was now under quarantine, no one was allowed in or out. Sirens went off. All the students went their separate ways. Callie walked into her house to find Sweet Pea, he was sitting on the steps carving something and no Vegas in sight.

" Callie?" Sweet Pea asked when he looked at her. " What happened? Why is the town being quarantined?"

" I don't know," Callie answered lightly. She sat on the steps next to him. " The whole town is about to be changed again."

" Did you want me to go?" Sweet Pea asked as he stood up. Callie grabbed his hand.

" Stay?" Callie requested, Sweet Pea sat back down and put an arm around her and she put her head on his shoulder. 

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