Chapter 74
Callie managed to wipe away her tears, she had no time to cry. She had to help rescue Archie. She now sat in the speakeasy around the table with the rescue team.
" Thank you all for coming," Callie thanked them. She had a lot of say in the plan, it was her brother they were rescuing. " As you all know, Archie's stuck behind bars."
" His life is in danger," Veronica added. " Before we get started, I want to acknowledge that, yes, we are flying by the seat of our pants here, but as much as possible, we must follow the plan."
" The slightest deviation and Archie could wind up dead," Callie spoke. " We'll need a distraction to disorient the guards and hide Archie's play for the grate, something we can sneak into the location easily, that won't arouse suspicion, something we make ourselves."
" As for the getaway route," Veronica spoke. " I want you positioned for the pickup here, Bee and Cal." She pointed at a spot on the map. " If you stick to the woods, their cars shouldn't be able to follow you." "
Just in case, might I suggest we put another precaution in place," Betty proposed.
The mission began as the others were inside getting ready to cause a distraction. Betty and Callie snuck around outside, they found the wardens car. Callie lifted the hood and Betty ripped out the wire. Callie out the hood back down and they snuck back to their positions. They got to where Kevin was waiting for them. He was at the exit, the grate was still closed.
" Betty, thank God," Kevin thanked.
" Kev, why isn't the grate opened?" Callie asked.
" There's a lock we didn't know about," Kevin informed, he let out a sigh. " But look, Joaquin was just here, and I have to go after him."
" Well, I got this," Betty confirmed as she took out a bobby pin. " But you can't go after Joaquin. What about Archie?"
" I'll be back. I promise," Kevin promised. He then got up and left. The lock was a bit hard to open, they started to grunting through the hole. Soon a bloody and dirty hand grabbed the grate.
" Archie," Callie breathed happily as Betty finally managed to get the grate open, Callie swung it fully open as Betty helped out of the sewer. Once he was on the ground, both girls got his side, Betty grabbed his face.
" Callie, Betty," Archie breathed when he saw them.
" Hi," Betty greeted, happy tears filled both girl's eyes.
" What took you so long?" Archie asked Betty.
" I could ask you the same thing," Betty laughed.
" Are these clothes for me?" Archie asked.
" Oh, my God," Callie gasped as she saw her brother holding a spot, he was bleeding, badly. " You're bleeding." He was groaning a lot. " Here, put pressure on it. Here, come here." They managed to get the serpent jacket around Archie. They managed to split up, Kevin came back and took off with Betty. As Callie helped Archie through the woods, managing not to get caught. " You're going to be okay."
" Callie," Archie groaned.
" I'm right here," Callie assured him. Soon they caught up with Veronica, they then managed to get him to Reggie's car, but they had to duck as cops zoomed passed them. Reggie then helped Archie in the car, they put in the back, Callie got in and knelt beside him. Everyone else got in the car. They drove away as quickly as possible.
"Now that Archie is rescued, why did you look so sad earlier Strawberry?" Reggie asked.
" Me and Pea are no longer a thing," Callie answered.
" You should have stayed back," Josie said as she turned around
" No," Callie denied as she shook her head. " Archie needed me."
" You participated in a dangerous mission with a broken heart," Veronica stated.
" Archie is family, he's my twin," Callie said. " There was no way I was going let those monsters kill him. Besides a broken heart doesn't matter at the moment. We need to get Dilton Doiley's bunker. That is the only place Archie would be truly safe, no adult knows about it, not many people know about it." Then with even more help, they got Archie to the bunker. Reggie opened the bunker and they dropped Archie on the bottom. Soon they all were gathered at the bottom of the bunker. Tonim Cheryl, Jughead, Fangs, and Sweet Pea were also there. Callie and Sweet Pea both dared to not look at each other. They put Archie on the bed and Toni was finishing patching him up.
" There, you are all patched up," Toni confirmed. " Now don't make any sudden movements."
" I won't. Thanks, Toni," Archie thanked her. She got up and Veronica sat beside him.
" Who did that to you, Archie?" Veronica asked.
" It was Joaquin. He stabbed me," Archie answered. " I think the Warden made him do it." Everyone looked at each other. " Guys, where the hell am I?"
" You're in Dilton Doiley's bunker," Jughead answered.
" The only people who know it exists are in this room," Betty informed.
" Right now, it's the safest place for you in Riverdale," Callie said. " I promise."
" Dilton Doiley has a bunker?" Archie asked.
" We'll catch you up to speed once you're rested, okay?" Callie assured him. Veronica touched his wound, then she pulled down his pants a little, revealing a branding on him.
"Archie," Veronica gasped. " What is that on your hip?" Everyone looked over.
" Courtesy of Warden Norton," Archie answered, Callie, recognized that symbol from the scripture. " To put me in my place after I tried to escape the first time."
" The Warden branded you and ordered Joaquin to stab you?" Jughead questioned.
" Jug..." Betty breathed as Veronica covered up the wound.
" Can I have everyone's attention?" Callie requested facing everyone, they all gathered to hear her speak.
" Since my father saw me, I need to go do some damage control on the home front," Veronica informed.
" But someone needs to stay with Archie at all times," Callie ordered.
" Callie, I don't need anyone," Archie protested.
" With that wound, Yes, you do," Callie argued.
" You go ahead, Vee and Cal. Jughead and I will take the first shift," Betty assured.
" Excellent," Veronica breathed.
" Now, equally important," Callie moved onto the next subject. " Everyone in this room is part of a pact. From this moment on, no one knows where this bunker is. No one was involved with that breakout, and no one is aware of my brother's whereabouts. To the grave." Everyone nodded. " Capisce?" Everyone nodded once more. They all then left. Callie got the top where Sweet Pea was waiting for her.
" Let me walk you home," Sweet Pea insisted. It was the first time he has spoken to her since they broke up earlier that day.
" Not tonight," Callie said. " I need to be alone for a bit."
" At least take you to Pops," Sweet Pea insisted.
" No," Callie denied. "We broke, you said we needed time away from each other."
" Callie," Swee Pea breathed.
" Save it," Callie shook her head,
Callie got home safely, she was now laying on her bed, listening to the radio. Vegas had his head on her stomach, she petted his head. That brand on Archie's hip. That was from the G&G game, and it meant sacrifice. Then the song got interrupted.
" We interrupt our Top Ten countdown with an important news bulletin," the radio host announced. " Convicted murderer, Archibald Andrews has escaped from the Leopold and Loeb juvenile Detention Center. He is considered extremely dangerous. The public is advised to remain indoors and to report suspicious activity. It is believed he will seek refuge in his hometown of Riverdale" Then the announcement ended, Callie closed her eyes. Things were about to get more complicated. She would love to go to Sweet Pea for comfort, but he said they needed space, and getting a milkshake at Pops with him would be the exact opposite.
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