Chapter 71
Callie was now sitting in the school's library studying for the SATS, she had earbuds in, tapping her pencil on her notebook.
" Hello," She heard Betty's voice.
" Betty," Evelyn's voice came in, Betty jumped.
" Evelyn. You snuck up on me," Betty gasped.
" What are you doing here?" Evelyn asked.
" Well, I came to learn more about the Farm," Betty answered. " AM I early?"
" No," Evelyn denied. " No. The Farm just needs some time to catch on.
" Yeah," Betty agreed.
" But it will," Evelyn assured. " Uh? Pizza?"
" No, I'm good. Thank you," Betty said. " I also came here to talk to you about Ethel Muggs. She said that you're helping with her seizures.
" Trying to," Evelyn admitted. " Yeah. With my dad's teachings. I just...have to get her off that darn medication." Callie paused at that and looked up confusingly. Across the table from was Sweet Pea he had a coffee in his hand for her, he made a face. She dismissed him of his concern and just pointed at the SAT book, he rolled his eyes. " You're not taking any are you?"
" No, no, I'm not," Betty denied. " I'm considering it. Um, I'm still having convulsions."
" Well, how often are they happening?" Evelyn asked.
" Once or twice, daily," Betty answered. " I was hoping that your dad could help."
" I was hoping you'd say that," Evelyn said with a little cheer. The conversation and Callie took out her earbuds and put her hands on her head.
" Everything alright?" Sweet Pea asked in a whisper.
" Is it safe to take someone off medications?" Callie asked.
" Only if the doctor says so," Sweet Pea answered. " Why?"
" Evelyn is trying to get Ethel off the medication to help her with her seizures," Callie answered.
" I don't think that's safe," Sweet Pea said as he furrowed his eyebrows.
" I don't either," Callie sighed.
" Andrews," Reggie said walking up to her with Veronica. " Do you know where Jughead is?"
" For once, no," Callie answered.
"Why?" Sweet Pea asked.
" I need back up," Veronica asked. " Someone set me up, sent a bunch of Jingle-Jangle to me and Sheriff Minetta decided to do an inspection at the same time."
" I might know," Sweet Pea admitted. " Fangs and I think that the Whyte Wrym, now owned by Ghoulie scum, has been turned into the drug lab for it."
" I need Jughead," Veronica said.
" Why not Fangs and I?" Sweet Pea asked.
" She needs someone who can take pictures of evidence," Callie gathered.
"Bingo," Reggie clarified. " Smart as ever Andrews."
" Thanks, Reggie," Callie breathed. " I might know someone that knows where is presence is located, I can take you to them," Callie admitted. " But I want a couple of days off."
" Deal," Veronica agreed. Callie gave Sweet Pea a peck on the cheek before leaving with Veronica, they went to the current Serpent territory, they saw Cheryl in a chair as Toni was drawing something on a table.
" With the motorcycle in the back," Toni stated.
" Nice," Cheryl agreed.
" Okay," Toni chuckled. " That was your face." Cheryl laughed.
" Serpettes, have either of you seen Jughead?" Veronica asked. " I have a problem that has his name scribbled all over it." Toni went and stood by Cheryl.
" You mean True Detective?" Cheryl asked.
" He's probably busy canoodling Nancy Drew, no doubt," Callie stated.
" Spot on Mini-Me," Cheryl laughed. " But how can we help?"
" Penny Peabody paid me a visit," Veronica informed.
" That Viper bitch showed her face on the Northside?" Cheryl growled as she took off her sunglasses. " Followed shortly thereafter by Sheriff Minetta. My father's clearly puppeteering them, and I want to call them off, but I need leverage against him."
" Blackmail material, you mean?" Toni corrected.
" Antoinette Topaz, you are speaking my language," Veronica cheered with a smile as she walked closer.
" And I know Jughead's been keeping tabs on the Southside."
" He has," Callie confirmed.
" For instance, we know that over the summer, the Ghoulies set up shop in the basement of the Whyte Wrym," Toni reported. " Which your father owns."
" Sweet Pea told us the exact same thing," Callie recalled earlier.
" I wanted a double confirmation," Veronica shrugged.
" Sweet Pea and Fangs think they turned it into a Jingle-Jangle lab,
Toni reported. " Lucky for you, I used to bartend there, which means...I know all the secret ways in and out." All four girls ganged up together and snuck into the Whyte Wrym, they saw people in hazard suits, and lights, Toni took a picture of people walking away. " Okay, we move quickly, and quietly. The girls nodded in agreement and made a move. They saw Jingle-jangle ingredients all over the place.
" Looks like Sweet Pea and Fangs were right," Callie said a little heartbroken by what she saw.
Callie was in the basement of the Whyte Wrym, she just woke up to see Sweet Pea staring down at her for the first time, wearing his brass knuckles.
" You're safe now, Callie," Sweet Pea told her.
Jughead, Betty, and Fp walking in with a statues head.
Betty doing the serpent dance at Fp's retirement party.
****Flashback over****
" Yeah, looks like Jingle-Jangle business is booming," Toni commented.
" This should be plenty of admissible evidence for blackmail, Veronica," Cheryl insisted. She nodded in agreement, still in shock at what she was seeing. Toni took another picture.
The next night Callie was now at home making her self some food for her and Dad, he was working late, earbuds in her ears. She was listening to Jughead's game with Ethel.
" Ethel?" Jughead asked.
" Welcome to your first game," Ethel welcomed him. " Your entry point to the realm of Gryphons and Gargoyles. The magical Kingdom of Eldervair." She heard a chair scraping, signaling Jughead had sat down. " First things, first do you want to be the Radiant Knight, Arcane Invoker, or Hellcaster?"
" Uh, Hellcaster," Jughead decided.
" Good choice," Ethel complimented him. " That was Ben's avatar. I was supposed to ascend with him, but then he betrayed me and finished the game with Dilton instead."
" Leaving you high and dry," Jughead stated.
" Doesn't matter," Ethel dismissed. " Pick a Quest Card and let's get started." She listened to the game go on for a bit. " Okay. You've crossed the old footbridge to find two doors. One is made of shimmering gold, the other is just plain ol' maple wood. Which door do you pick?"
"Let's go with door number two," Jughead decided.
"Well picked, Caster," Ethel congratulated. " You've entered a secret chamber. You're standing in the middle of a circle composed of gryphon bones. Two chalices sit before you."
" No way," Jughead protested.
" You wanted to prove your worthiness," Ethel recalled. " In order to do so, you have to drink from one of the Sacred Goblets."
"What, like Ben and Dilton did?" Jughead asked. " You're asking me to play Russian roulette!"
" I'm asking you to play Gryphons and Gargoyles," Ethel corrected.
" Is there poison in these Fresh-Aids?" Jughead asked.
" It's Gargoyle blood, Hellcaster, as you well know," Ethel corrected, Jughead scoffed. " Flip for your fate."
" If I do this..."Jughead began. " Promise to give me the scripture?"
" I promise," Ethel promised. " The King as my witness."
" Gryphon," Jughead said after flipping the coin. " Salute."
" How do you feel?" Ethel asked after Jughead put a chalice down.
" Okay. I think," Jughead answered. " Hey, rule book. Come on."
" You have to kiss me first," Ethel ordered.
" Oh, my God, Ethel, are you serious?" Jughead demanded.
" It's in the scripture," Ethel stated smugly. " The Hellcaster kisses the Princess, or he doesn't get the treasure."
"Fine," Jughead stated angrily. Callie heard them smooch, it was quite awkward. " Is this the only one?"
" That I'm aware of," Ethel answered.
" All right. It's all in here," Jughead confirmed. " Characters...Oh, Callie and Betty are going to lose their minds over this. Ethel, what are you doing? Hey, put that down! Are you okay?"
" Jughead," Ethel said in fear.
" I'm going to call 911," Jughead stated as Ethel breathed heavily. " Just...Come on, come on." Hours later Callie now sat in Ethel's hospital room with Jughead, they were flipping through the manual.
" Jughead, Callie," Ethel voiced, they looked up to see that she was awake. " What happened?"
" You're in the hospital," Callie answered.
" You ingested poison," Jughead informed. Ethel looked sad that the process didn't get completed. " But they got you the antidote in time, so you're gonna be okay." Ethel went to got sit up, but found her self chained to the bed. " It's protocol for anyone on suicide watch."
" Suicide watch?" Ethel asked in disbelief. " But I didn't try to--"
" You did," Jughead corrected.
" When your parents get here, you have to be honest with them," Callie ordered.
" You have to tell them about this game," Jughead added.
" I can't," Ethel denied. " I'll never tell them. And neither will you, because if you do, then I'll say that you mixed the Fresh-Aid."
" It's over," Callie told her as she crossed his arms.
" This game, whatever game you're playing, is over now, Ethel," Jughead said, she was laughing.
" No," Ethel denied with a smile. " It's only just the beginning. You've proven yourself, Hellcaster, and soon shall you Callie." She was getting excited. " I told him. I told him that you're worthy enough to spread his gospel."
" Who?" Jughead asked.
" Don't be dumb," Ethel smiled. " The King, of course."
" The King isn't going to hurt anyone anymore," Jughead denied. " I'm going to make sure that this doesn't end up in anyone else's hands, okay?" Ethel grabbed his wrist.
" Thank you, Hellcaster for helping me finish my game," Ethel thanked him. Jughead and Callie both looked at each other before leaving the hospital room for the night.
" Pick up any clues?" Jughead asked once they were far enough from Ethel's room.
" Slightly," Callie answered. " It is a lot to process, Gargoyle King is the main ruler, the King demands sacrifices, worthiness...I'm stumped a little."
" Would you like to read through the manual?" Jughead asked as he held it out.
" Later," Callie answered. " I gotta focus on opening night."
" La Bonne Nuit," Jughead stated.
" Also known as good night in English," Callie said. " So, I shall see you at good night."
Late that night Callie was backstage getting ready for Josie's opening song.
" Lookin spicy," Reggie said as he leaned against the wall.
" Same for you," Callie told him as she grabbed a ponytail.
" Let me help," Reggie said as he walked over, he grabbed the ponytail and put her hair up.
" What's going on with you?" Callie asked. " You are acting like we are still a thing."
" Strawberry you will always be my strawberry even if we are not together," Reggie told her. " You may be with a slimy serpent, but a bulldog will always be your first." Callie's phone lit up.
" Don't get too comfortable, my heart belongs to Pea Brain," Callie stated as she looked at her phone. " Cheryl and Toni have arrived." Reggie tapped her back and headed upstairs to greet the beautiful ladies. Moments passed, Callie was waiting patiently with Josie with another dancer.
" You are going to do amazing Josie," Callie told her, she noticed the singing lady was getting nervous.
" I just hope my sound is good," Josie wished,
" It will be," Callie assured as she grabbed her hand, the two squeezed each other's hands in excitement.
" Ladies and gentlemen," they heard Kevin announced. " Ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of Veronica Lodge, I thank you, one and all, for coming to the grand opening of La Bonne Nuit. Now, please welcome to the stage, the one and only, Miss Josephine McCoy."
" Woo!" everyone cheered, as Josie got up and walked to the stage.
" Oh, my God, I'm obsessed with that gown," Kevin complimented.
" Thanks, Kevin," Josie smiled. She then began to sing.
" In olden days
A glimpse of stocking was
Looked on as something shocking now
Heaven knows
Anything Goes ( The curtains behind Josie opened revealing blue screens with people dancing behind them. " Callie's on the right," Sweet Pea whispered to Fangs, eyes lit up.)Good authors too
Who once knew better words
Now only use four-letter words
Writing prose
Anything GoesThe world has gone mad today
Good's bad today,
Black's white today,
And day's night today,
And all the guys today,
That women prize today
Are just, silly gigolos
Anything goes
Anything goesWhen every night
The set that's smart is
Intruding in nudist parties in (The dancer's now had chairs as a prop to dance on).
Oh, Anything goesSo thougt I'm not a
A great romancer
I know you're bound to answer when
I propose
Anything goesIf driving fast cars you like,
If low bars you like,
If old hymns you like,
If bare limbs you like,
If Mae West you like,
Or me undressed you like
Why, nobody will oppose
Anything goesAnd all the pains you've got
If any brains you've got
From those little radios
Anything goes
Anything goes
After the show, Callie came out from behind dressed in a green dress. Everyone congratulated him.
" Hello Poison Ivy," Cheryl said. " Good show tonight."
" Thanks, Jessica Rabbit," Callie laughed as the two hugged.
" Flowers for the Short Stop," Sweet Pea said as he handed begonia flowers to her.
" Thanks, Treetopper," Callie smiled before kissing him. Everyone then started to mingle.
" How about we go to my trailer instead tonight," Sweet Pea proposed.
" I can dig that," Callie agreed.
Later that night Callie now laid on Sweet Pea's bed, both naked under the covers, he had his arm around her as he slept. She stared at the American flag in front of her, thinking about what Ethel and Evelyn have said.
" Get her off that darn medication," Evelyn's voice echoed.
" It's only the beginning," Ethel's voice echoed. Callie closed her eyes and she saw that giant antler thing in the forest.
'That must be the Gargoyle King,' Callie thought to herself. The creature was doing the slow run, she opened her eyes in fear.
' I will always protect you," Sweet Pea's voice echoed. Callie turned and dug her face into Sweet's Pea chest and snuggled closer to him. He opened his eyes at her movement, he saw that she was shaking a little. It was a little too late to ask questions, so he just pulled the covers up more and held her closer, he kissed the top of her head before going back to sleep.
At school the next day, Callie was walking the hallway with Jughead, he was telling her about Fp burned the scripture.
" It's probably for the best," Jughead said. " Good thing it was only one copy of it."
" I wouldn't be so sure about that," Callie said as she nodded down the hallway at Cheryl, she had a copy in her hands. Jughead walked up and took it from her.
" Um, excuse you?" Cheryl demanded.
" Where'd you get this?" Jughead demanded.
" It was in my locker," Cheryl answered. " Same with everyone else." Callie then turned to her locker that was next to Cheryl's locker. She saw the same booklet in it.
" How?" Callie asked as she grabbed it. " Not many people know my combination." Jughead looked out on the crowd, then he leaned over Callie who was flipping through the scripture. " Things are about to get a whole lot worse."
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