Chapter 70

Three weeks passed between those three weeks, Callie and Sweet Pea have grown a little distant, Callie wanted to focus more on her studies while Sweet Pea was more into goofy around.  Along that time period, Callie was not allowed to see Archie, and it was bothering her. Callie was now on the phone with Sweet Pea getting ready to go to the detention center with her dad.

" When are you going to be back?" Sweet Pea asked.

"Who's knows?" Callie asked. " We are going to go talk to the Guard.

"Well make it fast," Sweet Pea ordered. " I want to spend time with you shorstop."

" I want to spend time with you too, Treetopper," Callie said as she walked out of the house. " I just really want to see Archie."

" I'll be with Fangs," Sweet Pea stated.

" Pea," Callie said. " Could you do me a favor?"

" Of course," Sweet Pea mumbled.

" Ben Button's death still haunts, he didn't scream when he fell or anything," Callie said. "I've been hitting dead end after dead end, could you do a little research?"

" I guess," Sweet Pea grumbled. " See you later." He then hung up the phone, Callie sighed and got in the car with her dad. The two then began the drive to where Archie was being held.

" Everything alright?" Fred asked as he glanced her.

" A little trouble, but nothing that can't be worked out," Callie told him. 

" We got a long drive," Fred stated. " Tell me."

" Me and Pea are being a bit distant," Callie admitted. " He's all play and I want to buckle down for the SATS."

" You two are complete opposites," Fred pointed out.

" Aren't opposites supposed to attract?" Callie asked.

" Doesn't mean it's forever," Fred shook his head. " Just listen to that voice inside your heart."

" Thanks, Dad," Callie slightly smiled at him. "Let's go fight for Archie." The two soon reached Leopold and Loeb, they sat in the office of the warden.

" Sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Andrews and Ms. Callie," the Warden apologized as he entered the room with a clipboard. " How can I help you two?"

" My brother," Callie spoke. " We want to see him Today."

" Your brother is quite a firebrand," the Warden stated as he sat down. " He started a riot. I'm afraid his visitation privileges have been suspended."

" It wasn't a football game not a riot," Callie corrected. " I saw with my own eyes."

" I was told by my daughter and other witnesses that it was your guards that started the riot," Fred backed up Callie,

" That's a very serious accusation, Mr. Andrews and Ms. Callie," Warden pointed out.

" It's been three weeks," Dad brought up.

" I will decide when it is appropriate for him to receive visitors again," the Warden clarified. " Was there anything else?"

" Yeah," Dad nodded. " You'll be hearing from my lawyer." The two Andrews walked out of the place fuming.

" They can't do that, can they?" Callie asked as she got in the truck.

"Through Hiram Lodge, yes," Fred answered. 

" Hopefully Mom can break through," Callie hopped. " I'll begin the research and send information to her."

" You keep your nose out of this," Dad ordered as he got in. " You need to focus on school."

" But Archie," Callie protested as he started the drive to the school.

" Ah, you said you wanted to focus on your studies," Fred pointed out.

" I'm trying to be a lawyer like mom, so technically it would still be focusing on my studies, my future studies."

"Don't put too much on your place Sweetheart," Fred warned. " That serpent is still counting you, it takes two to be in a relationship, not one."


Once Callie got to the school, she was walking with Jughead and Betty.

" Veronica says she's going to have a pretty strict dress code at her speakeasy," Betty informed.

" Of course we're calling it a speakeasy," Callie pointed out.

" And, uh," Jughead began as he looked at his wardrobe. " What are you getting at?"

" You look like a walking potato sack," Callie stated.

" Says the Cheryl duplicate," Jughead glared at her.

" A duplicate with style," Callie playfully argued, they looked forward, they saw Ethel and Everyln. 

"Hey, Ethel's back," Jughead pointed out.

" Yeah, she's talking to that weirdo girl from the Farm," Betty observed. " Oh my god." She then pulled the two to the side. " What if the game is connected to the Farm? Ben, Dilton, and Ethal started playing the game this summer. " She then pointed at the people in front of them. " Which is when the Farm and the Evernevers moved to Riverdale. Eveyln's dad, Edgar, is their leader. My mom won't stop talking about him. He's like some kind of-"

" King?" Callie suggested. " How much do you know about him? And the Farm?"

" Basically, nothing," Betty answered. They then watched Ethel and Evelyn embrace each other in a hug. 

" Should we start with Evelyn or Ethel?" Jughead asked.

" Ethel," Betty answered. " Evelyn creeps me out."

" Okay, but last time we talked to Ethel, she had a seizure," Jughead pointed out.

" We'll be more gentle this time," Callie assured.

" Short Stop!" a voice called from down the hall, Callie turned, she saw Sweet Pea and smiled.

" Hey," Callie smiled more as she walked over to him, he was with Fangs and some other serpents. He pulled her in for a kiss. " How's your day going?"

" A whole lot better now," Sweet smiled. " What are you doing tonight?"

" I got a shift at Pops," Callie answered. Sweet Pea's smile dropped. " You should come by."

"You work out," Sweet Pea grumbled. 

" Veronica is low on staff," Callie informed. " But come by, and I'm sure she'll let me off early."

"I'll think about it," Sweet Pea said. " I'm playing fugitive with the boys."

" Oh," Callie breathed as her smile dropped. " Well, if you can try visiting, I would appreciate it?"

" I'll think about it," Sweet Pea shrugged. 


Later Callie was walking into Pops with Josie and Kevin.

" Hi, Pop," Josie greeted as they walked in.

" Looking for Veronica?" Pop asked. They nodded. " This way." He led them to the back by the phone. " Pick up the phone, dial 6-4-2." They walked into a phone booth, Callie picked up the phone and dial the number. The phone rang.

" Password?" Reggie's voice came from the other side.

" I don't know," Kevin said as he leaned over Callie. " Stonewall." The Riverdale Telephone sign slid to the side, they looked to see Reggie's eyes looking through.

" Close enough," Reggie said. He closed the sign and opened the door.

" Whoa," Kevin breathed as they looked in.

" Come on in. "Reggie said as he held the open, Kevin went first followed by Josie.

" Oh, my God!" Josie laughed. After Callie walked passed, Reggie closed the door. They walked down to see the room lit like a bar, a stage with a  red carpet, rep tablecloths, wooden chairs, a bar, and Veronica.

" Oh, my God," Kevin gasped as they looked around. " I died and went Kander and Ebb heaven." Reggie grabbed Callie's hand and helped her down the steps, she looked at her oddly.

" The Strawberry will always get special treatment from me," Reggie winked at her.

" Thanks, Reg," Callie playfully rolled her eyes at him.

" Veronica! " Callie exclaimed when the raven-haired girl walked over to them.

" Welcome to La Bonne Nuit," Veronica welcomed them. Soon they sat down and talked, Veronica, Kevin, and Josie sat at a table as Callie and Reggie sat at the bar. " I've hired some of the Serpents from the Whyte Wyrm to serve drinks."

"Drinks?" Callie asked as she raised an eyebrow.

" Mocktails only," Veronica answered. " La Bonne Nuit is not in the business of corrupting minors."

" Not yet," Reggie admitted, Veronica looked at him.

 " Josie, I need star power," Veronica asked. " I would love for you to be my resident chanteuse."

"Are you for real?" Josie asked.

" Mmm-hmm," Veronica declared. 

" I have been working like woe trying to find my sound now that I'm solo," Josie admitted. " And I haven't had anywhere to test it out." She then looked at the ceiling happily. " Ooh, this the perfect opportunity!" Veronica chuckled, Reggie smiled and picked up a cloth.

" Cee," Veronica said. 

" Yeah," Callie said as Reggie handed her water. " I would like to designate you as my main danseuse," Veronica offered. " Be in charge of any dancing that is to happen."

" I'm honored," Callie said. " I can definitely make this place a side hobby."

" And Kevin..." Veronica said, he looked at her. " I'd love you for to be our emcee."

" So long as I can sing every now and then," Kevin insisted.

" But of course," Veronica agreed. " Or, as we like to say at La Bonne Nuit, mais oui." The phone rand, everyone looked at Reggie as he picked up the phone.

" Hey, Pop, what's up?" Reggie asked. Everyone went quiet, as he looked at Veronica. He then hung up the phone.

" Someone that used be called the Snake Charmer is here to see Veronica."

" Penny Peabody," Callie informed. " Now part of the Ghoulies, co-leader with Malachi. Want me to go with you?"

" I can handle it," Veronica assured her before going upstairs.

Later that Callie sat on the garage with Sweet Pea, his fugitive game ended shortly.

" How was work?" Sweet Pea asked Callie sat on the couch cradling Archie's guitar.

" Real good," Callie smiled brightly. " How was the game? Did Fangs win again?"

" I did actually," Sweet Pea corrected.

" I'm shocked," Callie laughed.

" Like you can do much better," Sweet Pea glared at her as he stood up. " Let's go see what Shortstop is made of in a game of fugitive."

" I think it'll be a quick arrest," Callie said as she put the guitar to the side and held out her wrist innocently. " Arrest me, officer, I've been a bad girl." Sweet Pea tackled her in a tickling war. Callie laughed uncontrollably, he then smashed his lips into her, she happily kissed back. Two minutes later she pulled back.

" What?" Sweet Pea asked as he raised her eyebrows, his dark eyes burrowing deep into her eyes. 

" Veronica's Speakeasy to going to open," Callie informed. " She asked me to be her danseuse."

" Dan Sauce?" Sweet Pea asked confused.

" Dancer, her main dancer," Callie smiled.

" Don't you think you'll be putting too much on your plate with this?" Sweet Pea asked as he fixed his position and sat next to her.

" Nah," Callie denied. " I'm excited."

" You are?" Sweet Pea asked.

" Not only will I'll be dancing, but it'll be for fun," Callie said with a smile. " A distraction to take my mind off of everything."

" Huh," Sweet Pea breathed.

" One more thing," Callie recalled with wide eyes. " Penny Peabody stopped by to offer Veronica protection."

" She did?" Sweet Pea asked as his head snapped in her direction, his eyes grew concerned. " What did Veronica?"

" I don't she agreed," Callie answered. " She said she asked Serpents from the Whyte Wrym to help work it, so the Speakeasy is most likely under the protection of the serpents."

" As it should be," Sweet Pea nodded as he put his arm around Callie.

" You'll be there opening night?" Callie asked as she scanned his face.

" No Serpent left behind," Sweet Pea answered as he kissed her forehead and wrapped his arms around her.


The next day Callie and Veronica were at the school handing out special invitations, they walked into the student room to see Cheryl and Toni cuddled up on a chair.

" President Blossom. First Lady Topaz," Veronica greeted as they walked over. " I need your help spreading the good word about my speakeasy."

" Go on," Cheryl insisted.

" In exchange for promoting La Bonne Nuit, she'll be offering no cover and free drinks all night," Callie informed.

" Mmm-mmm," Cheryl agreed as Toni took the stack of invites. " Well, well, well. Heavy card stock and valet parking."

" You don't take the subway to the Met Gala," Veronica stated.

 " Hand them out at your discretion," Callie informed. " Oh, and Fangs should definitely be in attendance."

" What about your Serpent?" Toni asked as she arched an eyebrow,

" Tree Topper already got his invitation from me," Callie informed before leaving the room with Veronica. They saw Jughead and Betty just passing by the door.

"Let's go red," Jughead said as he took her by the shoulder, Betty was with him. " Time to go talk to Princess Etheline."

" I was going to eat with Sweet Pea," Callie protested.

" Not today," Betty denied, they lead her into an empty science classroom. Ethel was sitting alone, eating her lunch.

" Ethel," Callie greeted. " Hi. Are you eating alone?" Ethel closed her lunch box as they walked closer.

" Do you mind if we--" Jughead began.

" The doctors put me on medication," Ethel informed. " To stop the seizures. I was having them multiple times a day. It's very strong."

" Look, if Betty and I did something to trigger your seizures, we're sorry," Jughead apologized. " We were just trying to help."

" Like you were trying to help my boyfriend Ben when he threw himself out a window?" Ethel brought up as she looked down sadly.

" Ethel..."Betty began as she pulled a chair forward and sat down. " When you collapsed, did you have any visions?" 

" I honestly don't remember," Ethel shook her head.

" Okay," Betty said as wheels turned in her head. " Well, how long have you been friends with Evelyn Evernever?"

"Evelyn's the best," Ethel smiled. " She visited me in the hospital and is helping me get better so I can titrate down my meds." 

" Was that her idea or her dad's ?" Betty asked. " Wait. Have you met Mr. Evernever?"

" Is you're so curious Betty," Ethel chuckled. " You should check out Evelyn's peer support group."

"Support group?" Callie questioned as she pretended took notes on her phone, but it looked like she was just texting or playing a game.

" Principal Weatherbee gave her permission to start a student chapter of the Farm here at Riverdale High," Ethel informed right before the bell rang. Ethel grabbed her bag and walked back to her seat, Betty nodded at Callie and Jughead.

" Ethel..."Jughead began, she turned back toward them. " Before Ben..." He was struggling to find the words. " He'd mentioned reuniting with Dilton in the Kingdom? You know what that means?"

" Two people have died playing Gryphons and Gargoyles," Callie pointed out.

" G&G," Ethel corrected.

" And we have no idea why," Jughead added. " This is a crazy question. Do you have a rule book or a player's manual?"

" You mean the scripture?" Ethel asked.

" Yes. That," Callie confirmed. " Do you own a copy?" 

" I can't just tell you that, obviously," Ethel stated.

" I just want to play Ethel bean," Callie battered her eyelashes innocently.

" I can't tell you," Ethel denied.

" Please," Jughead pleaded. " Princess Etheline."

" Don't call me that," Ethel ordered. " You haven't earned that privilege, and you're definitely not worthy of the King's scripture yet."

" Yes, but I wanna be," Jughead pleaded. " I wanna be worthy, Ethel. Could you please show me how?" She then looked at Betty, swallowed, at Callie and then at her feet.

" Meet me tomorrow night at Dilton's bunker," Ethel ordered. " But just you and Callie."

" No can do Ethel bean, I got plans," Callie denied.

" Fine," Ethel groaned. " Sorry, Betty, but you'll never be worthy, no matter how hard you try." Betty tried to look disappointed, Ethel then left the classroom.

"Well, looks like you're on Ethel Muggs detail," Betty promoted Jughead. " And I am in need if some serious support." She pointed at the Farm poster on the wall.

" I won't be on Ethel Muggs detail alone," Jughead said.

" I can't go," Callie reminded him. " I gotta be ready for the Grand opening of La Bonne Nuit."

"You will just have to listen in," Jughead stated. " Time to  hook up a listening device."

" I gotta focus on the dance," Callie told him.

" Please Shortstop," Betty asked. " I need you to listen in on the Farm too." Both of them looked at her.

" Fine," Callie gave in. " But Me and Sweet Pea call the bunker for the next seven days."

" Fine," Jughead agreed. The two of them took out their phone and gave it to her as Sweet Pea walked into the classroom angrily.

" Where were you?" Sweet Pea ordered as his nostril flared.

" I was talking to Ethel with these two losers," Callie answered as she took devices out from her backpack.

" All of lunch?" Sweet Pea growled.

" Relax," Callie rolled her eyes.

" Are you hooking up listening devices?" Sweet Pea asked.

" She's listening in for the both of us later and tomorrow," Jughead said.

" You gotta focus on La Bonne Nuit grand opening," Sweet Pea reminded her.

" In exchange, I scored us a couple of nights in the bunker," Callie said as she did her task.

" Tomorrow after the opening?" Sweet Pea asked.

" It's a date Tree Topper," Callie confirmed.

Author's Note: Hey everyone, I am so sorry for the long wait, things got a bit chaotic, a lot of rough waters for the past couple of months, but I am back in business now. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!!!

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