Chapter 66

Callie came home, she quietly crept into the house. She carefully walked up the stairs, she passed her brothers room, she saw him jolt awake. He was panting and sweating.

" Are you alright Arch?" Callie asked as she walked into the room.

" Bad dream," Archie answered as he sat up.

" What was it about?" Callie asked as she sat on the bed.

" I was chasing Cassidy, and then I was chasing myself," Archie began to explain. " I had the gun, and I shot him."

" You did not shoot him," Callie reminded him.

" I could have prevented it," Archie insisted.

" You just a kid, you had no idea what was going to happen," Callie said.

" I should have stayed with Cassidy," Archie said.

" What else happened in the dream?" Callie asked.

" Well after I saw myself shoot Cassidy, I turned and saw you, Betty, Veronica, and Jughead. All looking at me, I said it was not me, and then blood was all over my hands."

" Archie do not guilt yourself into something that you did not do," Callie pleaded.

" If I go away," Archie began.

 " You won't," Callie insisted. " We will start the junior year together."

" Take care of dad and mom if I do go," Archie pleaded. " Please Cal."

" You got my word," Callie promised him. 

" Keep an eye on everyone," Archie pleaded.

" I will," Callie promised him. " Me and V with make it a point to visit you whenever we get the chance."

" Don't waste your time visiting me," Archie said.

" You can't control that part," Callie said. " You are my twin brother, I gotta watch out for you the same way you watch out for me."

" You are the best sister I could ever ask for," Archie admitted.

" Archie," Callie breathed. " I am your only sister."

" Killing the moment," Archie laughed. " Get some sleep."

" You too," Callie smiled before going to her room. When she got their, she opened the door to see Sweet Pea on her bed.

" What took you so long?" Sweet Pea asked as she closed the door.

" Archie," Callie sighed as she walked over to the bed. " The situation is getting to him, even in his sleep." She sat down on the bed and closed her eyes.

" Archie is going to be ruled as innocent, "Sweet Pea assured her as he rubbed her back.

" Only if Archie does not do anything stupid and Hiram doesn't not have another wild card to throw," Callie pointed out.

" Shortstop," Sweet Pea began as he pulled her close to him.

" Thanks for standing by my side during all this," Callie said. " I know it was not the summer either of us was hoping for."

" Well as school is in session, we will have more time for each other," Sweet Pea reminded her.

" Hopefully," Callie hoped. " I'm helping V with her Squeakeasy," Callie smiled.

" Can I get any hints on it?" Sweet Pea asked.

" Nah," Callie breathed.

" You ass," Sweet Pea groaned.

" I'm your ass," Callie laughed as he kissed her cheek.


The next day Callie was in the garage with Archie putting last minute touches on the car, Sweet Pea went home before her family members could get up. He stopped working on the mirror and looked outside.

" Hey," Callie said. " No worries let's just have a fun labor day weekend."

" Sounds good to me," Archie agreed. "Let's go get Jughead."

" And Sweet Pea," Callie added.

" I guess," Archie playfully sighed.

" What is it you get your husband Jughead and I get my wife Betty?" Callie asked.

" I thought Cheryl was your wife?" Archie asked.

" I think Toni is about to take my place," Callie laughed. "Let's go." 

" We are getting Ronnie first," Archie insisted.

" You're the driver," Callie laughed. They droved to the Pembroke, Callie honked the horn.

" Savy," Veronica complimented as Callie got in the back so Veronica can sit up front.

" You are looking savvy," Callie complimented as the couple thanks. They then drove to the serpent area, Callie honked the horn.

" I'm digging it," Sweet Pea complimented as he got in the back with Jughead and Callie. The kissed each other.

" Betty helped a lot," Archie said as they drove to go get Betty. When they got there Betty got in the back with the other three, she shared a kiss with Jughead.

" The farm has offically did some sort of body swap on my mother," Betty groaned. 

" What happened?" Callie asked.

" The farm is what happened, she has gone through my old diaries, Polly is being so..." Betty began to rant.

"  Let all that go this weekend," Archie advised. " Cause it is all about fun."

" Sounds good to me," Betty agreed. Soon they were off to share some last minute summer fun with each other. When they got to the place, they immediately stripped off to their underwater, to go into the water.

" Last one in gets a sticky maple," Archie teased. Soon everyone was in the water, splashing each other as if nothing was wrong. Callie then noticed a sign spray painted on the side, by the bridge.

" What is it, Shortstop?" Sweet Pea asked.

" The markings," Callie answered.

" A normal weekend," Sweet Pea splashed. " And that means no investigations, Daphne.

" Alrighty Tree topper," Callie splashed back. " I thought they were cool."

" I thought they were cool," Sweet Pea mimicked back. " Come here." He grabbed her waist and pulled her close, planting a kiss on her lips, she happily kissed back. Hours later they say around a campfire, all six of them.

" Guys no matter what happens in court, this...Is the best last day of summer a guy could ask for," Archie announced.

" Archie..." Sweet Pea began as he made glance exchange with Jughead.

" Why don't you just make a break for it?" Jughead suggested. " Past that treeline, there's a road that goes through the mountains to Quebec."

" Jughead," Archie scoffed.

" There are Serpents north of the border that will keep you supplied," Sweet Pea informed.

" You don't deserve this, Arch," Betty sniffed. " Any of it?"

" Yeah, and what if I do?" Archie questioned.

" We've been over this last night," Callie reminded him. " Why would you say that?"

" Because I'm guilty," Archie confirmed.

" Arch-" Callie began.

" I didn't kill Cassidy," Archie agreed. " But I left him alone with Andre. If I hadn't walked away that night, he might still be alive. And not just Cassidy, all of it. All of last year." They all looked at him. " I didn't kill anyone. But I could have. I have to take responsibility for that." The night got later, and three couples split off into different areas. Callie was staring deep into the depths of the fire her and Sweet Pea made.

" Whatever happens I will stay standing by your side," Sweet Pea told her.

" Thanks, Pea," Callie smiled as she looked over at him. She saw he was staring at her. " What?"

" You are so hot when you think," Sweet Pea admitted. " You were working at Pops or that case kept you on my thoughts. Investigating and shit."

" I thought you hated it," Callie recalled.

" Hot to see you focus, but I hate it cause it lands you in trouble," Sweet Pea smirked.

" You mean likes it hot that you're a serpent, but I hate the solo missions," Callie said.

" Exactly," Sweet Pea smirked more. Callie then turned around and kissed him, he kissed back.

" I want you," Callie said as he broke the kiss.

" It's about time," Sweet Pea.

" Shut up," Callie rolled her eyes, they then did the dirty. Afterward, she laid with her head on chest staring at the stars.

" Good end to the summer?" Sweet Pea asked with a smile on his face. They were under one blanket together, their naked bodies touching.

" Definitely worth the wait," Callie said.


It was the day of the trial, Callie waited at the bottom of the stairs. She was with her parents and Vegas.

" Are you ready, Archie?" their mom asked.

" Hey, come here," Archie said to Vegas, he petted their dog. " Ah, you be a good boy, okay?" Vegas licked his face. " Good boy." Callie and her parents looked at each other, their dad then opened the door.

" Bye Vegas," Callie breathed as they walked out the door. Soon they were all in the courtroom to hear the final court session. Callie sat on the end in between Veronica and Jughead. Sweet Pea sat in the row behind them.

" Rise," the judge announced. Everyone did as they were told, the judge took his seat and then everyone else. " Has the jury reached a verdict? " A jury member stood up.

" Your Honor, we haven't," the man answered. Everyone breathes in relief. " We're deadlocked. Six-to-six. And it's not going to change."

" So be it, " the judge said. " The jury is dismissed. Thank you for your service." The jury stood up and began to file out.

" So, what happens now?" Archie asked their mom.

" Judge will declare a mistrial," their mom answered.

" We have to go through this again?" Archie asked.

" Your Honor," Ms. Wright began as she stood up. " In lieu of another trial, the State is prepared to offer a deal for a lesser sentence. Instead of prison, time served plus two years in juvenile detention, if Mr. Andrews will plead guilty to the crime of manslaughter."

" Your honor," their mom began as she stood up.

" I'll take the deal," Archie agreed as he stood up. 

" No!" Everyone protested. Jughead and Callie both glanced at each other and then looked backforward.

" Archie no, we have to discuss this," their mom advised.

" Mom, I can't put you and everyone else through this again," Archie said. " Your Honor, I accept the deal."

" Son, so I just have it straight," the judge began. " Though it's legally within your rights, you're ignoring the advice of your counsel, your own mother."

" Yes, Your Honor. I'm guilty," Archie stated. The judge then leans towards Archie.

" Mr. Andrews, the court accepts your plea of guilt," the judge said. " You'll be taken directly from the courthouse to the Leopold and Loeb Juvenile Detention Center, where you will serve out your sentence immediately. This court is adjourned." He banged the gavel and everyone stood up.

" I'm sorry mom," Archie apologized.

" I love you so much," their mom cried as she hugged him.

" Look, we're gonna get you out of there, bud," their dad added.

"All of us," Callie added as an officer put handcuffs on Archie. As Archie walked past everyone, Callie grabbed his arm.

" Take care of yourself Cal, mom, dad, Vegas," Archie said.

" Arch," Callie breathed with tears in her eyes.

" You promised," Archie reminded her.

" I promise," Callie breathed.

" I love you, Veronica," Archie said to his girlfriend.

" You can't take him away! He didn't do anything!" Veronica protested with tears in her eyes. Callie walked over to Veronica and pulled her into a hug, she broke down into tears as she hugged Callie back. When the court got out, she went home with parents, Fp and Mr. Keller.  Sweet Pea understood that she needed time alone. Her mom was now leaving for Chicago.

" Hey," she greeted the two as they all met at the door. " I've already written the appeal. I'll file it from Chicago, and as soon as we get a date---"

" We'll get him home, Mom," Callie assured her.

" One way or another," her dad added.

" You have our word," Mr. Keller promised.

" I'm gonna prove that Hiram Lodge framed our son," her dad prompted. " And I'm gonna make that son of a bitch pay."

" Whatever it takes," Fp confirmed. She then grabbed her stuff.

" Call as soon as you get home," Callie said.

" Stay out of trouble, Cal," her mom wished.

" I will try my best," Callie promised. Minutes later Callie was up in her room changing out of the court clothes when she got a call from Jughead.

" Now is not a good time," Callie said as she picked up the phone.

" It's Dilton Doiley," Jughead blurted out. " Remember how he was acting strangely at the pool party?"

" Yeah, he seemed really off," Callie agreed.

" He came by before the trial, I left him in the trailer and when I came back he was gone," Jughead explained.

" Where is he now?" Callie asked.

" Fox Forest," Jughead answered. " I am coming your way, something is not right."

" I will be ready," Callie sighed and then the phone hung up. Hours later they found themselves in the dark, in Fox Forest with two flashlights.

" Why would he come out he?" Callie asked as they followed the map.

" What is that?" Jughead asked. They looked up to see some wooden structure, an animal skull with horns on it.

" Jughead," Callie breathed. " We need to find Dilton."

" Found him," Jughead announced as they jumped at the birds. He shined the light on him and another boy named Ben. They had carvings on their backs, the same ones from Sweetwater swimming hole. There were two cups in front of the two.

" Dilton!" Callie called as she got next to him, on her knees, he did not respond. " Dilton..." Jughead then got down next to Ben as he started to vomit.

" Ben. Ben!" Jughead exclaimed. He was having a hard time breathing. " Ben! Okay, look. Look. Stay with us, Come on. Come on."

" Help! Help!" Callie called out. They called the ambulance and they were taken to the hospital.


Author's Note:

Sorry about the slow updates! I am having a hard time at sticking up with one story to update!

I'm quite sad to hear about Stan Lee, he was truly an inspiration. Rest In Peace Stan Lee. Thank you for giving another world we can dream about, and love.


I have a situation. I am having friends over for Friendsgiving this upcoming Sunday. And my best friend Sandra and my friend Adrianna had a bit of a falling out. Honestly, it was really petty and a long time ago. Anyways I secretly invited Adrianna behind Sandra's back, and Adrianna does not know that she is secretly invited. 

I did not do this to be mean, I just want to get them in the same room as each other again, so they can try and be friends again. And talk out what went wrong, I just want to try and mend a friendship. A lot can go wrong, and I am feeling really guilty, I have never pulled that type of wild card in real life. But I am hoping everything starts to get better between the two.

I know what I did was wrong, I need some advice on how to try and make this situation, not a riot night, and more of a peace treaty."

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