Chapter 65
Callie was now in her the garage helping fix the junkyard car with her dad, Betty, and Archie.
" Can I just say Mr. Andrews watching you punch Hiram Lodge in the face was...incredibly cathartic," Betty complimented.
" It almost got me landed in jail," Fred reminded her.
" Come on dad," Callie encouraged.
" Alright it felt pretty good," Fred admitted as they finished the car.
" Alright, give it a try," Betty encouraged.
" You do the honors," Fred told Archie. He happily got in the car and that engine started right up. " Oh. yeah. Give it some gas. There you go."
" We did it, Dad," Archie smiled.
" Yeah, we did," Fred smiled back.
" Just in time," Archie said, this cause Callie and Betty to glance at each other.
" Could you guys excuse me a second, I'm gonna fo in the house," Fred informed.
" Do you need any help?" Callie asked.
" No, I will be fine," Fred assured her before he went in, closing the door behind him.
" Betty..." Archie began. " I have to ask you a favor. If I do go away. Will you check on my dad and Callie? Invite them over for dinner?"
" He's going to be fine Archie," Callie said. " He'll have me."
" Besides the jury is still deliberating, that's a good sign, okay?" Betty told him. " You don't need...Put your house in order."
" Betty, promise me. Please," Archie pleaded.
" Of course," Betty agreed. Soon Betty left to go back to her house.
" Come on we have to go to the serpents," Callie told him.
" What for?" Archie asked.
" If you do go to jail...they can help you stay safe," Callie answered. " Trust me on this one." They travel to what was left of Sunnyside trailer park, Archie is now getting a serpent tattoo on his shoulder from Fp, walking over to them is Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Jughead.
" Come have a look Jug," Callie insisted as she sat next to Archie.
" Might be my best one yet," Fp added as Archie moved his arm a bit to check it out.
" Well, how does it feel to be an honorary Serpent?" Jughead asked.
" Feels pretty savage, Jug," Archie admitted. " Does you have one Callie?"
" She doesn't need one," Fp informed. " We know she belongs with us, with or without the tattoo.:
" Archie, the first thing I learned at Southside High was that you need to roll with a crew to survive," Jughead informed.
" There are gonna be Serpents in juvenile detention," Callie informed. " Find 'em. Sit with them."
" That tattoo is gonna get you in. But it's also gonna get you protected," Jughead added.
" Sounds like you and Callie came up with this plan together," Archie as he eyed the two.
" That's because they did," Fp stated. " With my help. Those two are right. Up to a point. That Serpent ink will help keep your body safe but you still gotta worry about protecting this, eh?" He points at his head. Archie looked at him as Fp took off his classes. " I speak from experience, all right? Your mind is the first thing that goes when you're locked up. If you can keep your head on straight, you can get through anything. You just...You gotta keep your wits about you, Red." Archie nodded, looked at the other two the looked at his tattoo. He smirked and looked at Fp who harmlessly smacked him in the arm.
Hours later they were all at the pool party at Thornhill. She had just shown up, she wore a bikini that was a teal top and teal bottoms. She was scanning the area when she spotted Sweet Pea. He was talking one of the other serpents, Reggie and Kevin. Shortly after she spotted him. Sweet Pea looked over at her back at Reggie and then back at Callie. They have barely seen each other all summer. Soon Callie's attention was grabbed when a pair of arms wrapped around her.
" Girl, you are smoking hot," Veronica complimented as she hugged Callie harder.
" Oh please," Callie laughed. " We all know you are the goddess here."
Over at the other side of the pool, Reggie saw what Sweet Pea was looking at.
" Looking at my ex-girlfriend? " Reggie asked.
" Well she's my girlfriend," Sweet Pea reminded him.
" We'll see about that," Reggie smirked. " She knows we belong together and not you two, we did date for almost a year. I know her better than you ever will."
" Callie would not leave Sweet Pea for you," Kevin spoke up. " And I know her better than all of you."
" I'm just saying Andrews should be with me," Reggie stated.
" You had your chance and you blew it," Kevin reminded him. " And Callie does not go back on anything. Now I suggest you shut up about this cause she is heading this way. He and the other serpent walked away.
" Pea," Callie said as she grabbed his hand. " Come to the poolside with me." He pulled her close to him and kissed her passionately. " Come on more kissing by the pool."
" You got it, Shortstop," Sweet Pea smirked. The two went and sat down beside the pool, dipping their legs in. " Hey Shortstop, never thought I'd say this, but I'm kind of excited for school to start back up."
" You are excited about school?" Callie laughed.
" Mostly because I get to see you in the halls every day," Sweet Pea admitted before kissing her.
" Hey Callie," Josie greeted as she sat next to her. They both stopped what they were doing and looked at her. " Do you think Archie has a chance? That there is any way that Veronica could talk to anyone to tell them the truth about her father?"
" The jury is being sequestered at the Five Seasons," Callie informed. " Third floor, room 301. The security's tight, but...I think me or you can get her in. She only needs to talk to one judge."
" Thanks, Cal," Josie smiled as she got up.
" Oh and tell Veronica that she did hear it from me or you," Callie insisted.
" Got it," Josie agreed as she walked over to Veronica and Betty.
" Ever what Jones is thinking about?" Sweet Pea asked Callie looked to see Sweet Pea looking at Jughead. He was eating pretzels or something like that.
" Probably how many pretzels I can fit in my mouth," Callie answered.
" Go talk to him, and I will get us drinks," Sweet Pea insisted as he got up and helped her up.
" I'm on it," Callie said, they kissed before walking in separate directions. When she got over to Jughead they both made eye contact with Dilton Doiley. He seemed extremely scared. " Dilton seems a bit jumpier then survival master."
" I agree," Jughead answered.
" Jughead! Callie!" Fangs exclaimed running up to them.
" What's up?" Jughead asked.
" It's the ghoulies Jughead," Fangs answered. " Those bastards have Hot Dog." Minutes later they were in a separate room with serpents. The serpents being Fangs, Betty, Cheryl, Toni, Callie, and Sweet Pea.
" Are you absolutely sure that this was Hot Dog?" Callie asked.
" Hundred percent, Cal," Fangs confirmed. " They must have snatched him on Riot Night. He looked skinny. I don't think the Ghoulies are feeding him enough."
" We're lucky those animals aren't slow-roasting him on a grill," Sweet Pea commented.
" What do we do Jughead?" Toni asked.
" We'd be going behind enemy lines, outnumbered, open to attack from all directions and risking another gang war," Jughead informed. " No serpent left behind right? That includes our spirit animal. Okay, we will be going after dark. It's gonna be a stealth mission. It's gonna be quick."
" Jug, last time you went into Ghoulie territory, you were beaten to within an inch of your life," Betty reminded him.
" He'll have back up this time," Cheryl informed.
" We are going to be quick Betty," Callie said.
" They won't know we were there," Jughead added.
" Well, then I'm coming with you," Betty stated.
" No," Jughead denied.
" No. Don't you dare tell me that it's too dangerous, Jug," Betty demanded. " The Serpent Queen is a warrior queen. So if you're on the frontlines, so am I."
" Okay," Jughead smirked as he looked at Betty. " Let's bring Hot dog home, shall we?"
Callie was first getting Archie home before she went out on the Serpent mission. They opened the door to hear their parents talking.
" We've tried to stack the jury in Archie's favor," Mary said. " Women, mothers, but...I don't know. Maybe it backfired."
" Well, you did everything that you could," Fred assured her.
" Ah, Fred," Mary sighed. " Just think if I hadn't left Riverdale if I hadn't gone to Chicago."
" I was here and I couldn't stop Hiram Lodge from getting his claws into our son," Fred reminded her.
" Dad, mom," Callie said as they two walked into the room.
" Don't blame yourselves, for what I did," Archie said. " Taking Hiram's side against you, dad was the biggest mistake I've ever made, but it was mine. It's on me. You guys are the best parents anyone could ask for. Everything you've done for me, I don't deserve it. Whatever happens on Tuesday, that is what I deserve.
" No, it's not," Callie argued. " You are a good person."
" You got manipulated by a mobster," Fred added.
" But, you do not deserve to be framed for murder," Mary stated.
" Son," Fred began as he put his hands on Archie's shoulder. " Your mother and I will always love you." After that they both went upstairs, Callie opened her bedroom window when Archie walked in.
" Got a job to do?" Archie asked.
" Getting Hot Dog back," Callie answered.
" Be safe," Archie said as he walked over to her.
" We will prove your innocents," Callie stated as the two hugged each other. " You do not deserve any of this."
" You are literally the best sister anyone could ask for," Archie said.
" You are literally the best brother anyone could ask for," Callie said. " Archie."
" Go rescue the dog," Archie said as they pulled away. Callie nodded and snuck out her window. Many minutes later they were outside a house. They took one truck, they waited for an hour watching Hot Dog the whole time. The pooch was whining.
" It's been an hour and no sign of anyone," Toni informed.
" All right Sweet Pea," Jughead began as he grabbed the giant pliers. " Here you go, keep a lookout. Callie, you come with me." Everyone did as they were told.
" Hey, hey, hey bud," Callie greeted the dog in a whisper when they walked through the gate.
" Come on buddy, let's get you out of here," Jughead said as he petted as Hot Dog, he went to go cut the chain as Callie continued to pet Hot Dog. As soon as he cut the chain lights turned on, both people slowly stood up.
" Hiya, Jonesy," Penny greeted him as Ghoulies came out.
" Red," Malachi greeted Callie.
" Welcome back to the Southside," Penny welcomed them. " I thought this mangey mutt might get you to show up. We need to talk."
" No, we don't Penny," Jughead denied.
" We are here for the dog," Callie informed.
" If you didn't want trouble, why have you been sending spies trying to get into our business?" Penny asked. " Back off. Unless you want a replay of Riot Night."
" Yeah, I've been sending scouts," Jughead admitted.
" He's been looking for Hot Dog," Callie stated, she noticed Ghoulies were surrounding them a bit.
" Now that I got them, we're good," Jughead said, they turned to walk away.
" Not so fast," Penny called, they both turned back around. " Your jacket...Southside isn't yours anymore. That means you're no longer the Southside Serpents."
" Really, Penny? A jacket?" Jughead demanded.
" We could always just take it off your limp dead body," Penny suggested. " Oh, yeah. I also heard Miss. Ponytail's a Serpent now, your Northside princess. Maybe we'll go after her next. "
" And then after we strike your redhead Northside Queen," Malachi said as he pointed his club at Callie. " Gotta take down the princess before you get to the Queen."
" Fine," Jughead gave in. " You can have the jacket as long as you and the Ghoulies stay out of the Northside."
" Oh you don't get to make demands," Malachi said as he started to approach Jughead, but an arrow struck him in the shoulder.
" Cheryl!" Callie yelled at her.
" Told you I was in a mood for some hell-raising," Cheryl stated.
" That's it. Just kill 'em all," Penny ordered, the gang started to approach those two. Sweet Pea started to get out of the car, Fangs pushed him back down.
" Cheryl, aim your next arrow right between Penny's eyes," Jughead ordered. Penny held up her hand and the Ghoulies stopped.
" You and your Ghoulies take one more step, she's gonna release that arrow," Callie threatened. " Cheryl doesn't miss."
" Congratulations," Penny's aid. " You've both just made the Northside fair game.
" Come on," Jughead said.
" See you soon, Jonesy," Penny called out. When they approached the truck, Sweet Pea started up it up, and Hot Dog went to Betty.
" Alright, let's go," Jughead said once they were all in the truck they took off. Callie sat up with Sweet Pea as everyone sat in the trunk part of the truck.
" You okay?" Sweet Pea asked.
" I'm fine," Callie answered.
" You are a target now," Sweet Pea reminded.
" I've been one since I cut the tattoo off her arm," Callie corrected. " And now everyone on the Northside is a target."
" We will keep everyone safe," Sweet Pea told her. " Do you wanna go share a Strawberry shake Queen of the Northside." Callie playfully rolled her eyes.
" Next time," Callie said. " Archie is probably still awake." He glanced at her and saw she was staring out the window. Callie looked in the rear mirror and saw Cheryl pointing to Sweet Pea and Toni pretending to suck something. She then grabbed a crumbled up piece of paper and chucked it at them from out the window. The paper ball ended up hitting Betty, all three girls started laughing really hard.
" What did you do?" Sweet Pea asked as he glanced at the rearview mirror.
" Don't worry about it," Callie laughed as she closer to him now. Callie has been so busy this summer, her and Sweet Pea has ever quite actually done it with each other. Cheryl and Toni have been trying to push her all summer to do so. Her handed landed on his leg, out of the corner of her eye, Callie saw Sweet Pea smirking.
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