Chapter 40

The next morning Callie was passing her brother's room when she heard her brother tell her dad about starting a band like the Fred Heads.

" If you're gonna do that, do that in the garage," their dad laughed, he left the room to see her. " Oh, Callie, are you sure you are fine with going to school today?"

" I will be fine," Callie assured him.


At school, Callie sat in the student lounge with a couple of people. She was talking to one of the vixens when they saw Veronica and Archie walk into the room while kissing.

" Students of Riverdale High, this is your principal speaking," Principal Weatherbee began over the PA system. " E-mails have been sent to your parents, but effective immediately. Southside High School is shut down." Everyone gasped. " And its students will be transferred to other schools in the districts, including this one." Calie exchanged looks with Archie. " I believe the statement we're releasing..."

"Okay guys, let's not overreact," Veronica suggested.

" Will address your concerns and theirs," Principal Weatherbee continued. " You should be receiving it shortly. I'm sure you have many questions. But it goes without saying, we are welcoming these students with open minds, hearts and arms....course schedules, and locker assignments. Thank you. That is all."

"Wait, what does that...what does that mean?" Archie asked.

"It means Jughead is coming back," Betty stated.

"Betty, are you ready for that?" Callie asked.

" Of course," Betty answered. " We're fine. This way we can probably keep an eye on Callie and her serpent crush too."

"We don't like each other like that," Callie rolled her eyes.

"But why is this happening now?" Archie asked.

"Who knows," Veronica said. " It's probably some bizarre, Byzantine town ordinance we couldn't possibly understand. And in the meantime let's receive these exiles as if they were our own flesh and blood. Who's in? Hmm?"

" I'm in," Callie said as she stood up. "Let's get one thing straight, just because they are from the Southside, does not mean they are exiles."

" If Callie thinks they aren't going to be a problem," Kevin began. " Then she is probably right, but we have to still keep caution." Veronica grabbed her hands.

" Since you are in, can you help me print schedules, locker assignment?" Veronica asked.

" Why?" Callie asked.

"Because you tend me friends with the southside students best," Veronica admitted.

" Only the serpents," Callie informed her.

" Please Cee," Veronica pleaded. " We can do it together, I can bond more with the bf's sister."

"Fine," Callie gave in with a smile. Veronica cheered and hugged Callie happily.


When she got home she was greeted by her dad.

"Can you believe that Southside is closing?" Her dad asked.

"It's shocking," Callie answered. " Why?"

"They found it as a hazard when they found a methamine lab in the basement," her dad answered. " Are you okay with this?"

"Yes," Callie answered. " Why wouldn't I be?"

" Cause I don't know if I am," her dad said. 

"Why?" Callie asked.

"That boy," her dad stated.

"Why is everyone getting on me about Sweet Pea?" Callie asked.

"Because as your dad it is my job to scare away boys," his dad reminded her. " It obviously did not work with Reggie, so maybe it will work on this boy."

"Dad, there is not anything like that going between us," Callie assured him.

"Okay Callie," her dad laughed.

" Ronnie is coming over later," Callie informed.

" For Archie probably," her dad stated.

" For me," Callie corrected. " We are printing the schedules locker assignments, making a list of student activities."

"Have fun and good luck," her dad wished her. " I can bring you girls up a pizza."

" That would be great dad," Callie smiled.

Later that night Callie and Veronica were in Callie's room as they put together the papers. 

" I'm glad you and my brother are back together," Callie stated. " You two are really good together."

"You think?" Veronica asked.

" Yes," Callie confirmed as she put more paper in the printer.

" Aweeee," Veronica gushed. " You are like my own Ginny Weasley." 

" Plus, I am like the fact that there is another girl around the house," Callie added as Veronica set up a camera in the middle of it. " What are you doing?" 

" Filming documentation, of people with different views on this matter," Veronica answered. " So how are you feeling about this? About the Southside students joining Riverdale High?"

" It doesn't bother me," Callie answered. " It's a great chance for our communities to grow closer in some ways."

" Explain," Veronica insisted.

"Well we can form friendships amongst one another, and the can lessen the hate between the northside and southside hopefully."

"Would you date one of them?" Veronica asked. 

" If I like them and they like me back, then yes," Callie answered.

" Even a Serpent?" Veronica questioned.

"Yeah," Callie smiled, a certain Serpent popped into her mind.

" Well as your current possible candidate for a sister-in-law, " Veronica began. " Is there any reptile in particular? Meaning is Sweet Pea just a pretty boy?"

" I am not a hundred percent sure Vee," Callie answered. " Me and Reggie ended like 8 or 9-month relationship a month or two ago...If I were to date, I don't want them to be a rebound."

" Understandable," Veronica agreed. " But you gotta tell me if you ever do start eyeing someone."

" You got it," Callie smiled.


The next day Callie stood behind the table with the welcoming committee, she was setting up pens, when they heard people approach the table. She looked up to the serpents and other ex-southside high students.

" Callie," the serpents greeted.

" Friends," Callie greeted with a smile.

" On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school," Veronica greeted them. " To ease the transition, Callie and I have set up a registration desk, where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules, a list of sports and extracurriculars. We encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale."

"Stand down, Eva Peron!" Cheryl shouted they turned to see Cheryl and Reggie leading Vixens and other students down the stairs. 

" There's the school spirit I so fondly remember," Jughead recalled.

" Cheryl. No one invited Fascist Barbie to the party," Veronica said.

" Wrong, Veronica," Cheryl stated as she crossed her arms. " No one invited Southside scum to our school. Listen up, Ragamuffins. I will not allow Riverdale High's above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms that are overcrowded with underachievers. So please do us all a favor, and find some other school to debase with your hardscrabble ways."

"Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?" Toni threatened as she stepped forward.

" Happily, Queen of the Buskers," Cheryl said.

" Okay...Guys," Callie said as she stepped in between in the two. " Everyone, can we just put our Northside-Southside differences and start over?"

" A new slate?" Archie asked.

"You don't speak for the Vixens, Callie," Cheryl reminded her.

"And you don't speak for the Bulldogs, Andrews," Reggie added. " And need I remind you these greaser-snakes showed at your place trying to kick your ass."

" Happy to finish what was started," Sweeet Peas offered as he approached Reggie, the Andrew kids stood in between the two.

" God, I am so over the toxic masculinity in this hallway right now," Veronica groaned.

" All right. That's enough pomp and circumstance," Principal Weatherbee stated. " Everyone, let's get to class. Now." As they all started to file out, Reggie over to Callie.

"You traitors pocked the wrong side," Reggie whispered to Callie. She looked back up at him before he walked away. Soon the serpents came back.

"Do you need your class schedule and locker assignments?" Callie asked.

"We may or may not have walked off without them," Fangs admitted. 

" We saw," Kevin stated. They soon gathered their schedules and found their lockers. 

"Can you help me find my locker?" Sweet Pea asked,

" Yeah," Callie answered, she led him straight to his locker.

" Where's your locker?" SweetPea asked he opened his locker.

" A hallway over," Callie answered as Midge walked up to them.

" Callie," Midge greeted.

"Midge," Callie greeted. " Midge this is Sweet Pea and Sweet Pea this Midge."

"Coming to practice?" Midge asked.

" Always do," Callie said.

"Cheryl said that we are learning a new routine, and wants to make sure we are all there to learn it," Midge explained as Sweet Pea closed his closed locker.

"I know," Callie said. " I helped put it together." 

" Can't wait," Midge smiled. " One more thing, can you look over mine and Moose's English papers?" 

" Yeah," Callie answered as she was handed a folder.

" Thanks," Midge smiled once more before walking away.

"Don't you think you are stretching yourself a little thin?" Sweet Pea asked they walked to class. " Between helping your family, the Vixens, solving a murder and the Serpents."

"No," Callie answered. " And besides, there is nothing to solve anymore."

" And what happens when the next incident happens?" Sweet Pea asked.

"I will juggle it," Callie told him. " I better get back to the registration table."

" I want to see your locker," Sweet Pea ordered.

" It's just a locker," Callie pointed out.

"Show me," Sweet Pea ordered, Callie showed him the locker.

" It's just a locker," Callie repeated herself as she opened her locker. On a shelf was a stack of sticky notes, Sweet Pea took one, and a pen out of the pencil holder. He scribbled on it before putting the note on the locker. It said Sweet Pea was here. Before Callie could say anything, Archie walked up to them and opened his locker.

" Come to the student lounge, Ronnie wants us all to bond," Archie suggested.


Later that day Callie sat in the student lounge with a couple of other people. She sat in between Sweet Pea and Kevin.

"I don't think properly met," Veronica stated as she walked up tot he group. She stuck her hand out to Lodge. " Veronica Lodge."

" Of the Park Avenue Lodges," Jughead added.

" Toni. Topaz," Toni introduced herself as they shook hands.

" Oh, like the purple-colored gemstone," Veronica recalled. " Love it."

" And I'm Josie McCoy," Josie introduced herself. " Formerly of the Pussycats, and now just Josie. And this Callie."

" We know who Shortstop is," Sweet Pea laughed.

"This is Kevin," Callie said as she gestured to Kevin.

" What's your name?" Kevin asked Fangs.

" Fogarty," Fangs answered. " Or you can call me Fangs. Your last name's Keller right?"

"How did you know that?" Kevin asked.

" Joaquin and I used to hang out," Fangs answered. " He talked about you all the time."

" You guys!" Principal Weatherbee shouted as he walked into the room angrily. " Yes, you, come with me. Now!" Everyone got up and followed Principal Weatherbee. On the ground over a Riverdale sign was a snake graffitied on the group. Callie saw Reggie standing by it, arms crossed, and smirking. " Which of you defaced our school seal with this graffiti?"

"This is what they do, Principal Weatherbee," Reggie explained. " They tag their turf?"

"Can you be any more transparent?" Callie asked her ex. He then nodded.

"Effective, immediately, no gang behavior of any kind will be tolerated at my school," Principal Weatherbee ordered. " As of this moment, no more Serpent jackets."

" What?' Sweet Pea asked angrily.

" Are you kidding me?" Jughead asked.

"No more Serpent jackets!" Principal Weatherbee repeated himself. " All tattoos are gonna be covered. Possession of any gang paraphernalia whatsoever will lead to immediate suspension. Are we clear?" They all sighed. " That's all." They all turned to go back to where they were.

" Callie!" Reggie shouted going after her. He grabbed her wrist. He pulled her back and they stopped at a locker. Down the hallway, Sweet Pea turned around to see Callie was not behind them, He saw that she was with Reggie, he started to walk forward, but Jughead stopped her.

"Let her fight her own battles," Jughead advised. " It's what she wants, isn't it?"

"If it escalates, then go to her," Fangs advised. They stood on the wall and talk quietly amongst themselves, as they watched Callie and Reggie. Down the hallway, the conversation was beginning to unfold.

" What is it?" Callie asked as she yanked her wrist back.

" Are you really siding with them?" Reggie asked. " Those greaser-snakes."

" They are people just like me and you," Callie pointed out. " And yes I am siding with them. We all know that you were the one to graffiti the school seal."

"Where are you going to get the proof?" Reggie asked as he went to go touch her face, but Callie backed up.

" The camera's Reggie," Callie answered.

" When are you going to wake up and realize these people aren't your friends? Do you even trust them?" Callie glanced over and saw the Serpents were watching, she made eye contact with Sweet Pea.

" With my whole life," Callie answered smiling a little. 

" You just made a mistake," Reggie growled as he grabbed her hand. " Until you realize what you are getting yourself into, I am taking this." He took off her ring that the Serpents gave her.

" Give it back," Callie demanded looking at him.

"Do you think wearing this, will actually make you feel apart of that gang? That they will actually have your back?" He questioned. 

" Yes," Callie answered. " Now give it back." 

" Not till you learned your lesson," Reggie stated. " He leaned closed to her and whispered in her ear. " Serpent Slut."  before walking away. Callie leaned against the lockers, as he walked away. 

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