Chapter 34

Callie now sat at Pop's with Veronica, spending some time together at Veronica's request when they heard the doorbell.

" St. Betty is here," Veronica groaned. " She's talking to Sheriff Keller."

" Giver her a chance Ronnie," Callie urged. " Trust me, it is time you hear her side of things." 

" Fine," Veronica gave in. " Sheriff Keller is leaving now. " She looked over to Betty. " Drafting your next savage take-down?" Betty got up and walked over to them. 

" I don't expect you to believe me, But I didn't mean what I said" Betty clarified. " There's no excuse."

" No. There isn't," Veronica agreed.

" Tell her," Callie advised.

" You know about it?" Veronica asked. " What's the insane excuse?" Over some milkshakes and food, Betty sat down next to Callie and explained everything to Veronica. 

"So, to recap..." Veronica began. " You're talking to a serial killer and you are listening to the conversation with the serial killer on the reg and he's been puppet-mastering you?"

" I'll never forgive myself for hat I did, Vee," Betty confirmed. " To you, to Jug, to my mom, hell, even to Nick St. Clair."

" Girl, I would've given Nick's name and then happily treated myself to a facial," Veronica admitted. " I still might...But, yes. You're in a toxic relationship with the Black Hood, and you need to break up."

" Or I could turn the tables on him, Vee," Betty suggested. " He says he'll go away if I do one last thing."

"He wants her to find out who's behind the Jingle Jangle," Callie informed. " Some creep called the Sugar Man."

" Okay, so what's the problem?" Veronica asked.

" If the Sugar Man exists, and I find out who he is, I can't just give up his name. The Black Hood would kill him," Betty explained. " And drug dealer or not, he's still a human being."

"Barely," Veronica breathed as she rubbed the back of her neck.

" I'm so close, Cal and Vee," Betty mentioned. " Will you two help?"

" I'm in," Veronica confirmed.

" Me too," Callie added. The three clinked their milkshake glasses together. 

"We have to address another situation," Veronica spoke up. " Callie, you argued with my father and Mayor McCoy."

"Well I have been hanging out with the serpents a lot," Callie explained. " I have even been in the Whyte Wrym more than once. I am seeing how they see it. They get targeted for everything when we contribute just as many problems."

" Callie, " Betty began. " Just be careful what if they turn on you."

" If they didn't want anything to deal with me, then Fangs would not have rescued me from the ghoulies," Callie informed them. " They were the ones that kidnapped me in the first place."

"Ghoulies?" Veronica asked.

"According to Sweet Pea, they are not a group that you want to mess around with, they are a nasty group," Callie answered. Callie looked to see the two girls looking at each other with raised eyebrows. " Nothing is going on between, me and Sweetpea.

"Nothing at all?" Betty asked. " I mean he walks you home like every night when you are in the Southside.

"He just wants to make sure I am safe," Callie answered. " But between us three, he is pretty cute. You can't tell anyone about this."

"We won't Cal," Veronica giggled.


The next day Callie got a call from Archie.

"Hey," Callie greeted.

"Callie," Jughead said into the phone.

"Are you two calling me together?" Callie asked.

"Yes," Archie answered. " But we need you to go talk to Reggie."

" You know how I feel about Reggie," Callie reminded them.

"We need his car for a street race," Jughead said. " We will use it to verse the ghoulies, that way the ghoulies cannot annihilate the Serpents."

" I will see what I can do," Callie confirmed before hanging up the phone.


Callie now was at Reggie's house, she was in his car with him.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Reggie asked. " Do you want to get back together? "

"No," Callie answered. " But my brother needs your car."

"What for?" Reggie asked.

" For a street race," Callie answered.

"I will let him borrow it," Reggie said.

" That easy?" Callie asked in surprise.

"Ya, your brother has done a lot for me, I want to repay him," Reggie said. " And maybe somewhere done the line. You stop being friends with those reptiles, we get back together, and we can get back to talking about what to name the little Reggie and Callie's that will be running around in the future."

"I am not going to stop being friends with the Serpents," Callie confirmed. " They have done a lot for me, I am not about to turn my back on them."

" I understand," Reggie nodded. " But if you do become a serpent yourself, I will kill you."

"You should go," Callie ordered. " You have community service to get to."

" I will drop you off at home," Reggie offered. " As much as I hate those reptiles, I agree with them on keeping you out of trouble."


Later Callie was making her way over to the Whyte Wrym, when she felt someone grabbed her. She turned to punch them, she turned to see a ghoulie, it was Malachai.

"Hello Callie," the man greeted. He put a bag over her head and dragged her to someplace. She felt herself being tied to a chair before the bag was removed.

"Can you people please stop putting bags over my head and kidnapping me?" Callie demanded.

"No," Malachai laughed. She looked over and saw Tall Boy sitting in a corner.

"Tall Boy?" Callie questioned. " What are you doing here?"

" Trying to get the serpents join the ghoulies and evolve," Tall Boy answered. " But your friend Jones won't stand for it."

" Good," Callie said.

"Watch your tone," Malachai warned her.  " As I recall we ghoulies were supposed to have you dead or ready for death for when Cliff Blossom came by. We can have yo join him in heaven soon." Callie looked at him terrified, at that moment Jughead and Archie came in.

" Callie?" Archie asked. " Are you alright?"

"I am fine," Callie assured him.

" We will get you out of this," Jughead assured her. He then turned to Malachi. " Me and my boy want to challenge you to a race. If we win, Serpents remain autonomous and you quit dealing at Southside High." Malachai looked at Callie and scoffed.

"And if we win?" Malachai asked.

" We fold, and you will continue polluting the Southside with your little straws of death," Jughead answered.

" So, the mighty Serpent Prince has some stones, but not much else," Malachai stated. " So unless Your Highness wants to put some of Daddy's territory out on the table, I got no reason to agree to this race." They heard the door opened, the looked to Verne come in, followed by Veronica, Betty, and another Ghoulie.

" They were following me, tried to get into the garage," Verne announced.

" Veronica?" Archie asked.

"Betty?" Jughead asked.

" Jughead," Veronica said.

" Archie? Callie?" Betty questioned.

" What are you doing here?" They all asked at the same time.

"Wait, so, these are your bitches?" Malachai asked angrily.

" I beg your misogynistic pardon," Veronica nodded as Malachai nodded his head. 

" Why don't you take your skanks and get the hell out of here. We will keep the red girl with us. Until you make me a better offer, there'll be no race and we will have her head on a stake." Malachai threatened. Callie's eyes widen. " We were supposed to kill her in the first place, sounds reasonable to threaten her life as well." Archie walked forward, but Tall Boy, Betty, and Veronica stopped him from going any further.

" If you win, we'll give you the Whyte Wrym," Jughead offered. " You can expand your drug-dealing horizons, and upgrade out of this literal hellhole."

" We'll take the Wrym," Malachai agreed. " Her head as a trophy and Sunnyside Trailer Park."

Archie was now in his bedroom with Veronica laying on top of him, she was chasing his chest with her fingers.

" What can I say or do, to get you to stay here with me instead of going to that dangerous, dumb, possibly deadly street race?" Veronica asked.

"If you can come up with another way to save Callie, then I am all ears," Archie answered. " I lied to dad and said she was staying with Josie. Her last disappearance destroyed him, and if we lose and this will kill him." Veronica looked at him, with sad eyes, " Don't worry Ronnie, I have a plan. You know, kind of like the plan you and Betty had when you snuck in the Ghoulie headquarters." The two giggled before kissing each other.

" Touche," Veronica smiled.

" One that hopefully keeps everyone alive," Archie added. Veronica then received a phone call from Cheryl and then left in a hurry to talk to her parents.


Callie was in the house of the dead, it was the day of the race. She stayed tied to the chair most of the time. 

"Ready to say your last goodbyes?" Malachai asked as put his hand on her face.

" If they win, I won't be doing that," Callie reminded him.

" We ghoulies do not play fair Northsider," Malachai informed as he ran his thumb over her jawline. " We are killing you no matter what." 

" Why?" Callie asked.

"We should have killed you in that house, but instead we decided to drag you to Sweetwater river, and almost end up costing one of our own because of a serpent," Verne explained. " This is a reminder for them to not take our possessions from us. Especially if they would have rewarded us with lots of glorious money."  A female then walked up to and started to play with her face.

" What are you doing?" Callie demanded as she tried to move away.

" Making you look hurt," the girl answered. " We want to see your boyfriend and friends squirm."

" I don't have a boyfriend," Callie stated.

" Then you better tell your tall serpent friend that," Malachi smirked. " He seems to walk you home at every chance he gets."


Callie was one of the first people there with the Ghoulies, she then heard the sound of motorcycles and cars. She looked up to see it was the serpents. She saw Sweetpea, she went to walk forward by was stopped by a knife pressing against her stomach. She looked up to see Sweet Pea and others serpents looking at her.

"Let go of her!" Toni demanded.

"If we win, lets this be a reminder not to take what belongs to us," a ghoulie sneered.

" I will be fine," Callie assured them.

" We will win this and get you back," Toni assured.

"And then teach me to fight?"  Callie asked.

" No," the serpents answered altogether. She saw them sit back down, Sweet Pea sat down on his motorcycle just as Callie's brother and his group showed up. His eyes kept scanning the ghoulies and Callie.

"Callie!" Cheryl and Reggie called out when they stepped out of the car. Cheryl steppe froward, but Reggie pulled her back.

"All these people seem to care about you," Malachai whispered in her ear. " And look that serpent is a bit squirmy, don't you think?" Callie looked over to see Sweet Pea playing with his rings as he looked over at them.

"Yeah, " Callie answered. " I don't think you are going to get my head."

" We will see about that," Malachai growled before walking away.

" Let's do this!" Tall Boy shouted, everyone started to get in position and Callie started to try to untie the knot, to the pole she was tied to at the current moment. Everyone started cheering loudly. A bunch of Ghoulies started to form a circle around her, but let her be able to see the race start.

"Not letting you out of our sight princess," Verne growled.

" Only Sweet Pea can call me that," Callie told him as she glared at him.

" When we win, and we will, I will make sure he watches your head get cut off," Verne threatened.

"Let's do it!" tall Boy shouted, making everyone cheer more. " Get these cars up on the road. They competitor's got in their cars and got them to the roads. Then Malachai and Jughead got out to shake hands before the race started.

" Race over Herk Harvey Bridge to Dead Man's curve, first one back here wins," Jughead instructed. Callie watched her best friend walk over with a flag to start the race.

" Uh, I usually do the honors," Toni said to Cheryl.

" Not today, Cha-Cha!" Cheryl chimed. " I was born for this moment." Cheryl walked to her position and faced the cars while standing in the middle of them. " Engines warm and ready, gentlemen?" The engines roared, signaling a yes. Cheryl put on her sunglasses and started the race and the cars speed off. Everyone went after them, including the people surrounding Callie. She quickly untied herself and made her way over to the Serpent's motorcycles, when she reached Sweet Pea, his hands immediately held her face. His thumbed gazed the ' black eye' when it smeared he looked at his thumb and saw the makeup.

" They wanted to scare you guys," Callie said before he could ask a question.

" Well, it worked," Sweet Pea hissed.

"Hey!" A ghoulie shouted when he saw her. Sweet Pea immediately got in front of her as the ghoulies approached her.

"Callie, those Ghoulies get to kill you if we lose," Reggie reminded her.

"They were going to kill me no matter, what if they won or lost."

"Is this true?" Sweet Pea asked.

"Very true," Verne confirmed as Sweet Pea took out his knife. Suddenly one of the ghoulies looked spooked and ran in the middle of everyone.

" Everyone scatter! The cops are rounding up Ghoulies!" he shouted. Everyone quickly started to get ready to leave as Archie and Jughead pulled up in Reggie's car. 

"Oh my god, oh my god, you are okay," Veronica ranted in relief as she hugged her boyfriend.

"We gotta get out of here," Archie urged.

" Come on, come on. We gotta go, right now," Jughead ordered.

" You called the cops!?" Tall Boy shouted at Jughead. " You won't throw in with the Ghoulies, but you will with the cops." They were now in each other's faces. " Where's the honor in that?" 

"Calm down, Tall Boy," Jughead advised. " You think I knew Keller was going to be there?"

" I called Keller," Archie said.

"What the hell, Archie!" Jughead shouted in his face. " Did my dad tell you about this too?"

" No, this was my idea," Archie informed. " It was to get rid of the Ghoulies, and save Callie, and it worked." At that moment Callie looked back at the serpents that were with her.

" Your brother did a stupid thing, but saving you is a priority," Sweet Pea committed. " Even if you are not a serpent."

" Thanks," Callie smiled at him, before looking back at her brothers.

" They get arrested for street racing, and now they're off the chessboard," Archie explained.

" For how long? One month? Three months?" Jughead questioned. " You know what they are going to want on the other side, Archie? Your head on a stake! Along with Callie's head! All of ours!"

" Come on shortstop," Fangs began.  Let's get you back to the Wrym and see if they hurt you while you were at the house of the undead." Callie nodded. " You are riding with Sweet Pea. Callie looked up at him, for some reason her heart started to race.

"Hop on," Sweet Pea said as he helped her on to the motorcycle. He then got on in front of her. " Either grab hold of my shoulders or wrap your arms around me, all that matters is you hold tight." Sweet Pea started driving the motorcycle, and Callie wrapped her arms around him and dug his face into his back. Fangs and Toni smirked at each other as Sweet Pea rolled his eyes at them. 


Callie now sat in a booth with Betty and Veronica at Pop's when Betty's phone started to ring.

" Oh, my God, is that the Black Hood?" Veronica asked.

" No," Callie answered. " If it was, my phone would be ringing as well."

" Its Cheryl," Betty said when she looked at her phone and answered it. " Hey. You did? Who is he? Wait, are you positive?" She then hung up the phone.

"Betty?" Callie and Veronica asked at the same time.

"Cheryl just told me the Sugar Man's name," Betty informed them.

" Oh, my God, Cherry Bombshell for the win," Veronica congratulated.

" What do I do, Callie and Veronica?" Betty asked. " If I give the Black Hood his name, may God have mercy on the Sugar Man, and if I don't may God have mercy on all of us."


The next morning Callie was painting her toenails when her phone started to ring, she immediately answered it and put it to her ear.

"I assume my time's up?" she heard Betty ask.

"Yes, Betty," the Black Hood confirmed. " Have you found him for me?"

"I did," Betty answered.

" Good girl," he praised. " Now, tell me his name."

" I could," Betty began. " But that wouldn't do you any good now. I've already notified the Sheriff's office. You'll just have to read his name in the expose I just published in the Blue and Gold. Care to comment?"

" I told you what would happen," he warned her.

"The Sugar Man needed to be brought to justice, not execution," Betty argued. " He will be dealt with in the right way."

"You're playing a risky game," the man warned her. At that moment Callie looked up, through her window she could see Polly's old room. And she saw Mr. Cooper on the phone as well, looking into Callie's bedroom. She then looked away and finished up her nails. 

" Yeah," Betty breathed. " But it's my game now."

" Which is what, Betty?" the Black Hood asked.

" A game that ends with me catching you," Betty explained. "  I found out who killed Jason Blossom. I found out who the Sugar Man was. You're next...Black Hood. I'm breathing down your neck. Can you feel it? Can you feel me?" The call then disconnected, Callie kept her phone by her ear. She looked up to see that Mr. Cooper has just ended his call.

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