Chapter 32
The next day Callie sat in the student lounge as Josie and The Pussycats performed for Nick St. Clair. He was an old friend of Veronica's from New York. Everyone clapped when the song finished.
" You Pussycats are pearls before the swine of Riverdale," Nick complimented. " You all have to come to the party I'm hosting tonight in your honor. Let's say ten o'clock, my hotel at the Five Seasons."
"Did somebody say party?" Cheryl asked as she stood in the doorway. She walked over to Nick. " Him there. I'm one of Riverdale's Resident It Girl, Cheryl Blossom."
" Who is the second?" Nick asked.
"My mini-me of course," Cheryl answered. " Callie Andrews. " She gestured to Callie, and Nick then turned and looked at her before back at Cheryl. " Anyways, you must be Veronica's old school chum I keep hearing about."
"Nick St. Clair," Nick introduced himself as he shook his hand, he then walks over and to shake Callie's hand.
"Now that's a name I can get behind," Cheryl stated.
" Ten o'clock, you said?" Callie asked.
" I'll be there at 11: 00," Cheryl confirmed. Callie looked up to see Betty pass, she made eye contact with Archie and he went after her. Callie then got up and went over to the vending machine.
" Are you going to the party?" Veronica asked walking up to her.
" Who is all going?" Callie asked.
" The usual," Veronica answered. " Including the Pussycats and Reggie."
"I think I will pass on this one too," Callie answered.
" This is the second party you missed," Veronica stated. " First time you were sick aka avoiding Reggie, and now this. I am starting to think you do not like, my own boyfriend's sister does not like me" She started to leave.
"I would love to go," Callie said as she grabbed Veronica's arm to keep her from leaving. " But last time I was too upset about Reggie...and this time...I don't think I can face him right now."
" You can't let his appearance stop you from having a good time," Cheryl said as she walked up to the two. " You love parties, Callie."
" It's fine guys," Callie assured them. " I was the one to end things, but I still need my space from him."
" We will do a girls only night soon," Veronica suggested. " And you better show up."
" As long as he is not there, I will be there," Callie confirmed. Veronica soon left with Nick to go talk to Archie and Betty.
Later that night while everyone was at the party, Callie was working on the voice thing. She came close to cracking it when she heard a knock at her window, she looked up to see some serpents standing outside. Callie went over and opened it,
" What are all of you doing here?" Callie asked.
" We wanted to hang out with you," Fangs stated as they climbed in.
"What are you doing?" Toni asked.
"My homework," Callie answered.
" Well stop doing your homework," Toni demanded. " We came to spice up your night. Is your brother home?"
"No, he is at a party," Callie answered.
"Awe did little Callie not get invited?" Sweet Pea mocked.
"I was invited, but I didn't want to go," Callie answered. " One of Veronica's snobby friends from New York is in town."
"Well, let us go chill in the garage then," Fangs suggested.
"Just don't break anything," Callie advised. " My brother will kill me."
"Got it," Toni smiled.
" I'll meet you down there in two minutes," Callie said as they climbed out of the window. She was just about to go downstairs when her phone started to ring. Callie answered it.
" I did it," She heard Betty say. " But now I want my question, what will make you stop?"
"You," the Black Hood answered. " As long as you continue showing me your devotion."
"I can't keep doing this..." Betty said she was in tears, Callie sat on her chair and put a hand to her mouth. It was heartbreaking to hear.
" I'm sure you can," the Black Hood assured. " Jughead. The son of a Serpent."
"No," Betty sobbed.
" He's not worthy of your love," he stated. " Cut him out of your life...Or I will." Then the phone call ended. She looked up to see Sweet Pea looking at her, still in the room.
"Is everything alright?" Sweet Pea asked.
"Everything is fine," Callie lied as she stood up.
" Are you lying?" Sweet Pea asked as she walks out of the room, he followed. " Scratch that you are lying."
" Do not worry about it," Callie assured him.
"You better tell me," Sweet Pea insisted as Callie as they went outside and towards the garage.
"Why do you care?" Callie asked. "Look, it was just an angry drunk call from Reggie, I will be fine."
The next day, Callie sat in the newspaper room with Betty, she was trying to comfort her about the next person she will have to cut out of her life. She rubbed her hands over Betty's hands.
"What the hell was that last night?" Archie asked he stormed in. " Betty.."
"I lied to you," Betty began. " When you asked me if the Black Hood had called again. He did." She shook her head, in tears.
" He told her to cut Veronica out of her life or he'd do it himself," Callie added.
"And now he wants me to do the same with Jughead," Betty cried.
" Betty, why didn't you tell me?" Archie demanded.
" Because I knew you'd try to talk me out of it," Betty defended herself.
" You're right," Archie modded. " It's my mistake." He then pulled out his phone and began dialing.
" Archie put the phone down! Put the phone down!" Betty demanded as she followed him. " Listen to her. He hasn't attacked or killed anyone since we started talking. I think this is distracting him."
" Betty, he's torturing you," Callie pointed out as she got up. " Making you hurt your mom, Veronica and now Jughead?"
" How are you gonna put him and yourself through that last night?" Betty wiped her eyes, turned away and sniffed.
" I was hoping maybe you would do it," Betty pleaded.
"Wha?" Callie asked.
"Maybe you could tell him that we just need to stay away from each other for a while," Betty suggested. " Something, anything to just keep him away...To appease the Black Hood."
"Betty," Archie began as he shook his head.
"It doesn't have to be cruel, Archie, just enough to make Jug believe it," Betty pleaded. " Callie go with him for support. We can walk it back later."
" You mean, you hope we can," Callie said.
" No. We can," Betty confirmed. " And we will. Please, Archie. Don't quit on me now." After school, Callie made her way to Jughead's trailer with Archie. They walked up to the door when Jughead opened the door and came out.
"Archie...Callie..." Jughead began.
" I am only for support," Callie stated.
" We gotta talk, Jug," Archie stated.
" Uh, now is really not a good time, okay?" Jughead advised. " You need to leave, okay? You gotta go. " Jughead turned to Callie. " You can stay if you want to."
" Why? What's going on?" Archie asked.
"What the hell do we have here?" a voice asked. They turned to see Sweetpea soon followed by other young serpents.
" Just leave him, all right?" Jughead asked.
"Wait," Archie voiced. " You're friends with these thugs?"
" It's not what you think," Jughead said looking at Archie.
" Are you joining the Serpents?" Archie asked he was getting angry.
" If he survives," Sweetpea answered. " And call us thugs one more time."
"Thugs," Callie said, all the Serpents and Jughead looked at her.
" Really?" Sweetpea asked annoyed.
"Fight me," Callie smiled.
" You don't know how to," Sweetpea reminded her.
"You could teach me," Callie suggested,
"No," said all the serpents.
" Callie, you are friends with them? " Archie asked. " Callie, and Jughead these are the guys who attacked me. Who attacked Reggie, and Veronica and Dilton. Your friends."
"You attacked each other," Callie reminded him. " It was a rumble, there was going to be a fight."
" Wait, is that why you're here?" Jughead asked Archie. " To warn me?"
"No," Archie answered. " I came here to tell you to stay away from Betty. She doesn't want to see you anymore." All the serpents and Callie exchanged looks.
" Screw you, I just saw Betty yesterday," Jughead argued. " She was fine."
" No, dude," Archie argued. " She's been wanting to break up with you for weeks. She's been agonizing over it. Since you crossed the dark side, she couldn't bring herself to do it. So, she sent you and Callie?"
" I am just here for support," Callie defended her self.
" Betty would never do that!" Jughead shouted at Archie.
"If you don't believe me, then call her," Archie advised. " And feel free to tell her you're a Serpent now, too. I bet she'll love that. She saw where you were headed, Jughead. We all did and she knows you can't be with them and with her. Come on, man. You know it too."
"Tell Betty I got the message," Jughead hissed.
"Yeah," Archie said before walking away. Jughead looked at the other serpents.
"What? Did you enjoy the show?" Jughead asked.
" The show hasn't even started yet," Sweetpeas stated with his arms crossed, at that moment Callie got a call, she looked to see that it was from Veronica. She turned around and walked away from them a little.
"Hey, Veronica" Callie greeted.
"Where are you?" Veronica asked. " You said you wouldn't miss this event."
" I will be right there," Callie said before hanging up the phone. She turned to see the others looking at her. " I know with everything that just happened? Are we still up for poker?"
"Yes, are we partners again?" Sweetpea asked.
" Maybe, " Callie shrugged.
" Callie!" Archie shouted in the distance.
Later Callie was at the event Veronica wanted her to come to. It was a thing for the SoDale project. Callie was dancing with a couple of people when she notices Cheryl leave her side with Nick. Cheryl did not look so well. She shot warning glances at Veronica who was on the stage. Callie and the Pussycats ran after them in a hurry. Veronica found a key and opened Nick's hotel room. Callie was the first to enter, she saw Nick getting ready to rape Cheryl.
" Get off of her!" Callie demanded as she yanked Nick off her best friend before punching him in the face. Then all the girls took a couple of swings at him, till he was on the ground As they kicked him, Josie went to go see if Cheryl was okay. Once they were done, Nick rolled onto his back. Soon Archie came, he called Betty to have her come. Soon they took Cheryl to the Pembrook and sat her on veronica's bed. Callie sat next to Cheryl trying to comfort and she cried and hugged her knees. Josie was on the other side, Veronica was next to Callie. Once they were all there, Cheryl explained what happened.
" If you hadn't come when you did..." Cheryl trailed.
"Where the hell is he?" Archie asked angrily.
" You can put your cape away, Archie," Cheryl assured him. " Callie and the Pussycats already saved me."
" I feel so sick about this," Veronica admitted. " Nick's a monster. And there's no way he hasn't done this before. Probably right under my nose."
" It's not your fault, Veronica," Betty stated.
" I wanna press charges," Cheryl insisted. " I want Nick to pay. To suffer. To burn in hell." The three girls around her, hugged her as she sobbed.
Later that night Callie was at home, she just got off the phone with Toni. That night Jughead survived the final stage of becoming a serpent, he has a tattoo and now is a serpent. She also listened to the past two recent calls that were recorded between Betty and the Black Hood. As soon as she put the phone down, the lollipop ringtone started to ring. Callie answered the phone this time.
"It wasn't sure if you were going to call again," Betty admitted.
" There's one piece of unfinished business," the Black Hood said.
" What's that?" Betty asked after letting out a sigh.
" The fact that you've been telling Archie about our chats," the Black Hood stated. " Betty, I've been watching you."
"You never said I couldn't tell Archie," Betty pointed out.
"You broke the rules, Betty and now your sister will pay," the Black Hood confirmed.
" Please don't hurt her," Betty pleaded.
"Then give me another name. Right now" He demanded.
" What?" Betty asked.
" If you want to save your sister, give me another name," the Black Hood demanded. " The name of someone guilty. Come on, Betty. One little name. "
" I won't, I can't do that," Betty protested.
"Then I'll kill your sister," he stated. And your mother, and your father, and everyone you hold dear."
"Nick St. Clair," Betty named. " He's staying at the Five Seasons."
" I told you we were the same," the Black Hood said. The phone call ended. Callie sighed, she got up and looked at her window. She then did the last thing she thought she would ever do. She called Sweetpea and surprisingly he answered and showed up. He sat on her bed as she explained everything that has been happening between Betty and the Black Hood. When she finished, she saw that he looked angry.
" Callie, you are meddling in something dangerous," Sweetpea said.
" I didn't want Betty going through it alone," Callie defended herself. " I want to help her more, but Betty did not want me to get hurt." Sweetpea then stood up and walked over to the window.
" So she broke up with Jones to protect him?" Sweetpea asked.
"Yes," Callie answered. " But you can't tell anyone, especially not Jughead, it could put his life in danger along with yours and anyone else you tell."
"Why do you care about my life?" Sweetpea asked looking at her.
"Why do you care about mine?" Callie asked. Sweetpea let out a sigh.
"Callie, you need to be more careful," Sweetpea advised. " What if something bad happens and we are not there to protect you, and we know you can't fight."
" I think I'll be fine," Callie confirmed, his eyes fell on her bruised knuckles.
" Did one of the serpents or bulldogs or anyone teach you to fight?" Sweetpea asked he started to get angry.
" Calm down Viper," Callie glared at him. " That stupid friend of Veronica...NIck...he drugged my best friend and tried to rape her. Before he could, I pulled him off of her and my first instinct was to kind of let my fist meet his face." Before he could say anything there was a knock at the door.
"Callie," her dad said. She gave a Sweetpea a look to hide as the door started to open. Sweetpea got down and hide behind her bed.
"Hey dad," Callie greeted with a smile.
" That must have been one hell of a punch kiddo," her dad stated as he threw her an ice cold pack of peas.
" Thanks, dad," Callie said.
"Get some sleep," her dad said before leaving the door.
"Do you think he was going to get mad because you had a serpent in your room?" Sweetpea asked standing up.
"No," Callie answered. " He would be angry because you are a boy."
"Why would he be mad about that?" Sweetpea asked.
" You are an idiot," Calle insulted him playfully.
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