Chapter 29

 The next morning, Callie was getting ready when she got a call from Jughead.

" Hey, what's up?" Callie asked.

"I need you to do some research on serial killers," Jughead said. " See if any of them is like the black hood."

"I'm on it," Callie confirmed. 

" I already got the zodiac killer, Axeman, and Phantom killer," Jughead listed.

"Wait why don't you ask Betty or Toni for help?" Callie asked.

" You figured out who killed Jason before the rest of us," Jughead reminded her.

"And that landed me in trouble," Callie reminded him. " But I will do it." She then hung up and went to school. She checked out books on Jack the Ripper, John Wayne Gacy, and Lizzie Borden. The next couple of days Callie would meet up with Jughead at his trailer and work on the serial research  


Jughead was now at school he just got off the phone with Betty when he saw the Serpents at lunch. They were all gathered around Sweet Pea's laptop, watching Archie's video.

"Hey, guess we are not watching funny cat videos?" Jughead asked he approached them.

"Check this out," Sweet Pea suggested as he turned the laptop around for Jughead to see. " Some sick-in-the-head Northsider posted a crazy-ass video, and we were just talking--"

"About what?" Jughead asked.

" Fogarty wants to earn his Serpent stripes, Sweet Pea mentioned. " I say bring us the head of that Northsider, and you're in."

" I'm down with that," Fogarty agreed, Sweetpea laughed and pounded the table.

"No, guys, don't," Jughead protested.

"What Jones?" Sweet Pea asked.

"I know this guy, he's a milquetoast," Jughead stated. " He's football player. It's kind of a lame target, is all I'm saying." They all looked at him. " You wanna prove something? Why don't you go after the Black Hood?"

" And why would we do that?" Sweet Pea asked. " The Black Hood's targeting Northsiders, who do nothing but blame the Southside for everything that's wrong with this town. And we're sick of it. The Black Hood's doing our work for us. He's a hero." Soon they all started to leave, it was just Toni, Jughead, and Sweet Pea left.

"What happens if the Black Hood goes after Callie?" Jughead asked.

"Why would he do that?" Sweet Pea asked.

" You said yourself, the Black Hood is targeting Northsiders, and she is a Northsider," Jughead pointed out. " And she is not as innocent as she seems."

"How would you know?" Toni asked.

"I lived with and her family for like 3 weeks or so,"  Jughead answered.  " Look, if you go after this kid, she will never forgive any of you."

" Why is that? " Sweet Pea asked. " Does she have a thing for him?"

"He is her twin brother," Jughead answered.


At Riverdale high, Callie walked into the newspaper room with Kevin. They saw Betty at the table, with her hands folded and an envelope saying, Betty. She looked pretty terrified

" Betty, okay," Kevin began. " So, telling my dad about me cruising the woods? Not cool. He ever told my mom about it." The two took a seat. " Also, I've re-upped my online membership to, so there'll be no cruising for the foreseeable." She didn't respond.

"Betty? What? What is it?" Callie asked.

" I was going through the Blue and Gold's mail..." Betty began. " And I got a letter from the Black Hood killer..." She handed the letter to Kevin to read. " He says he's doing it for me."

" Betty, your words at the Jubilee inspired me. The town's sinners must show their contrition. If not, there will be more suffering and bloodshed. Enclosed is a cipher. It details where I will punish the next sinner. It is a test. Only you may solve it, Betty," Kevin read.

" My speech...Inspired him," Betty stated. " That stupid speech I wrote."

"So the Black Hood was at the Jubilee," Callie stated, as Kevin handed her the letter.

" The entire town was there," Betty reminded her. Callie took a picture of the speech.

" We have to get this to my dad," Kevin suggested.

" The cipher, yeah, sure," Betty agreed. " But not the letter." She then took the letter back. " This is just...For me. We can't tell anyone about it."

"It's evidence," Kevin pointed out.

" Kevin, if we give this letter to your dad, he will tell my mom, and she will make damn sure I'm nowhere near this," Betty protested.

"Good," Kevin argued.

"No," Betty argued. " This is a test. He said so himself. What if...The start of the test is to see what I do with the letter? Dp I share it? Or not?  Am I strong? Or am I weak? Am I...Worthy?"

" He's a psychopath, Betty," Callie pointed out.

"And you are in high school. not the FBI," Kevin added.

"Isn't it better for the people to be focusing on the cipher, rather than the letter?" Betty questioned.

"How would that even happen?" Kevin asked, Callie, got up and took a picture of the cipher. 

"What are you doing?" Betty asked.

" You are going to give this to your mom, who is going to post this in the newspaper, and the whole town is going to try deciphering it," Callie listed. " And I want a head start." Callie then walked out of the room with her things.

" Maybe you should remind her she's not in the FBI too," Betty told Kevin.


Callie now was in the school library on her phone, trying to decipher the code as well as do her research on the serial killers for Jughead. She then got a text from Betty.

Betty: Do these symbols look familiar to you?"

Callie: Definitely

Then it clicked, it was in one of those books her and Betty obsessed over. It was the symbols from Nancy Drew. She then quickly gathered all her things and started for the town's library. When she left her phone started to ring

"Hello," Callie answered.

" Please tell me you are not working on the cipher," Sweet Pea pleaded.

"I am," Callie answered. " And you can't stop me."

"And what if you get hurt?" Sweet Pea asked.

" Why are you so worried about me? " Callie asked. " I am not even a serpent." She hung up the phone before he could say anything else. When she got to the library, she went straight over to Ms. Paroo."

"Ms. Paroo, do you still have books for Nancy Drew?" Callie asked.

" School project?" Ms. Paroo asked.

" Yes," Callie answered.

"We still have them," Ms. Paroo told her. " Good luck on your project."

"Thank you," Callie said. " Have a good rest of your day." She then walked away and to the aisle where those books were located. Callie took out the one she desired and went to the table and started to work on the cipher. She soon finished the cipher and went home

"I will strike next where it all began," Callie read as she sat on her bed. " Is that Sweetwater River or the town hall?" 


The next day Callie was given a red circle shirt from Veronica to wear. 

"There you are," Veronica said as they walked up to her brother. 

" She has a surprise for you," Callie added.

" It meant burning the midnight oil and calling in a few favors, but...Ta-da," Veronica said as she opened her jacket. Revealing white shirt with a red circle on it.

"Callie, Ronnie, you two can't wear that," Archie demanded.

" Are you saying I'm not rocking this scoop-neck look?" Veronica asked.

" No, I'm saying you can't walk around with a friggin' target on your chest," Archie explained. " You'll stick out like a sore thumb."

" Oh, Archie, it's adorable when you underestimate me," Veronica laughed.

" Come see for yourself," Callie said, the two showed Archie a hallway of students wearing the exact same shirt.

" Oh, my God," Archie breathed.

" Let Weatherbee do his worse," Veronica said. " The Red Circle is no longer a fringe band of radicals, it's a movement with style and panache."


Later that night Callie was dressed in all black, she had the note that she ciphered and a flashlight. She took out her phone, on her contacts she saw Sweet Pea under the category of emergency. She passed by Archie's room who also looked like he was going out. 

"Where are you going?" Archie asked.

" To Cheryl's to study," Callie answered. " Where are you going?"

" To Reggie's house for some fun," Archie answered. With that, she set off for Sweetwater river. Moments later Callie arrived at Sweetwater, she started to carefully search everything and everywhere. Callie was by the bridge when she heard someone else walking. Callie glanced behind her and saw in the distance that someone was walking towards her. Callie quickly started to try to get away. She got out her phone and started to call Sweet Pea.


On Southside territory Archie was going around spray painting big red circle's on open spaces. As he sprays one, Sweet Pea, Fang and another serpent came out of an alley and saw Archie.

" Hey!" Sweet Pea shouted when they saw Archie. " What the hell are you doing?"

" Back off," Archie warned. " I'm not here for you.

" Oh, yeah.." Sweet Pea started as he stopped Archie from using the spray paint. " Then who's this message for, huh?" They looked to see the big red circle. " Aw, hell, don't tell me it's for the Black Hood." He then looked at Fang. " You believe this guy?" they all laughed, moving Archie. " And people say we're the troublemakers". Archie then puts the spray paint in his bag and tire to leave, but Sweet Pea and his gang tried to stop him. " Whoa. Southside's Serpent country. You can't come here and tag our turf. So why don't you get your ass back to the Northside before someone gets hurt"

" Get out of my way," Archie demanded as he looked at Sweet Pea. " Or someone will get hurt." 

" You just made a big mistake," Sweet Pea smiled as he pulled out his switchblade. He then started to laugh, he quickly stopped when Archie pulled out a gun and pointed it at him.

" Who made the mistake?" Archie questioned.

"What the hell?" Sweet Pea demanded.

" Who made the mistake!?" Archie repeated.

" Come on, let's go. Come on, man!" one of their serpents said, they all took off before it could get worse. When they got to a safe place, Sweet Pea felt his phone ringing. He checks it to see that it was Callie that was calling.

" Are you going to answer that?" Fangs asked.

"After what her brother just did...not a chance," Sweet Pea answered as he turned his phone off and put it in his pocket.


Back by Sweetwater rover, Callie saw that Sweetpea declined her call.

"No," Callie breathed quietly as she continued to run. She rounded a corner and saw the man folwing her was not to be seen. She then starts to climb the tree just in case. She was halfway up climbing the tree when a branch snapped. Callie slipped and started to slide back down the tree. Her head hit the bark on the way down. When she hit the bottom, she looked around and saw no one was there thankfully. She then made her way home as soon as possible. 


The next day, Callie did not go to school, she was taking care of her injuries. When her dad asked what happened, she told him that she tripped on the way home from Cheryl. She had both the palm of both of her hand wrapped along with a bandage on her forehead. Later that Callie heard Veronica and Archie yelling each other about hiding a gun in the school bathroom and the Black Hood. Callie made her way down to get a better listen. As she made her way down, there was a knock at the door. Callie opened it revealing Reggie, Dilton and the football team. Reggie was carrying three boxes of pizza.

" Reggie? " Callie asked, she looked behind to see that Veronica and Archie were behind her.

" Can we come in?" Reggie asked.

" Yeah," Callie said as she let everyone in. Veronica and Callie looked at each other as Veronica closed the door. They all got situated and got their slice of pizza.

"To what do we owe this unexpected honor?" Veronica asked. 

"Archie could have told Weatherbee the hood was mine, but he didn't," Reggie began. " In the Book of Reg, that makes you a top-tier loyal badass. And, uh. We were talkin' today and decided if you wanna keep the Red Circle going...We're here for you, dude." There was of motorcycles and cars approaching the house, Callie and Veronica both got up to check out what it was. They look through the window and saw Sweet Pea and his friends walking towards eh front door.

"And not a moment too soon. Archie. Trouble," Veronica notified him. Callie opened the door as Archie made their way to them.

"What happened to you?" Sweet Pea asked when he saw her.

"Don't worry about it," Callie assured him. He then turned to Archie.

"How stupid are you Northsiders?" Sweet Pea asked. " You really think you can come to my house, stick a gun in my face in front of my boys and there wouldn't be any payback?" The door opened wider revealing Reggie,

"You have crap timing, bro," Reggie pointed out. " Bulldogs eat Serpents for lunch."

"We'll see about that," Sweet Pea said as he looked at Reggie, at that moment Callie noticed how much taller Sweet Pea was than Reggie, she was standing in the middle of them. " And more the merrier." He tried to walk around Callie to get inside by Reggie stopped him.

" Hey, chill," Archie said putting his hand on Reggie. " Callie, Veronica, stay here."

" What? Archie, no..." Veronica protested. 

" Veronica, after my dad and Callie, I made a promise to protect them and this house," Archie explained. " You two stay here."

"I guess that means I can't come," Callie brought up.

"Most definitely not," Archie, Reggie, and Sweet Pea all said at the same time. They all looked at each other. Archie then turned back to Sweet Pea.

"If you wanna fight, we'll fight," Archie stated.

"What about your gun?" Sweet Pea asked.

"What about your knife?" Archie asked.

" How about no weapons?" Callie suggested. " If you dumbasses insist on doing this, there are gonna be rules."

" Or should I call Sheriff Keller to be referee?" Veronica threatened.

" Meet us there a couple minutes," Sweet Pea, before they began to leave. The door went to close and Callie stayed outside. Sweet Pea looked back at her, the two met in the middle.

"You said I could call you if I ran into trouble," Callie stated. " And when I called yesterday, you didn't pick up."

" First of all, before you go something dumb ever again, call me first," Sweet Pea advised.

"You would have stopped me," Callie pointed out.

" Damn right, Callie," Sweet Pea confirmed. " What did you do?"

" I figured out the cipher and went to Sweetwater river alone, I didn't find my answers, so I'm going to town hall alone."

" Stay at home," Sweet Pea demanded. " I am going to find out what happened at the river later, but for now stay home where it is safe."

" That's the exact words my dad said last time. Stay home where it's safe, besides you can't stop me" Callie protested. " You and your friends, and my brother and his friends are going to be busy fighting each other." Sweet Pea glared at her and Callie went started towards town hall before he could stop her. On her way there she ran into Betty and Jughead.

"We have to get to the town hall," Betty urged. " The Black Hood is going to strike during the town meeting"

"Dad," Callie breathed in horror, the three teens took off again towards the town hall. It started down pouring on their way there. They soon entered the building in a rush.

"Everyone needs to leave, right now," Betty urged as they walked in, Callie made her way over to the fire alarm.

" The Black Hood is coming here," Jughead added. " He said this is his next target."

" What are you talking about?" Mrs. Cooper asked. " What do you mean the Black Hood's coming here?"

" The cipher says he's coming to the Town Hall," Callie answered. 

" What?" Mrs. Cooper asked, suddenly the lights, and the power went out.

" Everyone, stay calm and in your seats. We'll sort this out," MAypr McCoy advised. Callie then pulled the fire alarm and everyone made their way out of the place. The three kids then were taken back to the Cooper's house. The three of them squeezed onto the couch. The Cooper's Sheriff Keller, Mayor McCoy, and Mr. Andrews all stood in the room.

"Well, Elizabeth we're waiting," Mrs. Cooper urged.

" This came from the Black Hood," Betty announced as she handed the Sheriff the letter. " It came with the cipher."

" And you've been keeping this from us?" Mr. Andrews asked as Sheriff Keller opened the letter. Mrs. Cooper snatched the letter out of his hands and read the letter herself. Callie was then taken home.

"What if you have gotten hurt?" her dad asked. " Again?"

" Dad, " Callie started. " I just wanted to protect you." Her dad sighed.

"It's my job to protect you," He stated.

"If you are busy protecting me and Archie, then who gets to protect you?" He then hugged her randomly, and lovingly.

"I don't want to lose you," her dad said.

" I don't want to lose you either," Callie said.

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