Chapter 28

The next day Callie laid in her bed, tears staining the pillow. She heard a knock, she looked over to see Archie.

" Go away," Callie sniffed as she looked.

" What exactly happened?" Archie asked, ignoring her request and sitting on her bed.

"Ever since I got back from being kidnapped, Reggie has been acting weird," Callie began. " More like ever since I told how that serpent walked me home. He threatens me, lost trust in me, threw his drink at me, and the last night at Pop's. He was not happy that I was being nice to the serpents that came in, so he told me that he hopes I end up like dad. Shot."

" Are you alright?" Archie asked. 

"I think so," Callie sniffed. " Anyways I broke up with him."

" He is just some dumb silly boy," Archie tried to comfort her.

"Yeah, but according to Betty and Veronica we were the school's otp, couple goals of the school," Callie stated. " They said people at school will be sad about it."

"Your relationship with Reggie started getting toxic," Archie pointed out.  " It was smart for you to get out early before it escalated." 

" You're right," Callie smiled at him as she sat up.

" Maybe you should stay home today," Archie advised.

"What?" Callie asked. " No, I will go to school."

"You are hurting real bad Callie, the last thing you should do right now is go to school and risk seeing Reggie Mantle," Archie argued. " Stay home and rest, do not just jump right back into the school." 

" Fine," Callie gave in as she laid back down.

" I will text you about everything that is happening," Archie assured her.

"Thank you," Callie smiled. " Now get to school and that don't be late." Archie kissed the top of her head before leaving her room.


Later Callie gets a text from Archie about Moose and Midge getting shot up at Lovers Lane, Moose shielded Midge, and that he is in the hospital. She has been crying mainly all day, barely ate anything, she was then going to go brush her hair when she got a call from Veronica. 

" Hey," Callie answered.

"Why aren't you at school?" Veronica asked.

"Archie didn't tell you?" Callie asked.

" No, you can tell me later tonight," Veronica insisted. " I want you and everyone to meet my dad while watching the season of The Matchlerette."

"Who is all going to be there?" Callie asked.

"Me, Archie, Betty, Jughead," Veronica listed. 

" You know," Callie began as tears formed in her eyes. " I think I will just sit this one out."

" Are you okay?" Veronica reminded her. " You sound upset."

" I'm fine Veronica, I just came down the flu and do not want to get anyone sick," Callie said as she hung up the phone. She then sobbed into her hands, she sat down at her desk, as the tears poured out of her eyes. Callie then thought about Midge, then Moose and finally her dad. Callie wiped away some tears before opening her laptop and doing some research.


After Jughead got a tour at his school, he met a couple of the serpents. He was in the library when someone sat next to him. He looked over to see Sweetpea.

"What do you want Sweet Pea?" Jughead asked.

"Your friend had pretty rough night last night, is she alright?" Sweet Pea asked.

" Callie has a boyfriend," Jughead reminded him.

"No, she doesn't, she broke up him last night at Pop's " Sweet Pea corrected. " Besides, why would I be interested in some northside girl? She is not of our own."

"Why are you asking then?" Jughead asked. " Wait Reggie and Callie broke up?"

" From what I sawa and heard," Sweet Pea answered. 

" That must of explained why she wasn't at school today or barely responded to my texts," Jughead sighed.

" She didn't go to school today?" Sweet Pea asked, for some reason he grew worried about the Northside girl.

" Archie said she had the flu, but when her mom left, she didn't go to school for a couple of days," Jughead explained.


Later that night Callie was still doing research, she was so focused that when she looked up, she jumped when she saw a body standing outside her window. She couldn't see who it was, so grabbed a pen and flashlight and slowly approached the door. Carefully, clicked her flashlight, the light shined upon Sweet Pea. She quickly opened the door and let him in.

"What are you doing here?" Callie asked. 

" I heard from Jones that you weren't at school today," Sweet Pea stated as he looked at the room.

" Why do you care?" Callie asked as she back on her bed.

"Just wanted to make sure you are okay," Sweet Pea said as he gave her a little bit of attitude. " What are you working on?" 

"Homework," Callie answered as he walked over. 

"Why do you have all the cases of the black hood opened?" Sweetpea as he sat on the bed.

" I want to see if they are somehow connected," Callie answered. 

" You said you were doing homework," Sweet Pea stated. " Didn't Tall Boy ask to make sure you are staying out of trouble?"

"Close enough," Callie shrugged. 

" No, not close enough," Sweet Pea argued. " The last time you did this kind of research, you ended up in a sticky situation, remember?" He reached over to exit out of the websites, but Callie swatted his hand away. " Callie!"

" I remember," Callie said. " I just have to be careful this time and do as you say. Maybe I will find out kidnapped me."

" Do as I say?"  Sweet Pea asked looking confused.

"Stop asking questions," Callie answered.

" And what if this black hood guy finds you?" Sweet Pea asked he got up and walked over to her window.

"I can defend myself," Callie mentioned.

"You came at with me a pen," Sweet Pea reminded. " I know you may not be a serpent, but if need a favor. I will give you one and only one."  He glanced back at her, watching her concentrate on the files. He shook his head before climbing out of her window and left.


The next day Callie did not go to school again, she was not quite ready to face Reggie at school yet. She was in her room when Archie came in. He a flier with a red circle.

"What is this about?" Callie asked.

" Me and some of the guys at school are forming a community watch," Archie answered. " We are calling ourselves the red circle, to make sure the black hood does not strike again."

"This is great," Callie smiled. " Just don't use to do something stupid. Right after he left, Callie received a call from Veronica.

"Hey Vee," Callie answered the phone.

" You did a no-show again," Veronica stated. " Are you really sick?"

" I just don't really want to face Reggie yet," Callie admitted.

" Girl, don't let some dumb stupid bulldog with fleas stop you from coming to school," Veronica. " Our history teachers announced a project today, and you are my partner from my choice."

"I'll be there tomorrow," Callie assured her.


The next Callie did up going to school, she did not want to fall too far behind. Her like most of the people received the newspaper, she saw the letter that the black hood left from everyone to read. She was in the hallway with the picture cut out, she was heading to biology when Ethel stopped her.

" Callie," Ethel greeted her.

" Ethel," Callie greeted.

" You haven't been at the school for two past two days," Ethel stated. " Is everything okay?"

"I am fine," Callie assured her.

"If you want you can hang out with me after school, and then we go to my house later tonight," Ethel suggested. " That is if you need cheering up."

" That actually sounds like fun," Callie admitted. " I am in." 


Later that night Callie was walking with Ethel to her house. 

" We can watch movies, make cookies," Ethel suggested. 

"All your options sounds like a way to fix a broken heart," Callie admitted as she smiled a little. Suddenly they hear an engine roar up behind them. " Keep walking." As they continued to walk, the car followed them.

"Get ready to call Archie," Ethel advised. Callie quickly took out her phone and called Archie.

"Archie?" Callie asked.

'What is it, Callie?" Archie asked.

" I am with Ethel, we were going to her house when this car started to follow us," Callie explained. 

" You two need to get somewhere safe," Archie advised. " Stay calm, we are on our way". He then hung up the phone. 

"We need to get somewhere safe," Callie told Ethel. " Like right now." The two girls quickly ran into the tall grass to hide, as they were hiding they saw the same car make numerous laps around them. Suddenly they heard car tires squeak.

" Did they find us?" Ethel asked.

" Just stay quiet," Callie advised. " Get ready to kick or punch or whatever." They heard car doors open, and slam shut.

" This is where she said they were," they heard a familiar voice, it belonged to Archie.

"Are you sure?" asked another voice, her eyes grew wide, that voice belonged to Reggie.

" Yes, I'm sure," Archie classified. 

" We can move, we are safe now," Callie told Ethel.

" Callie! Ethel! " Reggie shouted, they saw that the two had flashlights and Archie had a baseball bat. The two started to make their way out of the grass when they heard more tires squealing. Reggie started to run after the car.

" Archie! " Callie cried out as they finally made it out of the grass.  " Archie!" He ran back towards them as they came to face to face, Callie saw that Reggie was at the end of the road, watching for that same car.

" Callie, Ethel, what happened?" Archie asked. 

" We were walking tom y house, and this van just..." Ethel began, she was in tears.

" It pulled up and then circled back, like, three times," Callie added. 

" Okay did you see him? Did you recognize him?" Archie asked.

" Sorry Arch," Callie apologized. " Its dark, we couldn't see past his headlights." 

"As long as you two are safe," Archie assured them as he hugged the two girls. Reggie came back down by them.

" Did he hurt any of you?" Reggie asked.

" No," Callie answered, Reggie, looked over at Callie.

 " Callie...I" Reggie began.

"Thank you for saving us," Callie thanked the two. "Let's just get Ethel and us home as well."

" Got it," Reggie nodded. When the Andrew kids got home, Archie followed her to her room.

"What if you got kidnapped like last time?" Archie asked.

"There was two of us, " Callie defended her self.

"The black hood went after Midge and Moose, there was two of them, and they were in a car. You and Ethel were walking," Archie ranted.

"I could have defended me and Ethel," Callie argued.

" Yes, because that went so well last time with the frying pan," Archie sassed before leaving the room. Callie sat on her bed, her thoughts kept going like a train in a circle, with a never-ending. " Have you ever thought about learning how to fight?"


The next day Callie went to the trailer park, she knocked on Jughead's door. 

" Hey," Betty greeted as she opened the door. 

" Hey, " Callie greeted. She walked in to see Jughead with multiple injuries and a girl with long brown and pink hair.

" I am Callie Andrews," Callie introduced herself.

" Toni Topaz," the girl introduced herself.

" What happened to him?" Callie asked.

"Motorcycle accident," Jughead answered.

"It doesn't look like one," Callie stated.

" Well it is one, apparently," Toni stated, she was glaring at Jughead.

"What do you need Callie?" Jughead asked.

" I need to talk to Sweet Pea, but I do not have his number," Callie admitted. 

"Don't you think it is a little too soon?" Betty asked. " You just ended your relationship with Reggie."

"Look, he showed up at my house in the middle of the night. And he said he will do be one favor and only one favor," Callie explained.

" It's not killing anyone is it?" Toni asked. 

"No, " Callie answered. " I want to learn how to fight, defend myself."

" Are you sure that is the best option?" Jughead asked raising an eyebrow at her.

"For now, yes," Callie answered. 

" I will get word to him," Toni assured her.

" Thanks," Callie smiled before leaving. " Come on Betty, we got to head to school."

" Toni, will you keep an eye on him for me?" Betty asked.

"All over it," Toni answered with a smile and a small salute. Callie walked over to Toni.

"It was the ghoulies who attacked him," Toni whispered in her ear.

" Does Betty know?" Callie asked Toni shook her head. Before she can say anything Betty grabbed Callie's arm and they walked to school.


Later after loads of texts back and forth between Jughead, to get send messages to Toni, to send messages to Sweet Pea. Callie now sat in a both alone at Pop's waiting for southside serpent to show up. She was thinking about how she was going to ask, her thoughts got interrupted by the bell. She looked up to Sweet Pea walking in, he quickly found her and made his way over. Seconds, after he sat down Pop's, brought out a chocolate and strawberry milkshake.

" Thanks, Pop's, "Callie said gratefully.

"If you need anything just call me over," Pop Tate assured her before walking away.

"How did you know I would want a strawberry one?" Sweet Pea asked beginning to take a sip.

"I took your order like a couple of nights ago," Callie reminded him.  

"And you remembered?" Sweet Pea asked.

" Yes," Callie answered. " I have a good memory, like how my friend Josie always orders cheese fries when she comes here."

"Lets cut to the case," Sweet Pea ordered. " Toni told me you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yes," Callie confirmed. " Remember how you said that if you would do a favor for me, and only  one favor?"

"You already have a favor?" Sweet Pea asked with a smirk. " That was fast, what do you want."

"Teach me how to fight," Callie stated.

"What?" Sweet Pea asked a little taken back.

"You heard me," Callie confirmed. " I want to be able to defend myself and others as well."

" What made you come with this?" Sweet Pea asked.

"The other night I was going to my friend Ethel's house and as we were walking there, this van started to follow us," Callie explained. " I called my brother, but I want to defend myself as well. Is it too much asking?"

" It's just no girl has ever asked me a favor like this," Sweet Pea stated. " And why didn't you call me?"

"I don't exactly have your number," Callie admitted. " And my ex-decided to sneak into my room at some point and raided my coat pockets and took it."

" Give me your phone," Sweet Pea demanded as he held out his hand. Callie took it out and gave it to him. He took touched a couple things before taking a picture of himself. " There now if anything bad is to happen, you can call me."

" Wouldn't that be considered a favor? " Callie asked. " Didn't I just ask for the one favor?"

" I am not teaching you to fight unless it is completely necessary," Sweet Pea stated. " So that favor is still up for grabs."

 " And what after that one favor, if something bad happens, I will just have to call my brother," Callie stated.

" If you need rescuing, then I will come to your aide," he said. " I promise."

" Even if it is more than once?" Callie asked. Sweetpea nodded. " You know, I wouldn't need any rescuing if you teach me to fight."

"Maybe in the future, for now no," Sweet Pea told her. 

" Thank you, " Callie stated as she stood up. " That's all I wanted."

" Well we are not leaving till we are both done with milkshakes," Sweet Pea said. " So sit down and have a drink."

"Happily," Callie smiled as she sat back down.


The next night Callie was doing her homework and research when Cheryl emailed her a video. Callie stopped what she was doing a clicked play. In the video was Archie, along with the football team, most of them were shirtless. The team members and sketchy red masks on. Just by looking, Callie knew that Reggie was part of it. Archie spoke for the entire time.

"This is a message for the coward calling himself the Black Hood. You think you can attack us from the shadows. But Riverdale is a lot stronger than you. And we're not afraid. See, there's only one of you. But are a legion. We're called the Red Circle. And we're coming for you." Archie then walked forward and made sure he got real close to the screen.  We find you, we will hunt you, and we will end you." Callie was in shocked at what she just saw.

" What have you just started Archie?" Callie asked softly, knowing no one would hear.

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