Chapter 22

Sweet Pea took it upon him to walk Callie home, or at least to the other side of the tracks. It was the morning.

"Sweet Pea..." Callie began. " Why did Mr. Blossom want me dead?"

" Rumor has it, you knew something you should not have known," Sweet Pea answered. " He wanted to make sure you did not have a chance to tell anyone."

"Is it a good idea for me to return to the Northside then?" Callie asked.

"Cliff Blossom is dead, your friends found out the truth, and he hung himself before he got to be arrested for the murder of his own damn son," Sweet Pea answered. " You will be safer there, than on this side of town."

" What else happened?" Callie asked

"You ask a lot of questions Callie," Sweet Pea groaned.

"Sorry," Callie apologized.

"Let's just get you home, no more questions," Sweet Pea ordered. Soon the reached the front steps.

" Will I see you again?" Callie asked.

"Most likely not Northsider," Sweet Pea confirmed. " A Northsider like you seen with a Serpent like me could cause chaos." He then turned around and walked away, Callie watched him leave before knocking on the door of her front house. The door opened and she was tackled into a tight hug.

"Callie!" her dad cried as he hugged her tightly. " We were so worried about you, what happened? Are you hurt? How did you get home?"

"I was kidnapped, and when I woke, I was in the basement of the Whyte Wyrm," Callie answered. " A serpent took it upon himself to walk me home and make sure I got home safely."

"Did those Serpents hurt you?" Archie asked as he got the next hug. " How did they get in the house?"

"No actually," Callie answered. " Not a single mark."

" I will call your mother," their dad stated as he walked away.

"Where is she?" Callie asked as she was let into the house. She got down so she could pet Vegas.

" She didn't have a choice, she had to go back to work," Archie answered.

"Oh,"  Callie breathed.

"But she was extremely worried about you, she almost broke down before she left," Archie told her. Callie took went upstairs to freshen up. As she was showering she kept getting flashbacks of Sweet Pea. She couldn't help but think of what he told her before she left. Her dad ended up driving her to school later that day, she received numerous hugs when she walked in.

" Callie!" Reggie cried out when he saw her, he pulled her into an extremely tight hug, spinning her a bit. "Are you hurt? I heard a Serpent took you?"

"I don't know who took me," Callie admitted. " But I did wake up on the other side of town."

"I am going to kill all those Serpents," Reggie threatened. " I..."

" No!" Callie exclaimed. " The Serpents did not even lay a finger on me, Reggie one of them was even nice enough to walk me home."

"Just because they walked you home, does not mean they are people you can associate with," Reggie.

"Are you telling me who and who I can not hang out with?" Callie asked him.

"Yes," Reggie nodded. Callie shook her and walked away from him and sat in the student lounge. 

"Callie!" Veronica exclaimed when she saw her. She walked over to her, Callie stood up so they could hug. " It is so good to see that you are okay."

" It's good to see that you are okay too," Callie told her as they sat down. She looked over to see her with Archie. Suddenly the announcement was being made.

"Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, report to the Principal's office," the man ordered.


Later at lunch Callie sat with the group, Archie and Betty told them what happened in the Principal's office.

"I told her I wouldn't do it, Not unless you're up there with us, Jug," Betty stated.

" I appreciate the righteous indignation, Betty, I do," Jughead told her. " But Jubilees aren't my thing."

"Jug, how's your dad? Did you see him?" Archie asked.

" Here's the lastest," Jughead began. " Mayor McCoy wants my dad to name names in exchange for a lesser sentence."

"What? " Callie asked. " Whose names?" For some reason, she became worried about Sweet Pea's fate which was odd.

" The Serpents. Sheriff Keller thinks they're the ones dealing the drugs that Clifford Blossom brought into the town," Jughead answered.

" My dad says more and more drugs are hitting the streets,' Kevin informed them.

" Kevin, relax, this isn't The Wire,"Jughead assured him. " My dad says they're not the ones dealing."

" And meanwhile, Mayor McCoy hasn't even said the words " Clifford" or "Blossom" in public," Betty said.

"Why?" Callie asked angrily. 

" It's all about how the Serpents are the problem, the villains," Betty answered her, Archie rubbed Callie's back.

" That is outrageous," Callie spoke.

" I'm writing an article about this, and not just for The Blue and Gold, for The Register. This is a town story," Betty said.

" Okay, as long as the article doesn't include my dad," Jughead pleaded. 

" No, it is going to be about your dad, Jug," Betty confirmed.

" It doesn't matter how many Jubilees Mayor McCoy throws. This town's changed. That needs to be acknowledged," Callie stated. " Why are people so afraid of the truth?"

" Sounds like Nancy Drew and Daphne will be teaming up again once more," Archie smiled. The two girls smiled at each other.

" Speaking of the truth..." Veronica began. She stood up and Archie kept shaking his head and mouthing the words no at her. " Archie and I wanted to tell you..." He then looked at Betty.

" We've kissed a couple of times," Archie told her.

" It's okay, Vee" Betty assured her. " I appreciate you being honest with me, but I'm with Jughead now." Callie saw the two smile at each other. " If you guys want to be together, I'm happy for you."

" Thanks, Bee," Veronica smiled.

"Thanks, Betty," Archie smiled as well.


Callie was now at home, her dad would not let her out of his sight.

"There has been a lot of anger in this town," her dad stated as he handed her a cup of hot chocolate.

"What are you talking about?" Callie asked.

"People are attacking the Serpents," her dad answered.

"Why?" Callie asked. " The Serpents are not that bad."

"Just because one made sure got home safely, does not mean they are not good people," her dad stated.

" That is ridiculous, the Serpents never planned on hurting me in the first place," Callie stated. 

" Callie, you are home now, and you are safe," her dad reminded her. "Please do not go back on that side of town again, especially alone."


Later Callie was in Betty's bedroom with Veronica. They just found out that Veronica was the new captain.

" It was chilling, Betty and Callie. I'm telling you, there are some dark goings-on at Thornhill," Veronica explained.

" Well, not just at Thornhill. Townwide," Betty informed them.

" You can feel it. Something wicked this way comes," Callie added.

" Which reminds me, I love your article," Veronica mentioned.

" Good, because I already posted it on the Blue and Gold's website," Betty said. She showed the two girls her laptop. " With hardcopy on circulations tomorrow morning."

"Now it's just us girls," Veronica began. " And the risk if us failing the Bechdel test, are you legitimately cool with Archie and me? Swear on the September issue?"

" And on my copy of Forever by Judy Blume," Betty laughed. There was a knocking, they turned to see Polly standing in the doorway.

" Aw, I miss this," Polly spoke. " Gossiping, doing homework, being a River Vixen. Basically just going to school."

"Then come back," Betty suggested.

" Mom doesn't want me to," Polly said.

" Naturally, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her," Betty said.


Later that night Callie came home with Archie and Jughead after a night out.

" That hottie kept looking at you," Archie said to Jughead.

" Hey, guys. Um..." their dad greeted them as the three walked into the kitchen. " This is Ms. Weiss from the Social Services. She's uh...She's Jughead's caseworker." all their smiles drooped.

" Jughead, I know how terrible and emotional the last few days have been for you," Ms. Weiss said. " Your father's facing serious jail time. Your mom's over-extended and out of state. We just want to make sure that you're taken care of."

"Well, he can keep staying with us, right, Dad?" Archie asked.

" I offered already, Arch," their dad answered.

" Great, so whats the problem?" Callie asked.

" It was a DUI," Fred Andrews answered. " After your mom left. Look, we can talk about this later, but between that and my cash flow problem, it knocks me out."

"There is a family on the Southside that's offered to foster you," Ms. Weiss mentioned. " They're good people, they've worked with us before."

"That doesn't sound completely horrible," Jughead admitted.

" It does mean you'll be in a different school district, Jughead, and you'll have to transfer schools," Ms. Weiss informed him.

" What the hell? When is all this supposed to happen?" Archie explained.

" The paperwork's been processed. Unless there is a radical change in your father's case, you'll be on the Southside by the end of the week." All the teenagers looked at each other, not like that they will be apart. 


The next day at school Callie was walking with Cheryl to a table in the cafeteria.

" I want to talk to Jughead," Cheryl stated.

"You won't hit him this time, will?" Callie asked.

" No," she answered. They walked over to the table that contained Jughead and Veronica.

"Jughead," Cheryl softly, the other two students looked at them. " I'm sorry. I had no right to pummel they way I did that day. As recompense, I'd like to give you this." She threw her spider pin at him. " My iconic spider brooch. It'll catch a pretty penny at the local pawn shop. Enough to keep you in burgers and 's" T-shirts for years, if not decades."

" Cheryl, what is going on?" Callie asked.

" I'm..." Cheryl began.

"Guys, hurry. It's Betty's locker" Kevin urged as he walked up to them. " Come on, it's bad. Come on, come on!" They ran over to Betty's locker. On her, the locker was covered with the article for FP's innocence, and the words GO TO HELL SERPENT SLUT and a doll with blonde hair. The doll was hung by its neck and covered in blood. Betty tried to get to it, but Jughead pulled her away.

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