Chapter 136
About 11 days had passed, and during that time Callie had paid a small visit to Dr. Curdle in between, to get some information about Martin Tucker while Tabitha and Betty were up and down the Lonely Highway, this meant the serial killers were now quiet. As for her personal life, her relationship with Sweet Pea was the healthiest it's ever been, they were now sort of house-hunting per Sweet Pea's request.
Callie was now sitting at Pops talking to Tabitha.
"Why do you think they had grown quiet?" asked Tabitha as she wiped down the counter. "They should have tried to pick one of us up at least?"
"I think it has something to do with Tucker," answered Callie, this had Tabitha looked at her more. "Don't you think they find it strange that one of their own has not exactly returned?"
"They are being cautious," gathered Tabitha. "They are letting it die down before this family hunting."
"Exactly," nodded Callie. "Betty is right, it is very dangerous when serial killers go quiet. They are planning on figuring out what happened to their friend while having the urge to kill build up. This is a good opportunity for us."
"How so?" asked Tabitha.
"We need to strike before they get to again," answered Callie. "And I have gathered some information over the past couple of days. Let's just say everything ties in with the junkyard."
"The junkyard," repeated Tabitha as the phone went off. "Sorry, excuse me." She went and answered it. "Pop's, this is Tabitha. Oh, Mrs. Fields, of course. How's Squeaky doing? No. No, I...I haven't heard from her since she left." A few minutes later Tabitha hung up the phone and looked at Callie. " I have a bad feeling."
"Naturally," said Callie as she stood up. "And this Squeaky friend of yours?"
"She used to be here in Riverdale, left the day before all of you came back to town," answered Tabitha. "Her real name is Lynette Fields, but we called her Squeaky."
"I want you to know if anything turned to Jughead and Betty," advised Callie. "Back then there wasn't a mystery those two couldn't solve."
"I'll keep it in mind," nodded Tabitha.
Callie made her way to Watson's Wonders where she found Sweet Pea at the shop, he was sitting in one of the chairs reading Melody's book. Based on the looks of it he had just come back from the minds.
"Hey," Callie greeted when she opened the door, he looked up at her.
"I'm on break right now, I was able to use it to come to see you," said Sweet Pea as he got up, Callie looked to see that he left dirt on the chair and then looked at him. He gave her a look and rolled his eyes playfully. "I'll clean it."
"Good," said Callie as she went behind the counter to get to the computer. "What did you need to see me about?"
"I just wanted to see you," said Sweet Pea as he leaned on the counter. "And talk about house hunting."
"I looked at more places as well," said Callie. "And not to worry nothing Elm Street or Maple. I love my brother and Uncle, but the space away from them is healthy." Sweet Pea smiled as he turned the laptop turned him.
"How about this place?" asked Sweet Pea in a few minutes he turned the screen to her. It was a cute green two-story house, Callie flipped through the pictures and read the description.
"It's cute," acknowledged Callie. "The kids would love to have all that yard to play in. We could even put up a tire swing, and it's not a bad price, especially with how the housing market has been."
"How would we sell the apartment?" asked Sweet Pea. "And the trailer."
Callie looked at him. "We don't need to worry about the apartment in terms of selling it, that is the landlord's responsibility. We can keep the trailer where it is, or--"
"Keep it," said Sweet Pea. "As for the shed--"
Callie put a hand on his chest. "Let's see the place in person first before we do anything too rash." He nodded as Callie looked back down at the laptop. "Just maybe not tonight."
"Why?" asked Sweet Pea. "If it's about babysitters, I'm sure Fangs and Toni wouldn't mind. We can drop them at the diner."
"I have a job to go on," answered Callie looking at him.
"Callie," groaned Sweet Pea crossing his arms. "I'm not the biggest fan when you go on these jobs. What if you don't come back?" Callie raised her eyebrows as Sweet Pea blinked. "I'm sounding just like you in senior year."
"I told the kids I will be gone for a day or two," said Callie. "They will have you and others that will be more than happy to step in to help."
"Just be careful," said Sweet Pea. "Last time I just got you back--"
"It won't be like last time," Callie assured. "It's as I told you, I've learned." Sweet Pea shook his head then leaned in kissing her.
That night, Callie sat across from the junkyard on the other side of the Lonely Highway, she sat in a car with Misty with the lights off. Misty had the car radio set up and tuned to a bug that got placed inside the house when she visited.
"Sorry for putting you in danger like that Misty," said Callie as she jotted down notes. "I would have preferred to have one of the guys go since they are not a target with this family of psychos."
"Not to worry boss," said Misty looking at her with a smile. "I had Athos come with me." Callie looked over. "Posed as my boyfriend and we got lost and in need of directions."
"Smart," smiled Callie looking back at the notebook. "And you are positive we won't be spotted?"
"Yeah," said Misty. "I was keen on remembering those tips from FP and Gladys."
Over at the diner, Jughead and Betty sat in a booth with Tabitha.
"I'm worried about a friend of mine," said Tabitha. "A waitress who used to work here, Squeaky. Her mom called and said that she never made it to her friends in California."
"Oh, God. Tabitha," breathed Betty. "I'm so sorry."
"Me too," said Jughead. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
"There is, Jughead," answered Tabitha. "The Lonely Highway killings are a mystery, right?" She looked between the two. "Everyone including Callie told me that there wasn't a mystery you two couldn't solve back in the day."
"Normally, three of us," said Betty, Tabitha gave her a look.
"If Callie is not here then she is probably in the lion's den which means we have to work fast," said Jughead. "Remind me to show you the works she did on Stonewall Prep." This made Tabitha slightly alarmed.
"She met Sweet Pea due to knowing too much about Jason Blossom's murder," recalled Betty.
"So, I'm canceling all your shifts," said Tabitha to Jughead. "You'll still get your weekly paycheck, but it won't be to bus tables. It will be to help Betty. Betty, are you down with this plan?"
"Yeah. Yes," confirmed Betty.
"Jughead?" asked Tabitha looking at him.
"Sure," he answered.
"Great," breathed Tabitha. "What's the first step?"
"Well, I'm assuming that you have thorough case files," said Jughead.
"Yeah," confirmed Betty,
"I'll start by reading those," said Jughead.
"Most importantly, did Callie say anything to you?" asked Betty. "That will help us as well."
"She said it ties in with the junkyard, all of it," recalled Tabitha.
"As I said earlier," said Jughead. "We have to work fast, Sweet Pea will kill us."
Over at the apartment, Sweet Pea had Toni, Fangs, and Baby Anthony over. The older kids were playing with each other.
"I thought Callie told you she won't do anything without the serpents go," said Sweet Pea as he held the baby.
"More like with serpent issues and stuff like that," said Toni. "This is something else where all hands on deck are needed." He nodded. "How long is she going to be gone for?"
"She said just a couple of days more or less," answered Sweet Pea.
Fangs pattted him on the back. "Based on how the Vixen Gang has been going, you have nothing to worry about Sweet Pea. So sit back and schedule some house visits to get your mind off it." Sweet Pea nodded. "To think it formed out of a sorority."
"Remember when you idiots called the Pretty Poisons a sorority." asked Toni.
"Never again," the two said together. "We learned our lesson."
"After this, no more serial killers, remember?" said Fangs to Sweet Pea.
"That's what I'm wishing on," confirmed Sweet Pea. "Then I will do it this time." He looked over at Grady who was attempting a cartwheel, and Lottie was giggling.
Betty and Jughead then went down to the FBI office, Jughead read the files and Betty called in Sacramento to come help.
"So you captured a guy who more or less confessed," gathered Jughead as Betty walked into the room.
"A lot of confessions came from torture," answered Sacramento as she studied the board.
"And then they swallowed their own tongue because they thought you were going to dismember them?" asked Jughead.
"Yeah, that's sort of the last big thing that happened," confirmed Betty.
"And you still think this is several serial killers working in tandem over the years?" asked Jughead.
"Yeah, yes," confirmed Betty.
"Callie mentioned similar incidents of serial killers working in tandem here," said Sacramento turning to face them. "This isn't the first time, she said there are possible similarities but there are also differences."
"A family of truckers who have been kidnapping and murdering hitchhikers and sex workers," explained Betty.
"And Lerman Marshall Logan," said Jughead. "My ex-students that disappeared on the Lonely Highway and was...somewhere for, like, a week, remember?"
"Yeah, yeah no I've been thinking about him and he doesn't fit any of our victim profiles," said Betty looking back at the board. "Which might be a clue in and of itself."
"He might be one of the only people who actually encountered this family of yours and survived," said Jughead as he got up. "Now, at the time, Weatherbee didn't let me talk to him because I was a teacher and he was a student. But now Lerman has transferred and I've been fired, so..."
"So, we need to talk to Lerman," said Betty as she focused on Sacramento.
"Yeah, I'll find him on social," said Jughead. The phone rang, and Betty was quick to pick it up.
"Hi, Dr. Curdle, um I'm sorry I have your money in small bills," said Betty.
"Another body's been brought in from Swedlow Swamp, Ms. Cooper," explained Dr. Curdle. "I think you'll find this very interesting." The phone call ended and Betty looked back at Sacramento.
"Is there anything Callie did or say?" asked Betty. "Something that could help us."
"After I caught her up with what happened, she made it a point to go and speak with Nana Rose Blossom," recalled Sacramento. "She visited her a couple of times after that, as well as a few other things."
"Make sense," said Jughead. "She is one of the oldest living members, Nana Rose knew something about the Mothman and may just know something about the family of serial killers."
A new day came around, Sweet Pea was getting Grady dressed as Lottie sat on the bed flipping through the picture book.
"Did you two sleep well?" asked Sweet Pea as he pulled the shirt over Grady's head.
"I wish mommy was there to tuck me in," admitted Grady. "But she is on an important pirate mission right now."
Sweet Pea smiled a bit as he worked on the arms. "Has she done anything like this before?"
"Not often," answered Grady. "Last she had Evita watch me and little sister, while she stepped out for the night." He grabbed Sweet Pea's ear. "Where is Lottie going today?"
"She's hanging with Fangs and Toni," answered Sweet Pea. " I will be in the mines today with Uncle Archie
Over in the hideout, Callie and Misty had stepped out for fresh air, both with an earpiece in.
"When should we strike?" asked Misty. "We have a bunch of evidence?"
"Not exactly legal," said Callie.
"But does that matter in a place like Riverdale?" asked Misty.
"Yes and no," answered Callie. "But in cases like this...we should be fine." She looked at Misty. "We either wait for my friends to show up or we go in they bring someone." She looked back toward the highway, they watched trucks drive by, Misty was right they were in a spot where they could see the road by drivers could not see them. "If it is the latter, I will go on."
"But boss," breathed Misty. "It's too dangerous."
"I need you to trust me," said Callie. "Even if it may seem like the worst plan, if I go, make a call to Betty."
"She's part of the FBI," recalled Misty. "Would it be smart to call her?"
"The best choice," confirmed Callie. They went into the car, just in time to hear a radio message from Alice Smith.
"Whoever is terrorizing our town, committing these inhumane murders, you have to stop," pleaded Alice. "Every time the phone rings, I pray it's about my daughter. I pray for closure. Just today, another victim was found. Their dismembered body is down at the Riverdale morgue. What does it say about me? That I want it to be my daughter..." Her voice was trembling. "So that this nightmare will end? So that I can wake up. Please." She was now crying. "Help me wake up."
"We have to be on guard," said Callie. "Alice's plead may just be an extra push for these psychos to strike tonight."
Over at the mines, they were working diligently when there was the sound of an explosion with rumbling that followed.
"What the heck was that?" demanded Archie looking at the others.
"An explosion from the sounds of it," answered Sweet Pea. "We need to get out of here right now." There was an explosion.
"You heard Sweet Pea!" exclaimed Archie. "Everyone, out!"
"Archie, Sweet Pea!" exclaimed Keving grabbing Archie's arm. "Eric is working further down the tunnel."
"Get everyone topside, I'll find Eric" instructed Archie as he pointed toward the entrance.
"Archie!" exclaimed Frank.
"Guys, get out. Come on," instructed Sweet Pea as he pushed the others to go toward the entrance, they did as they were told, and Sweet Pea looked back at Archie.
"Go on!" urged Archie. "Don't worry about me."
"Everybody out! Let's go, move. Move!" instructed Uncle Frank. As he was told Sweet Pea followed everyone else, he kept looking back for Archie the entire time. Everyone but two people from the crew made it out before the mine collapsed.
"Archie!" shouted Sweet Pea. Calls were quickly made to Cheryl, who got in touch with Veronica. They both showed up in no time.
"Kevin, Sweet Pea, Cheryl, what's the update?" asked Veronica. "Where's Callie?"
"She's been out of town," answered Sweet Pea.
"We've been trying Archie's phone, and Eric's," began Kevin. "They are not getting any signal from down there."
"How long will it take to dig them out?" asked Veronica.
"We need more hands on deck, we need heavy-duty equipment," answered Uncle Frank looking back at the mine. "And even then it'll take hours, if not days."
"Okay," breathed Veronica. "Whatever you need, no matter the cost, just do it."
"With that, I'm going back to helping," said Sweet Pea, as he made his way over to the others.
"First, you said there was an explosion. What kind of explosion?" asked Veronica.
"Yeah, the kind that was triggered deliberately," answered Uncle Frank. "But who in their right mind would blow up a mine on purpose?"
Veronica thought about it for a second "I can guess."
Over at the morgue, Dr. Curdle was giving Betty, Tabitha, and Jughead an update.
"We ran your DNA against the most recent victim, Ms. Cooper," said Dr. Curdle. "And it wasn't a match."
"So, its not Polly, again," concluded Betty,
"No, but the body parts were a match to Lynette Fields," answered Dr. Curdle as he handed over the report.
"Oh my god," breathed Tabitha in a squeaky voice. "Squeaky."
"There's more, I'm afraid," said Jughead. "Your DNA did come back as a match to another body. Your tongueless John Doe." Things started to click for Jughead.
"The trucker?" asked Betty. "How can that be?" She looked through the report.
"It seems your distant cousin," answered Dr. Curdle.
"What? No," denied Betty. "That's impossible. All that Coopers are either...dead or accounted for."
"Callie you genius," said Jughead, they looked at them. "She made it a point to chat with Nana Blossom, remember?" Betty tilted her head. " For confirmation, we need to speak to your more distant relatives."
"There's one last thing," said Dr. Curdle. "When I was at my lab, the morgue was broken into. The body of the John Doe and the severed limbs of Lynette Fields were stolen."
"They're covering their tracks, they heard my mom on the news, and they came here to steal the evidence," listed Betty.
"It's just like when our Mothman body was taken," recalled Tabitha.
"Yes, yes it is," agreed Jughead. "Nana Rose gave ys that Mothman that was stolen, and now your prime suspect tests for Blossom DNA. Lerman was held captive by a Mothman near the Lonely Highway, which according to Callie all has a connection with the junkyard."
"According to Callie these monsters will be striking again," said Tabitha. "She said they were most likely laying low due to the fact that one of their own was missing and now recovered, and now their urge to kill has been built up as well."
"We need to go speak with Nana Rose," said Jughead. "If this is connected with the junkyard, then..."
"You two go," Tabitha interrupted him. "I'm gonna get in touch with Squeaky's family. But, guys, when the time comes to take these monsters down, I want in."
As Betty and Jughead went to speak with Nana Rose, Callie watched as the family of psychos brought in a new victim. Britta Beach.
"Shit," breathed Callie getting out of the car.
"What?" asked Misty as she got out of the car. "What is it?"
"One of my students," answered Callie. "We are going with the latter plan."
"Boss!" exclaimed Misty. "But---" Before she could protest Callie took off toward the junkyard. Callie got around to the edge to see that Old Man Dreyfuss was out on the front porch, she glanced into the junkyard, and she saw many Mothman statues surrounding Britta, she was a mess and frightened. She then took out a pair of binoculars to get a closer look...there were people inside all of them. Callie reached into her pocket pulling out about six smoke bombs, she then lit them all and threw them inside the junkyard and in front of the Dreyfuess.
"WHAT THE HELL!?" demanded Dreyfuss.
Callie dashed inside the junkyard grabbing Britta, and slashing the legs of the Mothman who were all running around trying to figure out what was going on. Callie jumped when someone grabbed her arm, she looked back to see one of the Mothmen, he held a metal finger up to his lips, and the two girls nodded. From there he led them to a windowless shed by the Lonely Highway, he trapped them inside and continued to help his brothers 'search.'
"Ms. Watson," breathed Britta. "I--"
"What are you doing so far from home?" asked Callie, the girl opened her mouth. "Before you continue, do you know Morse code?" The girl nodded. "Excellent, we will be using that to communicate from here on out." Callie then took something out of her worked like a car alarm, instead of alerting the police, it alerted the people she chose.
Over the mines, as they shuffled out boulders in a line, Cherly sat in front of the mine praying.
Over at Toni's place, Toni was freaking out about Britta missing while Lottie was being kept distracted with a coloring book.
"Britta ran away last night," Toni informed Betty and Jughead. "Her mom called to see if she was here. They got in a fight, and when her mom went to check on her, she was gone. She left a note saying, Now you don't have to deal with me."
"Did Britta give any indication as to where she might've gone?" asked Betty.
"We called all her friends, no one knows anything," answered Fangs.
"Well, if there's even a chance that she's trying to get out of Riverdale using the Lonely Highway, then we need to get to that junkyard ASAP," said Jughead as he looked at Betty.
"Wait, you know where the Highway killer is?" asked Toni.
"Killers," confirmed Betty. "Yeah, we think, and good chance Callie knows too."
Fangs sighed. "Sweet Pea did say she was going to be out for a couple of days due to a job."
"We need a team to go in with us," said Betty.
"I wanna come," said Toni as she grabbed her serpent jacket. "Fangs, you stay here with Baby Anthony and Little Lottie in case Britta comes back. Is that okay?"
"Um, not really," denied Fangs as he stood up. "No, Toni. You're a mother now. You just can't go on crazy raids anymore---"
"I have to Fangs, Britta came to me for help," argued Toni as they got in each other's faces. "And I saw myself in her. The Vixen Queen is a mother too and she's out there right now. As for Baby Anthony, I don't want him to grow up and think that his mom was a coward and I didn't do everything I could to help somebody in need. And besides, there's nobody better to take care of him than you."
"Then my mom, you mean," said Fangs. "Who I'm sure won't mind watching Little Lottie as well. 'Cause if you're going on this raid, then I'm going with you. I'm gonna be watching your back, and that's not up for discussion."
"Well, how about we watch each other?" suggested Toni as she pulled out the taser.
"Deal," nodded Fangs, the others nodded as well. There was then a ding on Betty, Jughead, and Toni's phones. "Tell them it's a bad time."
Jughead pulled out his phone. "It's a location pin from Callie." They all gathered around. "Based on it, she's in the Lion's Den."
"Just as I told Sweet Pea," smiled Fangs. "He had nothing to worry about."
"Let's pray that Britta is with her as well," said Toni.
Over at the mines, Cheryl sent Veronica to go get cleaned up, and was now sitting in front of the minds. Sweet Pea at the moment got a ding on his phone, he checked to see it was a location pin from Callie, which was followed by texts from Fangs saying that his mom was watching Lottie, and then to not worry about Callie, they were heading there now.
"Clever fox," said Sweet Pea in a whisper.
"I call upon fire," began Cheryl. "Which consumed my brother's body and might Thornhill once upon a time. " Sweet Pea was alarmed when the fire grew higher. "I call upon the wind as I have once before." The wind started to pick up. "Blow a cool gust across Archie's brow. I call upon water, where I saw my departed brother in the icy depths of Sweetwater River, and where I, was reborn. And lastly...I call upon the Earth. Dear Gaia, please return Archie and Eric to us. Open a path for them so that they may return to the land of the living." There was a heavy creaking, and they all watched as Archie walked out of the mine while carrying Eric Jackson on his shoulder. The boys all ran over to grab a hold of Eric and rush him to the hospital.
Over at the junkyard, a group stood in a private area.
"Just as we discuss, Jughead, you're gonna distract Dreyfuss while the rest of us search the junkyard," said Betty. "If Britta is being kept in the same place that my sister and Lerman were held, we're looking for some kind of windowless shed."
"And by some miracle, Callie is with her," said Fangs.
"She is," said Misty, they jumped looking to see her peer out of nowhere. "My boss went in there after this Britta student, used a couple of smoke bombs and now they are currently in hiding from the Mothmen."
"No surprise she went in alone," said Jughead which alarmed Tabitha.
"You know how to use a stun gun?" asked Toni holding up the item to Tabitha.
"I'm from Chicago," said Tabitha taking it. "Yes."
"Jughead? You good?" asked Toni.
He pulled out his switchblade. "I'm good."
"We're ready then?" asked Betty. "Jug, you're up. The rest of us, let's split up, so we can cover more ground, okay?"
"One last thing," said Misty, they looked at her. "There are others in the junkyard, and they are all dressed like that." She pointed to a Mothman statue in the distance. "Be on your guard." With that, they split up.
Over in the windowless shed, Callie and Britta were doing more morse code, Callie learned about why Britta had run away. An argument with her mom after coming out. They suddenly heard banging on the walls outside and the handle rattle.
The girl looked at Callie, and she nodded.
"Ms. Topaz?" asked Britta. "I have Ms. Watson in here with me."
"Hey," greeted Callie.
"Okay, I'm gonna get you both out, hold on," assured Toni, she then let out a loud scream. Minutes later, they got let out of the shed, Callie saw it was the same guy that helped them hide.
"It's okay Britta, we can trust him," said Callie holding out her hand, Britta happily grabbed it.
"Oh thank god," breathed Toni in relief as she hugged Britta, then took off to help Betty. They got over just as Misty whacked a golf club across another Mothman's head.
"Betty, are you okay?" asked Toni as she rushed over.
Betty gasped a bit. "I heard you scream. What happened?"
"I found Britta and Callie, they're both fine," explained Toni. "Britta is scared, but fine." Betty nodded. "Remember what you told us about Lerman, how a Mothman helped him escape?" She looked over. "Misty was right about the multiple Mothman in the junkyard and apparently not all Starkweathers are evil incarnate." Betty looked over to see one of Starkweathers walking over with Britta and Callie.
"Hi, Britta," greeted Betty. "Callie."
"Hey, Betts," greeted Callie, then there was a loud crash.
"Oh, my God, Jughead," whispered Betty, she then took off toward the house.
They got Britta home, and the others went home as well besides Betty who took the old man to be interrogated. Misty had given them all the information that she recorded after bugging the house.
"Callie is insane," said Tabitha looking at the notes. "And she had you all trained to be like this."
"Good thing too," said Jughead taking notes. "This reminds me of senior year a bit with Stonewall prep."
When Callie got home, both kids were down for a nap, so Callie sat with Sweet Pea on the couch and they told each other about the past few days.
"Dropping a whole mountain on people is a new one for Hiram Lodge but not surprising," said Callie. "I am glad everyone is going to be okay."
"So that pin you sent me," began Sweet Pea which caused Callie to pull out a device and her phone.
"One of the upper-rank Vixens designed it," answered Callie. "It's like a rescue alert thing, but it alerts who you want to alert. It's all linked up through an app, and it works even if you are in an area with no reception." Sweet Pea looked at her and she looked at him. "She now works in cybersecurity. I had them all learn how to properly bug things, and take notes."
"I did not think it was possible, but you really stepped up your game," said Sweet Pea with a smile. "I admit I was unsure what to think when you said you learned your lesson." Callie smiled as he kissed her head.
"I am a person of my word, no more serial killers," said Callie as she took her hand. "From here on forward the next thing we are too focused on is finding a house."
"And Mother's Day," said Sweet Pea.
"And Mother's Day," repeated Callie.
"And Grady's 7th birthday," said Sweet Pea.
"And Grady's 7th birthday," said Callie. "Oddly, some very normal stuff." This prompted Sweet Pea to kiss her, she happily kissed back.
"Cal, how about a motorcycle for Sweet Pea?" asked Sweet Pea, she gave him a look. "It's his birthright."
"His feet can't even touch the floor when sitting at the kitchen table right now," Callie pointed out. "How about a helmet and a car seat for right now?"
Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. " I suppose the motorcycle will have to do until he's 16 or so." A bedroom opened, and out came Grady.
"Mama!" cried Grady climbing onto Callie's lap, he placed a sloppy kiss on the cheek.
"Baby," Callie smiled pulled him close, she gave him a kiss on top of his head.
"How was your pirate mission?" asked Grady as he stood up on the couch and started to bounce. "Did anyone walk the plank?"
"Everybody," answered Callie as she held out her hands, Grady jumped right into them Callie stood and started to fly him around a bit causing laughter. Sweet Pea laid back on the couch, he was watching them with pure happiness, then Callie dropped Grady on Sweet Pea.
"Mommy!" cried a voice as a pair of feet came running into the room.
"Princess Lottie!" Callie greeted as she pretended to curtsey before getting tackled into a hug. They all started to play with each other.
"How about a motorcycle for Lottie as well?" asked Sweet Pea leaning over to Callie.
"She currently needs help getting on the potty," said Callie.
"When she's 16!" Sweet Pea playfully hissed, he then kissed her on the cheek, and the two then returned to playing with the kids.
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