Chapter 135
Superstar Josie McCoy had come and gone, leaving the rest of Riverdale to their haunted existences. Callie Watson was being haunted by the highway killers much like Betty and a few others. She was also haunted by the fact that Sweet Pea had planned to propose to her all those years ago, instead, he had let her go for a reason she'd never understand.
In bed, Callie stared at the ceiling waiting for her alarm to go off. She was making a stop at the Ministry today to be supportive of Cheryl and Kevin but to also speak with Nana Rose about a few things. Sweet Pea reached over her head, grabbing the phone to turn off the alarm. He then grabbed her face, kissing her cheek passionately.
"Pea," Callie breathed, she looked at him when he took her hand to kiss it. Sweet Pea had been all over her ever since they got back together, he was determined to not screw it up this time. To not let her go, to not have their children go back and forth between two different households. They were all under one roof together, and he wanted it to stay that way until the kids were old enough to move out, with him and Callie remaining under the same roof.
"Shortstop," greeted Sweet Pea with a smile.
"Since I know now," began Callie as she sat up. "Why didn't you ask that question?" Sweet Pea looked up at her immediately knowing what she was referring to.
"A lot of truths had hit me," answered Sweet Pea. "You were going off to Harvard, while I was staying back and holding the fort down in Riverdale."
"Were you insecure about it?" asked Callie. "You never expressed this in high school."
"It's as I told you, I was just going to hold you back," said Sweet Pea looking away. "For you just to end up here again." Callie wondered if he had known what he knows now, would had he asked the question. If he did, would she even have Lottie? Callie shook her head, no use to think about the past, especially when she no longer thinks about life without Lottie or Grady in mind. "Are you going to the Ministry today?"
"Yeah, I was going to take the kids with me," answered Callie. "What are you doing today?"
"Toni just had a baby," said Sweet Pea. "I'm going to be there for her." He looked back at Callie realizing what he had said. "Which what I would have done if I had known."
"It's alright," said Callie. "You are here now." She leaned down kissing him on the cheek.
A bit later after getting the kids up, Callie was at the ministry listening to Cheryl.
"Brother and sisters, thank you for joining us today," said Cheryl, she put her hands together looking among the audience. "To conclude, Brother Kevin and I will be performing a medley from the iconic musical, Joseph and the Amazing Dreamcoat." Before they could even get a note out, the song got cut.
"Stop!" demanded Ms. Blossom appearing in the middle aisle, she started to walk toward the front. "I've just had...a revelation."
"Okay?" asked Cheryl as Kevin looked at her.
Ms. Blossom turned to face everyone. "Jason himself commands it. No more singing."
"But I like singing," said Lottie tugging on Callie's sleeve.
"We'll do it outside of here," assured Callie looking at her daughter.
"Really?" asked Cheryl.
"As you know, he was a young man of few words," Ms. Blossom explained.
"Hey, Kev," said Callie as people started to get up to leave.
"Yeah, what's up?" Kevin asked walking over. "Something wrong with the service?"
"No, I just want to go chat with Nana Blossom, and I was wondering if you could perhaps keep an eye on these two," requested Callie putting her hands on her kid's head.
"I can help blow out candles," said Grady as he swung his arms.
"Yeah, absolutely," agreed Kevin with a smile. "What exactly are you talking to Nana Rose about?"
"A man named Dreyfus that lives near the Lonely Highway," answered Callie, this caused Kevin to raise an eyebrow. "I won't do anything rash, but I am looking for answers. If Cheryl asks, I'm just in need of some of Nana Rose's wisdom"
"Good," said Kevin as he picked up Lottie. "Some old habits should remain in the past."
Callie nodded then looked at Grady and Lottie. "You two be good for Mr. Keller and Auntie Cheryl, I will only be gone a few minutes."
"Okay, Mommy," said Lottie, she stuck her thumb in her mouth. Kevin then took the kids over to Cheryl.
"Look at who I have for a few minutes!" cheered Kevin going over to Cheryl, she looked over and smiled.
"Gray-Gray," greeted Cheryl. "Lottie." She looked up. "Where's Callie?"
Kevin looked back. "She said she was in need of some of Nana Rose's wisdom." He looked back at Cheryl. "Should not be too long."
"It would be rude of me to interrupt," said Cheryl.
It did not take long for Callie to find Nana Rose, she was in her usual spot before Thornhill set ablaze. Right by the fireplace, sitting in the dark. Callie remembered the first time she met the woman when she was seven.
"Nana Rose," greeted Callie as made her way into the room.
Nana Rose looked over. "Is that you, Callie Andrews?"
"Watson now," answered Callie as she took a seat.
"Pity," Nana Rose commented.
"I actually came to ask you a few questions, if that is alright?" asked Callie. "About a man that lives along the Lonely Highway.
"I suppose I may know something about it," said Nana Rose turning her wheelchair toward Callie. "Tell me, how is that Green Bean doing?"
"Sweet Pea is fine, we have two children together," answered Callie, this answer made Callie smile and feel butterflies in her stomach.
"Splendid," smiled Nana Rose.
"Have you ever met someone named Dreyfus?" asked Callie. " Or even a Martin Tucker."
"My husband's side children," said Nana Rose with a scowl. "That man was a beast laying with everyone, and he had me pawn them off to avoid the scandal." Callie sat back taking in the information. "How is he doing?"
"He's kicking," answered Callie. "He runs that junkyard." Callie sat up even more hearing the words come out of her mouth. "How many children did your husband have besides Clifford and Claudius?"
"Oh, about half a dozen," answered Nana Rose.
"One last question Nana Rose," said Callie. "I apologize for so many."
"Don't be," denied Nana Rose. "What do you want to know child?"
"What is their connection with the Mothemen?" asked Callie. "It seemed to be very popular in that neck of the woods."
"Mothmen," said Nana Rose. "I remember seeing their lights flash 50 years ago," Callie remembered hearing the story from Jughead and Tabitha, so she sat and listened to it come from Nana Rose's mouth.
"Thank you, Nana," said Callie. "Tell me how you have been." Nana Rose put her hands together smiling, they talked for a bit before Callie returned to the others.
"I hope a chat with Nana has provided you the wisdom you needed," said Cheryl as she walked over, Callie looked back to see her kids playing in the pews. "Which is what?"
"A matter with Sweet Pea," answered Callie. "Back together and already a few rough spots."
"I just know Nana's wisdom was just what the doctor called for," said Cheryl happily. "Thank you for coming to the service."
"About that," said Callie. "Lottie is a bit upset about the no the singing thing."
Cheryl rolled her eyes. "Just another one of my ghoulish mother's schemes. Not to worry I'll get it under control."
"Great," smiled Callie. After leaving Thornhill, Callie made a stop at the park with the kids, she was pushing them on the swings. She then started to take in everything that Nana Blossom said, along with what needed to be done.
"Callie," said Jughead, she looked over to see him approaching. "I want to talk."
"Um sure," said Callie as he started to push Grady.
"Uncle!" giggled Grady looking back.
"Hey, bud," smiled Jughead, he glanced at Callie. "I want to apologize for all the horrible things I have done to you over the past 7 years or so. It was wrong of me to exploit you like, pushing you into an unwanted relationship and marriage."
"I was angry," admitted Callie. "You had advised me to leave Riverdale to get away from that mess, just to get caught up in it again. The sneaking around, getting in the same underground business with the Lodges, the St. Clairs, the Grandes, and more." Jughead sighed. "It was a pain to get all the books into the legal light, had to talk his family into it. A lot of legal battles."
"I am so sorry Cal," said Jughead. "If I could I would have never let you get into that mess."
Callie shook her head. "What frightened me the most ended up being my lighthouse in the darkness." She nodded her head at Lottie who had no care in the world." She looked at Jughead. "I'm guessing you are doing a round of apologies."
"Yeah," said Jughead. "I'm hoping to get in touch with Betty later." He looked at her. "What are you up to right now?"
"I just spoke with Nana Blossom about the Old Man on the Lonely Highway," answered Callie, he raised his eyebrows. "Don't fret, I am much more careful now and I've learned my lesson."
"Do you feel like you are back in high school?" asked Jughead. "Trying to take down a serial killer and Hiram Lodge at the same time."
"Makes me think of Sophmore year in particular," answered Callie. "Where it all started."
"Including you and Sweet Pea," said Jughead, he noticed a look she made. "What?"
"Do you think we are moving too fast?" asked Callie. "Me and Pea?"
Jughead laughed. "That is your own fault. He has been living with you ever since we returned back to Riverdale, it's been 8 months." Callie couldn't help but smile. "I am heading to talk to Sweet Pea next." Jughead was true to his word, he went to Callie's apartment, and he showed up at the same time as Sweet Pea.
"What the hell are you doing?" demanded Sweet Pea. "Just show yourself out."
"Sweet Pea," sighed Jughead. "I came here to apologize, can't you just hear me out." Sweet Pea sighed and reluctantly let him in.
"If you want a drink, we have juice, milk, and some beers," said Sweet Pea.
"Juice would be nice," answered Jughead with a smile, Sweet Pea went to the fridge grabbing the orange juice. "Listen, Sweet Pea, I want to apologize to you, I really am sorry, I should have told you about Callie." Sweet Pea glared at him. "Why didn't you come to Pops for the one year?"
"In fear of seeing Callie," answered Sweet Pea as they sat at the table. "I would have just made a fool of myself in front of her."
Jughead looked down at his glass. "You were her main reason for coming to Pops." He looked back at the snake man. "It was a week after she had just given birth to Grady." Sweet Pea looked at the table. "She really wanted you in Grady's life and it's partially my fault why it didn't happen. I am so sorry man."
"I missed six years," said Sweet Pea. "Six years."
"I know," said Jughead. "Callie never gave up on you, every day she was hoping you'd show up and rescue her from Wilbur."
"Why did she marry him?" asked Sweet Pea.
"Because she got pregnant with Lottie," answered Jughead. "He told her that they had to get married for terms of protection. She cried to me on the phone for hours when Wilbur forced the question onto her, saying she was still waiting for you. Grady was two and a half then." Jughead smiled. "You made Wilbur so jealous." This got Sweet Pea to look at Jughead and smile. "The cause of many fights between the two." Jughead leaned forward. "For the record, I am delighted you two are back together, she cried a lot over you, and was close to ditching her own wedding to come back to you in Riverdale."
"She told me that she wanted me to show to rescue her from it," said Sweet Pea. "Then again this is Callie, probably was a backup plan."
"Of many," laughed Jughead. "I am truly sorry Sweet Pea. For how I betrayed you and the serpents in my book, how I kept information from you about Callie and Grady."
"I want to move forward with her," said Sweet Pea. "She does not seem to be ready."
"You did break up with her twice," Jughead pointed out, Sweet Pea glared at him. "Yes, I did prompt you to do so the first time. That being said I did speak to the Vixen Queen earlier, she was worried you two were moving too fast, but I could tell she did want to move forward with you as well."
"She figured out that I was going to propose to her," said Sweet Pea reaching into his pocket, and pulling out the engagement ring, Ms. Andrews, Veronica, and Toni helped him pick it out.
"Dude," laughed Jughead clapping Sweet Pea on the back. "If you crashed the wedding and asked her to marry you right there she would have said yes." He laughed more. "You two are crazy for each other, it's what made some many people jealous including Wilbur."
"I want to know how I made that ass jealous," said Sweet Pea tapping the table.
Jughead tilted his head. "Whenever it came to a decision with Grady big or small, Callie never took Wilbur's word on anything. It was always ' Oh no, Sweet Pea wouldn't approve, there's no way Sweet Pea would say yes to that so it's a no." This made Sweet Pea smile. "She has said the very same thing to me." They talked for a bit when Jughead was at the door about to step out. "Think of it this way, Mother's Day is just around the corner and so is Grady's 7th birthday."
"What does she normally do for those days?" asked Sweet Pea.
"Mother's Day is a trip to Chicago to see her mom, as for Grady's birthday, she normally takes him to go see my folk and the Toledo Serpents," answered Jughead, he then opened the door just as Callie was just stepping out of Toni and Fang's place with her kids.
"Cal," greeted Sweet Pea, she looked over at them. "I was just over there not too long ago."
"Mother to mother I wanted to check on Toni," answered Callie. "Glad I did, she and Fangs had many of questions for me."
"Papa!" chimed Grady running over to Sweet Pea.
"How's my big boy?" asked Sweet Pea picking him. "Look after your sister?"
"Just like we discussed," confirmed Grady with a smile. Jughead looked between Callie and Sweet Pea.
"I will be stepping out now," said Jughead. "Got more apologies to go through." He took his leave as the others made their way into the apartment. A bit later, Callie was doing more research on the Mothemen as well as the Lonely Highway killers, and the junkyard as Sweet Pea was getting Grady cleaned while Lottie watched some Blues Clues.
"What are you looking into?" asked Sweet Pea.
"I spoke to Nana Rose about a few things," answered Callie. "I was told many things starting with an illegitimate Blossom Clan."
"I know I said to pretend and go solve a serial killer case," began Sweet Pea. "I was hoping you were truly backing off on the latter."
"Sorry, Pea," said Callie looking at him. "This should be the last one for a long time,"
"Better be," said Sweet Pea, it did not take long for them to get the other two to bed. Callie and Sweet Pea now sat on their bed. "What will you do if something goes wrong?"
"As I told Jughead, I have learned from the past," answered Callie. "I normally do not go in on things alone anymore, but this time I might just do some snooping by the junkyard." Sweet Pea was not happy with that answer. "I still have the hitman Wilbur assigned to me and the Vixens, you have nothing to worry about."
"They didn't do too well protecting you and the kids with Darla," said Sweet Pea taking her hands. "The hitman." Callie nodded. "Just be careful."
"I will," said Callie as Sweet Pea kissed her hands.
"On another important note I am considering taking up a job at the fire department," said Sweet Pea. "This way I am in town more, or even at the palladium mines."
"Do what you see fit," said Callie.
"And what do you want to do for Mother's Day?" asked Sweet Pea, she was taken aback by this question. She always went to Chicago due to the fact Wilbur made it clear he would never be around for those days. "I will be out on a job, so this will give you plenty of time to think about it."
The next day, Callie was at Veronica's Pearl and Posh shop with Cheryl.
"What do you think, Cheryl?" asked Veronica. "Callie?" Cheryl held up a spider brooch as Callie held up a beautiful vase.
"This will go wonderful in Watson's Wonders," said Callie. "I know the exact spot to put it."
"I think one can never have too many spider brooches," said Cheryl as she put it on. "So yes, we'll help you."
"Perfect," smiled Veronica. "As I said, I'm hosting an exclusive by-invitation-only auction. The centerpiece of which will be some palladium doubloons, I've acquired. Some of my guests have been asking about the palladium's origins and I wanna say that it came from your minds."
"Not a problem," said Cheryl. "I'm always happy to let you name-drop my family, in order to screw over your father."
"I've made screwing over your father part of my career in the Underground," said Callie. "Shut down a few of his establishments. I am more than happy to help with this."
"Do you have anything you want to put up in the auction?" asked Veronica.
"I got a few Josie signed CDs in the back at my shop," answered Callie.
"Splendid," smiled Veronica.
"Now, if that's all," said Cheryl. "I'll be on my merry way. Kevin and I are performing our first miracle today." She then got up and made her way out the door, and Veronica gave her a look
"She's trying to take over the ministry from her mother," answered Callie as she stood up. "Something I do not want to miss." She looked around the place. "So what is the reason for the auction?"
"I have to get my books in order before the SEC comes to inspect," answered Veronica. "You understand don't you?"
"A 100%," answered Callie. "If you need any more help let me know, I was in this sort of debacle before my in-laws after Wilbur died. They were not too happy that I was the one to take over the business. When do you have to it in order?"
"Top of next week," answered Veronica as she stood up. "Then after that, I'll be on my merry way to divorcing Chad so fast that his head will spin." After that, Callie went and grabbed her kids from Toni and Fang's place, then made her way to Thornhill.
"Instead of my usual holimy, I thought today, we might benefit from a demonstration of my absolute authority in this ministry," said Cheryl as she looked among the crowd. Callie glanced down at Lottie who was on her lap coloring then at Grady who was reading one of Jughhead's comic books. Se looked upon to see Cheryl holding a pitcher of water and Kevin a goblet. "To that end, as Jesus once changed water...into wind." Chery took the goblet to pour the water in, then handed it back to Kevun. " Jason has granted me the ability to turn water...into..." Kevin was now on one knee with an empty glass, but of Callie's kids looked up to see what was happening. They all watched as maple syrup poured into the cup. "Maple syrup." The audience besides Ms. Blossom gave a round of applause.
"Magic," gasped Lottie.
Cheryl held the glass up for all to see. "The nectar of the gods." She looked directly at her mother. "Truly." After the service, Callie had a small meeting with the Vixens and then went to Watson Wonders when Reggie walked in.
"It's the bad man!" cried Gradt pointing a marker at him.
"Put your weapons down," said Reggie with a smile. "I just came to talk to your mama. Where is she?"
"She took Lottie to the bathroom," answered Grady.
"Should you not be with her?" asked Reggie, Grady gave a smile. "Slipped away like the sly fox you are."
On cue, Callie called for her son. "Grady!"
"He's with me," said Reggie, in no time Callie had walked in Lottie on her hip. "I came by as a favor for Veronica for the auction."
"Oh right," breathed Callie. "I have it in the back."
"Why are you doing business with the bad pirate?" asked Grady pulling on Callie's shirt.
She looked down putting a hand on his hand. "Bad pirate switched sides, he's now part of the crew."
Grady looked at Reggie not entirely trusting. "I will keep a close eye on you, Bulldog."
"And I you little pirate," said Reggie as he leaned on the counter. "You three coming to the auction tomorrow?"
"We got a busy day tomorrow," answered Callie. "We will be there and then at Thornhill." Reggie looked among the three, he had heard that she and Sweet Pea and gotten back together, and he was honestly happy for them, even if it meant he would not get another chance with her. Not that he deserved it anyway with how he was part of the reason Sweet Pea never knew about his son till 8 months ago. Since Callie and Sweet Pea were now determined to raise their family in Riverdale, Reggie had hope for Riverdale to thrive as it used to.
The next day, Callie and her kids were now at the auction, the Josie CD and a few other things that Callie put up for sale had sold at good prices.
"And now, for the main event, a collection of doubloons smelted from grade A palladium," announced Veronica, Callie glanced back at the sound of the door, she saw Hiram had entered the invite-only auction. Her kids both squished closer to her, she simply kissed both their heads and looked forward. "Excavated from the Blossom Mines." Cheryl removed the pink cloth revealing the shiny doubloons. "With that in mind, let's begin at...$150,000 to the gentlemen in the fedora. Do I have 170? 170? No, 180? No $190,000 to the madam in the front row. Shall we go to two?" Another hand rose. "$200,000 to Mr. Sand. Do I have 225? Do I have 250? 250! 275? 290 against you, Mr. Sand." He nodded raising his hand. "Three hundred. That's a $300,000 for these precious doubloons." Hiram shaked his sign many times. "Going once, going twice, sold! To Mr. Sand for $300,000!" Everyone cheered for the sale. "What a coup for such rare wonders." Mr. Lodge went to go have a word with his daughter, while everyone else made their exit.
Including for the second part of the day, Callie and her kid's day at the ministry again. During all this, Callie had done more research on the Starkweathers, as well as thought about the words that Sweet Pea left for her to think about. At Thornhill, this time Callie had Grady on her lap as he sucked his thumb while Lottie was fast asleep next to her.
"You've already witnessed one miracle," acknowledged Kevin. "Now, brothers and sisters, watch and wonder as Cheryl manifests the collective pain of our congregation." Cheryl let out a gasp of pain. "Behold! Her alabaster hands!" He gestured to her. "How they bleed with the blood of the stigmata." She gasped more as her hands filled with blood. "Mimicking the holy wounds of Jason." Everyone gasped.
"What does alabaster mean, mama?" asked Grady looking up at her.
"It's a variety of calcite," answered Ms. Blossom looking back with a smile. "Think of it in terms of kitchen countertop or lamp bases." Grady looked at her nodding slowly. After the service, and when Lottie was awake, Callie took the kids to the park, she honestly was beginning to like this routine she had going here in Riverdale. She was no longer scrambling for help, she had babysitters, her friends, and her family. She even has a few jobs, Government teacher at Riverdale High, running Watson Wonders, the Thomas Reuters, and Vixen Queen. It may seem like a lot, but she had adjusted to it majorly, and now she is back with Sweet Pea everything seemed easier.
She looked over to see Archie walking up to her.
"I heard you went around speaking to the family of the guys on your platoon," said Callie. "How did it go?"
"I got most of the okay from their families," answered Archie, they both stood by the playscape watching the two kids play, following them. "Told me to do as I see fit. Why do you think Eric is against it?"
"From based on what you've told me he is hiding something," answered Callie. "Something General Taylor could use it against him." Archie sighed, she looked at him. "You do what you see fit Arch, and I just know that Eric will come around, I know he will."
"I appreciate your support," said Archie as they looked back at the kids. "What are you doing for Mother's Day?"
"You are not the only one to ask me that," said Callie as she folded her arms. "I have to an answer by the time Sweet Pea gets back from this job, normally I just go and visit Mom in Chicago."
"This time you are staying here for it," said Archie. "I'm sure she will understand." Callie nodded. "What are you going to do about Sweet Pea anyways?"
"The dream I had with him back in senior year seems to be reemerging," answered Callie. "But I can't just think about myself this time, I have to think about them." She gestured to the kids. "Whatever happens they will be affected and I do not want to bring them pain like that."
Archie put a hand on her head. "I just know you will do whatever you see fit."
A new day had come, Callie and the kids were back at Thornhill to watch Cheryl perform her last miracle.
"Behold, Cheryl Blossom as she prepares her third and final miracle," announced Kevin, they all watched Cheryl stand in front of a container containing bees and their honeycombs. Both her kids were sitting on Callie's lap, wanting to see the next magic as they called it. "The taming of the bees." They watched her put her hands in the container. "Witness as her purity keeps her porcelain skin safe from these vicious and spiteful creatures."
"This is nothing but a farce," accused Ms. Blossom as she joined the other two up front. "I pray you, do not fall victim to her deceit." Cheryl was annoyed. "For if you do, this Ministry shall become nothing but a sham."
"Brothers and sisters, we find ourselves at a crossroads," acknowledged Kevin as he raised a hand. "Allow me to be your guide."
"Do not listen to this heretic," ordered Ms. Blossom as she glared at Kevin.
"Who are you going to put your faith in, Cheryl, who shared the womb with Jason the Divine, or her mother, a whoremonger, and escaped convict?" questioned Kevin as he glared right back at her.
"Lies, Lies, all of it--" spitted out Ms. Blossom with venom.
"Mother, enough!" demanded Cheryl, they looked over to her holding honeycombs in her hands, and the bees buzzing all around, not stinging her at all. "Begone from my temple, or I will smite thee." She walked over to her mother. "For I am Cheryl Blossom, Queen of the Bees." Ms. Blossom took her leave, not wanting to risk it with the bees.
After the third miracle, they were now heading back to the apartment.
"Mama," breathed Grady as he skipped. "Can we keep going to Auntie Cheryl? I like seeing the magic tricks."
"Sure," smiled Callie. "Though I cannot promise there will be a magic trick each time."
"That's okay," smiled Grady.
"I come too," said Lottie as she tried to copy her brother.
"Of course," said Callie with a bigger smile.
"Yoo-hoo!" They stopped and looked over to Veronica walking over to them. "I have another favor from you Calliekins!"
"What's up V?" asked Callie as she grabbed Lottie's hand.
" I was in wonder of borrowing of one your Vixens," said Veronica as she stopped in front of them. "Chad's in town celebrating the success of his Coptercab."
"Didn't he crash a helicopter?" asked Callie. "Something like that is not exactly good for business."
"Yes," answered Veronica as she battered her eyelashes. "Exactly, why I'm requesting one of your vixens." Callie reached into her pocket and held out a business card and Veronica took it happily. "Selina." She looked at Callie happily. "Thanks a ton."
After that, Callie went and stopped at Toni's she was making pirate soup for them.
"Hey, Cal," said Toni as she helped cut up vegetables. "I wanted to ask you about the Vixens." Callie looked at her. "What does it mean by you are setting up headquarters here?"
"It means I am staying in Riverdale and since I am the Queen," answered Callie.
"The headquarters follow you," finished Toni. "What does mean for the Serpents?"
"It means we work for you guys," answered Callie. "We do not do anything without the serpent word." Toni smiled in relief. "The people here are the some of the few that know who the Vixen Queen is, as sworn my identity will be secret in Rhode Island, especially to new members."
"So, to be clear, the Vixens will not be overstepping with the Serpents?" asked Fangs as he walked over with Baby Anothny, Callie glanced back to see her kids playing with toys.
"No," answered Callie. "By blood Grady is a serpent as well as a Vixen." She smiled. "Plus, we have an alliance, I am not to break it ever."
That night, after Jughead's shift, he was over talking with Callie about what happened with the agency, they had teen titans on for the kids.
"Tell you what Jughead," said Callie. "When you get it together, I'll have you a different agent. One where you make the rules and speed of how often you release and publish a book. Deadlines that can be extended."
"I'll have to think about it, but I will keep it in mind," said Jughead as he sipped some grape juice. "As for the publishing company?"
"Watson Wonders is legal now," said Callie. "They won't push you for anything."
"No, they will just be hounding me to watch their kids," said Jughead with a smile. "I promised Tabitha I would work on my sobriety."
"As you should," urged Callie. "I won't be able to hound you about watching my kids if something happens." Jughead laughed and rolled his eyes.
"So, what does this mean for you and me?" asked Jughead.
"Just like back in sophomore year, we can repair our relationship," answered Callie. "We've done it before and we can do it again." Jughead smiled more. "There seem to be a lot of parallels which has prepared me to have an answer for Sweet Pea. I will do what I see fit." Jughead helped Callie get the kids to bed before heading out himself. Callie stayed up a bit working on a few things for Thomas Reuter when the door opened, she looked up to see Sweet Pea coming.
"What are you still doing up?" asked Sweet Pea as he kicked off his shoes and hung up his coat.
"Just some work," answered Callie as he came over to the table, they exchanged a kiss. "I thought about what you said." Sweet Pea sat at the table with a smile. "I don't exactly have in mind what I want to do, but I do know I want you here for it."
"That's alright," said Sweet Pea putting a hand on his face. "Any ideas?"
"Well, Archie said he wanted to come around as well," recalled Callie. "Possibly do something with Toni and Fangs, it'll be Toni's first Mother's Day."
"We can work something out," assured Sweet Pea. "It's so like you to think of others." He then touched his shirt pocket. "I was a fool for letting you go."
"So why did you?" asked Callie.
"Because of what people kept saying," answered Sweet Pea. "That you of all people needed a break from Riverdale, and I was just going to keep you trapped here." Callie shook her head. "Just for you to come here years later."
"Pea, I would have followed you anywhere, even if it meant staying here in Riverdale," said Callie. Tears filled his eyes a bit. "The dreams we had when we were seniors, they are being fulfilled as we speak, they are tucked in for the night." Sweet Pea smiled a bit more. "I loved you deeply and I have not stopped loving you. I've felt your love, and I want to continue feeling it."
"Are you sure?" asked Sweet Pea putting a hand on her face. "Because I am not giving up, only in death will I ever leave you again." Callie put her hand on top of his, the two exchanged a kiss. They pulled back before going in for another kiss.
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