Chapter 134
When they returned to Riverdale, Callie, and Sweet Pea were filled in with everything that happened with the palladium mines. They let Jughead crash on the couch and after putting the kids to bed, they stayed a up bit later in their room. Sweet Pea touched the ring in his pocket watching Callie sit in the mirror brushing her hair.
"Uh, Shortstop," said Sweet Pea walking over. "What exactly does this mean for us?" Callie looked at him through the mirror. "I don't want to stay on this merry-go-round anymore. And that kiss in the car, did it mean anything?"
"We said I love you," said Callie. "Did you want me to decipher it?"
"But did you mean it?" asked Sweet Pea sitting on the bed. Callie turned around to face him. "Did you truly mean or--"
"I meant it," answered Callie cutting him off and taking his hands. "I hate to admit, but you have brought a lot of joy back into my life and you made such a difference in our kids."
"Our kids," Sweet Pea repeated with a smile, it dropped. "Will your brother be okay with it?"
Callie gave him a look. "We are adults now."
"It's Archie," he reminded her, Callie nodded in agreement. "So?"
"He'll just have to get over it," said Callie as her phone went off, she looked over to see it was Josie, and she picked it up immediately. "Hey, superstar. I have you a room in the 5 seasons under Ms. Newmar." Sweet Pea raised his eyebrows.
"Thanks, Callie," said Joise. "I can come by tonight."
"The kids are asleep right now, so how about you tomorrow?" asked Callie. "You had a bedtime rival today."
Josie laughed a little. "Yeah, tomorrow is good." She sounded close to crying. "I will see you in the morning." The phone went dead, and Sweet Pea crossed his arms.
"Ms. Newmar?" asked Sweet Pea.
"It's an alias name for the superstar," answered Callie putting the phone down. "Can't just have her down as McCoy."
"No, it might just cause her hometown of Riverdale to have a meltdown," said Sweet Pea.
Morning came around, Callie was up early getting breakfast together when Joise called again.
"Hey, which hotel room are you staying at?" asked Josie.
"Well...." Callie began.
"Well, what?" asked Joise.
"I'll shoot you the address," answered Callie before hanging up. 10 minutes later, Callie was sitting at the table going over cases while enjoying some coffee. Must have been a long drive for the rest of them to still be knocked out, then there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it," said Sweet Pea treading into the room and rubbing his eyes, Callie froze. She had not exactly caught Joise up on a lot of things.
"I was told Callie lives here and instead I'm seeing a little bitch," said Josie as soon as the door opened. Sweet Pea looked over at Callie who was at the table still, she simply focused on her laptop. "So? Can you give me the correct address?"
"It's the right one, isn't it, Shortstop?" asked Sweet Pea, Joise took this opportunity to come inside and she crossed her arms. She was staring daggers at Sweet Pea.
"Don't say it," said Callie getting up. "I already know what you are going to say."
"I am disappointed in you," said Josie as she and Callie hugged. "Can I take a page out of Jughead's book, I'm feeling a little inspired with my music." Before the conversation could continue, sounds of little feet came running into the room.
"Auntie!" cried Lottie as the Sweet Pea closed the door.
"There you are!" cried Josie happily bending down. "You have grown so much since the last time I saw you."
"Taller than big brother," said Lottie.
"Not true!" shouted Grady bolting into the room, Joise happily hugged him. "How long are you here for?"
"Just a few days," said Josie standing up with Lottie in her arms, she then leaned over to Callie while looking at Sweet Pea. "You have a lot of explaining to do."
"He's been living with me since I returned to Riverdale," answered Callie.
"You two share an apartment now?" asked Josie in disbelief. "You really let your morals slip for this snake." Callie just rolled her eyes.
"What are morals?" asked Grady pulling on Sweet Pea's pants.
"Think of it like this," said Sweet Pea. "It's what a pirate would and would not do."
"Mama dropped her pirate morals for you?" asked Grady. "Hope you're worth it, Papa."
"He is so your son," laughed Joise.
"Have you gotten in touch with Kevin at all?" asked Callie.
"He is my next person to hit up," said Joise. "I came here to talk to you about something." Callie looked over at Sweet Pea.
"Uh, Pea can you get the kids ready?" asked Callie.
"Yeah," said Sweet Pea. "This will give me a chance to attempt pigtails again."
"Mommy," said Lottie grabbing Callie's sleeve.
"I'll fix it if it's needed," assured Callie as she kissed Lottie's head.
"You could just pretend to like it," grumbled Sweet Pea as he took the kids to get ready.
Josie then opened up to Callie about her dad's passing.
"I am sorry, Josie," said Callie pulling her into a hug. "Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Just be here with me," said Josie. "I wish I could see him again, you understand, right?" Callie thought back to her dad and nodded. "I know we had our differences, but--" She started to wipe her eyes and Callie took her hands. "How did you do it?"
"Allow yourself to feel the pain," said Callie. "Pushing it away will make it worse, don't let yourself be alone, in times like this, the best thing is a shoulder to cry on and comfort." Josie nodded. "Don't rush to feel better either, the pain will always remain no matter what you do. It does get easier over time."
Soon, they were all downstairs, Callie was getting ready to take Grady to school, and Lottie with her to the shop.
"Have you called up Melody or Valerie yet?" asked Callie. "I know you two have not spoken in a while."
"As a matter of fact, I am calling them later," said Joise. "I know it won't be an easy conversation." She grabbed Callie's hand. "Thank you, Callie." She then gave Sweet Pea the evil eye. "When we are alone again, I want more of an explanation of why you took him back."
"Will we see you again?" asked Grady from the car window.
"Well duh," answered Joise making a face. "I would never leave without saying bye to some of my favorite fans." She winked. "I will see you all later."
"See you later," said Callie, the pop star then took her leave to go to Riverdale High. Sweet Pea coughed, and Callie slowly turned to look at her.
"You didn't bother telling Josie about our updated situation?" asked Sweet Pea.
"It may have slipped my mind," said Callie.
"I can feel the hole Joise created in my head from her stare," said Sweet Pea pointing to his head.
"Am I going to get to school?" asked Grady as he tapped on the car.
"He is definitely your son with his desire to go school," said Sweet Pea. "I have a few things to take care of at the trailer, I will meet up with you all later." He stepped up to the car and kissed Grady on the head. "Have a good day, pirate."
"I will papa," said Grady. Sweet Pea gave Lottie a kiss on the cheek, then he kissed Callie before hopping on his bike and taking off.
"Mama," said Grady as Callie went and put Lottie in her car seat.
"Yes, baby?" asked Callie looking at him.
"Can Papa stay with us forever?" asked Grady as he played with the window.
"I like Papa too," said Lottie grabbing some of Callie's hair.
Callie looked back at him. "I'm happy that you like your dad." She looked at Lottie. "You too."
Grady looked at her. "So, that means forever?"
"Forever," giggled Lottie clapping her hands.
"We'll see," said Callie as she got in the car. "Are you both liking Riverdale?"
"Yeah," He sounded. "I like having Uncle Archie and Uncle Juggie near." Lottie just nodded.
After dropping off Grady, Callie was now stocking at the Watson Wonders, where Sacramento was filling her in on what happened with Betty and one of the highway killers. They had Lottie at the counter coloring from her book, both keeping a close eye on her.
"Not the first time to have a killer become killers," said Callie as she put Summer Storms on the shelf—a book released by one of the old Pussycats, Melody Valentine.
"Yeah, I remember you telling me how the Black Hood had associates and then also teamed with Penelope Blossom, head of the G&G business," said Sacramento as she sat at the cash register. She glanced down at what Lottie was coloring. "Do you think this is something similar?"
"Yes and no," answered Callie. "That being said...I want to talk to Nana Rose." She looked over at Sacramento. "A lot of killers seemed to have a connection with the Blossoms, and I would be foolish to rule this out considering the past."
"Nana Rose," Sacramento repeated. "I'm guessing you want to do some research before asking." Callie nodded. "I can do it for you."
"No, it's alright," denied Callie. "Thank you for stepping in and helping Betty."
Sacramento beamed at her, then furrowed her eyebrows. "Are you truly setting up base here in Riverdale?" Callie nodded. "Does that mean you will be staying here permanently?"
Callie walked over to her. "If you want to be released of Riverdale, I understand...its it is home."
"Not yet," denied Sacramento. "I want to finish out with this Highway Killer business, and then I will make the decision from there." She grabbed Callie's hand. "May I invite my girlfriend to come live in town with me, if that's alright?"
"Are you kidding?" scoffed Callie with a smile. "We are trying to rebuild Riverdale and get it back on the map, having you two here will help with that." Sacramento smiled even more. "We are allied with the Serpents, so setting up base here is not totally crazy. I got the okay from the Serpent Queen."
"Oh, good," smiled Sacramento. "Another thing, you and Sweet Pea." Callie looked at her hands with a smile. "Are you sure it's a good idea to get back with him?"
"If I don't learn my lesson this time then I am a fool," answered Callie. "Though I think everything will go well this time around." A bit later, Joise came back in, she took in the building.
"I'm surprised you are still running the business Cal," said Josie picking up the book that Melody published.
"Legally," answered Callie. "Shouldn't you be songwriting?"
"Where's my goddaughter?" asked Josie as she scanned the shelves.
"Down for a nap," answered Callie. "So--"
"As a favor to Weatherbee for letting me use the music room, I held a class for the students," explained Josie. "And then your brother hassled me into going down to the Whyte Wyrm to see everyone again." At that moment, Callie's phone went off with a text, and it was about meeting Joise later. "Please tell me you are going."
"Sorry," said Callie looking at her. "It's a bit last minute, not sure if I want to scramble for a babysitter."
"Callie!" Josie yelped as she sat in one of the chairs. "What am I supposed to do?"
"Just say hello, remember your boundaries," answered Callie. "Did you get in touch with them?" Josie nodded. "And?"
"They are coming to the Whyte Wyrm tomorrow," answered Joise. "I'm in the middle of my world tour yet this is scaring me the most."
"I get how you are feeling sort of," said Callie. "I was scared about having Grady meet his dad when I came back here with Jughead."
"Jughead," said Joise. "He robbed Pops at gunpoint in Serpents mask."
"Never a dull moment in Riverdale," acknowledged Callie. "I remember, I was on a date with Sweet Pea at Pops when that happened."
"Speaking of Sweet Pea," began Joise. "You let him back in."
"I know," said Callie. "It took a while like last time, but..."
"But..." began Joise with a smile on her face. "New tattoos, got a DILF look to him."
"Josie McCoy!" Callie chimed with a smile looking at her.
"He is a dad, isn't he?" asked Joise with a teasing smile. "Tell me, tell me everything." For the next two hours, Callie and Joise exchanged stories, as well as played with Lottie when she woke up. After the day finished, Joise went to work on her music while Callie went to grab Grady from school, they made a stop at the park as usual. As she was pushing her kids on the swings, Callie thought back to the Mothmen, to the old man, and how his junkyard was right by the freeway. Then thought back to the killer that Betty, Tabitha, and Sacramento caught. She also thought back to Sweet Pea's words. She is a mother now, so she does need to be more careful, yet she still has that strong desire of wanting to know. She also thought about Joise, which made Callie take out her phone to make a quick call.
"Ms. Watsons," Ms. McCoy greeted.
"It's about Ms. Newmar," answered Callie. "But I'm thinking--"
"Mother's intuition, I'm sure you understand with your children's antics," the woman responded. "I'll be in Riverdale soon."
When they got home, Sweet Pea was already there, he was in the kitchen.
"Papa!" greeted Grady running up to him. "I didn't get in trouble today."
Sweet Pea looked down at him. "Listen, Grady, strive to be good, but leave room for breaking rules."
"Just what are you trying to teach him?" asked Callie as she shut then, Sweet Pea looked at her as she bent down to help Lottie take off her shoes.
"How to not be lame and be awesome like me," answered Sweet Pea pointing to himself. "Can't have following in the line of your goody two shoes...oh wait didn't you get suspended once?"
"Mommy?" asked Grady looking at her in surprise.
"Once," confirmed Callie with a slight smile. Callie noticed he was looking at her funnily. "What?"
"Nothing," denied Sweet Pea looking away with a smile.
"Josie is going to the Wyrm later if you want to join the others," said Callie as she went into the living room with the kids.
"Trying to set me up with her again?" asked Sweet Pea as he joined them, Callie just rolled his eyes at him. "What does our homework look like today?"
"More smelly multiplication," said Grady opening his backpack. Sweet Pea started to fan his nose causing Grady and Lottie to laugh. Callie studied Sweet Pea a bit, taking in the DILF comment that Josie made earlier.
That night at tPops Josie left after getting fed up with the people she sat with at the Whyte Wyrm.
"Josie McCoy," a voice greeted from the gas pop, the girl looked up to see Fozzie of the Vixen Gang. He was sitting on his motorcycle.
"Fozzie," greeted Josie in surprise. She knew all about Callie's Vixen Gang, in fact, some of the members worked for her, and she may have hooked up with a few.
"What are you doing at Pops?" asked Fozzie as Josie walked toward him.
"Leaving," answered Joise.
"Well, do you want a ride?" asked Fozzie. He reached back grabbing a helmet. "Wherever you're going."
Back at Callie's place, they had just finished putting the kids to bed. In the living room, Callie was watching Sweet Pea polish his brass knuckles.
"So, what did you do at your trailer today?" asked Callie.
"Cleaning and sizing it," answered Sweet Pea. "Thinking about selling it."
"What for?" asked Callie.
"I can get us a house," answered Sweet Pea. "I do enjoy living across from Toni and Fangs, but I want bigger space for the kids---" Callie zoned, she was too focused on his physic rather than his voice. Why? Why was it that when it came to Sweet Pea, her morals with romance went out the door? As if they never existed. She continued to watch Sweet Pea, the way his mouth moved, the way his hands moved with the brass knuckles. Callie began to feel something she had not felt in a long time, not even when she was dating and married to Wilbur. And not with that one night with Reggie. "Cal...Callie...Shortstop?"
"Huh?" asked Callie snapping out of it, she looked to see that he was annoyed.
"You're not paying attention to what I am saying are you?" asked Sweet Pea, his nostrils.
"Damn," breathed Callie not even bothering to Sweet Pea's question. "Josie's right, you are a DILF." Sweet Pea's eyes went wide at what she just said, and he blushed heavily. As for Callie, the research she wanted to do was just going to have to wait until tomorrow. Callie looked at the kids' doors to see they were shut and then looked at Sweet Pea, he watched her sit on his lap.
"What do you--" began Sweet Pea.
"Less talking," demanded Callie as she put her hands on his face. "So much for taking it slow." Without any other words, the two began to make out, Sweet Pea picked up Callie by the legs and then carried her to the bedroom. Just like with Reggie, the snake knew all the right spots. The next morning came around, and Callie woke up in Sweet Pea's arms, it felt as if she never left them 7 years ago, his hands were playing with her hair. Callie looked up at him, and he immediately smiled. "What were you saying yesterday before I blocked you out?"
"Something about selling the trailer to get a bigger house," answered Sweet Pea.
"Keep the trailer," said Callie rolling a bit so she was on top of him. Sweet Pea felt his heart speed up, all the feelings from the past were just rushing forward. "Have it for your son or daughter to inherit."
"Not the motorcycle?" asked Sweet Pea.
"Oh no," denied Callie. "Grady wants to get one of the junkyards and work on it when he is older. As for Lottie....she is focused on magical horse carriages."
"Then I guess that will be a father-son project for me and our son," said Sweet Pea, he liked using those words. "As for the house."
"You let me worry about that," said Callie, she sat up a bit.
"Going already?" asked Sweet Pea letting his fingers trace her back.
"Grady is about to wake up in five minutes," answered Callie, this got Sweet Pea up and moving fast. A bit later, Toni was over, trying to figure out ways to induce labor.
"Maybe try eating something spicy?" asked Callie looking at the book.
"How about sex?" asked Sweet Pea pointing at an option, they both looked at him. "Just trying to help." He moved his finger down. "How about dates?"
"I tried," groaned Toni, they all looked over to see Grady and Lottie peacefully playing pirates and princesses. "What did you do, Cal?"
Callie thought back to it. "With Lottie, it was eating dates, but with Grady, it was pineapple juice."
"Let's go with pineapple juice," said Toni. "Anything to get this baby out."
"I don't have any here---" began Callie.
"There is some at the Wyrm," said Sweet Pea.
"Alright," breathed Toni as she went to the door. "You two go prepare the drink, and I'm going to do some baby clothes shopping in the hope of inducing it."
"Good luck," said Callie.
"I'm going to need it," said Toni, she looked at the two of them. "Not to be that person, but are you two officially back together?"
"Taking it slow," answered Callie, this made Toni smile.
"Good, because if I have to hear Sweet Pea go on about missing you and regretting not giving you that gem as he had been for the past 7 years I might just kill him," said Tonu, Callie looked at Sweet Pea as he became more interested in the baby book. "See you guys later."
"Later," they all said as Toni left.
"What was Toni talking about, Sweet Pea?" asked Callie.
"It doesn't matter right now," said Sweet Pea. "When I am comfortable, I will talk to you about it." She raised her eyebrows. "Please."
Callie studied his face, then thought back to 7 years and the prom dance with Jughead, and the gem that Toni just said. "Is that why you sold your brass knuckles all those years ago?"
"Damn it," grunted Sweet Pea looking away. "Forgot how smart you are."
"You did?" asked Callie folding her arms.
"Of course not," said Sweet Pea. "Can you just pretend to be dumb about it and go focus on some serial killer case?"
"Well, I am doing some research on the Mothemen and the old man with the junkyard," said Callie. "But---ask me the question in a few weeks." Sweet Pea looked at her as she stood up. "I would have said yes back then, but a lot has happened since." Sweet Pea nodded with tears in his eyes.
"I don't want to lose you again," said Sweet Pea taking her hands. "Not ever again."
"You've said those words before, Pea," said Callie. "I'm not sure if you'll mean them this time." Callie took a step back. "I know we kissed and said I love you, but I am protecting my heart this time." Sweet Pea nodded looking away. "I need to know if you are really going to fight this time, not just for us, but for them." Callie looked at her kids. "They like having you around, and I don't want them to get hurt."
"Callie," said Sweet Pea, she looked at him. "I'm not going to be an idiot this time around." He looked at her. "Did you know Ms. Smith has the power to marry people, Grady asked her about us."
"That kid," smiled Callie looking at him. "He told me he wanted you around forever, Lottie was quick to agree" Sweet Pea lit up looking at the kids. "Some days he is more like you and other days more like me, I'm not sure if it's a good thing."
"Think of it this way, he is a combination of us," said Sweet Pea. "A proper genius bad boy." Callie looked at him, he looked at her with a smile. "I'm not fighting for us just because we have a kid together. I am going to fight because I truly want you in my life, all of you. I will make my words have meaning this time." Callie leaned down kissing him, he happily kissed back. Grady looked over at what was happening, he smiled ear to ear. He had never seen his mama look at anyone the way she looked at his father.
Later that day, they were all the Whyte Wyrm for a Cats reunion performance, the kids were hanging by Veronica, Toni, and Fangs.
"Here you go," said Callie bringing Toni a glass of pineapple juice.
"Toni, just how overdue are you?" asked Veronica.
"A week," answered Toni as she held her stomach. "But I thought it'd be good for the baby to see the Cats live. Plus, I wouldn't miss this."
"And pineapple juice is to help induce labor," said Callie.
"Where you overdue as well?" asked Veronica as Callie put some apple juices down for her kids.
"Just two days," answered Callie. "The sorority girls had me drinking a class of this two days before the due date and two days after, one a day." Sweet Pea pulled Grady onto his lap.
"Dr. Curdle Jr?" asked Betty. "Hey." He and Weatherbee looked over, all decked out in Josie's gear. "Did someone die?"
"No, Ms. Cooper," denied Curdle Jr with a smile. "I am a huge Josie fan."
"We both are," confirmed Weatherbee. Everyone started cheering, Callie sat down and pulled Lottie onto her lap. The lights turned down and everyone watched the Cats perform again together, the proceeds all going to reinstate the town of Riverdale. Everyone was jamming happily, Lottie and Grady were dancing with each other up front. They went and interacted with the group, causing a few to cheer loudly, Archie smiled as Josie touched his face, and each Pussy Cat gave a high five to Grady and Lottie. Everyone cheered when the song ended, and Kevin kissed Archie's cheek a lot.
"Let's give it up for Valerie Brown and Melody Valentine!" announced Josie, everyone cheered as the two girls lit up. "Listen, I've played a lot of venues. The Sydney Opera House, Dodger Stadium, the Apollo. Whoo!" She laughed a bit. "But there is no better spot to play music than here. Riverdale nourishes artists like myself and Valerie and Melody, and heck, even Jughead Jones." He raised a milkshake to her. "I hope it will inspire our youth, Grady, and my goddaughter Lottie, hi baby."
"Goddaughter," Cheryl mouthed to Callie, she answered the question with a thumbs up.
"So, this next song is something my dad wanted to hear me perform," said Josie pulling up a chair to sit on. "It's originally sung by one of his favorite artists. Nina Simone. This is for him." Everyone sat down, to listen to Josie's Ballard for her dad. Lottie and Grady came back, sitting with Sweet Pea and Calie. The two looked at each other before exchanging a kiss, Archie looked over raising his eyebrows, then back at Josie. Suddenly, Toni made a sound, and they all looked back.
"That pineapple juice worked fast," said Fangs as he tried to hold Toni.
"Toni?" asked Josie in concern.
"I'm sorry, Josie," apologized Toni. "I think I'm having my baby."
"Oh, crap," breathed Josie. "Um, okay. Uh. Is there a doctor in the house?"
Curdle raised his hand. "I'm a doctor."
"I can do it," said Fangs standing up. "We prepared for a home birth, I just need another pair of hands."
Callie stood up. "I can help, I had Grady in a bathtub after all."
"Make that two hands," said Cheryl standing up.
"Let's go," urged Fangs as the three began to rush Toni upstairs. "Go, go, go." Upstairs in Pops, everyone waited patiently as Toni went to labor, Kevin paced by the doors while most sat down. Sweet Pea was coloring with Grady and Lottie.
"Sweet Pea," said Archie sitting in the booth with him. "I saw you and my sister."
"We were sitting together," said Sweet Pea as he shaded in the pirate ship that Grady drew.
"Saw you two kiss," said Archie as he cracked his knuckles.
"You are going to get over it Uncle," said Grady looking at Archie. "Papa is here to stay." He held up a crayon threatening.
"Woah there," laughed Jughead looking back. "You got some new competition there Archie."
"My own nephew going against me," said Archie with a smile raising his eyebrows playfully at Grady.
"No doubt he's your and Callie's son with that attitude," said Betty. "No doubt, Lottie will pick the same bad habits." The doors swung open and out walked Cheryl and Callie.
"Well?" asked Kevin.
"It's a boy," answered Cheryl with a smile, they all gasped happily.
"Finally, some good news in this crazy town," smiled Kevin, he embraced Cheryl in a hug. Callie went over to the booth with her family, embracing her kids.
"Mommy," giggled Lottie, she looked at Sweet Pea sitting with the coffee in his hand. "Daddy."
"Pull my leg," said Sweet Pea as he joined. Callie opened her eyes, she looked to see Sweet Pea looking down at hers.
"They are just the cutest family," said Tabitha putting her hands together. "Just so much good at once."
Soon everyone was standing outside by the newly decorated Pussycats tour bus.
"Not gonna lie, Josie, we were kind of hoping you'd stay and be Riverdale High's new music teacher," admitted Kevin.
Josie made a laugh, that was definitely a no. "Uh, my destiny lies elsewhere."
"Have an amazing tour, Josie," said Veronica.
"Keep in touch," said Lottie, she was being held up by Callie.
"Of course," said Josie grabbing Lottie's hand.
"And I'm gonna call you, okay?" said Veronica with a smile. "And I'm gonna live vicariously through you."
"Deal," said Josie. "But you guys should come out and see me some time."
"We will 100% Josie," said Betty.
"Especially if we can get backstage passes," said Tabitha with hope.
"Uh, hell yes, you can," confirmed Josie.
"Look who came to say bye," said Toni, they all looked to see her walking over with Fangs and the baby.
"I want to see," said Grady, Sweet Pea immediately picked him up.
"Oh my god," cooed Josie as everyone gathered around. Everyone looked at each other with joy. "What is this cutie-patootie's name?"
"Tony," answered Fangs.
"Anthony, after my grandfather," explained Toni.
"Congratulations again, Toni," said Josie. "Fangs. Kevin. He's really beautiful." Toni chuckled a bit. A motorcycle pulled up, they looked to see Fozzie of the Vixen Gang.
"Hey, Josie," said Fozzie walking up to her. Callie and Sweet Pea looked at each other and then back at the other two.
"Hi," greeted Josie.
"Can I talk to you for a second?" asked Fozzie holding out his hand.
"Uh, yeah," answered Josie taking his hand, he pulled her off to the side a bit.
"So, I've been thinking and, there any chance that I can tag along with you?" asked Fozzie, this made Josie smile. "You know, I'd pull my weight, I could...I could drive the bus, or I could be your roadie." Josie laughed. "I could be your anything"
"What about your Vixen Queen?" asked Josie, they looked over to the four eavesdropping. Callie gave a big thumbs up, naturally, her kids copied and so did Sweet Pea. Josie laughed looking back at Fozzie. "It'll be a tight squeeze, but, yes."
"Great, I'll, uh, I'll load myself," said Fozzie. The family then stepped to the side.
"You let a Vixen go so easily," said Sweet Pea.
"He's in love, how could I say no?" asked Callie defending himself. "Besides, he is still a Vixen, they are stationed all over." Together they all waved by as the tour bus took off.
"Cal," said Sweet Pea, she looked at him. "Let's make us work together."
"I can get behind that," said Callie.
"Forever and always this time," said Sweet Pea taking her hand. "I mean it."
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