Chapter 131
Callie was now walking the hallways of the destroyed school of Riverdale with Archie, Kevin, Alice, Weatherbee, and a few other teachers.
"Hiram's escapees trashed everything," Alice informed. "They pulled wires from walls, smashed circuit breakers, even broke sinks and toilets."
"How long till we get this place back in shape, Mr. Andrews?" Weatherbee asked.
"We're looking at least three weeks," Archie answered. "And that's if I can pull a crew together."
"I'm sure I can make a few calls to bring in some help for a bit," Callie offered.
"That would be great," Archie smiled at her.
"Count me in, as well Archie," Kevin pleaded.
"Well, let's get started," Alice sighed. "I guess it's back to remote learning." Alice walked off with Weatherbee as the others parted.
"Are you going to be fine with remote learning?" Kevin asked.
"Yes," Callie answered. "This will allow me to be near Toni if she needs any help. She's been wonderful watching Lottie for me on days she isn't at the daycare."
Callie was now at the Andrews' house with Archie; she was doing more work for Uncle Frank; to send to mom.
"Little sister," Archie began. "You are truly a miracle worker."
"Just doing my job," Callie corrected as she typed away. Archie then sat at the table. "What?"
"You and Sweet Pea," Archie brought up; she looked at him. "You two reconnected pretty fast." She looked back at the computer. "Do you want to go down that path with him?"
"I am unsure," Callie admitted. "I just don't my heart broken by him again, I don't want to drag my kids into that mess."
"He won't leave this time," Archie assured as he put a hand on her shoulder. "I don't think he wants to put on that invisible shirt of guilt ever again. Mr. Keller told me that he refused to leave his trailer for weeks after he ended it with you the second time." Archie looked like he was going to say something else when there was a knock at the door. Archie got up to answer it.
"Archie," Veronica greeted; stepping in. "Thank god. I heard about the prison break." The two hugged. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," Archie answered as they parted. "I mean, the schools a mess, but it could have been a lot worse. How did things go with Chad? Did he sign the divorce papers"
Veronica's mood did not get better. "Um...not exactly. Chad threw me a curveball. I could explain, but for legal reasons, it's better you don't know the details." Archie looked down. "I know, I'm sorry. I really hate that I'm dragging you through this."
"I appreciate it, Ronnie," Archie admitted. "But, until you and Chad are officially done, I think we should keep our distance. I mean, we can be friends, but that's it. Not until those papers are signed."
"I suppose that makes sense," Veronica said reluctantly.
"And I'm going to be busy anyway," Archie said. "I told Tom that I'd help him round up any convicts who are still causing trouble." Veronica left in a sulky mood.
"That was a wise decision," Callie complimented as Archie walked back over. "Definitely learned from your lesson before Veronica was even married."
Archie went into the fridge. "If Wilbur was still alive what would you do?"
"Nothing," Callie answered. "If he was alive; the kids and I would still be in Rhode Island."
"Were you that loyal to a man you didn't love?" Archie asked in disbelief as he looked at her.
"You've read the letters," Callie said as she looked at him. "You know how controlling he was."
That night, Callie had gotten the last of the rug rats to sleep; she came into the bedroom to find Sweet Pea with his back toward her; he was shirtless, with a tattoo on the side of his ribcage. Callie slowly walked over, putting her hand on it.
"I haven't seen this one," Callie said as she traced it. "What does the date mean?"
Sweet Pea looked back at her. "Uh...." Callie tilted her head. "It's the day when you first came to the Whyte Wrym." She tilted her head tilted the other day. "The first time I met you." Her eyes widened; with a light, laugh Callie started to smile a little. "You think it was stupid to get that tattoo, cringe?"
"No," Callie denied as she lifted her shirt; on the side of her ribcage,
"Wasn't the day of drag race?" Sweet Pea asked as he squatted down to get a better look. "You almost got beheaded that day."
"And it was the first time I felt butterflies for you," Callie answered as she sat on the bed. "Complete cringe." Sweet Pea opened his mouth to say something when they heard the front door break open. Callie pulled a knife out from her sock; then stepped out.
"Shortstop!" Sweet Pea exclaimed as he went after her, when he got to the main room he saw a man pinned to the wall by his hand; blood was spilling out.
"Aren't you one of Darla's errand boys?" Callie asked as he stood in front of her with her arms crossed.
"If you know who she is then you are a fool for attacking me," the man cried as he took out the knife.
"Darla and her group of losers have been in jail for seven years," Callie reminded him. "A lot has changed since then."
"I disagree," the man smirked; he charged forward, Callie simply stepped to the side; Sweet Pea punched the man in the face; then twisted his arm; pinning him to the ground. "My arm!"
"Cal, what should we do with him?" Sweet Pea asked.
"Discard, but don't kill," Callie instructed. "Please."
"As you wish," Sweet Pea smirked; he got up dragging the man out of the apartment. By the time he returned; Callie was almost done fixing the door. "When did you learn how to use a knife like that?"
"Mr. Jones taught me when I went to Toledo during a week's visit," Callie answered as Sweet Pea started to help her.
"As for the knife in your sock?" Sweet Pea asked.
"A tip and trick from Ms. Jones," Callie answered; she looked up at him. "What'd you do with him?"
"A couple of serpents are taking care of him," Sweet Pea answered. "Delivering him Shankshaw as we speak." She stood up once the door was finished. "We made a good team." Sweet Pea leaned in to kiss her, but Callie walked away.
Morning came around; at Riverdale High, Sweet Pea was helping clean up and fix the school.
"Hey, guys," Kevin called poking his head out from a room. "You should see this." They all gathered around to see Governor Dooley on tv with Hiram Lodge.
"But we believe there's a small group of escapees that are still at large in the town formally known as Riverdale," Governor Dooley reported. "Local philanthropist. Hiram Lodge and I are offering a reward for any information that may lead to a safe capture of any and all prisoners." Kevin turned off the tv.
"Wait, so Hiram sets a bunch of cons and now he's offering a reward for bringing them back?" Fangs questioned.
"One of those guys broke into our apartment last night," Sweet Pea recalled.
"What happened?" Archie asked in alarm.
Sweet Pea shook his head. "We handled it with ease; but if known about the money--"
"It's a pr stunt to paint themselves as heroes," Kevin explained. Archie started to walk out.
"Where are you going?" Sweet Pea asked.
"We need money to fix this school and they're offering it," Archie explained. "I'm rounding up some criminals and I'm cashing in."
Fangs. "What is Shortstop up to today?"
Sweet Pea starting to pop some p's for a minute. "We got the kids to school; and then we parted ways...saying she had some business to handle at the Motors."
Kevin's mouth dropped open. "I'm...That is none of my business"
Over at Veronica's shop; Callie was walking in a conversation between Reggie and Callie.
"Reggie; it's not too late to switch sides," Veronica pleaded. "Fight with the good guys."
Reggie shook his head. "Nah, the bad guys pay better."
"And what if I were to pay you?" Callie asked; they looked to see her leaning against the door.
"Well, well," Reggie smirked. "My exes...Strawberry and Lodge." He started to walk over, and Callie smacked him across the face; Veronica's eyes widen.
"Because you and your lunatic boss plans of the prison break out my apartment got broken into," Callie began. "What did I say about putting my kids in danger?" Reggie touched his face and started to smile. "You will help with the escapees, and you will for old time's sake help Veronica with whatever she called you about."
"And if I don't?" Reggie asked.
"I'd never damage her body...but the wheels are freed to be punctured," Callie answered as she crossed her arms. "How is Bella doing since the last time I've been in it?"
Reggie took her hand kissing it. "Looks like we have a deal, Ms. Watson." Callie raised her eyebrows. "Since it's you don't need to pay me." Callie rolled her eyes and then left the building; Reggie looked over to see Veronica giving a stern unhappy look. "Strawberry is...Strawberry."
"And what am I?" Veronica asked as she crossed her arms. "Chopped liver?"
Over at Andrew's house; a couple of people were gathered, Callie had just finished printing a few papers.
"Uncle Frank, mom and I are building a case that should grant you an early release because of the heroism you showed the night of the prison break," Callie informed as Archie handed him a few papers. "In the meantime--"
"You can help us find these, convicts," Archie proposed. "It should bolster your chances."
"Oh, hell, yeah, I'll help you find 'em," Uncle Frank confirmed without hesitation. "I might know where some of these guys are hiding."
"I also heard of a group of convicts squatting at an old tuna fish warehouse out on the docks," Sweet Pea reported.
"Great, we'll start there," Archie nodded as Kevin walked into the room.
"No answer?" Fangs asked.
"No," Kevin denied. "Straight to voicemail again, thanks for asking."
"I talked to your dad earlier, Kev," Archie began. "He knew we were meeting here."
"Well, it's Riverdale," Kevin reminded him. "He could be doing literally anything. Onwards with the plan. Are we going in armed?"
"With swords?" Grady asked.
"With batons, tasers, and zip ties," Archie added as he ruffled Grady's head. "No guns, minimal bloodshed."
"Go get 'em," Callie instructed. "And come back in one piece." They all began to leave the room. "Pea?" He stopped; looked back at her; then at Grady. "Be careful, okay?"
"Ups!"Lottie requested; as she pulled on Callie's pants; she picked her up.
Sweet Pea kissed the top of the kid's head. "I'll be back in no time." He kissed Callie on the cheek before leaving the house.
Over at the warehouse; a couple of guys were playing cards; when Archie and the others broke in.
"What the hell?"
"There are warrens out for your arrest," Archie announced. "We're taking you in."
"You don't have guns," one guy said as he took one out. "That was a bad idea."
There was a gun click. "Drop it, before I drop you." They looked to see Reggie.
"Let's go," Archie ordered once the man did as he was told.
Back at the house, Callie was in her old room; reading a bedtime story to Grady and Lottie; she looked up at the sound of the front door opening. She looked at her kids to see them fast asleep.
"Where's the Northside Princess?" Darla Dickenson's voice entered the hall; there was a gun click. "I just wanna have a little talk..." Callie opened a drawer quickly filled something; and sent a text. When she opened the door, Darla was right there with a sadistic smile. "Today must be my lucky day." She peeked behind. "I see you got two underbellies a real shame if one ended up in a coma, like my Dodger."
"Ones like you are the reason blondes have a stereotype," Callie said as she pushed Darla back, closing the door behind her.
"Are you calling me stupid?" Darla asked as she raised the gun. "I'd be careful with your words girly."
"Take your own advice," Callie advised as she continued to have Darla back up. "You might just end up falling into them."
"I've sent one of my men after you," Darla said. "He hasn't come back."
"Nor will he," Callie confirmed. "Leave this place."
"Not till I get what I came for darling," Darla said as she put the gun inches away from Callie's stomach. Callie grabbed Darla's hand spinning her around; got a hold of the gun; then pushed her down the stairs.
"I'm going to repeat myself," Callie said as she started to walk down. "Leave this place." Darla got up, wiping blood from her mouth with a smile. Callie looked to see one other in the room.
"There are two little darlings upstairs," Darla began.
"They are innocent and young," Callie said stepping into the room. "Leave them out of this." Darla nodded at the man; he raised his gun, and there was another gun click; Callie glanced to see Misty behind the man. "I'll hand myself over to avoid any mess."
"Boss?" Misty asked in worried.
"Watch them," Callie ordered. "You know the rules; discard, but don't kill." With that, Darla and the man took her to El Royale.
"Callie Watson," Hiram greeted as she was getting tied to a chair in between him and Mr. Keller. "Surprised to see you." Governor Dooley was also with them.
"I'm more surprise to you here," Callie said. "Your inmates turn on you?" Hiram glared at her. "Let me guess, palladium?"
"We are the ones that dug it up; it's only right we get the share," Ted said; he had a shotgun in his hands.
"Did they threaten to kill you as well?" Hiram asked.
"As a parent; you'd do anything to protect your kids," Callie answered.
The others got back to the house to find it eerily quiet; Sweet Pea grew alarmed when he only saw Misty.
"Where--" Sweet Pea began.
"Grady and Lottie are fine," Misty answered. "Darla came...Callie didn't want any bloodshed so she went willingly."
"You have to be lying," Sweet Pea began. "There is no way--"
"Sweet Pea," Misty interrupted as she stood up. "If she handed herself over willingly, then she had a plan." Sweet Pea looked up the stairs. "Tell the kids that she had to step out for a minute and won't be gone long."
The next day, Ted took Hiram's phone to call Veronica.
"Veronica Lodge," Ted greeted. "You don't know me, but my associates and I have taken your father hostage. See, he owes me something, and he won't give it over. So, if you want to see him or his fellow captives, Governor Dooley, Callie Watson, or Sheriff Keller alive again, you better follow my instructions."
"What do you want?" Veronica demanded.
"Palladium," Ted answered. "We dug it out of the ground for your father, and now we want our share. But, he won't tell us where it is. So I thought maybe you could get through to him." He held the phone close to Hiram.
"We're at the El Royale," Hiram began. "There's four of them. He's got--" He got cut off with a punch. "Do not cooperate with these thugs."
"What the hell is palladium?" Veronica asked.
"I don't know what they are talking about!" Hiram shouted; Dodge shot the Governor in the stomach.
"Daddy!" Veronica exclaimed.
"That was Double D," Ted laughed. "Putting a bullet into Governor Dooley's stomach. It'll probably take a few hours for him to bleed out. The next bullet goes into your father. So, if you want to save their lives find me that palladium!"
"Wait, Double D?" Veronica asked. "Is Dodger Dickenson there? And does he have a blue opal?"
"He might," Ted nodded.
"I'll get you the palladium," Veronica agreed. "But I want my father and the others back. And my opal."
"Deal," Dodger smiled.
"I'll be in touch," Veronica said before the call ended.
Over at the Andrews, Sweet Pea was getting Grady dressed as Archie sat with Lottie.
"Where's mama?" Grady asked as Sweet Pea put his arm through a sleeve.
"She just had to step out for a small pirate mission" Sweet Pea answered. "She'll be back later." Grady pouted.
"Hey," Fangs greeted poking his head in. "Kevin's here." After getting Grady fully dressed, they all went downstairs. Archie was fixing Lottie's hair as Grady clung to his dad.
"Okay, now I'm officially worried," Kevin admitted. "My dad has never been out of touch this long."
"Your dad's been in thought spots before, Kev," Fangs reminded him. "He'll be okay, We're gonna find them." Fangs looked at Grady as Archie's phone went off. He stepped away to take the call. "Is everything alright, Pirate?"
"Mama went on a pirate mission," Grady answered. "She didn't gives kisses this time." Sweet Pea looked down to see tears in his eyes.
"Hey," Uncle Frank began; putting his hand on Grady's head. "Your mama is the toughest pirate captain out there; she'll be back with extra kisses." Grady smiled a little as he laid his head on Sweet Pea's shoulder.
Archie turned to Kevin. "I know where your dad is." He looked at Grady. "Your mama is on a simple pirate rescue mission." He looked at Sweet Pea. "How fast can Callie's pirate crew get here?"
"Calling Misty and Sting right now," Fangs said as he grabbed his phone.
Over at the SoDale office, a painting was a portrait revealing a safe.
"Confirmed," Veronica sighed. "My father is literally Lex Luthor."
"If he's hiding any palladium it's in there," Reggie informed.
"Archie, do you still ride with those tools in the back of your truck?" Sweet Pea asked.
Archie smiled; nodding his head. "Yes, I do." He looked at the others. "Do you guys want to give me a hand?"
"And I will track down a dolly," Veronica said.
Over at the El Royale, Callie saw Fozzie one of her Vixens in the firetruck; he was carefully watching the four enemies.
"Don't do anything rash," Mr. Keller whispered to her.
"I'm not," Callie whispered. "Just running through scenarios." Fozzie finally made eye contact with her.
By the time Veronica came with a dolly, the safe had been completely removed from the wall. "Well, done fellas."
Hiram's phone rang; Ted picked it up; Callie removed her hands from the bondage; Hiram looked over as Callie reached into her pants; sticking a small handgun up her sleeve.
"Did you get the palladium?" Ted asked.
"Yes," Veronica answered. "But there's a catch. It's locked in a safe. We have it, but not the combination. Luckily..."
Callie put her hands back behind the chair as Ted looked over. " I have the man who does." Ted turned his attention away. "Alright, but I want you to make the delivery, not your boyfriend. Just you."
"Deal," Veronica said. "I'll be there in half an hour. I give you the safe, you give me my opal and free the hostages. And Archie tells me you're a military man, so I know you'll honor my word." The call ended.
Over at the SoDale office.
"Okay, so what's the plan, boys?" Veronica asked. "Once I'm inside, I can buy us say 30 seconds."
"Ted knows the El Royale," Frank informed. "That's why he chose it. He'll have eyes on all the entrances."
"No, not tall," Archie denied. "When I took over the gym; Callie had me put in a new roof. There's an old skylight covered with tarpaper."
" We tear it off and drop in like Batman with the element of surprise," Sweet Pea said.
Archie nodded. " And he doesn't know you're working with us, Uncle Frank which gives us a small advantage."
"They've got my dad," Kevin said. "I'm going in, too."
"Count me in as well," Fangs volunteered.
"Same," Reggie said.
"Good," Frank nodded. "We'll need the manpower against Ted." They all nodded; they all started to prepare to leave.
"Hey," Fangs whispered to Sweet Pea. "Everything is alright, we'll get Callie back."
"I just want to know what her plan is," Sweet Pea admitted. "I want to trust what Misty said...but I'm worried."
"Don't be," Fangs said as he put a hand on Sweet Pea's shoulder. "Shortstop can handle herself a lot better than back in the day."
"Just what do you think you are doing, darling?" Darla asked; they looked over to see Callie untying Governor Dooley.
"Fozzie," Callie called. "Come to tend to Governor Dooley." The firetruck door opened; revealing Fozzie; he was tall and buff; with a tattoo sleeve on his right arm. He had medical supplies with him.
Ted clicked his gun. "Oh no, nobody is doing anything." Fozzie put Governor Dooley on his back. "Ben." The other guy pulled out his gun; pointing it at Hiram. Callie pulled Hiram's chair back; stepped around; and shot the guy in the knee.
"Ah!" the man cried as she fell to the ground; before someone could grab it; she kicked the weapon under the chair to Fozzie.
"You didn't shoot to kill," Ted said as he pointed his gun at her. "Big mistake." Callie pointed her gun at Dodger. " mentioned that she has children."
"Don't move," Callie ordered. "Just let Fozzie tend to Governor Dooley." She looked at the clock. "Don't keep Veronica waiting."Ted lowered his weapon and Callie did the same. Darla went to go let Veronica in. She rolled in with the safe, focused on Callie.
"Search her," Ted ordered.
"Show me the blue opal first," Veronica ordered. Dodger walked over holding up the item. "Okay, now you can search me." She held up her arms so Darla could pat her down. "Isn't it fab? It's from Lacy's new fall line. A dozen hidden pockets for that businesswoman on the go."
"You better not be wasting my time," Ted warned as he raised his gun; Callie did the same.
"And that's 30 seconds, you Neanderthal," Veronica smirked at him. The ceiling broke; they all looked up to see Archie, Uncle Frank, Kevin, Sweet Pea, and Reggie drop in; Veronica then used pepper spray on Darla. Callie used the back of the gun to smack Ted in the face; she then went to go until the other two as Uncle Frank took on Ted. Kevin went and rescued Veronica from Darla; letting, Fangs came in with zip ties. Dodger dropped to the ground after being caught between Reggie and Sweet pea; the opal rolled to Veronica's feet. Archie delivered the final blow to Ted; the fight was over and everyone was leaving.
That night, Callie came home to find Misty on the couch with Grady and Lottie fast asleep beside her.
"Hey," Callie greeted.
"Boss," Misty smiled as she got up; the two kids fell over. "This means I can go home now."
"Thank you for watching them," Callie smiled; she kissed Misty on the cheek before she headed out. Callie went over to Grady. "Pirate." Grady's eyes opened.
"Mama," Grady greeted sleepily. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you more," Callie smiled more; she kissed his head.
"One more," Grady requested as his eyes closed; Callie happily kissed him on the head before picking him up. As Callie put the kids to bed; Sweet Pea hopped in the shower to rinse off. he came out to find his pillow and a blanket on the couch; he went to the bedroom to find Callie reading a book.
"Shortstop," Sweet Pea said as he came to the door. "What's going on?"
"You are back on the couch," Callie answered as she flipped the page.
"I didn't do anything wrong," Sweet Pea answered; Callie looked up. "I came and rescued you along with the hostages."
"You kissed me," Callie pointed out; Sweet Pea's energy fell. "I did not give you permission to do so."
"I didn't think I would need it," Sweet Pea said. "We live together; we are raising two beautiful kids together; we sleep in the same bed."
"And for the next two weeks you are on the couch," Callie said. "You can argue as much as you would like, but I am not changing my mind."
Sweet Pea's nostrils started to flare. "You are mad at me because I kissed you?"
"As a matter of fact," Callie began. "Yes."
"That is ridiculous," Sweet Pea huffed.
"Go sleep in Grady's room, or the couch, or even your trailer," Callie suggested. "Just not with me in this bed."
"What the hell do you want from me, Callie?" Sweet Pea demanded as he stepped into this room.
"Until you figure out what you did wrong, you can sleep on the couch," Callie ordered as she turned back to her book; Sweet Pea angrily left the doorway. "Now go away."
The next morning; Callie was at a building being renovated.
"Ms. Watson," a voice greeted; she looked over to see Hiram. "What do you have going on here?"
"If I am going to be living here in Riverdale then I am to be expanding my ex-husband's business, his mother's orders" Callie answered. "I am simply putting in a Watson's Wonders." She looked at him. "You got a problem with that?"
"No," Hiram shook his head. "I want to thank you, for last night...despite our history you chose to protect me."
"What do you want?" Callie asked.
"Is there any way I can repay you?" Hiram asked.
"You are just going to go behind my back no matter what I say," Callie said as she looked at the building. "You are not a very honorable man when it comes to keeping your word."
"You haven't changed much," Hiram admitted. "You're wiser than before." Hiram looked at her. "How about we help each other out?" Callie looked at him. "Promote my rum business?"
"Why the hell would I do that?" Callie asked.
"You spent seven years completely destroying a couple of my operations across the world and in this horrible town," Hiram answered. "Plus, who am I to cross a Watson?"
"According to Wilbur's father...multiple times," Callie answered. "So, why should I trust you?"
"You hated your husband," Hiram recalled. "Are you truly continuing based on his mother or building a legacy for Lottie?" Callie looked at him.
"Why did you fall out with the Watsons?" Callie asked. "Wilbur's dad refused to have you or your family name brought up in front of him."
"As a fellow mobster...what am I to explain," Hiram answered; he looked at her. "I am willing to do a legal transaction with you...put an advertisement for my rum in those magazines that sold." She studied him. "As a person well versed with the law; I'm sure you will be keener about reading contracts than your brother."
"The proceeds can be split into threes," Callie suggested. "You, me, and a charity." This time he studied her. "If Veronica ever takes over...I'll be sure to make the deal with her."
"Can I give you some advice?" Hiram asked. "One of my biggest regrets is losing mi amor Hermione...don't let Sweet Pea slip through your fingers."
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