Chapter 128

It was a late night before school. It took two hours to get the kids to bed; Callie was filling out a few papers at the table when she heard the door open. She looked over to see Sweet Pea; he seemed down.

"Pea?" Callie asked.

Sweet Pea looked over; surprised to see that she was still awake. "Student papers?"

"Grady and Lottie helped me with those earlier," Callie answered. "Lottie was in charge of putting stickers on papers with A's."He walked over to her. "What's up?"

"I just have another truck job tomorrow," Sweet Pea answered as he sat down. "I like the work; but since...I want to be around more for the kids." Callie stared at him. "I just feel like I'm not doing enough for either of them." Callie turned the paper toward him. "What is this?"

"I hate to admit it, but having you around has made things better," Callie answered; Sweet Pea started to smile. "I haven't fully filled out the contact list for Grady or Lottie for the few days she is going to bain daycare."

Sweet Pea's smile dropped. "Are you going to be the only primary contact for Lottie?" 

"If you don't mind--" Callie began.

"We will be their primary for emergency in case not able to reach the parents," Sweet Pea said as he began to fill out the paperwork; he looked up to see Callie studying him. "What?"

"Nothing," Callie shook her head as she focused on the paper. "Uh, Archie, Toni, we need one or two more for both."

"Alice?" Sweet Pea asked.

"No," Callie answered; relief filled Sweet Pea's face. "Thank you for stepping up Lottie."

"Why wouldn't I?" Sweet Pea asked in surprise. "What happened to no serpent left behind?"

"Lottie is a Vixen in the making," Callie playfully argued. "She or Grady will be taking over their mama's gang."

Sweet Pea patted Callie on the spot as he gave her the tattoo. "This marking says they are both under the protection of the serpents."


Morning came around; Callie was currently putting lunches together for a couple of people; Sweet Pea was fixing Lottie's hair; giving it another try.

"Mama," Grady said as he tugged on her pants; she looked down at him. "Can I have peanut butter today?"

"Of course," Callie smiled.

"Can I help make it?" Grady pleaded as he tugged on her pants more. Callie grabbed a chair pulling it over to the counter; Grady happily climbed up. "Mama."

"Yes?" Callie asked as she took out the peanut butter.

"Can papa stay again?" Grady asked.

"So you did enjoy that father-son time," Callie gathered as she took out a kid's knife; the two began to fix the sandwich together.

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," Grady admitted. "He's a good pirate."

"Well, the good pirate will not be picking you up today due to a quest out of town," Callie explained; Grady looked up at her. "Either I or Uncle Archie will be there to grab you." Lottie then climbed up on the chair. "Princess Lottie." She looked over to see that the pigtails were a lot better than before. 

"Mommy," Lottie said. "Can you fix it?" 

"Of course," Callie agreed, she looked back to see Sweet Pea in defeat with his head down. "You are going to be late if you don't get moving." She turned back to the counter; she grabbed a lunch box. "Grady, can you give this to your dad?"

"Yes, captain," Grady agreed; he jumped off the chair.

"There is soup in here so be careful with it," Callie advised as her son grabbed the bag; then hurried over to his dad. She looked back to see Lottie's hands covered in peanut butter. "Charlotte." By the door; Sweet Pea was staring at the lunch box that Grady had given to him.

"If you don't want it, I can take it," Grady offered. "Mama makes good pirate soup."

"Tell mama thank you for the pirate soup," Sweet Pea said as he knelt down; he put a hand on his son's head. "See you in a few days." Grady was giving him the same look that Callie gave him last night. He looked over to see Callie getting peanut butter off of Lottie's hands. "Let's keep plank walks to a minimum."


The kids were dropped off at the destinations and Callie was in her classroom; she was preparing for the next class.

"Cal," a voice greeted; she looked over to see Cheryl walking in. "What did you want to see me about?"

"It's about Lottie and Grady," Callie answered. "As Grady's godmother; can I put you down as an emergency contact?" Callie looked over to see Cheryl having tears in her eyes. "Woah, are you okay? I--"

"I'm not upset," Cheryl assured as she stopped in front of the desk. "After all this time; you are trusting me with them?"

"I've been trusting Sweet pea with them," Callie answered as she began to write on the board. "No reason for me to not trust you." She looked back to see Cheryl picking up a picture off the desk. "You are a great aunt to Juniper and Dagwood as well."

"Who are these people in the picture?" Cheryl asked.

"Evita and Ayra," Callie answered. "Evita was my maid of honor and Ayra was one of my bridesmaids; we were in a sorority together at Rhode Island."

"Are they in the Vixen gang with you?" Cheryl asked; Callie looked back with a slight smile. "I'm more honored you kept me in mind when naming your gang." A phone lit up on the desk. "Judging from the text; we are both wanted in the teacher's lounge." Callie laughed. "What so funny about that?"

"We've upgraded from student to teacher lounge at Riverdale," Callie answered. "I admit I did not predict this happening." Callie put the chalk down; the two girls went to the lounge to find Archie and Veronica sitting in front of a blueprint with Jughead and Betty behind them.

"The Four Musketeers," Cheryl greeted; Callie walked over to Jughead. "Pray tell, why for have we been summoned?"Callie took the bag of chips from Jughead.

"Thief," Jughead hissed taking the bag back.

"I have pirate soup in trade," Callie said as she took the bag back.

"As tempting," Jughead began as he took the bag back. "These chips will be a great appetizer for the soup."

"Hey, guys," Kevin greeted as he walked in with Toni and Fangs. "Thanks for gathering on such short notice. "Um, Fangs and I have an announcement to make."

Fangs was glowing. "We're engaged!"

"Oh, my god!" Betty gasped as everyone smiled. "That's such good news!"

"Congratulations!" Callie chimed as she put her hands together. 

"But wait, there is more," Fangs began as he smiled more. 

"Yeah, we're having a baby," Kevin revealed. 

"Guys, that's great!" Archie smiled.

Kevin held out his hands. "Wait, Archie, there's still more. We're having the baby." He gestured to Toni's stomach."

"With me," Toni smiled. "I'm having our baby."

"We're planning on raising this child together," Kevin informed with a big smile. 

"Just the three of us," Fangs said.

"Just one big, happy, nontraditional family," Toni confirmed as the three hooked arms with each other.

"What in the actual--" Cheryl began. 

After the meeting; everyone went back to their classroom; Fangs was walking with Callie.

"So..." Fangs began. "Since we are having a baby."

"You want books on raising a kid?" Callie asked.

"Please," Fangs pleaded as put his hands together. "If you have any."

"I do have a few guidebooks," Callie answered. "Though the soon-to-be parents one is back in Rhode Island." Fangs lit up more. "Does Sweet Pea know?"

"I told him on the phone this morning," Fangs answered. "Thank you for your support; we are really going to need did you do it?"

"I had a lot of help from the sorority I was in," Callie answered. "Help can be found in the most unexpected places."

"If I may ask, where is Lottie?" Fangs asked.

"The daycare is a lot more strict about the paperwork," Callie answered. "So, Eric Jackson is babysitting her for me."

"If you ever need a babysitter--" Fangs began.


After picking up Grady from school, Callie was now in front of the Pembrooke with Veronica.

"So what is happening here again?" Callie asked.

"Extreme home makeover," Veronica answered as they began to walk in. "I need some changes in my life." They walked into the place to find it well under the way; Lottie was under the table coloring; she had a blue helmet on.

"Woah," Grady breathed. "This is so cool."

"When you are old enough you can join in on the progress," Archie offered as he put a helmet on him.

"You boys made some real progress," Veronica complimented as she looked around. "Well done. Oh, you know what we should do?" The two boys looked at each other. "Document or reno journey. Let me get between you two." Callie squatted down holding out her arms; Lottie immediately tackled her into a hug. "Watsons can get into this as well." Veronica held up her phone as Eric and Archie started to pose. "Perfection. Now flex for my followers." As soon as the picture was taken, everyone received a text as Callie stood up with both kids in her arms. "Is yours from Cheryl too?"

"What does Cheryl have to say?" Callie asked.

"She wants us to gather at the Whyte Wyrm for drinks," Veronica answered. "Well, shall we?"

"I shouldn't keep bringing the kids into the bar," Callie informed. 

"I'll buy all the apple juice or any juice they want," Veronica offered.

"Please!" Lottie and Grady pleaded.


At the bar, Callie and Lottie were teaming up against Fangs and Grady in a game of pool.

"You know Grady," Fangs began as he put chalk on the pool stick. "You continue to let me teach you, and you'll be able to beat your dad in pool."

"He knows how to play?" Grady asked in surprise.

"He taught your mom how to play," Fangs informed. "As a matter of fact; they met at the Whyte Wyrm."

"Perhaps that's a story for another time," Callie spoke as she had Lottie hit a ball. 

"Mama, you said you met him in high school," Grady answered as Fangs helped him hit a ball.

"She's told you when but not how," Fangs informed; the conversation got cut by Cheryl stepping onto the table. 

"Hear ye, hear ye, fellow friends and fiends," Cheryl began; she grabbed everyone's attention.

"Is she a pirate too?" Grady asked.

"Yes," Fangs answered. 

"Now, that everyone is swan-diving into sad adulthood with babies and marriages and arthritis, etcetera I'm throwing a party." Fangs and Callie glanced at each other. "One last hurrah to celebrate our wild misspent youth. One final chance to recall our reckless teenage selves. I mean who could forget my iconic spin-the-bottle parties of yore?" Callie put her hands over Lottie's ears and Fangs did the same to Grady.

"Aren't we a little old for that?" Jughead asked. 

"Which is why this little fete will be a key party," Cheryl answered. "You heard me right. A classic American and oh-so-adult round of sexual switcheroo. We'll drop keys and pair off. And if the spirit moves you, you are strongly encouraged to act on any and all animal impulses." This time Callie exchanged a look with Tabitha as Cheryl pulled out her phone. "I'm texting you the deets now, but bring keys for my bowl and your well-oiled libidos."


Later, Callie was over at Archie's place for dinner; the kids were playing with Eric as Archie helped Callie with the dishes.

"Are you going to Cheryl's party?" Callie asked as she washed the dishes.

"I don't think we have a choice," Archie said as he dried them. "Are you thinking about not going?"

"I don't have a babysitter," Callie answered. "You and Eric are going to be there, and I feel bad about dropping them on Alice. I don't want to put too much on Vixens after having some of them move out here until Riverdale High is going better...Riverdale in general." Archie turned to her. "Let me guess you have someone in mind? Someone I have never met."

"Britta," Archie answered. "She's on the football team and in Betty's mechanic class...she's been looking for a way to make some money."

"If you trust her, then I should as well," Callie agreed. "Would she be fine on such late notice?"

"You need a fun night out away from your kids," Archie said. "I'm sure Britta will be more than happy to help on late notice." Her phone started to ring; it was Sweet Pea. "Answer it.

"Thanks," Callie smiled as she stepped away, drying her hands. "Pea."

"I got your message about the books," Sweet Pea said; she could hear keys jingling in the background. "I was confident about remembering so I deleted the message."

"They should be in my bedroom," Callie answered. "Among the collection of the high wall shelf."

"Do you want me to bring anything else back?" Sweet Pea asked. "I got done ahead of schedule and should be back maybe tomorrow night or two mornings."

"Take your time," Callie said. "Don't drive half-asleep." She could hear shuffling in the background. "Do you want to--"

"Yes," Sweet Pea answered. "I want to speak to Lottie as well."

Callie pulled the phone away. "Grady!" The little boy ran into the room; she handed him the phone. "Here." Grady lit up when Sweet Pea started to speak. 


It was now early in the morning; Callie was making ginger tea for Toni. She was having a bad case of morning sickness.

"I am so sorry to wake you up this early," Toni apologized. 

"Don't be," Callie denied. "Pregnancy is different with each baby. Grady's was completely different than Lotties. During Grady's, I craved pretzels and slushies while with Lottie's it was veggies and ice cream." 

Toni looked over at Grady's bedroom, it was cracked open, while Lottie's was mainly open. "I'm afraid I am going to be coming to you about every single little thing."

"Please do," Callie encouraged as she pulled out some eggs; and ham. 

"Fangs mentioned that you had some books on baby guides?" Toni asked as she looked back with a small smile. 

"Yeah," Callie recalled. "I'll call Pea later and see if he can stop in Rhode Island for them." Toni gave her a look. "Whatever you are suspecting it's a no. I'm allowing him to live with me for the sake of Grady."

"And Lottie," Toni smiled more; Callie rolled at her eyes as she began to make breakfast. "Does this mean there is something going on between you two?"

"No," Callie denied. "Just two people raising kids together for right now."

"For right now," Toni repeated. "I know that you notice that Sweet Pea is trying to make things better." Callie nodded. "Are you still mad at him? Still distrusting?"

"Well, guidance counselor," Callie began. "I'll let you have victory knowledge of Pea's efforts have been effective." Toni clapped. Suddenly, Callie looked over to see that Grady was starting to shift awake; she could tell by the way he clutched his plush fox tighter. "Running a gang is one thing; parenting has its whole other set of challenges."

"Do you think it'll make a better or worst leader for the serpents?" Toni asked as she touched her belly.

"Better," Callie answered. "Definitely better."


The time to leave for the party was close; honestly, Callie was nervous. She hasn't been to a party like this before her marriage. She was at the table helping Grady with his homework; Lottie was playing with playdough when the phone rang.

"Pea," Callie greeted; picking it up instantly.

"Grady said something about a nightlight and Lottie said something about ---"

"Grady's nightlight should be in his bedroom in the left middle cubie," Callie answered. "Lottie's bath toy should be in the bathroom. And the books-"

"On your wall bookshelf in your bedroom," Sweet Pea finished. "I most likely won't be home tonight; took longer than I thought it would get to Rhode Island."

"It's fine," Callie said. "You can stay the night there for the night. Grab anything else you think the kids would want." Grady tugged on her sleeve and made grabby signs. "Here." Grady happily took the phone; Callie moved on to playing with the playdough. About 30 minutes later, Callie had shown up at the party just as Reggie did. 

"Strawberry," Reggie greeted as they walked up to the door. "Mama's having a night out?"

"Archie insisted," Callie answered as they walked up as got to the door. 

"Oh good," Cheryl greeted seeing them. "Reginald you got my message and Callie is having a night away from the kids. Welcome." They both dropped their keys in the bowl. 

"Where's Sweet Pea?" Reggie asked. "He didn't feel like showing up or is he on kid duty?"

"Out of town for work," Callie answered. "He's going a favor for me as well. Grabbing a few things from Rhode Island. Your boss let you come out and play?" They stopped at the drink table, and Reggie began to make two drinks. 

"If Mantle wants to party," Reggie began. "Then he is going to party." He held up a drink for her. "Still in a gin and tonic kind of girl?"

"Thanks," Callie smiled; taking it from him. Soon everyone gathered around, Calle was sitting with Toni.

"You're here, you came," Cheryl greeted everyone. "Which means you all feel it. The impending crush on true adulthood. Our 30s. And soon after, mortality. The big sleep."

"What is the motivation for this party?" Callie asked.

"Tonight's key party then is a bold rejection of death," Cheryl answered.  "So, since some of us are much foreplay, let's get into it, shall we? Some quick house rules, first and foremost. Whatever happens tonight must be 100% consensual. And because we're all a progressive fluid, inclusive group, there will be no redrawing of keys, the Andrews siblings an exception if they draw each other's keys. But the main rule is you're allowed to do anything you and your partner desire. No one can hold you accountable. It's a free pass to do anything you've ever wanted. Ever. Are we clear? Who wants to go first? Minvera, the bowl?" Minvera got up; holding the bowl for everyone to see. " Everyone looked at each other.

"I never liked to be the second person to do anything, so..." Veronica admitted. She got up; put her drink down then went over to the bowl. She grabbed a pair of keys, holding them up.

"I'm getting flashbacks from Sophmore year," Callie whispered to Toni. "Different game; same match up."

"Well, you know what they say," Veronica began. "Everyone's a winner in a bull market"

Chad prevented her from walking any further. "No, not with your ex."

"Chadwick, don't be rude," Veronica growled. "Those are the rules, okay?" Archie got to his feet. 

"Get your hands off her," Archie warned. 

"Excuse me?" Chadwick asked, looking back. "She's my wife."

"Exactly," Archie nodded. "So why don't you show her some respect?" 

"No, no, no," Veronica denied, getting in the middle of the two. "We're not going to do this. I'm going to be some passive heroine to be fought over by two Tarzans." She went back to the bowl, grabbing two keys. "Oh, look. I got Chad's keys. Come on babe, we're leaving. Now."

"Verto!" Cheryl exclaimed. "That's breaking the rules."

"Call my lawyer, Cheryl," Veronica requested; then looked at her husband. "Are you ready?"

"Fine," Veronica said as the two left. "Always good to knock a few pieces off the chessboard. And married people are supremely boring. Who's next?"

Jughead got up. "I'll go." He took a sip of his drink; then stumbled his way up.

"I'll take him home," Tabitha offered as she got to her feet. 

Cheryl pushed Jughead back a bit. "No one else is leaving without picking a key. I don't care how inebriated Jughead is. He has to draw."

"No, no. I want to," Jughead insisted. "Let me, let me do it." He dug his hand into the bowl.

"Ah!" Tabitha sounded once Jughead grabbed a key. "Those are my keys. I guess it's meant to be. Now can I take him home?"

"Whatever," Cheryl rolled her eyes. "Get this American Pickle the hell out of my sight."

"Charming as ever, Cheryl," Toni complimented.

"Come on, Jones," Tabitha ordered. "Party's over." She helped him out of the place.

"You're next, soldier boy," Cheryl instructed. 

"You mean me?" Eric asked.

"Get up here, GI Jackson," Cheryl encouraged. "Do your duty." Eric slowly got up, then made his way up to the bowl. He grabbed a pair, then looked back t everyone else. 

"Those are mine," Minerva confirmed; Callie got up; taking the bowl from Minerva. "How good are you at following orders?"

"No better, ma'am," Eric answered. Archie laughed as those two stepped away.

"Before the pickings get too slim," Reggie said as he got to his feet. He put his drink down; winked at Callie then grabbed from the bowl. "Toni?"

"No," Toni smiled. "Guess again."

"Actually, those are mine," Fangs informed as he got up, Reggie started to walk over as Fangs looked at Kevin. "Are you sure, you're down with this?"

"It's no fun if you leave with the guy you came with," Kevin answered. 

"Right," Fangs breathed as he looked back. 

"Great," Reggied breathed; before kissing Fangs; those two stepped away. Toni and Callie looked at each other then back at Fangs and Reggie with curiosity. "No promises, but we'll see what happens, stud." Kevin had his mouth open in surprise as the two stepped away. 

"On that note," Kevin said; getting to his feet. He took his turn at the key bowl; he grabbed a pair.

"Imagine that," Rick said as Kevin looked around. 

"Figured you'd end up at our house one way or another tonight," Kevin admitted. 

"Well, I'm still traumatized from spin the bottle sophomore year," Betty admitted. Toni looked at Callie and she nodded. 

"Cry me a river, cousin," Cheryl groaned as Betty took her turn. She looked back at Archie, 

"Perf. Bye!" Cheryl dismissed the two; Reggie then walked back in. "That was quick."

"I'm here for my keys," Reggie said. 

"Let me," Callie said as she grabbed his and her keys. "A night out from my kids shouldn't be wasted." Reggie smiled as Callie gave the bowl to Cheryl.

"My on my," Cheryl smiled as the two began to walk out. 

"I can get my car later," Callie said as they went to Reggie's car.

"Whatever you say, Strawberry," Reggie smiled as they got in. "You want to do it here?"

"You know where to go," Callie said. "No strings attached."

"Not ashamed for doing it with your ex-boyfriend?" Reggie asked as he began to drive. 

"My other ex is living with me," Callie answered. "So do you want to do this or not?"

"Hell yeah," Reggie answered as he stepped on the gas.

 Soon, they were in a motel room; Reggie wasn't taking off his shoes. "Did Veronica give you deja vu when she pulled Archie's keys?" 

"Funny enough yes," Callie said; she turned to face him. "Less talking."

"You did always like to take charge," Reggie smiled more. "Let's not waste this night, Strawberry."


The next morning, Callie woke up in the sheets next to Reggie, she slowly sat up holding the covers close to her chest. 

"Was that the first time you've done it in a while?" Reggie asked as his hand touched her back. She could feel him tracing a few of her tattoos.

"Was it obvious?" Callie asked.

"Yes," Reggie answered. "But not in a bad way." She looked back at him. "How long has it been?"

"Before I got pregnant with Lottie," Callie answered. 

"Wilbur must be an ass for refusing to make love to his wife," Reggie stated. "Truly a royal ass."

"It wasn't a happy marriage," Callie reminded him. "He was an ass altogether whether he made love to his wife or not...but it has been two years since Wilbur passed."

"And you haven't dated?" Reggie asked in surprise.

"Grady and Lottie have been my priority," Callie answered. "Last night was my first time away from them like this. Wilbur didn't let me go out much, mainly working from home, or if I was in the office, had to bring the kids with me. Grady and I both felt like prisoners in that home, Lottie is too young to remember anything."

"Well, if you ask me it was a well-deserved night out Vixen Queen," Reggie said as he sat up. "If Wilbur was alive still, I'd be kicking his ass."

The rest of the day, Callie spent with her kids, taking them to the park, to get some ice cream, and homework help. Nightfall came, the kids were in bed and Callie sat in bed reading when she heard the front door open. She heard the footsteps go into Grady's room, then into Lottie's room before stopping at her door. She looked up to Sweet Pea.

"Everything went well?" Callie asked. Sweet Pea darted his eyes. "Did something happen?"

Sweet Pea walked in; sat on the bed with them back toward her. "I stopped at a bar at some point and hooked up with a girl and a guy." Callie laughed lightly before returning to her book. "You are not mad?" He looked back at her.

"Pea," Callie began as she looked back up. "We are not in a relationship, I was stupid enough to hook up with Reggie."

"Reggie," Sweet Pea repeated in disbelief. "Because of the key party?" 

"Yeah," Callie answered. "Me and you are not in a relationship, we are free to hook up with whoever we like. I had a night off from the kids and wasn't going to waste it." Sweet Pea started to get up. "Why are you so...willing to help? Especially with Lottie?" Sweet Pea sat on the edge of the bed next to her. "Wilbur screamed at me when I put him down as a primary contact for Grady...made me go and change it."

"Wilbur's an ass," Sweet Pea answered. "Shortstop, the moment I see him in the afterlife, I will be kicking his ass then Kurtz." Callie laughed lightly. "I've already had my rounds with Jughead and Brett when he was alive...not to forget Mantle." Callie laughed a bit more; Sweet Pea stared at her before getting back to his feet. "I should get to the couch."

Callie grabbed his wrist to prevent him from leaving. "You can stay."  Sweet Pea beamed at her with delight. He then went to the bathroom to get ready for bed; then returned to Callie still reading her book.

"Move over," Sweet Pea ordered. "You know I prefer this side of the bed." Callie rolled her eyes as she scooted over. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you reading instead of detective work." She rolled her eyes again. "Cal?" She looked at him. "A motorcycle night light?"

"I didn't keep our son clueless about you," Callie informed. "He knows you have a motorcycle. He insisted on the motorcycle night light, and said it was like having you watch over him at night."

"He did?" Sweet Pea asked in surprise. "Even though I wasn't present?" Callie could see so many emotions on his face. 

"I do regret not coming to Riverdale sooner," Callie admitted. "Should've come here after Wilbur passed instead of staying in Rhode Island."

Sweet Pea took her hand. "We are both to blame...and there's no fixing the past...thank you for letting me be a part of their lives."

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