Chapter 125

After spending some time at Pops, catching up with the others. Callie was walking to the 5 seasons, she and the kids were staying there till returning back to Rhode Island. Sweet Pea was walking her to the hotel, as she held Grady in one arm and Lottie in the other, both sleep. 

"I heard you got married," Sweet Pea said as he was trying to break the ice. "You must have really loved him."

"Not even a little," Callie denied softly, Sweet Pea looked down at her. "You changed your number."

"New phone, new number," Sweet Pea stated as he looked away. 

"You never visited me at Harvard," Callie brought up as they entered the hotel. 

"I figured it was for the best," Sweet Pea stated. "If I came to visit you, you would probably slam the door in my face." He looked over at Grady. "Why didn't you come to me when you found out?"

"What are you talking about?" Callie asked finally looking at him. "I called, I tried your social, I wrote you a gazillion times. I have written you a total of 84 months, which equals a total of seven years, but you never responded."

"So that kept you from coming back to Riverdale?" Sweet Pea asked as they got on the elevator.

"You never wrote back," Callie brought up, there was some anger in her voice. "I figured you wanted nothing to do with me or Grady."

"Cal, I never got any of your letters," Sweet Pea stated as the doors opened.

"That's absurd," Callie breathed as they walked down the hall.

"If I knew about Grady, I would have been there in a heartbeat and you know that," Sweet Pea stated, his voice trembling a bit. "Why did you keep writing even if I wasn't responding?"

"I wanted you to know about Grady, so I gave monthly updates," Callie answered. "Even if it seemed you didn't want to be a part of his life." She then took out the room key she put in Grady's back pocket, then opened the door. "Thank you for walking us to the hotel, be safe getting home." She slipped inside and went to close the door for it to be stopped. Callie looked back, Sweet Pea was on his hands and his knees, and with his head lowered, she could see a puddle forming below his face from possible tears.

"Let me stay with you," Sweet Pea pleaded.

"Why?" Callie asked. 

"Callie," Sweet Pea breathed looking up, tears flowing out of his eyes. "I know there is no way I can make up for not being there for you, but I truly did not know about Grady until Archie came back to town." Callie stared down at him in annoyance. "I already missed six years, I do not want to miss any more of our son's life." Callie sighed, she looked up to see Ghoulies starting to round the corner, she remembers Archie telling her on the phone about Ghoulies becoming the renters of their house, not very respectful ones either.

"Come inside," Callie said. "But you are on the couch."

"That's fine," Sweet Pea said as he wiped his eyes. He got to his feet; making his way inside, Sweet Pea looked back to see a short glimpse of Ghoulies walking down the hallway before Callie closed the door. "Protecting me for what?"

"I'm guessing Archie also told you about my gang," Callie stated as she walked past him.

"Mhmm," Sweet Pea breathed. "Vixens."

"It is against Vixen Law to betray a Serpent, it is also against Vixen Law to leave a serpent as bait to enemies...That extends even to you. I would be foolish to break my own laws."

"Why do you have those laws?" Sweet Pea asked as he followed her into a bedroom.

"FP helped me come with it, they extend to this Badger Gang as well," Callie answered with a small smile as she put the kids on the bed. "Plus, our breakup was going to have no effect on my alliance with you, snakes."

"Thank you," Sweet Pea breathed as he sat on the bed. "For everything."

"Couch," Callie ordered as she pointed at the door.  


It was now the middle of the night, Callie shared the bed with Lottie and Grady, with Lottie in the middle. Callie woke up to the sound of something heavy being moved, she lifted her head to see Sweet Pea pushing the couch into the room.

"What are you doing?" Callie asked.

"You said couch," Sweet Pea said. "So I'm bringing the couch in here." She gave him a weird and annoyed look, she saw his eyes were focused on Grady.

"Fine," Callie sighed before going back to sleep. 


Morning came around; Callie was getting ready to go down to the FBI base that Charles left to help clean up. She was currently putting a shirt over Grady's head, it was spider-man. 

"Can I take Grady and Lottie with me today?" Sweet Pea asked as he sat at the table.

"I'm stayin with Mama," Grady said as he glared at Sweet Pea.

"Me too," Lottie quickly agreed as she glared at him as well.

"But--" Sweet Pea began.

"If they don't want to, then they don't want to," Callie said as she moved on to socks for both kids. "Don't make them do something they don't want to do." After getting the kids ready, Callie took the kids with her to the FBI base to help clean up. Lottie and Grady were running around playing tag.

"So, how did the Bughead reunion go?" Kevin asked.

"As well as it could have, considering not all of us could be happily shacked up with our high school sweethearts, Kev," Betty answered. 

"Uh, FBI agent, high school drama teacher," Kevin compared the two. 

"I'm technically not an agent yet," Betty admitted.

"As for the Swellie reunion?" Kevin asked as he looked back at the kids.

"Oddly okay," Callie answered. " I allowed him to stay the night so he could start to get to know Grady, as well as Lottie."

"I thought you would have slammed the door in Sweet Pea's face," Betty said in surprise.

"I would have too," Callie admitted. "But some Ghoulies decided to be in the hallway at the same time." Betty opened a file and a tape fell out. 

"Oh, my God," Betty breathed as she picked it up.

"What? What is it?" Kevin asked. 

"Charles," Betty answered. "He kept files of everyone in my family, including me and...tapes of our phone conversations, I think." She put the tape into the player, she hit play. 

"Edgar, is it really you?" Polly asked. 

"No, bitch, it's your sister," Betty answered, Callie's eyes widened as she looked over at the kids, thankfully they were distracted by the sounds of their own laughter, 

"What?" Polly asked.

"And you're as good as dead to me now too," Betty said. 

"What the--" Polly began, she got cut off by current Betty ending the tape. 

"Is that--" Kevin began.

"Me, calling Polly on Halloween years ago," Betty answered. 


Over at the bar, Jughead was getting a drink from Toni.

"So, you want me to give you a job?" Toni asked.

"I just need some quick cash," Jughead asked. "I feel bad always asking Callie for some. Kinda hoping you could hook me up with something short-term."

"You're lucky I'm even willing to serve you, Jones," Toni stated. 

"What? Why?" Jughead asked.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Sweet Pea asked angrily as he and Fangs walked in. They both had kegs. "No way, Toni. No way."

"Gathering some research for your next book there, Jones?" Fangs asked. Jughead sighed. 

"Hang on. Are you guys actually upset about my novel?" Jughead asked as they put the kegs down.

"You made the Serpents look like fools in it," Toni answered. 

"You mean the Vipers?" Jughead corrected. "The Vipers were the good guys." Fangs scoffed. "I didn't use your actual names."

"You think people around here couldn't figure out who, what was that one character's name, Toothy, was?" Fangs asked brought up. 

"Yeah, or Pop Eye," Sweet Pea brought up.

"Pop Eye made your ex-girlfriend smile more than your real name," Jughead said, Sweet Pea glared at him. 

"You mocked our Serpent traditions and codes, and now you're asking for help?" Toni asked. 

"Toni, guys," Jughead breathed as he looked at them.

"Okay, I'll help," Toni agreed. "I'll give you some advice. Watch your back, Jones. You've made a lot of enemies in this town. " Sweet Pea threw something at Jughead.

"I thought it was strange that you gave that character Mae a baby," Sweet Pea said. "But now it makes so much sense."

"Sweet Pea," Jughead breathed. 

"You knew about my son, and you didn't want to tell me?" Sweet Pea asked angrily.

"I thought I didn't need to with all the letters Callie sent you," Jughead said in his defense. 

"And now Grady wants nothing to do with me," Sweet Pea sighed. 

"Serpents are supposed to have each other's back, Jones," Toni said. "And the way you exploited Callie was not right." Jughead sighed as Fangs clapped him on his arm, before walking away, with Sweet Pea, taking the kegs with them. 


Callie was now back at the hotel when she got a call from Toni.

"Toni?" Callie asked. 

 "Can you come down to the bar?" Toni asked. 

"No," Callie answered.

"And why not?" Toni asked in surprise. "That is unlike you, you loved coming to Whyte Wyrm all those years ago."

"I wasn't a mother all those years ago," Callie reminded her.  "I don't have a babysitter, and a bar isn't necessarily an appropriate place for a six and two-year-old." 

"Oh just come down," Toni said as her voice sounded happier. " I have kid-friendly drinks. I would like to talk to the Vixen Queen, Queen to Queen?"

"How about friend to friend?" Callie suggested.

"Even better," Toni agreed. "I'll let Tabitha know it's okay to let you and the kids through." Soon Callie was in the new Whyte Wyrm, she sat at the bar with the kids; Lottie and Grady were sipping away on apple juice. 

"Archie tells me the high school is dying," Callie stated. "If there is anything I can do to help keep it open, let me know."

"I will hold you to it," Toni stated. "We need teachers, only till we can find people that are permanent." Callie made a face. "What?"

"Mama doesn't like talking to teachers," Grady answered. 

"Trouble," Lottie added as she pointed at her brother.

"Like his dad," Toni stated as she cleaned a glass. "If possible, could you join the staff? Move back to Riverdale just for a bit?" Callie looked at the kids. "Or any of your Vixens?"

"Some of my Vixens are studying to be teachers, until then I can step in," Callie said looking back at Toni. "I just need to figure out school for these two...Grady at least."

"I can help with that," Toni assured. "As long as we keep the doors of Riverdale open."

"Why is her belly so big?" Lottie asked as she tugged on Callie's sleeve. She was sucking on her thumb. 

"Ms. Toni is having a baby," Callie answered. 

"Baby?" Lottie asked tilting her head, she looked at Toni. 

"You are so cute," Toni smiled. "More apple juice? If it is okay with your mom?" Lottie looked at Callie; she nodded. Toni happily poured more juice for the kids. 

"Toni Topaz," a familiar wicked voice greeted. They looked over to see Hiram sitting at the end of the bar.

"You lost, old man?" Sweet Pea asked as he and Fangs walked up. 

"It's okay, guys," Toni assured. "I got this." Fangs and Sweet Pea went over by Callie, Fangs put Lottie on his lap, and Sweet Pea sat next to Grady. "Look, you can save your breath. If you're here to bribe me or threatened me into giving up the fight to save Riverdale High..." Hiram stopped her.

"How many students do you have?" Hiram asked.

"A hundred or so," Toni answered. 

"What if I offer them all a scholarship to Stonewall?" Hiram proposed. "They'd be getting a world-class education at zero cost."

"Except for the fact that you're on the board at Stonewall Prep, which means on some level, the school must reflect your morals, which I'm not okay with," Toni stated. 

"What if I told you that there was an open counselor position with a corner office and a big, fat paycheck?" Hiram proposed. 

"Thanks, but no thanks," Toni denied. 

"So we are playing hardball, huh?" Hiram asked.

"I guess so," Toni confirmed. " I already have a new teacher on board." Hiram looked over to see Callie.

"Callie Andrews," Hiram greeted. "Why am I not surprised?"

"It's Watson," Callie corrected.

"And your husband will be joining?" Hiram asked.

"Widowed," Callie answered as Hiram noticed the children. Fangs was pretending to bite Lottie's fingers; Grady wasn't even bothering to look at Sweet Pea. "Do you know by chance why the mail hasn't been getting through here?"

"The mail has been getting through fine," Hiram answered. "I had your ex-boyfriend control it for a bit." Callie looked at Sweet Pea. "Not that one."

"Reggie?" Callie breathed looking over.

"You are picking a losing fight," Hiram stated as he got up. "You have kids now, you need to think about their future." With that statement, he left the room.


That night Callie was at the table at the hotel, and the kids were already in bed asleep. The door opened to Sweet Pea coming in; he held up a room key.

"What are you still doing up?" Sweet Pea asked. "Are asleep?"

"Yeah," Callie answered. "I am just doing some late work, there's a lot to do if I am not to be returning to Rhode Island with the kids."

"You were going to take Grady with you?" Sweet Pea asked as he sat at the table. 

"I am his mom," Callie said.

"And I am his dad," Sweet Pea stated. "He may not like me for now, but eventually he will. Where are you even working?"

"Thomas-Reuters," Callie answered. "Once in a while, the FBI comes to me for bugging help. And Wilbur's publishing company."

"So much for hanging up those bugs," Sweet Pea sighed, Callie, smiled. "No serial killers?"

"Mobsters," Callie stated.

"Which you are part of," Sweet Pea brought up.

"Not by choice, but yes," Callie answered. " I am running the publishing company legally, but I am an insider for the mobsters. And you?"

"Truck driving," Sweet Pea answered, Callie, looked over at him. "It's not much--"

"No, it's good," Callie cut him off. "A job is a job."

"What do Lottie and Grady like?" Sweet Pea asked. "Interests wise?"

"Grady has a huge liking for pirates and Lottie likes princesses, her favorite being Rapunzel," Callie answered. 

"Why does Lottie hate me?" Sweet Pea asked.

"She copies her brother," Callie answered. "If Grady doesn't like you, then she won't like you either."


The next morning, Callie was putting a bow in Lottie's hair when there was a knock at the door. 

"I got it," Sweet Pea said as he opened the door.

"I need Cal," Toni stated. 

"Not even here for a week and already needed," Sweet Pea stated looking at Callie. "I am going to go talk to Reggie about something."

"Grady, go with your dad," Callie instructed.

"Mama?" Grady asked looking at her.

"You are to keep him from doing anything stupid," Callie instructed gently. "If he does, then he walks the plank."

"Yes, Mama!" Grady smiled as his eyes lit up, he looked at Sweet pea. "Let's roll, old man." Callie kissed the top of Grady's head before sending him off with Sweet Pea. Lottie went with Toni and Callie to the Smiths. They were now sitting in the Smith's living room, Lottie was coloring at the kitchen table with Juniper and Dagwood, both of them had definitely grown. A table filled with three redheads kind of reminded Callie of when she was little, she would be at the Blossoms coloring with Cheryl and Jason.

"Did you see the morning paper, Alice?" Toni asked. 

"Local school counselor runs seedy bar and snakes dances," Alice read as they sat down. 

"It's a hit piece," Toni stated. "Hiram Lodge is trying to ruin my credibility in eyes of the school board."

"Well, I'll run damage control," Alice said. "I'll call each board member if I have to."

"Good," Toni breathed. "In the meantime, if Hiram Lodge is trying to drag the Serpent Queen down to his level, he's gonna get himself a bit."


Over at Mantle Motors, Sweet Pea, Fangs and Grady walked in.

"What brings you slimy snakes in?" Reggie asked. 

"We heard from Hiram, that you did mail delivery for a bit," Fangs said.

"Do you know why Callie's letters never got delivered to me?" Sweet Pea asked.

"Callie's letters?" Reggie asked as he walked over to his desk. "Do you mean these?" He pulled out 6 stacks of letters in rubber bands, all of them opened. Sweet Pea grew angry.

"Why do you have those?" Fangs asked as he put a hand on Sweet Pea's chest to hold him back.

"You really think I would have just brushed off the past like that?" Reggie asked as he walked over. "Sweet Pea, you took my girl, my Strawberry. My Strawberry chose a slimy snake-like you over Mantle the Maleficent, did you really think I would just let that slide? I heard you two broke up, which is why I was curious about her writing to you...and to the surprise, I was in, when I found out you took my dream of having a kid with her. I warned that slut about dating a serpent, and she didn't listen. You were going to marry her if I recall, but instead, you left her a slimy hatchling." 

"As for the letters I sent her?" Sweet Pea asked as his fists clenched, Grady looked up at Sweet Pea.

"Wrong address bro," Reggie answered as he held up another stack. "They got sent back."

"You bastard," Sweet Pea grunted angrily. 

"Just hand over the letters," Fangs ordered as he held out his hand.

"Sure, just one thing," Reggie nodded. "Tell me, how is your son?" Sweet Pea went for Reggie, and Fangs held him back.

"I'm doing just fine, you jerk!" Grady exclaimed as he slammed his fist into the area it didn't shine. Reggie let out a cry as he fell to his knees. Sweet Pea and Fangs were in complete shock.  "Don't talk bad about mama! " He swung again into Reggie's face. 

"What the hell!?" Reggie demanded as he held his eye.

"It's time for us to go," Sweet Pea as he grabbed Grady, and Fangs went to the desk. Fangs grabbed a bunch of letters from the desk before hurrying out of the place. 


Callie was watching the kids at the Smiths as Alice was busy making calls. Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Grady all came in.  She saw that Sweet Pea was holding Grady and frowned. 

"What's going on?" Callie asked. "You were just paying Reggie a visit right?"

"We went ask him about the letters," Fangs said as he held up two bags, one was addressed to Sweet Pea and the other was addressed to her, and Callie stood up. "Turns out Mantle has been holding on to them this entire time."

"What?" Callie asked softly.

"Callie," Archie said as he walked into the house. "I just got off the phone with Reggie, he should be here any minute."

"What?" Sweet Pea asked.

"Why?" Fangs demanded.

"To check out the Ghoulies at my house for drugs," Archie answered slowly. "To get them out." He looked at everyone slowly. "Grady, are you warming up to your dad?" 

"I want down," Grady insisted as he swung his legs.

"That's a no," Sweet Pea sighed as he put Grady down, he ran off to play with his sister and the others. 

"Wait, why do you need me?" Callie asked.

"I want you to check out the place with me," Archie answered. "There is a good chance that Reggie called the Ghoulies and tipped them, but take a layout of the place."

"After the layout, you want to strike?" Callie asked. 

"Yes," Archie nodded. "Betty will be ready with the FBI."

"You should take Fangs and Sweet pea with you," Callie suggested. "I'll stay out on fighting with them, I'll be at the hotel with the kids."

"Do you still have those bugs?" Fangs asked.

"Of course, I got ones with cameras on it too," Callie smiled looking at him. "You two watch the kids and record as we go in."

"That is a great plan," Sweet Pea stated as he raised his hand, everyone looked at him awkwardly. 

"Let's go check on princess Lottie," Fangs said as he dragged Sweet Pea away.

"He is trying a bit too hard don't you think?" Archie asked.

"And where were you?" Callie asked as she folded her arms. "You said if I needed anything, I could call, or write and you would be right over." Archie looked at her, with a little fear in his eyes.

"I know broke my word and I am truly sorry," Archie apologized. "I should've taken time off and gone to see you and Grady, and now even Lottie." Callie sighed. "I can't fix what happened, but I am here now, and I always will be, I am your big brother." Callie sighed before pulling Archie into a hug.

"I've missed you," Callie breathed.

"I've missed you more," Archie stated as he hugged her back. " I kept your letters with me every step of the way, right here." He pulled back pointing at his heart. Callie smiled lightly at him before he pulled her into another hug. Many minutes later, Callie now stood on the front porch of her home with Archie and Reggie, he has definitely changed. It looked like a black eye was beginning to form. 

"Reggie," Callie greeted.

"It's good to see you, bro," Archie said. "I appreciate you coming out." They shook hands.

"Duty calls, Strawberry calls, Mantle answers," Reggie stated. "You having trouble with your tenants, you said?"

"No, I'm having trouble with the gang bangers who are using my house as a drug den, I said," Archie corrected. 

"Well, let's see if there's any merit to your claims," Reggie suggested. They walked in, the place was a complete mess. "It's messy, but I'm not seeing any evidence of drug paraphernalia."

"Okay if we keep looking?" Callie asked looking at one of the Ghoulies, he nodded. 

"Nothing in here, but stale cereal," Reggie said as they checked the kitchen. 

"All right, let's check upstairs," Archie suggested. Reggie made his way through the Ghoulies, Callie couldn't help but notice the G&G signs all over the place. She touched her back where those markings were, now covered up by tattoos. 

"I'm sorry, Andrews," Reggie apologized as they went back downstairs. "I didn't see any contraband anywhere."

"You know, it's almost like someone tipped off the Ghoulies," Callie stated. The Ghoulies and Reggie looked at each other; Reggie looked away. 

"All right. Well, there's nothing more for me to say or do," Archie said. "But thanks for your help, Reggie."

"My pleasure, bro, and Strawberry," Reggie said, Callie and Archie made their way out the door. Archie looked back for a second, before leaving.

"Cal," Reggie said as he followed them out. 

"What happened to your eye?" Archie asked as they looked back at him.

"I was given the pleasure of meeting Grady," Reggie answered. "Short-tempered just like his father." He pointed at his eye. 

"Grady hit you?" Callie asked in surprise. 

"Twice," Reggie confirmed. "What do you have to say about it?"

"You probably had it coming," Callie answered; making Archie laugh.

"Your son is going to be trouble with a brain like yours and a temper like his father, Andrews or should I say, Watson," Reggie stated. 

"What is your damage?" Callie demanded. 

"Sweet sweet revenge," Reggie clicked his tongue as he walked to his car. "It's tasting, oh, so sweet." Reggie got in his car and took off.

"So, Grady is a fighter," Archie smiled.

"And in trouble," Callie sighed. They went into the Smith's house. "Grady?"

"Mama!" Grady chimed as he ran over to her, she knelt down and took his hand. Sweet Pea and Fangs followed into the room, they both had princess crowns on their heads. 

"You punched Mr. Mantle?" Callie asked.

"He said mean things about you, mama," Grady defended himself. "So I swung hard." Archie and Fangs started laughing. 

"You can't just go around hitting people," Callie said softly. "We have talked about this."

"I know," Grady said looking away. "Do I have to go into time out?"

"Just for a half-hour," Callie said. "At the table."

"Okay," Grady pouted.

"Your dad will be joining you in time out," Callie said.

"You can't put me in time out," Sweet Pea argued as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Why am I being out in timeout?" 

"You influenced Grady to fight...I have a feeling you initiated it this time as well," Callie said. "You are at the table for an hour."

"An hour?" Sweet Pea repeated.

"Make it two," Lottie said as she waddled in. "He broke the princess's crown." She showed two halves. 

"Two hours," Callie agreed.

"I'm a serpent, I don't have to listen to a Vixen," Sweet Pea argued. "Not my leader."

"No?" Callie asked as she pulled out her phone. "I can call Toni."

"Okay, okay," Sweet Pea gave in as he put his hands up. "I'll go into a timeout."

Nightfall came, Betty, Fangs, Kevin, Sweet Pea, Archie, Callie, and the kids stood at the El Royale around a map.

"All right, thanks to Reggie Mantle, I have enough intel to sweep and clear this site," Archie said. 

"How many Ghoulies are in your house?" Fangs asked. 

"I counted a dozen in these zones," Callie answered as Archie laid out the map. "Hit 'em hard, and hit 'em fast."

"Nice," Sweet Pea nodded. "It's been too long since the Serpents rumbled with the Ghoulies."

"Calm down, Sweet Pea," Kevin ordered. "I don't want anyone dying today, especially not my boyfriend."

"Hopefully, they've dropped their guard and we can find some narcotics in the house," Betty hoped. 

"And like Kev said, no one gets killed," Archie ordered. "None of us, and none of them."

"Or you walk the plank," Grady said.

"Or you walk the plank," Archie repeated. "Wouldn't mind breaking a  few bones, though."

"Hell, yeah," Sweet Pea praised, he handed out bats to everyone besides Callie and the kids. Those with a bat went to the Andrews's house and Callie and the kids went to the hotel. Callie had scooby-doo on for the kids, and Sweet Pea walked in late with a smile on his face.

"How did it go?" Grady asked as they all looked over, Sweet Pea's smile grew even larger.

"All the bad guys walked the plank," Sweet Pea answered.

"Time out again for fighting?" Lottie asked. "Grady goes into a timeout when he does."

"Lottie has a point," Callie agreed. 

"Make him walk the plank," Grady insisted.


The next day came around; Callie just stayed at the hotel teaching the kids before the party. She was teaching Grady how to add and teaching Lottie her alphabet. There was a knock at the door, Callie got up, and opened it to find Toni.

"Come in," Callie insisted. "Please sit."

"Thank you," Toni smiled as she came in. "What is going on here?"

"We learning how to add as well as the alphabet," Callie answered as she closed the door. 

"Good to know you have teaching experience for when you start teaching at Riverdale High," Toni stated.

"Yeah 2-6-year-olds," Callie stated, Toni, smiled. "What can I do for you?"

"We need funds for the school," Toni answered. "I already sent Cheryl a text as well, and I was wondering if you could possibly help?"

"Sure," Callie answered.

"That easily?" Toni asked. 

"Wilbur's company belongs to me," Callie answered. "When Wilbur died, a good amount of his pay went towards me; still have money coming to me, legally."

"Are you sure you don't mean to do anything for you?" Toni asked. "The Vixens never seem to ask for anything in return, especially not its queen."

"We just want the serpents to have our backs as we have their backs," Callie answered. "If you really want to do something for me, you could babysit when I need it."

"Deal," Toni smiled. 

Night came; they all were at Pops for Pop's retirement party, and everyone had a shake in their hands; Grady and Lottie stood on the seats with cups in their hands to prevent any spillage. Callie was very happy to see Cheryl again, she was changed like the rest of Riverdale. Cheryl was more than happy to meet the kids officially in person.

"What a gift," Pop said as Archie handed him a Riverdale Varsity jacket, people were applauding. "Thank you, Archie."

"Oh, it's from all of us, Pop," Archie said as he clapped Pops on the back. "It's a small token to show how much you mean to us, to Riverdale High, to the whole town."

"Yeah," a woman agreed.

"You know, I had to drop out of school to take over running this place after my Pop, the original Pop, passed away," Pop revealed. "I never got to graduate. This means the world to me." Everyone applauded more.

"Jug's gonna say a few words," Archie stated. Jughead walked up from behind the counter. 

"I think sometimes it can be hard to put our faith in this town," Jughead said. He looked at Pop for a second, then looked back at everyone else. "But I think Pop created something really special here, created a place for the lost and wayward souls of Riverdale to come to. And I think, that's more than jukebox and vinyl booths. It' a lighthouse in the storm. And Pop himself, he's many things." He walked over to Pops. "He's a joker." Pop chuckled as Jughead clapped his hand on his back. "He's a soldier." Jughead looked at Archie. "He's a cook." They all laughed lightly. "He's a really good listener. He's also a father, he's a son and a grandfather." Tabitha smiled as they looked over at her. "And to many of us and to me's about the only reason that I made it through." Pop sighed softly. "You gave us a home, Pop. Thank you." Everyone clapped even more. 

"To Pop Tate," Archie said as he raised his milkshake. "Who never let the lights go dark."

"Pop Tate!" Everyone said as they raised their milkshakes. 


After the retirement party, Callie was in Riverdale High in the student lounge, she sat on the couch; both Grady and Lottie sat on her, both asleep. 

"So, you're really gonna do this, huh?" Jughead asked. "Run the RROTC out of your old high school?"

"If I get a chance to, yeah," Archie confirmed. "It's kind of why I wanted us to sneak in here, the four of us, minus the kids. Hiram's trying to shut this place down. And he's pushing to unincorporate the town, which would wipe Riverdale off the map."

"My father is nothing, if not consistent," Veronica stated. 

"Oh, I think we can stop him, or at least slow him down," Archie said.

"How?" Betty asked. 

"We become teachers here," Archie answered. 

"Mm," Betty breathed as Veronica laughed.

"I know it sounds crazy, but it's also a way to keep the school going, which means if Hiram wins the vote, we still have a defendable position, this school," Archie explained. "And if we can save it, we can give people at least one more reason to stay in Riverdale. And in time, we can bring this town back to life, a good place for Grady and Lottie to grow up, one they would be proud to call home." Callie looked down at her sleeping kids. 

"Archie," Veronica began. "I'm married. I have a life back in New York."

"Yeah, and I have a novel to write," Jughead said. 

"Veronica, plenty of people commute to the city," Archie brought up. "And Jug, you always said, you do your best writing in a booth at Pop's. And it's not going to be long...a month or two, just to give Weatherbee enough time to find permanent replacements."

"I'm in, Arch," Callie said. "Toni already spoke to me and convinced me to stay."

"I'm in as well," Betty said. They all looked at her. "Quantico can wait a couple of months, and I need to be right here now for my mom and Polly."

"Thanks, Betty and Cal," Archie smiled at them. "Jug?"They looked at the other two. 

"I'd have to clear it with my new job," Jughead answered. "But why not?" He exhaled heavily. "I'd like to shape some impressionable young minds."

"I'm in too," Veronica gave in. "I'll make it work with Chad. And considering what's happening here, is all my dad's fault...I need to give back more than anyone. And I didn't really wanna be a sports agent anyway."

"That's awesome, Veronica," Archie said. "So...Bulldogs forever?" He thumped his lap standing up, everyone laughed lightly as they stood up beside Callie. "Cal?"

"My hands are full," Callie said. "Pretend it's there." The three scouted over to put their hands on top of her hand and the kid's. Archie kissed the top of his sister's head. 

"Bulldogs forever," they all said as Betty, Veronica, Archie, and Jughead raised their hands. 

The next day, everyone was in town hall for the meeting. Callie sat next to Archie, Grady sat on her lap, and Lottie sat on Archie's lap. 

"Before the school board votes on the fate of Riverdale High, Toni Topaz has asked me to say a few words," Hiram announced.

"Good afternoon," Toni greeted the mic. "My name is Toni Topaz, and I am a guidance counselor at Riverdale High. The point of a school board is make sure there's equity, that kids of all ages from all different backgrounds have equal access to education. Well, with the help of two very generous donors." She looked back at Cheryl, then glanced at Callie. Toni looked back at Hiram. "I'm happy to announce that Riverdale High will be able to do that as a private school."People applauded. Alice smiled at Hiram as he looked at her. "And unlike other private schools, Riverdale will be tuition-free. And we're bolstering our teaching staff with notable alumni like Sergeant Archie Andrews, businesswoman, paralegal, and University of Rhode Island grad, Callie Watson, FBI trainee, and Yale graduate, Betty Cooper, businesswoman and Barnard grad, Veronica Gekko, and acclaimed author, Forsythe Jones the Third." They all stood up, staring Hiram down. "So spread the news far and wide, that Riverdale and its children, will not be at the mercy of destructive whims. Thank you." People applauded and cheered. 

"That's very nice," Hiram complimented. Toni went and sat down next to Kevin.

"That was better than Kendall Roy's speech at the end of season two," Kevin complimented. 

"And now, I would like to introduce, what I hope will be my last motion as Mayor, a proposition to unicorporate the town of Riverdale," Hiram proposed. Everyone glanced at each other. "All those opposed." The side Callie sat on all raised their hands, including Grady and Lottie, and Alice. "All those in favor?" People on the left raised their hands, including other board members and Reggie. "Majority wins. The township of Riverdale is hereby dissolved. 


Callie was now at the hotel packing up when Sweet Pea walked in. The kids were in bed asleep. 

"I thought you said you weren't moving back to Rhode Island," Sweet Pea frowned. "What about teaching?" 

"I'm not going back to Rhode Island," Callie assured. "I'm going back to the Andrews's house."

"Maybe you should stay here," Sweet Pea proposed. "Jones said he's thinking of moving in as well."

"That gives me every reason to move back to that house," Callie said. "Jughead is Grady's godfather."

"Jughead exploited you," Sweet Pea brought up.

"I should've been smart enough to make my own decision, it's my fault," Callie said. "Plus, he and Archie agreed to watch the kids for next weekend."

"So, you are going back to Rhode Island," Sweet Pea gathered; he crossed his arms.

"I just need to grab a couple of things," Callie stated as she looked at him oddly. "If I was going to be gone this long, I would have grabbed Lottie's nightlight, she can't sleep without it, if I'm not in the room."

"Not a boyfriend to go back to?" Sweet Pea asked with hope. 

"What? No," Callie denied. "I haven't dated anyone since Wilbur died." Sweet Pea sat down at the table, he wasn't too happy about the answer. "You got a lover?"

"No," Sweet Pea denied. "Stay here until your childhood home is cleaned up a little, no need for them to see the G&G signs." 

"Perhaps you are right," Callie agreed. She peeked into the room to see the kids peacefully sleeping, and she smiled.  

"Does Grady like me yet?" Sweet Pea asked.

"He likes you more than he liked Wilbur," Callie said. "If that is to ever mean anything."

"It means a lot," Sweet Pea said as he looked over at her. "You go to bed before Lottie wakes up, I will clean up." Callie stared at him.

"You are really persistent on staying here," Callie said.

"In a couple of months, you are taking Grady back to Rhode Island," Sweet Pea said as he looked away. "I want to be there for Grady as much as possible, Lottie as well." Without a word Callie went to bed, closing the door, and keeping Sweet Pea out. Sweet Pea pulled out all the letters sent him to over the years, he started with the first one mentioning the pregnancy, the second getting kicked out of Harvard, one stating the gender of the baby, a picture copy of the ultrasound, some more, and then the day she gave birth to Grady, there was a picture. Grady was so small...tears flowed out of Sweet Pea's eyes, and he slammed his head on the table crying even harder. Over in the bedroom, Callie laid awake, she could hear Sweet Pea crying through the walls, she looked over at the children, still asleep. She too then closed her eyes, trying to sleep. 

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