Chapter 124
The University of Rhode Island was definitely treating Callie a lot better than Havard, they were oddly accepting of the baby. It was her second year of college, and Callie was able to make friends pretty easily. Each month she would send a letter to Sweet Pea updating him on everything about Grady, but he never wrote back. In the meantime of school, Callie worked at a diner as a waitress, and at the school's bookstore. The bookstore allowed Callie to bring Grady in as she worked, and the girls in the sorority would watch the baby when she worked at the diner or had class. Once in a while, Jughead would pay a visit, or she would visit him, or they would meet halfway, in Chicago or Toledo. Mom was not too happy about the baby at first, but she grew very attached to her grandson. Fp, Jellybean, and Gladys grew attached as well. Archie was barely able to write, but he said he couldn't wait to get the chance to meet Grady. She hadn't had much contact with Cheryl physically outside of Riverdale, mainly just face-timing. At the moment, it was a late night at the sorority, Callie sat with the girls in the main living room, she was playing with the baby. Next to her was her best friend Evita Rojos, Evita was at school studying hospitality management, with dreams to open her own hotel.
"Cal," Ayra greeted. "What is the wildest dream you ever had for the future?"
"I thought about starting my own gang," Callie admitted.
"A gang?" Myra repeated. "But aren't those bad?"
"They are feared, but I like them," Callie answered. "Grady's dad is a gang member."
"What?" all the girls asked in shock.
"Riverdale, Southside Serpents," Callie said. "The serpents and I had quite the bond." She grew a little sad after mentioning the last part.
"Then start your own gang," Evita said. "If you miss the serpents so much why not start your own?"
"I am allied with them," Callie said. "You've seen the ring and the tattoo."
"So that's what the tattoo stands for," Mariam said. "Who gave it to you?"
"Grady's dad," Callie said softly.
"Cal," Jane cooed as she went to the floor, pulling her into a hug. "You can still be allied with them and start your own gang."
"I'll have to go over it with Jughead," Callie said. "He used to be serpent king, I was one for a short time."
"Serpent gang...serpent king...dated a serpent...was one," Lina rambled. "Take charge of your own course, Cal, start your own gang, be queen, and we will stand with you."
"Really?" Callie asked.
"We are sisters after all," Isla reminded her. "So what is it going to be?"
"Alright," Callie smiled.
"And this gang?" Alma asked.
"It would be named after the cheer team I was on in high school," Callie answered. "The Vixen Gang."
"This calls for a picture," Jane declared as she took out her phone. "On this historic day is the birth of the Vixen Gang."
During her second year, Callie caught the interest of an English accent blonde fellow. His name was Wilbur Watson, he wanted to make his own unique publishing company, he took a somewhat liking to Grady. At the moment, Callie was sitting in the school's basketball bleachers with Evita, Wilbur, and Grady. They were doing homework together as some people played the ball down below. Callie was working on the design of her gang.
"I have a confession," Wilbur said.
"What does a perfect blonde have to say?" Evita asked in shock. "Going back to the land of colonizers?"
"No," Wilbur answered glaring at her. "Actually, I have two things to confess...I used to be in a gang."
"That's surprising," Callie said looking at him.
"Why because I'm not from your Wicked Little Town?" Wilbur asked. "It was the Badger Gang."
"Why are you telling us?" Evita asked.
"I want to be a part of that," Wilbur said as he pointed at Callie's drawing. "I miss my gang days."
"And your other confession?" Callie asked.
Wilbur's voice got really low. "My family is part of the underworld."
"So is mine," Evita said softly.
"What!?" Callie demanded looking at the two. "None of you wanted to tell me from the start?"
"It's not something to just bring up," Wilbur said. "And you mention your bad dealings with the underworld, especially dealing with the Lodges."
"And the Grandes and the St. Claires," Callie added.
"Now that Evita confessed to being part of it, maybe we should all team up?" Wilbur suggested. "I have the publishing, Evita has the hotel, and Cal you the gang, and well your law job."
"No," Callie said, she looked down at Grady, he was looking back at her, and a smile immediately appeared on the baby's face. "What do you think?" She tapped the paper, and Grady put the finger he was sucking on all over the paper. Callie smiled, she kissed the top of his head.
"No, Wilbur is onto something," Evita said. "You said you were able to up Hiram Lodge a few times."
"I don't want to get dragged into that, especially not after what pain he's done to my town and my family," Callie said. "I want the best for Grady, and this will just be the complete opposite. His dad would never allow it."
"At least think it over," Evita pleaded.
Callie was now at her diner, she was sitting at a booth talking to Jughead, he brought Grady with him, and little by little it was clear that Grady was Sweet Pea's son, even being ginger didn't disguise it. Jughead was trying to put a beanie on Grady's head, but Grady was not having it and kept pulling it off of his head.
"So Wilbur and Evita are part of that monstrous underworld and they want you to join?" Jughead gathered.
"Yes," Callie confirmed. "But after Riverdale..."
"Do it," Jughead said. "You will be able to get the inside eyes and ears and little by little we will be able to shut down Hiram. Hang in as long as possible."
"Why are you wanting me to agree to this?" Callie asked.
"It can give me ideas for a book," Jughead admitted as he waved around Grady's hands, Grady let out a cute baby noise.
"I feel so honored that my life will help with whatever writer's block you come across," Callie stated.
"As you should be," Jughead clicked his tongue. "And what's is starting a gang? Are you really taking up that idea from our senior year?"
"I guess," Callie shrugged. "Of course, they will be allied with the serpents."
"Good," Jughead nodded. "Do you even know how to run a gang?"
"From all the times I helped you with the serpents, I have a slight idea," Callie answered. Jughead opened his mouth, raised a finger, then nodded.
"Vixen Gang," Jughead said. "This will be perfect for a book."
"Change the name for legal purposes," Callie said. "You can use the gang Wilbur used to be part of...the Badgers."
"Oh, I will," Jughead smiled. He noticed something missing from her finger. "Where's your ring?"
"I still have it," Callie assured as she pulled out a necklace that hung around her neck, attached to it was the serpent ring. "And so much for burying that bugging device." Jughead laughed.
Callie ended up, dating Wilbur, but not because she liked him. Her Vixen Gang was off to a good start, the symbol was a sitting fox, with two tails that made a heart. They were allied with the serpents, as well as Wilbur's gang back in England, they had a good amount of members, and Callie was Vixen Queen, in other stations where the Vixens were located, they had leaders as well, they were like the Duke, the Lords, viscounts of the gang. Callie was now sitting with Wilbur and Evita in a closed-off room.
"Why have you not agreed to the deal?" Evita asked. "What is holding you back?"
"It's that serpent isn't it?" Wilbur asked in annoyance. "You have written him every month, for the past three years, has he written back? No, not even once...he doesn't care about you or his son, Callie."
"No, I don't believe that," Callie said. "This is Sweet Pea...maybe I should go to Riverdale...there's no way he'd go this long without wanting contact from his own kid."
"Cal, he doesn't care," Wilbur said. "And it is clear he does not care about Grady either. The sooner you realize, the sooner we can move on, what do you have to lose?"
"Everything," Callie said.
"Sweet pea isn't in your life, Archie barely responds, he hasn't even taken time off to meet his nephew," Wilbur rambled. "From my point of view, you have nothing." Callie stared at him angrily. "I'm your boyfriend, aren't I?"
"And my boyfriend should respect my decisions," Callie said.
"Do you not love me?" Wilbur asked, Callie, squinted her eyes at him. "So, you don't love me."
"Fine," Callie gave in. "I'll look over the contract and then we'll revise."
"Yay!" Evita squealed as she clapped her hands. "You are not going to regret this."
****Winter break of Callie's third year in college.
Callie was now at the diner for work, Jane and Isla were at the sorority watching Grady, as Callie sat in the back room with Arya and Mariam. They were waiting for a time to go off.
"I thought you didn't sleep with your boyfriend," Arya said.
"He got me drunk," Callie groaned. "Which lead me to do something stupid."
"We've all been there," Mariam said. "Was he drunk as well?"
"I can't recall," Callie answered. "He said he was pretty hungover the next day...I never drink anymore."
"Hopefully, his machinery is broken," Mariam wished.
"That's way too positive, even for you," Arya said.
"That one night is about to ruin my whole," Callie began to panic.
"Don't go there yet!" both the girls exclaimed. The timer went off, and Callie looked down at the pregnancy stick she was holding.
Callie standing in Wilbur's apartment, Wilbur was staring at the pregnancy stick, that Callie put in front of knows Jughead kept telling her to hang in long as possible...but...
"This means we have to get married," Wilbur said. Callie's heart sank, she was still waiting on Sweet Pea after all this time. "This will provide you protection as well as protection for your son...he's only what? Almost two and a half?"
"Wilbur," Callie breathed looking at him with tears in her eyes.
"You have nothing to worry about Sugar Plum," Wilbur assured. Sugar Plum. Callie got up leaving the bathroom with tears flowing out of her eyes.
Callie was now sitting in her office at the Vixen bar, Jughead was in the office as well, she told him everything.
"I'm not sure how much longer I can do this," Callie admitted. "A baby? Marriage? Don't you think it's getting a bit out of hand?"
"You have been pulling through," Jughead said. "We managed to shut down a few of Hiram's business deals. This marriage..."
"Jughead, I still have strong feelings for Sweet Pea," Callie stated as tears flowed out of her eyes. "The fact he hasn't responded to me doesn't seem right...I want to go back to Riverdale...but Wilbur thinks that is a bad idea."
"Cal, you just flirted with someone else on the phone," Jughead answered. "Why don't you pursue them?"
"My voice is modified and so is their voice," Callie answered. "I'm not going break the agreement of privacy...the Vixen Gang runs a bit differently than the serpents. Very few people know about the Vixen Queen's identity, the duke, viscounts, and lords are fair game...but the Queen's identity is a secret. I don't even love Wilbur not even a little; not even from the beginning."
"Cal, if things get bad you can always just divorce him," Jughead reminded. "Just hang in a bit longer, I will pay for your therapy in the future when I have the money." Callie sighed as her phone rang, it was the preschool that Grady attended.
"Hello?" Callie asked answering the phone. Minutes later, she and Jughead were in the principal's office. "Can't we talk about this?"
"Your son started a fistfight with another kid," the principal stated. "I'm sorry but my decision is final...Grady is being expelled from this school...find another Ms. Andrews."
"He's clearly Sweet Pea's son," Jughead commented, Callie sighed.
"I am so sorry for this," Callie apologized. Once they got home, Callie was sitting on her bed holding Grady as Jughead came into the room with a juice box for Grady and tea for Callie.
"Grady, why did you start a fight?" Jughead asked.
"The man on the phone said to," Grady answered.
"Man on the phone?" Callie repeated.
"It was the man on the phone, Mama," Grady said looking at her. "I answered a phone when you were talking to Auntie Evit--"
"What did this man have to say to get you to start a fight?" Jughead asked.
"These kids at school were big meanies, so he told me to fight them," Grady answered. "I won."
"Grady, I'm happy you won, but you can't just go around starting fights," Callie said.
"But Mama," Grady frowned. "The man said I have every right to stand my ground."
"You are two and a half," Jughead pointed out, Grady pouted as he looked at Jughead.
"Can we play pirates?" Grady asked. "I already served my time in timeout."
"He's a free boy, Cal," Jughead laughed.
"Will you play as well, Uncle Juggie?" Grady asked as he smiled.
"Pick your weapon, buddy," Jughead answered. Grady jumped up happily, he jumped up and down on the bed before trying to push Jughead off the bed.
"Walk the plank!" Grady shouted. "Dead Jones Locker!"
"Davy Jones Locker," Jughead corrected as he picked up the kid, he ran around the room pretending to have Grady flying, but Grady was laughing.
A few weeks later, Callie was breaking the news to Grady about being a big brother.
"Grady," Callie said she was playing with cars and motorcycles with him.
"Yes, Mama?" Grady asked looking at her.
"You are going to have someone new to play with soon," Callie informed.
"Uncle Archie?" Grady asked.
"No," Callie denied softly. "They will be younger than will be what Archie is me."
"Big brother," Grady said, his smile dropping a bit. "What does that mean?"
"You are going to have a sibling," Callie answered. "Another person to push off the plank." A full smile returned to Grady's face.
Callie was now in Toledo, she was a few months pregnant, and she was with the serpents. Jellybean was playing with Grady as Callie waited for Fp.
"Callie Andrews," Fp smiled as he walked over to her.
"Mr. Jones," Callie smiled as she stood up, and they hugged. "I have a favor to ask."
"Years later you finally have a request from the serpents?" Fp asked.
"Mainly just you," Callie corrected, Fp looked at her funnily. "You know, I am getting married soon."
"Are you sure it is what you want?" Fp asked. "I know my boy told you to hold as long as possible...but this a major decision Cal."
"Jughead said divorce was always an option," Callie answered. "Plus, this gives the chance to have leverage over me for my last name being Watson." Fp laughed shaking his head.
"If anything happens, remember you have the Vixens and the serpents," Fp reminded her. "One call and I can get rid of Wilbur."
"Thanks," Callie smiled as she looked at the ground.
"What favor, is the Vixen Queen asking from an old man like me?" Fp asked crossing his arms.
"Could you...could you take the place of my dad?" Callie asked softly.
"Consider it an honor," Fp smiled. "For this wedding and when you marry Sweet Pea." Callie's smile dropped. " I know it will happen, I can feel two are made for each other."
"He hasn't written," Callie said. "He hasn't even tried to contact me in any way. I want him to meet Grady before he is all grown up." They looked over to see Jellybean tickling Grady, he was laughing.
"I'm sure there is a reason behind it," Fp said. "You two will meet again, and all those old feelings will just come rushing back to the surface."
"They already are on the surface," Callie admitted.
The wedding came around months later, and her due date for the baby was coming up, and Callie was sitting in the bride's room in tears.
"It's going to be alright," Jughead assured.
"I don't want to marry him, Jughead," Callie stated as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I don't love him, I never have and I never will."
"And for the baby?" Jughead asked.
Callie put her hand on her stomach."I love the baby...but him, that's different. It's not too late to pull out is it?"
"Just hang in a bit longer," Jughead said as he rubbed her shoulder.
"Did anyone from Riverdale make it?" Callie asked.
"No," Jughead asked.
"Archie?" Callie asked as her voice began to break even more.
"I'm sorry," Jughead said.
"If something ever happens to me, Wilbur is to not have custody of the children, especially not Grady," Callie said. "He doesn't like him, I can tell...Mother's instinct."
"Luckily, Wilbur is horrible at reading contracts," Jughead said. "And don't think so darkly.
"Your girlfriend, Jessica is here right?" Callie asked.
"Yeah," Jughead nodded. " A writer like me."
Many months later, Wilbur was walking into a hospital room with Grady, he was now three years old, and it was 2 pm in the afternoon, on October 14th."
"Mama?" Grady asked as he got on his tiptoes. "Who is that?" In Callie's arms, laid a baby girl seems she couldn't escape the red hair fate as well. She had blue eyes, but they couldn't see them due to the baby being asleep.
"Your sibling," Wilbur answered as he smiled, he picked up Grady, sitting him next to Callie, staring at the baby girl.
"Name?" Grady asked.
"Charlotte," Callie answered.
"I can't pronounce that," Grady said.
"Lottie," Wilbur said in annoyance.
"Better," Grady smiled.
Time passed, and Callie had a pretty good job with Thomas-Reuters, she was doing that till she gets a job at a law office. Once in a while, the FBI came to her for bugging help. She was the Vixen Queen of her Gang still, Evita had her own hotel chain, and Wilbur had his own publishing company. Grady adjusted to Lottie. Grady got expelled from two other schools for fighting, one for standing up for himself, and the other for standing up for someone else. Each time he got expelled, Wilbur was annoyed and Jughead was ecstatic. Each time asked why Grady said it was the man on the phone that told him to do so. Callie got a couple more tattoos. Even Wilbur was somewhat bearable, though there were still no romantic feelings for him. A year of a loveless marriage...even in her marriage she was waiting for Sweet Pea to show up or even write back, Jughead was getting close to publishing a book with the legal publishing industry. Callie hasn't seen Archie in a long time, he wrote, but it wasn't the same, the same was with Cheryl. One night, Callie was reading a bedtime story to Grady and Lottie, both of them were fast asleep on her when she got a phone call.
"Hello?" Callie asked.
"Ms. Watson?" a voice asked.
"This is her," Callie confirmed. That phone call led to learning that Wilbur was no longer alive...after a few investigations, Callie learned the truth, Wilbur was murdered by some old enemy back in England. Grady took the news not too hard, Lottie was too young to understand what happened, upon Wilbur's death, all of his assets were handed over to Callie, the publishing agency...something she never wanted...but it was part of the agreement in the marriage.
It had now been seven years since Archie Andrews was in Riverdale, he was in the Whyte Wyrm talking to the beautiful pregnant Toni, Kevin, Fangs, and Sweet Pea. They were having a drink together.
"This is nuts," Archie said. "I haven't seen you guys, in what six years?"
"Actually, it's been seven," Toni corrected.
"Wow. Lots of catching up to do," Archi stated.
"Well, I had a job lined up after graduation with Riverdale Social Services, but their offices got shut down," Toni said.
"Lucky for her, we needed a guidance counselor at Riverdale," Kevin said.
"You're looking at the new Mrs. Burble," Toni revealed.
"Wait. You're working at Riverdale High, too, Kev?" Archie asked.
"Yep, "Kevin confirmed. "I'm the drama teacher. Got my BA from Carnegie Mellon, in Pittsburgh, where..." He looked at Fangs.
"Where I graduated from the University of Pittsburgh," Fangs finished. Archie and Fangs clinked glasses.
"Whoo!" Fangs cheered.
"We stayed boyfriends, believe it or not," Kevin added. "And now, we live together with her."
"Mm-hmm," Fangs breathed before kissing Kevin."
"With me," Toni stated. "In an apartment on Cloverfield Lane."
"That's amazing," Archie said, Tonu chuckled. "Sweet Pea, what about you, bro?" He looked at him, he had a few new tattoos.
"Mostly held down the fort here while these guys were gone," Sweet Pea answered. "And then when Toni got back..."
"We decided to revive the Serpents," Toni answered. "Under my leadership, I was crowned the Serpent Queen."
"Well, I gotta say, this place is sick," Archie said as she glanced around, a picture caught his eye. "Pulls in a different crowd though, what's with all the truckers?"
"Serpents drive trucks to make cash," Sweet Pea answered. "Including me and Fangs. Toni had the hookup."
"Impressive," Archie complimented.
"What's up with the Fox painting?" Archie asked. "With two tails?" They all glanced at it.
"That is to represent the Vixen Queen," Toni answered. "There's a Vixen Gang that started a few years ago in Rhode Island, they had an alliance with the serpents in Toledo somehow...and that alliance extended to us."
"Vixen Gang, I've heard that before," Archie stated as he was taken back, he pulled out a few letters from his jacket. "You look." He gave some to Kevin and Fangs.
"The Vixen Gang helped us buy this place from Hiram," Fangs said. "They never really ask for favors in return."
"They are angels," Sweet Pea smiled.
"Sweet Pea has a crush on the Vixen Queen," Fangs teased, as a picture fell out, Sweet Pea picked it up. He turned around, he stared at the it was a picture of Callie and a little ginger boy, they were on the beach, Sweet Pea touched an inside pocket where the ring remained. He kept it after all this time, he wasn't sure why.
"Do you know who the Vixen Queen is?" Archie asked as he eyed Sweet Pea, he wasn't quite happy with him for breaking up with his sister and leaving her with a baby.
"Nobody knows," Toni answered. "The Vixen gang has viscounts, dukes, and lords that we know the identity of, but the Vixen Queen is a complete mystery, I've spoken to them on the phone, but the voice is modified."
"I heard not even all the members know the identity," Kevin said. "I heard that one of them betrayed a serpent deeply and they got kicked out of the gang."
"Tough leader," Archie said.
"A successful one too," Sweet Pea smiled as he looked up at the fox painting. "I've talked to them on a phone a lot in the past, we have to modify our voices under the Queen's request. I sure do like talking to them."
"Oh my god," Kevin breathed as his eyes went wide, Fangs looked over, and his eyes went wide. "Oh, my god."
"What?" Archie asked.
"Who are all these letters from?" Fangs asked.
"My sister of course," Archie said. "I feel bad I wasn't able to see her for a long time."
"That's odd, I have written to her many times, but I never heard back," Sweet Pea stated, Archie, furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
"Hold up," Toni said as her eyes went wide, she snatched the letter from Fangs, speed-reading it.
"So what has your sister been up to?" Sweet Pea asked as he tilted his head. Every time someone mentioned her name, he would shoot them down, or just listen in silence.
"Well, she and Jughead have been doing their own operation of taking down Hiram--" Archie began.
"With her Vixen Gang," Toni said with a big smile.
"What?" Sweet Pea demanded. "What are you talking about?"
"That explains the easy alliance," Toni said. "I love her even more than I did back in high school." Sweet Pea grabbed the letter from Toni, and he read it it was mentionings to Archie about starting up a gang with her sorority, a Vixen Gang." Sweet Pea's heart dropped, and he looked back at the fox painting. "What exactly were your sister and Jughead doing?" Sweet Pea was stunned, this entire time he was on the phone with the Vixen Queen...was with her.
"I'm going to kill Jughead," Archie said darkly. "Callie met people in college that had dealings with the same underworld as Hiram...he convinced her to stay close with them, he convinced her to join them."
"She wouldn't," Kevin gasped.
"Upon joining, Callie and her gang were able to eliminate a few of the operations from Hiram," Archie answered. "She ended up marrying some asshole, due to Jughead's request, and from what I read in the letters, he was horrible to her."
"Married?" Sweet Pea asked with a heavy heart.
"Was," Archie corrected. "Her husband got murdered about two years ago, I can't recall, she didn't love the guy, but now she is raising two children on her own," Archie ranted. "Upon his murdered, she received all of his assets, so whatever underworld her husband was part of, now belongs to her."
"Oh my god," Fangs and Kevin said at the same time.
"Sweet Pea, you mentioned earlier that you weren't getting letters from my sister?" Archie brought up, the serpents remained silent, Sweet Pea wanted Callie to go away for something better. "Sweet pea?"
"Yeah," He answered softly.
"Callie ranted to me about you never writing back to her," Archie said, Sweet Pea picked up his head.
"Is the boy in the picture with her husband?" Sweet Pea asked.
"That boy is the entire reason she was writing to you," Archie answered. "Believe it or not, our valedictorian got kicked out of Harvard." Kevin and Fangs gasped. "She got kicked out for being pregnant her freshmen year, she had to transfer to the University of Rhode Island that winter." Sweet Pea's entire world started to spin. "She also mentioned that not really being in contact with Cheryl." Sweet Pea turned the picture back towards him, he stared at it heavier. Everyone remained silent.
"It's cool, guys," Toni assured. "As you know, after, graduation, Cheryl and I broke up."
"RIP, Choni," Kevin commented as he took the photo from Sweet Pea, he wanted to look.
"After I got back from Highsmith, I...went to go check on her a couple times," Toni explained, she went into the story.
"And did you go back?" Archie asked.
"I did," Toni answered. "Not too long ago. But this time I wasn't Thornhill's only visitor. Hiram Lodge was there with his new righthand man, Reggie."
"Wait, Reggie's working for Hiram Lodge?" Archie asked. Toni told them more about visiting Cheryl. "She didn't say another word. She just painted me for 12 hours, and when she was done, I left. And a week later, a package showed up in the mail, and it was my portrait." They all looked back at it.
"She didn't keep it as a reminder of what you guys had?" Archie asked.
"I guess she didn't want it," Toni answered. Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Kevin got up going over to the bar.
"Archie," Sweet Pea said looking back at him. "Do you know if your sister still has her ring?"
"No," Archie denied, he was no longer angry with the serpent.
"Can I—Can I read the letters Callie sent you?" Sweet Pea asked.
"Just don't drown them," Archie said as he gave Sweet pea a stack, the serpent walked away as Archie turned to Toni.
"Toni, earlier you said the town had changed," Archie said. "I'm probably gonna regret asking this, but can you tell me how?"
"I think it might be better to show you," Toni answered.
"Okay," Archie nodded.
"Where are you staying?" Toni asked.
"I'm crashing at the El Royale since my mom's renting out our house," Archie answered.
"Rights," Toni breathed. "The renters. Um...I'll pick you up at the gym."
"Okay," Archie nodded. "Thanks, Toni. Hey, do you mind if I stay here to make a few calls?"
"Yeah, go for it," Toni agreed, she then got up. Archie picked up his phone, his first contact was his sister.
Over in a mobile home in Rhode Island, Callie was finger painting with the kids, Grady was six and Lottie was be three at the end of October. She then got a phone call, she looked over to see Archie.
"Archie?" Callie answered the phone with one hand.
"It's good to hear your voice," Archie said.
"Good to hear yours," Callie smiled, she looked over to see Grady trying to put purple paint into Lottie's hair. After the phone call ended, Callie was going back to Riverdale for a bit, Pop's was retiring. Due to the sudden notice, Callie definitely wouldn't be able to find a babysitter, but a house sitter was a guarantee. Callie was now with Jughead as they drove through the night to their hometown. Callie looked back at her kids.
"Nervous?" Jughead asked.
"Yeah," Callie admitted. "Grady is going to be meeting his dad."
"From there you can yell at Sweet Pea for the years of not keeping in touch with you, "Jughead smiled. They arrived in Riverdale in the afternoon. "Perhaps we will even have a new mystery, Detective Watson." Callie shook her head as he helped her get the kids out.
"Who are these bright eyes dollies?" Veronica gushed with adoring eyes as Callie and Jughead walked with the two kids. She was sitting across from Jughead.
"My kids," Callie answered. She sat down next to Betty, and Lottie sat on her lap.
"The name's Grady," Grady stated as he climbed up on the seat. "And that's my sister Lottie."
"How old are you two?" Betty asked as Jughead sat on the end.
"Two," Lottie answered holding up three fingers; Grady put down one of her fingers.
"So cute," Veronica gushed. "And what about you little red?" Callie smiled at the nickname.
"Six," Grady answered. Veronica and Betty looked at each other, then glanced at Jughead and both quickly came to the answer of no.
"For the kiddos," Pop said as he put down a coloring sheet and crayons.
"Thanks, mister," Grady smiled. Not too long after that, the door opened Callie looked back to see Archie walking in with a pregnant Toni.
"Archie, I heard you were back," Pops greeted.
"Pop," Archie smiled as he walked over, shaking hands. "It's good to see you. I missed you."
"Say, I missed all of you," Pops responded. Archie looked over, his eyes immediately landed on his sister who was looking at him.
"Archie," Callie smiled. "Toni."
"Where are the two knuckles heads?" Archie asked.
"Here," Grady said as he peered over the booth. "Uncle."
"Archie, Toni," Veronica greeted.
"Veronica, Betty," Toni greeted.
"Hi," Betty greeted softly.
"Jughead," Toni greeted. "I'll leave you guys to it then."
"No," Archie denied. "You're as much a part of this as any of us." Toni smiled at everyone, she sat next to Veronica.
"Oh, guys," Archie began. "Toni gave me a tour of Riverdale today, and it's...It's a hellscape.. I know I called you here for Pop's retirement party, but...we have a much bigger agenda now. Riverdale's dying. And we might be the only ones who can save it." He then sat next to Toni as Betty helped Lottie with the picture she was drawing.
"What's it like with kids?" Toni asked. "What's it like to give birth?"
"Definitely painful," Callie answered. "After giving are probably never sleeping again."
"Joy," Toni smiled more, the door opened, and in seconds someone was at the table.
"Shortstop," a voice greeted, a voice Callie knew too well, and a nickname she hasn't heard in a long time. Callie looked up to see Sweet Pea, at that moment Veronica almost choked on her coffee. "We need to talk." Her heart picked up, more styled a bit differently...pretty. His eyes pierced into hers, she could see coloring appearing on Sweet Pea's cheeks as he stared at her.
"You were the one on the phone," Grady spoke up, Sweet Pea's eyes landed on the six-year-old boy, everything came true and his world crashed faster. "You are the one that told me to pick a fight."
"That was you?" Jughead and Callie asked at the same time, Jughead sat up straight. They both stared at Sweet Pea in complete surprise.
"Grady, what are you talking about?" Archie asked. "What fight?"
"Grady got expelled from preschool more than once for picking a fight," Callie answered.
"Mama, do you know him?" Grady asked.
"Grady...this is your dad," Callie said slowly, Sweet Pea sat in a booth across from him immediately as Grady looked at the man. He then looked back at Callie.
"Mama...Dad told me to pick a fight each time," Grady said. "He said to swing hard." Toni started laughing, as Callie glared at Sweet Pea.
'She's angry,' Sweet Pea thought to himself as he put his eyes back on his son.
"What are your kids' names?" Sweet Pea asked.
"Lottie and Grady," Callie answered.
"Grady," Sweet Pea repeated slowly.
"You got a problem?" Grady asked as he pointed a crayon at Sweet Pea.
"No, I like it," Sweet Pea assured as he put his hands up. "It's a name I told Mama I liked when we were in high school." Grady lowered his crayon very slowly, still with the intention to fight.
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