Chapter 12

Early school morning, Callie stood at her locker gathering her books for her next class.

"Did you know Jughead wasn't living at home?"  Archie asked Callie when he got to her locker.

"What?"Callie asked as she closed her locker.

"He's lived at the drive-in, now in the schools closet, he's having a rough time with his dad," Archie explained as they headed to class.

"You should offer him to stay with us," Callie advised.

"I did," Archie answered.   

" What did he say?" Callie asked.

" He declined," Archie said. " You can not tell Betty any of this, and can you possibly talk him into staying with us."

" I try my best," Callie assured her twin brother.


Later she sat in the student lounge, next to Veronica.

"My mom and dad don't want to get the police involved," Betty began to explain Polly's situation. " They don't want anyone to know that she ran away, or about her "shameful condition."

" Please, what decade is this?" Veronica asked in disgust.

" Also, since she knew where's Jason's getaway car was, they're afraid people might think she burned it down and that if she did..." Betty continued to explain.

"She could be the murderer, trying to cover her tracks," Jughead added.

"Who did burn the car, then?" Archie asked.

"Sheriff Keller says it's possible someone was following us," Betty answered.

"Oh my god," Callie breathed.

" Honestly, guys, we should just move," Veronica suggested. 

"Guys, what if Polly is really hurt?" Betty asked she was obviously worried about her sister. " What if whoever killed Jason is coming after her next?" Jughead placed a comforting arm around Betty, everyone exchanged glances with each other. 

"Betty, even though your parents don't want to, maybe you should go to the police," Callie advised.

"Second it. We can talk to my dad together," Kevin added. " About how he has to be discreet."

"No offense, Kevin but your dad answers to a higher authority than God: the Blossoms," Jughead pointed out the truth. " They're the first person that he would tell."

"And if there's anyone to keep this a secret from, it's the Blossoms. They'd twist it around and go after Polly out of spite," Betty added. Callie looked up and Ginger by the vending machine listening in, they made eye contact. Callie sent a text to Ginger, she watched Ginger read the text and not answer it.

"How can we help?" Veronica asked. " Tell us, B, and we'll do it." Callie got up and went over to Ginger.

"Don't send that text to Cheryl," Callie whispered.

" I am just telling Cheryl," Ginge answered. "You are her best friend, maybe you should tell her yourself." Ginger snatched Callie's phone and wrote the whole message. She then hit send.

"This is why you will never come leader of the vixens, " Callie growled. "Not even in your daydreams." Then they all left the room. Callie stayed with Veronica and Betty, they stopped at a window.

"Did I just notice Riverdale High's very own Holden Caulfield put his arm around you?" Veronica questioned Betty. 

"Okay, so these past couple of days, I haven't been in a great place, emotionally," Betty explained. " And Jughead was really there for me."

"Oh my god," Callie breathed with a smile.

"Swoon!" Veronica added." Okay, in that case, if he helped my girl navigate some turbulent waters, well Veronica Lodge approves."

" I approve too," Callie agreed. Betty blushed happily. " Thatta girl."

"Come on, let's go find your sister," Veronica suggested.


Later that day Callie stood in the woods with a couple of other people, including Reggie. Betty and Jughead stood in front, addressing the group. They were doing a team witch hunt for Polly Cooper.

"Okay, the sisters of Quiet are due north. The getaway car was west, on the Old Route 40," Betty explained.

"The closest bus station is east, headed towards Sweetwater," Jughead added. " If Polly wanted to leave Riverdale without anyone seeing her."

"Right here. Eversgreen forest," Betty stated. Callie searched with Reggie.

" Where could have she gone?" Reggie asked.

"That's what we all are wondering," Callie answered. " Polly!" They continued to search when Veronica walked up to her with Kevin.

"I'm going out tonight, can I use Reggie as the sexy dimwitted arm candy?" Veronica asked.

"How about two dumb arm candies?" Callie asked. " I will join."

"More the merrier," Veronica smiled. 

"Should we invite Betty?" Kevin asked. " She could probably use a distraction right now."

"I think she might be a tad busy," Veronica stated. They all looked to see the Blossoms and their group also searching for Polly.

" Alice Cooper, where is she? Where's Polly?" Penelope Blossom asked Mrs. Cooper.

" You think if I knew that, I'd be out here with the mosquitoes?" Mrs. Cooper replied with a question. 

"Face facts, Mommie Dearest, Polly killed Jason," Cheryl stated.

"Polly did no such thing," Callie said.

"I got the text from your phone," Cheryl reminded.

"Ya, the phone the Ginger stole," Callie reminded her.

" She's escape from the asylum once, who's to say she didn't before, say, the day Jason got murdered," Mr. Blossom pointed out.

"The noose is tightening around your murdering daughter's neck," Mrs. Blossom threatened. " I know it, Sheriff Keller knows it."

"Hold on now," Sheriff Keller spoke up.

"And I promise you when we find her, and we will find her, the entire town of Riverdale will know, too," Mrs. Blossom continued.


Later that day, Callie stood in between her brother and Reggie as the Coopers stood on their front porch. The news people and some of the neighbor stood were also there.

"There's been a swirl of rumors today about our daughter, Polly," Mrs. Cooper began. "And we're standing here to tell you that they're all false. Yes, Polly was seeking treatment in a private care facility, and she was under strict observation even at the time of Jason Blossom's death. When she found out about the murder, she was besides herself with grief. You see, my daughter, Polly, is pregnant with Jason Blossom's baby." Everyone looked at each other in shock beside, the people that already knew. "Polly wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone the father of her unborn child." The Blossom family left in a hurry. " Polly, darling, if you're watching this, please come home."


A couple of days later, Callie was at school in the hallway with Cheryl. They passed by the student lounge, where the heard Betty and Veronica talking about Polly's circumstances.

" She needs her family," Cheryl stated as she took Betty away for them to talk in private. Veronica looked at Callie as she sipped her coffee.

"Reggie said he can drive for tonight," Callie mentioned.

" I can't wait," Veronica smirked.


Callie was at home with Reggie, her brother and Jughead were at Andrew's Construction site. Callie was in the shower when she heard the door open.

"Your dad is calling," Reggie said as he pulled back the curtain a little. 

"Answer it," Callie said. " Hey, dad."

"Hey Callie," her dad greeted. " Are you in the shower?"

" Yeah, I got a bit sweaty after cheerleading practice," Callie lied. 

"Are you busy tonight?" he asked.

"Going to Reggie's to study," Callie answered as Reggie got in the shower. 

"Well we are going to the Pop's with the Jones, would you two like to join?" he asked.

"No thank you," Callie answered, " But thanks for the offer dad, see you later tonight." With that, she hung up the phone and put it on the ground before sliding it away from the tub. 

"What are you wearing tonight? " Reggie asked as he put shampoo in his hair.

"That dress you wanted me to wear to that dinner party with the mayor," Callie answered as she washed his back. 

" I like that dress," Reggie commented.

"I know," Callie smiled. " I believe we are picking up Josie first, then Kevin, and the Veronica.

" As long as we get to the party," Reggie said as he turned around to look at her. " You are so beautiful."

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