Chapter 116

A couple of days later, Callie was laying in bed at Sweet Pea's trailer, they were both under the covers, taking in the last few moments before the storm hit the fan. The door suddenly burst open.

"Good there you two are!" Alice stated as she walked.

"Ms. Smith!" Sweet Pea and Callie exclaimed as they both sat up pulling up the covers.

"I thought you locked it," Callie whispered.

"I thought you locked it," Sweet Pea whispered back.

"Well, none of you locked it," Alice said as she stared at Callie with some disappointment in her eyes, she then started her camera.

"Teen Detective Andrews," Alice began. "Where do you and your partner plan on beginning the investigation of the murder of Jughead Jones?"

"Uh--" Sweet Pea began.

"Did you two come up with a plan during your Birds and the Bees?"

"We are still discussing the points," Callie answered. "We were going to go Sheriff Jones after school to converse." After Alice got her piece, she left the trailer slamming the door shut. 

"Let's head to school," Sweet Pea suggested. "It's your first day back right?"

"Yeah," Callie breathed. She looked over at the clothes folded on the table. She looked back at Pea, he kissed her passionately, she leaned back into the bed deepening the kiss. 


At school, they were all sitting in chemistry class when Fp and the other police barged in. 

"Archie Andrews, Callie Andrews, Betty Cooper, and Veronica Lodge," Fp listed as he walked in, the five all got their feet. "You're under arrest for the cold-blooded murder of my son, Jughead Jones." They all got handcuffed, as they left the classroom, Callie looked back to see everyone in shock, Sweet Pea was beyond angry. 

"Keep it moving," Fp ordered as he pushed her out the door. They walked in silence as they got lead down the hall.

"This was their move," Callie said softly. "The Stonies. We knew that they would do this."

"I hope you're right, Cal," Veronica said. 

"Everything's fine, okay?" Betty assured.

"This is good. This is where they start tripping up more, okay?" Callie added. 

"This will work, it has to," Betty said with confidence. They were brought to the police station and put behind bars. 

"You three sit tight," Mr. Jones instructed as he locked the cell. "I'll be bringing you in for questioning one at a time, and then we're finally gonna get to the bottom of what happened that night. You understand me?" They all got pulled in one by one for interrogations. Soon it was Callie's turn, she sat in the room with her mom.

"What was your serpent alliance ring during in my son's mouth?" Fp stated as he put a bag on the table, inside was her ring. 

"You don't have to answer that, Callie," Mom said as Callie stared at the bag.

"You've said the same thing to the last twenty questions, and the same in Archie's, Mary," Fp stated as he slammed his fist on the table. "Now, I appreciate your need to protect your boy, but I need answers. One of them's gotta give me something."

"Legally they do not," Mom argued. "And as their lawyer, I am required to make sure that my clients are aware of their rights." Soon they were free to go once evidence came back proving their innocence. Once Callie stepped in the hall, Sweet Pea was waiting there. She noticed Joan was waiting around the corner. 

"What the hell, Callie?" Sweet Pea asked angrily as his nostrils flared. "I was just told your serpent ring was in his mouth."

"I don't know how it got there," Callie said as a voice began to tremble. 

"No, it's clear," Sweet Pea said. "You got sick of us slimy serpents didn't you?" He stepped up, she then backs up, hitting the wall. "So, to break the alliance you lodged it into his gums." He put got extremely close. "DIDN'T YOU?"

"Pea, you have to believe," Callie pleaded with tears in her eyes. "I have no idea how it ended up in Jughead's mouth."

"I thought it was weird when you were no longer wearing the ring," Sweet Pea growled angrily. "You made a grave mistake, Andrews." He grabbed her shirt, then pushed her up against the wall. "If it comes clear that you betrayed the serpents in the worst way possible, I will kill you. For now, don't even think about talking to me, we are through." He put one hand next to her head harshly. 

"Hey, that's enough," Archie said as he pulled him away. "My sister didn't do it."

"Get off of me," Sweet Pea ordered as he shoved Archie off of him. "I have no reason to love someone that won't respect the serpents, and then makes a very clear demonstration that they no longer want an alliance."

"Sweet Pea," Fp stated as he stepped into the halls. "You need to leave." Sweet Pea took one last look at everyone before storming out of the place, everyone looked at Callie, tears streamed down her face rapidly.

"Let's get you home," Archie said as he placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know you didn't participate in Jughead's murder."

That night, Callie laid in bed listening for when the Stonies would speak next, all she heard was Bret and his video games.

"Cal," Archi said stepping into the room. "You and Pea put on a very good performance."

"Thanks," Callie smiled at him. "I think it was enough to convince Joan." Archie walked in with some flowers.

"From your boyfriend," Archie said. 

"Thanks," Callie smiled as she grabbed them. Archie opened his mouth, then Callie cut him off holding up her hand. She put the flowers down, grabbing a pen and paper.

"Put down the controller," Donna ordered as Archie sat on the bed, he put one earbud in his ear. They heard a tv turn off. 

"Hey!" Bret exclaimed. 

"Bret, we've got a problem," Donna announced. "Betty and her friends were released from jail, and the rock tested negative for blood. "

"That's, um..."Bret began. "That's unexpected."

"Considering we watched Jonathan smear Jughead's blood on said rock, I'd say it's impossible," Donna said, Archie's eyes went wide as Callie wrote down the information. "Which means, either Betty somehow interfered and switched out the bloody rock with a fake one, or Jughead's Sheriff daddy is lying."

"What's your instinct?" Bret asked. 

"I don't know," Donna admitted. "I have to think." Her voice was trembling. Something about all this..."

A bunch of people gathered at the Jones house, to be there for Jughead's wake, serpent tradition, the casket was closed. Callie passed by Sweet pea to get to her mom. The two didn't even bother looking at each other, she glanced back to see Sweet Pea staring at her, the door opened, everyone looked over to see Bret, and Donna walking in. Jonathan and Joan were close behind them. 

"You got a lot of nerve coming here,"

 Sweet Pea said as he walked up to them.

"As does your ex-girlfriend," Bret stated. 

"Sweet Pea," Betty said walking up to him. "It's okay. Mr. Jones said that they could come in." Sweet Pea stepped to the side to let them through.

"Closed casket," Donna noted. "Call me a doubting Thomas, but that seems like a suspect choice with such a handsome cadaver." 

"Classy as ever, Donna," Betty stated as Callie walked up to them. "The funeral home didn't even want us to have the casket her, but it's Serpent tradition. And if you make a scene, I will throw your ass out." They all gathered to listen to Fp speak, Callie sat in the back by Cheryl and Toni. 

"I want to thank you all for coming today," Fp began. "I know you all...loved my son. Things weren't always easy for us. But my boy was...always resilient...and loyal...and loving. And, uh..." His voice was trembling. He stepped away, no longer able to hold his tears, Betty went up wiping her eyes. 

"As many of you know, Jughead was a fan of crime fiction," Betty stated. "Detective stories. So, to honor him, I'd like to read a passage from one of his favorite Sherlock Holmes short stories. The Final Problem." Cheryl grabbed Callie's hand, squeezing it. "An examination by experts leaves little doubt that a personal contest between Holmes and Moriarty ended in their reeling over, locked in each other's arms. Any attempt at recovering the bodies was absolutely hopeless.  And there, deep down in the dreadful of swirling water and seething foam, will lie...Will lie, for all time, the most dangerous criminal and the foremost champion of the law of their generation." Alice pulled Jb closed as Betty closed the book. After the reading, everyone got up and chatted with each other. Callie stayed seated, chatting quietly with Valerie. 

"You must really miss your brother," Donna stated as she walked up to Jellybean. "When was the last time you saw him?" Everyone looked over. "He isn't really dead, is he?"

"Donna, are you serious?" Betty demanded as she walked over. "This is Jughead's little sister and you're accosting her?"

"Oh, come on, Betty. You and I both know that this is all an act," Donna stated. 

"Donna, you should go," Callie stated as she stood up walking over.

"No, we are staying for this act," Donna denied.

"Bitch, I'm done with you," Betty stated. "Let's go." She turned Donna, pushing her towards the door.

"Do it. Bret, do it!" Donna demanded angrily. Bret rushed forward, pushed the flowers off the casket, he went to go open it.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Sweet Pea demanded grabbing Bret by the collar, pushing him away. 

"She told me to, you heard her," Bret answered. 

"You preppies don't know when to quit," Archie stated. 

"Okay, calm down, guys," Callie instructed. "He's not worth it."

"He was leaving, anyway," Betty added. Sweet Pea let go of Bret's tie, pushing him back.

"Donna, control your little pet, okay?" Betty instructed. "He seems to have lost his cool." Bret opened the door, the preppies all left, Bret stared down Sweet Pea as he followed to the door, making sure they all left. After the funeral ended, Callie went up to her room, as she was taking off her earrings, she heard her window door open.

"If you people see you, they are going to start thinking we are still together," Callie said, she looked back to see Sweet Pea closing the window door. 

"Good thing everyone in this household knows we are," Sweet Pea stated as he walked over. "The nerve of those preppies."

"Disrespectful," Callie breathed as she turned around, Sweet Pea was crouched down in front of her. "Bret is clearly scared of you." She put her hand on his face.

"As he and the rest of those snotty preppies should be," Sweet Pea smirked as he put his hand over hers. Callie leaned down kissing him, he happily kissed back. She pulled back. "Everything alright?"

"You pushed me up against the wall," Callie brought up.

"You said--" Sweet Pea said.

"Do it again," Callie stated. 

"Yes, ma'am," Sweet Pea quickly agreed as he smiled. 

The next day at school, Callie sat in the blue and gold room with Betty. There was a knock at the door, they looked up to see Kevin walking in.

"Hey," Kevin greeted. "So, is it true?"

"Is what true?" Betty asked.

"That Jughead, you know, is alive," Kevin answered. 

"What?" both girls demanded.

"Kevin, that's insane, not to mention cruel," Betty continued. 

"I'm sorry, it's just..."Kevin apologized. "It's what people are saying?"

"What people?" Callie asked. 

"Seriously, tell me, who is saying that Jughead is alive?" Betty demanded.

"Everyone," Kevin answered. "But I first heard it from that Stonewall Prep girl at the funeral."

"Do you mean Donna Sweett?" Betty asked.

"Yes, that was her name," Kevin confirmed. "She was talking about how it was some elaborate ruse."

The next day at school, everyone gathered by Jughead's old locker, there many flowers and other things saying miss you. Betty walked away after getting a good look at it, Archie followed after her. They all carried with their day, Callie was now in the Vixen's locker room when she got a text from Cheryl about Archie and Betty kissing.

"Oh my god," Callie gasped, all the girls quickly gathered around, they gasped and started to whispered among each other as they looked at the photo. After practice, Callie found herself in the student lounge, her feet were on Reggie's lap, she could feel daggers across the room from Sweet Pea. The doors slammed open, Veronica marched in angrily. 

"Betty? Really, Archie?" Veronica demanded. "Of all people, Betty?" Archie got to his feet. "How could you do this to me?"

"Ronnie, what? I don't--" Archie began. 

"Don't play innocent with me, Archie Andrews," Veronica ordered. Veronica held  Cheryl's phone, showing the evidence. "Kissing my best friend in the music room, where you and I had our fun? Why should I be surprised? That's your special place, isn't it? That's where you take all your women. Me, Josie, Ms. Grundy, and now Betty. And shame on you for taking advantage of our friend when she is grieving...and at her most vulnerable. Bee." Betty stood up. "I need you to know, I do not blame you."

"It's my fault," Betty admitted. "I'm the one who started it. I kissed Archie. I'm so sorry."

"Sorry?" Veronica repeated. She took a few steps back. "You're sorry? You scheming, two-faced bitch, Betty Cooper. You know what? You two deserve each other. So burn in hell, the both of you."

"That's right. You tell 'em, girl," Toni encouraged as Veronica stormed out of the room. 

Later that night, Callie was in the vixen locker room, she was her locker was at the mirror, fixing her lipstick in a towel.

"That's a nasty scar you got on your back," a voice stated, she looked up in the mirror to see Bret. "I finally got to see it in person."

"What are you doing here, Bret?" Callie asked."Vixens only, leave perv."

"We know that Jughead is still alive," Bret stated as he stepped closer. 

"That is a highly cruel thing to say," Callie stated, looking back at him. " Saying he is alive is so cruel, you think I don't wake up every day hoping Jughead's dumb face will be in the hallway again?"

"I think you know where is he, red, Bret stated as he stopped right before her. 

"Yeah, in Riverdale's cemetery by my dad's grave," Callie said. "It's been a tough year, you need to leave."

"Not till I get the answers, that I want to hear," Bret answered.

"The answers you want are false, Jughead isn't coming back," Callie said as tears rolled down her face. 

"Just be a good girl," Bret said as his hand reached up going to her chest.  Callie grabbed his wrist then punched him in the nose with her other hand. Bret stepped back in shock, blood flowed out of his nose. "What the hell?" 

"You and your stupid preppy friends made a grave mistake of eliminating one of our own," Callie said. "Get out of here."

"You bitch," Bret glared at her before leaving. Minutes later, a bathroom door opened, Callie looked over to see Sweet Pea stepping out with a towel around him. 

"I could hear that punch from here," Sweet Pea stated.

"Someone taught me how to give a good right hook," Callie smiled as he walked over to her. 

"You should give that person a kiss," Sweet Pea smirked as leaned over, Callie happily kissed him. "I have something for you." He walked over to her vixen locker. "Hold out your hand and close her eyes." She did what she was told, Callie heard her locker opened and close, second later she felt a cold piece of metal slide down her finger. "Open." She opened her eyes to see her serpent ring back on her finger.

"When did you--" Callie began.

"I was able to swap a fake cheap one with the real," Sweet Pea answered. "Fp helped."

"Thank you," Callie smiled looking up at him. Sweet Pea took her hand, kissing the ring. 


Callie now sat at the Cooper house with Veronica, Betty, and Archie.

"The question still remains. Why did you go to such extraordinary lengths to convince the preppies and pretty much the whole town of Riverdale that Jughead was dead?" Alice asked. 

"Because they were trying to pin the murder on me and Cal," Betty answered. "And because if they knew Jughead was still alive, they would circle the wagons and lock down tight. And we were and still are locked in a battle of psychological warfare with the Stonies. "

"The only way that we would be able to pin the attempted murder of Jughead on them is if we forced the Stonies to crack," Callie added. 

"You seem quite confident that they will," Alice noted. 

"No, we can't be certain, but..."Betty began. "After, the last few days I have a feeling they'll be fracturing any minute now."

Callie was now at Sweet Pea's trailer, she laid on her back, as Sweet Pea laid his head on her, asleep,  Callie had earbuds in her ears, as she rubbed Sweet Pea's back affectionately. 

"Stop what you're doing, Bret," Donna urged. "I have proof that Jughead's alive."

"Whoa, Donna. Slow down. How can you be so sure?" Bret asked. 

"I tailed Betty to an apocalyptic bunker, where she sloppily swapped saliva with that carrot-top Neanderthal," Donna answered. "You have been trailing his sister?"

"Impossible," Bret answered. "That snake--"

"You are scared of someone that no longer has an alliance with Callie?" Betty asked.

"I didn't see you stepping up to him," Bret pointed out.

"Whatever," Donna huffed. "It was all a charade. They had takeout from Pop's that little diner that Jones was obsessed with."

"And what, there was an extra burger?" Bret asked. "Archie's built like a superhero. I'm sure he can wolf down half a dozen--"

"Forget that burger!" Donna shouted. "There was not one, not two, but three milkshakes in evidence. I am certain that Jones must have heard me sneaking down the ladder and he hid so as not to get caught."

"Donna, look," Bret began. "Maybe, should let the sleeping dogs lie. Take the win. Forsythe's dead. We killed him. Callie took a swing at me when I begged her to get the truth about Forsythe alive, from her punch it's clear he is dead. Ponytail's obviously moved on. It's time you do that same." The was a sound of a slap. 

"Don't you ever tell me what to do," Donna growled. "In case you've forgotten, I'm the brains of this operation. We still have a job to finish, and a meddling girlfriend to pin it on."

"Yes, sir," Bret responded.

"And if you ever undermine me again, you will go the way of Jonathan, may he rest in peace," Donna threatened. "And that's a fact."

Callie was now in the bunker, with Archie, Veronica, Betty, Sweet Pea, and Jughead.

"Turns out my darling half-sister is good for something," Veronica said. "At my behest, Hermosa put her private-eye skills to good use and did some digging on those Stonewall WASPs. And your gal pal Donna is not so sweet." Veronica pulled the paper of the enevleope. "Everybody, brace yourselves because Donna Sweett is actually..." Veronica handed Callie the paper, Betty and Jughead hovered over her.

"Oh, my God," Betty breathed. 

"Of course," Jughead smiled. "If this is true, this is our smoking gun. This is the final piece of the puzzle that we need. " They all looked over at the murder board.

"I think I know how to take down these Stonies once and for all," Jughead stated. He looked back at Callie, she nodded. 

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