Chapter 113
The next morning, Callie was on the phone with Bret.
"You got me suspended," Callie stated.
"You should keep your shoes on," Bret stated.
"Not only did you get me suspended, but I have now been barred from the senior problem," Callie informed. "You are a horrible man, I even agreed to go on a date with your privileged ass!"
"It's not my fault you helped your team cheat," Bret stated.
"None of us cheated," Callie stated. "Nothing is more satisfying than rubbing your face in the ground of defeat through our own hard work."
"Is that really the way to talk to me?" Bret asked. "You did go on a date behind your boyfriend's back." Callie sighed. "Tell you what, go on another date with me and I'll have my principal talk to your principal about lifting your suspension."
"You ass," Callie grunted.
"As for prom, Stonewall's is way better," Bret stated. "Please excuse me, I have to go shove Jughead's ground in defeat once I beat him." He hung up the phone. Callie spent the next couple of hours studying, homework, and research. That all got interrupted when she got a face time call from the other person suspended.
"Betty?" Callie asked as she answered the phone, she saw Betty was at school. "I thought you were suspended."
"I am," Betty confirmed.
"I tried to lighten up her sentence," Alice stated as she butted into the screen. "Betty has been stripped of her blue and gold duties and along barred from prom like you." Callie sighed. "But with this free time, we have something for you to help us with." Betty flipped the screen showing a murder board.
"Oh no," Callie breathed.
"No backing out of this," Betty stated. "Especially since it deals with Stonewall."
"I have some notes Sweet Pea took," Callie stated.
"We'll come by after this," Alice stated.
"Right now we are investigating the murder of Mr. Chipping," Betty informed.
"I thought they said suicide," Callie brought up.
"Something was sitting right, we let the case get cold," Betty informed. "But we know Bret's a total sociopath. So let's find out if he's a killer too."
"I feel Bret isn't the only one," Callie stated.
"We'll be over soon," Betty stated, she hung ended the call. Callie ended looking more into Donna and Bret, nightfall came, Callie was over at the Jones/Smith/Cooper house. They all stared at the murder board.
"My what a tangled web," Alice commented. "And you think this Bret character is behind it all?"
"He's definitely the leader of the pack," Betty stated.
"I feel like he is also a pawn," Callie stated.
"Okay. Well, where do we begin?" Alice asked. "We have missing students, evil preppies, dead writers, a teacher's suicide."
"Apparent suicide," Betty corrected. "Chipping didn't leave a note. "And even though Jughead's classmate Donna has painted a very incriminating portrait of him, after looking at these notes, I don't think she's telling the truth."
"Well, that's where we start," Alice confirmed as she walked closer to the board. "Tell me, Elizabeth and Callie, is there a Mrs. Chipping?"
"Yes," Callie confirmed.
"And how do you know?" Betty asked.
"Bret had me go on a date with him," Callie stated. "He had a lot to tell."
"That explains how Sweet Pea has all these notes," Betty shook her head. " Callie ended up staying the night, Betty and Callie stayed up doing more research. They were having Ms. Chipping over in the morning.
"Thank you for coming to see us, Mrs. Chipping," Callie stated as Alice put down a plate of cookies.
"We can't even imagine how hard this has been for you," Betty added.
"And we promise we're just here to help," Alice added.
"The first question is the hardest," Betty admitted.
"The answer is no," Ms. Chipping answered. "I absolutely do not believe my husband was having an affair with that student. And, Rupert, he had his problems, but he never cheated on me. Not ever."
"What kind of problems?" Alice asked.
"Drinking more than usual, complaining about the Baxter Brother's books," Ms. Chipping answered. "Wishing he'd never gotten the contract."
"Wasn't he proud to be a Baxter Brothers writer?" Callie asked. "I have been told that it is quite an achievement."
"In the beginning," Ms. Chipping nodded. "But then, as the years went on, he, um, felt like he had an albatross around his neck."
"But hadn't he just finished the last book?" Betty asked. "Why...kill himself if he was so close to being done?"
"I don't know," Ms. Chipping shook her head. "I just...I don't know." Her voice was starting to tremble. And I, um...I brought a box of his personal effects from when I cleaned out his office. I can't make sense of any of it. But maybe you can."
"We'll try, Ms. Chipping," Alice assured. She left, and the three women went through the personal effects. "What does any of this mean?"
"Things he collected for students?" Callie suggested as Betty picked up an army pamphlet.
"Why does Mr. Chipping have army pamphlets?" Betty asked.
"Moose," Callie gasped. With a few calls, they were at Pops with Moose.
"Callie," Moose smiled pulling her into a hug. "Good to see you."
"It's been a while," Callie nodded as they all sat down. "We wanted to ask you about Stonewall."
"Go right on ahead," Moose nodded.
"Moose, who gave you the army pamphlets?" Callie asked
"After the article airing, all my dirty laundry was published, I mean, I was...I was pretty messed up," Moose admitted.
"Hm," Betty breathed.
"And Mr. Chipping suggested I look into the military," Moose added.
"I'm sorry, what's your connection to Mr. Chipping?" Alice asked.
"He recruited me to play football," Moose answered.
"Wait. Mr. Chipping's the reason why you went to Stonewall Prep?" Betty asked.
"Yeah," Moose confirmed. "And what's weird is after the story about me came out, he was encouraging me to leave. Until Halloween night, when it became more than a suggestion. I mean, he practically shoved me out the door. Plus, um, there was a videotape."
"What videotape?" Alice asked.
"Uh, Bret videotaped me having sex in our dorm room with a classmate," Moose admitted awkwardly. "He was lording it over me and threatening to release it any minute."
"I'm sorry," Betty stammered. "Bret videotaped you having sex in your dorm room?"
"He said it would be a good addition to his collection," Moose stated.
"That's disturbing," Callie furrowed her eyebrows. After meeting with Moose, they went to Stonewall, breaking into Bret and Jughead's room. Callie placed a mic under Bret's bed before heading over to Jughead's side of the room.
"Breaking and entering, is this normal for you, Elizabeth?" Alice asked as they scanned the room for any sort of camera.
"Kind of," Betty answered as Callie put more mics around the side of his room, she headed over to the window."But it's not really breaking and entering, Mom. I mean, this is Jughead's room, too. And he said I could come here whenever I wanted, so...Like when all the preppy scumbags are in class."
"Not quite all," Bret stated. They all quickly faced him in surprise.
"Looking for the dirt that you have on Moose Mason," Betty answered, she walked closer to him. "I know you filmed him having sex to extort him."
"You should be ashamed of yourself," Alice scolded.
" I have no idea what you, and, I'm assuming your mother, and Shortstop are referring to, Ponytail," Bret stated.
"Don't call me that," Callie warned.
"I can call you however I please," Bret stated before walking further into the room. "Does Moose have this supposed sex tape?"
"No, he says that you do, in a collection," Betty answered. "Where is it? Because it's certainly not in this room."
"Question, did Mason ever lay eyes on this alleged collection?" Bret asked.
" That's not relevant when he told us you threatened him with it, along with mentioning your collection," Callie stated.
"Question, do you have a tape of me and Jughead?" Betty asked as Callie looked past them to see something sitting on top of a pile of books.
"Oh, my god!" Alice gasped.
"Mom, calm down," Betty ordered.
"Moose said that it was filmed in this room," Callie informed.
"Did you tape us, too?" Betty asked.
"Again, I don't know what you're talking about," Bret denied. " I don't have any tapes like that." He walked around them, grabbing his book. Callie walked over to the other side by what she saw, she squatted in front of it. "But if I did, it sure is a good thing that I'm such a nice guy because I could really do a number on you by releasing it. Leave now, and I won't tell Jones about this escapade of yours, or you could come with me to Chemistry class and we could tell him together." Callie took out a black sticker."
"Cal," Betty said as Callie put the sticker in the middle of the camera she found. "Let's go."
"Before that," Callie stated. "Where is my other shoe? I have been looking every inch of this room for it?"
"It's as I told you last time, it's a souvenir," Bret stated.
"You ass," Callie rolled her eyes before leaving with the two blonde women, he slammed the door shut behind them.
Once they got back to the Jones's house, Betty and Callie sat at the kitchen counter and Alice passed back and forth, Callie had her laptop open and a piece of paper out, she was ready for any moment in time that Bret decided to open his mouth, him and his so-called friends.
"If that tape exists, we have it find it," Alice declared.
"Agreed," Betty nodded.
"But we can't search the whole school," Alice stated.
"What if he Bret stores his collection in the room where they have those secret society meetings?" Betty asked.
"The one Veronica tried to go in undercover?" Callie asked. "Where is that located?"
"In Stonewall Prep's basement," Betty answered.
"But we didn't fare so well breaking into their dorms," Alice reminded them.
"No, but Jughead still has one last challenge," Betty brought up. "We can slip into the basement while he's keeping Bret busy."
That night Callie was at Sweet Pea's trailer, he was telling her all about the serpent mission he was on, and she told him about her past couple of days while he was gone.
"You seem to have a rough mission," Callie stated as she patched up a cut by his eye.
"It's going to take a little more to get rid of this snake," Sweet Pea stated. "It did feel good to get a few punches." He put a fist in front of her, she kissed it. "A couple of more of those, and it will be brand new." She smiled. "So, you got suspended?"
"Why do you sound happy about that?" Callie asked. "In case you forgot, you would have been my prom date."
"Good-two shoes Andrews got suspended and banned from prom," Sweet Pea brought up. "Now that is a song to sing."
"Sing as loud as you want," Callie encouraged. "Just see where that lands you."
"Was that a threat?" Sweet Pea asked raising his eyebrow.
"A possibility," Callie answered as she stood up. "You going use your fists?"
"You ass," Sweet Pea smiled as she turned to walk away. "You no longer have to go on fake dates with that prep now you mic his room, so that means you are all mine. Sweet Pea put an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him, she let a laugh, she laughed even more as he began to tickle her.
The next day, as the final round was happening, Betty led Callie and Alice to the basement.
"Come on, Veronica said it was this way," Betty whispered.
"All right, Betty and Callie, you fund the tapes, and I'll stand watch," Alice ordered as they entered the basement.
"Okay," Betty breathed as she was handed the flashlight, Callie used her flashlight, she checked every draw she could find, Betty walked over to a chair.
"Cal," Betty breathed, Callie walked over to see Betty opening pulling over a door that was hidden among the stone wall. Callie took this opportunity to also take a picture of the people in the photo on the chair.
"Oh my god," Betty breathed as they knelt in front of the videotapes. "Okay. Moose, Moose."
"Betty just put some in your backpack, knowing Bret he has this triggered," Callie stated as she a tape that was labeled Johnathan.
"Betty, Cal, we have to go now," Alice stated as she walked into the room.
"Okay," Callie breathed as she stepped away.
"Alright," Betty stated as she closed the door. The door opened, Bret entered the room angrily followed by other secret society members.
"I almost admire your gumption, Ponytail, but you're done," Bret declared. "You're trespassing."
"And you're illegally recording people having sex," Betty argued. "And this is your tape of me and Jughead."
"Whoa, whoa, wait," Jughead stated as he rushed up to the people that broke in.
"What the hell is going on?" Jughead demanded.
"Your perv of a roommate taped us in your bed, Jug," Betty answered.
"Are you serious, Bret?" Jughead demanded as he looked at him.
"All the tapes in this room are private property," Bret stated. "Consensual testimonies given by students being inducted into Quill and Skull. The tape you're holding right now is Jughead's initiation confession."
"Confession..."Betty repeated as she looked up at him.
"I did make a confession," Jughead admitted.
"Right," Bret grunted. "So I'll have my private property back." He held out his hand. They handed over the tapes that were visible. "Excellent. Now can we finish the match?" The chess match was brought down to the basement, due to not wanting to leave Alice, Callie, and Betty out of their sight. Everyone watched as the two moved their pieces, at some point Jughead looked over at Betty.
"Wait," Bret began as Jughead moved his piece. "No, that allows me to put you in--"
"Checkmate, yeah," Jughead finished.
"Why? Why would you do that?" Bret demanded.
" 'Cause I'm done playing this game, Bret," Jughead answered. "That's game over, Mr. DuPont. Bret wins this duel. You...are a more of a Stonewall man than I will ever be or I'll ever want to be." Jughead got to his feet. "Let's blow this place." He kissed Betty, she looked over at Bret in victory. They walked out of the place without looking back, when they got back, Callie went up to her room to continue her research, starting with the people in the picture.
The next day, Callie spent her morning at work, she heard the doorbell chime, she looked up to see Nick St. Clair walking in.
"You," Callie breathed as she glared at him.
"Little red," Nick frowned. "You are lucky I am leaving town and never stepping back, I would love to get my hands on you again."
"A lot has changed since then Nick," Callie informed. "You can't touch me."
"Shortstop," the voice said as the door opened. "Didn't Toni tell you to get lost?" Nick looked back to see Sweet Pea.
"What is he doing here?" Nick asked.
"I came to drop off my girlfriend's necklace," Sweet Pea answered.
"Girlfriend?" Nick repeated in shock. "Oh no."
"Coffee to go?" Callie asked as held up the pot.
"This isn't over," Nick grunted.
"If you don't leave--" Callie began.
"You'll call the cops?" Nick asked.
"Pea?" Callie asked as she stared at Nick, Sweet Pea placed a hand on Nick's shoulder, tightening his grip.
"I hate this town," Nick growled, he shoved Sweet Pea's hand off of him before storming out.
"You should've let me have a few rounds," Sweet Pea said as he sat down on one of the stools.
"Next time," Callie allowed. "What necklace did I leave?"
"You didn't," Sweet Pea answered. " I am being sent out on another mission." Callie frowned. "I won't be gone long."
"You just got back," Callie pointed out.
"I know," Sweet Pea said putting his hand on hers. "I have to take my missions like every other serpent." He pulled something out of his pocket, it was a key. "If you need to access my trailer when I am gone, you can."
"Thank you," Callie said as he placed the key in her hand.
" A kiss before I go?" Sweet Pea asked.
"Of course," Callie gave in, she leaned over the counter to exchange a kiss with him.
"I am just going to be over in Seaside," Sweet Pea informed as he stood up. "If you need something...your brother is home, but call me as well." He kissed her forehead before walking out of the shop.
"So, that's the boy that makes Bret jealous," a voice said. Callie looked up to see someone walking in.
"Donna?" Callie asked.
"I just came to check out to burger shop that Jughead raves about," Donna said. "It was really...warm hearting to just give up the duel against Bret."
"He has nothing to prove to you preppies," Callie said as she poured the cup of coffee. "Nor will he ever have to." She pushed the coffee.
"Everyone has to prove something," Donna said as she sipped it. "This town is known to be gruesome and murderous, isn't it?"
"I heard the same about Stonewall," Callie said. "It seems all of you have something to prove as well."
"I don't need to prove anything," Donna denied. "Riverdale on the other hand has a lot to learn to prove." Donna got up. "I heard you are smart."
"Indeed," Callie nodded. "What is this about?"
"Oh, nothing," Donna stated. " It was nice chatting with you." She left the shop.
After leaving work, Callie was watching Donna's confession tape with Jughead and Betty.
"Sorry, I'm late," Callie stated as she sat on a chair.
"You are just in time," Betty stated as she clicked the remote. The camera was zooming in and out, in the middle of the screen was Donna.
"We were having an affair," Donna said. "I knew it was wrong, and I didn't want to get anybody into trouble, so I tried to break it off with him. But then he got...aggressive."
"Wait. What's going on?" Jughead asked.
"This is exactly what Donna told me about Mr. Chipping, except...wait for this part," Betty said as she hit play again.
"And I was so scared, I told if him if he didn't stop I'd go to the headmaster," Donna cried. "I've never seen Mr. Kotter get so mad."
"Who's Mr. Kotter?" Callie asked.
"Based on my research, no one," Betty answered. "He doesn't exist. Even more chilling, Donna is 100% using the same language, even exactly the same words that she used when she told me about Mr. Chipping."
"Meaning..." Jughead began.
"She's lying, Jug," Betty answered. "This is a rehearsed speech Donna has given at least twice. All this time, I've been thinking, we've been thinking, that Bret's the evil mastermind behind Stonewall Prep. Cal, you were right that we needed to worry about Donna."
"She came by earlier," Callie said. "She wanted to see burger shop Jughead talks about."
"Donna visited you?" Jughead asked.
"I thought it was strange as well," Callie agreed. "She underestimates, Riverdale, that is going to be her downfall."
"Do I sense a plan?" Jughead asked.
"This will keep us many steps ahead of those preppies," Callie said. "They will probably pull a few moves on us, but all that matters is that we stay ahead of them." Callie opened her backpack, she threw her notebook at Jughead. "I put a few mics in your room, mainly on Bret's side."
"Oh my god," Betty gasped as Jughead scooted closer, so she could look.
"Operation Stonie takedown is going to begin," Callie said.
"I am never crossing you," Jughead admitted softly.
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