Chapter 110
Callie was now at Sweet Pea's trailer, she was telling him all about her time away.
"You sound like you enjoyed it," Sweet Pea stated.
"A bit more than I should have," Callie admitted.
"And where does that put us?" Sweet Pea asked.
"I witnessed a couple of fights away, and nobody can punch the way you do," Callie stated, Sweet Pea finally looked at her, he was smiling."It's rare to find anyone with a pair of brass knuckles."
"So it's a good thing?" Sweet Pea asked.
"Pea," Callie breathed. "When are you going to get it through your head that I love you?"
"More than you want," Sweet Pea smiled. "I love you, too." He kissed her, she kissed back happily.
Callie was now at Pops, she and Pop Tate were looking at a notice from the Mayor's office.
"What's going on, Pop and Cal?" Veronica asked as she walked in.
"Our liquor license has been revoked," Callie frowned.
"As of Sunday, the speakeasy won't be allowed to serve alcohol," Pop added.
"What?" Veronica gasped as she grabbed the paper. "According to whom?"
"The mayor's office," Pop answered.
"Figures," Veronica shook her head. "This is payback for me vowing to challenge Daddy's precious rum empire. Long-term, we're fighting this injunction."
"Short-term?" Callie asked.
"We're hosting a no-holds-barred blow-out at La Bonne Nuit before the boom falls," Veronica answered as she snapped her fingers as a light bulb went off in her head.
"No offense, Veronica, but your father, he wasn't raised right," Pop admitted.
"Actually," Veronica smiled. "He was. And you've just given me a great idea.
Callie was now making her way to the mayor's office, Sweet Pea was going to go with her when there was a knock at the door.
"Mr. Jones?" Callie asked as she opened the door.
"Sweet Pea," Fp smiled. "Just the man, I was looking for...Cal, I am going to be taking him."
"Go on, right ahead," Callie stated.
"See you later," Sweet Pea stated, he kissed her cheek before going off with Fp. Callie watched them leave before going to the Mayor's office.
"If you are here about the liquor license revoked," Mr. Lodge began.
"I am," Callie stated. "Your war on your daughter is affecting everyone else."
"How is that my problem?" Mr. Lodge asked.
"You have a duty to the people you are ruling over," Callie answered. "Drunk rich people are good at giving tips, including you."
"That's true---" Mr. Lodge began. "How much have I tipped you?"
"Doesn't matter," Callie stated. "But taking away this liquor license is affecting the income of other people."
"Maybe they should find a better job," Mr. Lodge suggested.
"That's impossible to do when you are literally shutting everything down in this town, starting with the drive-in on the Southside," Callie brought up.
"Then perhaps its best people leave this town for a better chance of unemployment," Mr. Lodge suggested.
"All because of your war with your own blood and flesh?" Callie asked. "Pathetic."
"Why does it even matter to you?" Mr. Lodge asked. "You are off to Harvard, and do you even plan on returning to Riverdale after that?"
"My absence shouldn't change this town," Callie stated. "If I am to come back, I want this town to be in better shape. I am going now, unlike you I have legal obligations." She took her backpack, then left.
Callie was now at school, she was in the library with Betty, they were doing homework.
"Your mom pulled a knife on you?" Callie repeated.
"Yeah," Betty stated. "She was acting like Polly, practically hypnotized."
"Should we track the call?" Callie asked.
"My brother Charles is already on it," Betty said. "Who would do something like this?"
"In case you have forgotten, our town was brainwashed by the farm not too long ago," Callie reminded her.
"Oh my god," Betty breathed. "You don't think?"
"It's a possibility," Callie stated. "It wouldn't surprise me if it deals with this town." Betty sighed as she slammed her head in the textbook.
It was now Saturday afternoon, Callie was now in the living room with her mom and brother.
"Archie, Cal, I need you to sit down for this," Mom stated as she sat on the chair. "Vic, your dad's foreman, came by earlier today and he wants to buy us out of Andrews Construction."
"Well, tough, Mom, 'cause we're not selling," Archie denied. "I'll tell Vic that myself right after I fire his ass." His phone started to ring. He then answered the phone. "Toby now is not a good time." He suddenly stood up, he put his back towards them. "What? Where are they?" He looked back at them, they looked at him in question. He then left in hurry.
"What is with that boy?" Mom demanded as she got up. "He's running the center, at school, and the construction." Callie followed him.
"Maybe we should let Vic take it for now," Callie stated.
"Why?" Mom asked.
"We all have a lot on our plate," Callie stated. "I'm sure once we leave for college, and Archie's is doing something out of Riverdale, you are not going to step back here, I heard you talking with the sergeant on the phone about selling the house before, if we aren't staying, there is no need to keep the Andrew's Construction company."
"And what if Archie does come back?" Mom asked.
"Sell it to Vic for now, and then buy it back later," Callie stated. "We can even make a contract. Something like, while Archie and I are away, the construction site will be signed over to Vic, upon return it be will be handed back over?"
"That's actually not bad," Mom agreed. "Though I don't Archie will agree." Callie started to head upstairs. "Where are you going?"
"My shift at Pops and La Bonne Nuit isn't put on hold for anyone, not even Archie's attitude," Callie answered as she went to go get ready. Hours later, she was giving a cup of coffee to a customer when FP, Archie, and Sweep Pea walked in.
"What are you three up to?" Callie asked.
"Just fixing up the community center," Archie answered as they went and sat down at a table.
"Can I get you, boys, anything?" Callie asked.
"Slice of pia, pumpkin for all three of us," Fp answered. "With a cup of coffee
"Whip cream on top please?" Sweet Pea requested.
"Coming right up," Callie smiled, she quickly gave them their dessert, after she went to go help check people out. As she did that, she couldn't help but overhear the conversation the pie eaters were having.
"I gotta say, that felt good," Fp admitted.
"Hell yeah," Sweet Pea agreed, Callie looked down to see bruises on his knuckles.
"We kicked ass, Mr. Jones," Archie stated.
"Mm-hmm," Fp agreed.
"It's been a while since these fists delivered some proper street justice," Fp stated as he curled his knuckles. "The old jacket still fits like a glove." Archie and Sweet Pea chuckled as they looked at each other. "And your old man, he's looking down at us, probably shaking his head, but...still." Fp put two hands up, both Sweet Pea and Archie grabbed one hand. "He'd be glad your crime-fighting days are over. And Sweet Pea..." He looked at him. "You and Archie both just made a new enemy." They both tilted their heads in confusion. "I'm pretty sure Little Red just overheard our conversation, and we told her we were cleaning up the community center." Callie couldn't help but smile as her back was facing them.
"I'll do the explaining," Archie assured. "She is more likely angry with you than she is with you snake boy." The doorbell rang, Callie looked over to see Dilton Doiley's mom. She was looking rather upset.
"Ms. Doliey?" Callie asked walking over to her. "Is everything alright?"
"Can I just have a menu?" Ms. Doliey asked.
"Of course," Callie said. "Pick a seat and I will bring it to you." She grabbed a seat, following Ms. Doiley to the spot she chose to sit, when she went over she saw the woman crying. "Ms. Doiley?"
"I--I just keep seeing his face," Ms. Doiley stated as she pulled out tissues. "I miss Dilton, so much." Callie's memories of finding Dilton dead came flying back to her. "You and my son used to be close, right? You dated in the seventh grade."
"Yeah," Callie breathed. "Do you want to talk about him? I can listen."
"That would be nice, I'm a parent so I wasn't in school with you guys...can you" Ms. Doiley began, Callie nodded. "A cup of coffee?"
"Coming right up," Callie stated as she put the menu down, she went over to the counter.
"Is everything alright?" Fp asked.
"Later," Callie stated, looking back at him.
"Who is she?" Sweet Pea asked.
"Dilton Doiley's mom," Callie answered as she grabbed the coffee and a slice of pie, she went over to the woman. Callie listened to Ms. Doiley go on and on about Dilton, and how he should be graduating with them. Callie heard the door open at some point, she looked over to see a man in a mask, Archie, Sweet Pea, and Fp on their feet to leave. There the sound of a gun being cocked, and a gunshot to follow, Archie and Sweet Pea both shoved Mr. Jones back into them both, people were screaming.
"Mr. Jones!" Callie gasped as she got to her feet as the men left. She quickly called for an ambulance as she rushed over. Mr. Jones was rushed to the hospital, Callie was able to leave her shift, Sweet Pea was out with Fangs.
"I can't believe it," Archie breathed. "Mr. Jones, I'm so sorry."
"For what?" Fp asked.
"It'll take a whole lot more than a flesh wound for me to regret what we did tonight," Fp stated.
"It was Dodger Dickerson," Archie stated.
"We don't know that," Callie pointed out.
"Yeah, we do," Fangs confirmed as he walked in with Sweet Pea. "Word on the street, it was Dodger and his crazy-ass mom Darla."
"That was a parting shot before the Dickenson's get out of town," Fangs added.
"So they're still in Riverdale?" Archie asked.
"Yep," Fangs nodded. " Loading out the arcade."
"How about you keep your damn mouth shut, Fangs and Sweet Pea?" Mr. Jones suggested. "Fangs you're already on thin ice with me. And you..." He grabbed Archie's jacket. "You don't even think about it, Red. We talked about this." He pushed Fp's hand away. "You agreed to hang it up for good." Archie stormed out of the room. "Hey! They're leaving town. Archie!"
"I will go stop him," Sweet Pea stated as he quickly followed out. After Fangs chatted with Fp, he left soon, leaving just Callie.
"What did you talk to Ms. Doiley about?" Fp asked.
"More of just listened," Callie answered. "We talked about Dilton." Fp sighed. "She's still quite upset over his death, I don't blame her."
"It's not fair a good amount of your classmates won't be graduating with you guys," Fp admitted. Callie nodded in agreement. "What did you have to say about Dilton?"
"Oh, she wanted to know about the times I had with him in school, she wanted to know more of the Dilton she saw at home or when she was with him," Callie answered. "The little details of when we dated in the 7th grade." Fp laughed.
"The first boy to ever have your dad on edge," Fp laughed. "When I was on Andrews Construction, your dad pulled me aside and went ballistics about you being too young to even think about dating." Callie laughed.
"Mr. Jones," Callie began, he looked at her. "Thank you, for stepping up, for me and Archie's dad this year in a way."
"I was named your godfather for a reason," Fp stated. "Your dad looked after my kid, it's only fair I do the same, and fulfill my obligations." Callie smiled. "Speaking of which, don't you have a shift at the speakeasy?"
"You sure you be fine here?" Callie asked.
"Don't you worry about me, I'm a snake king," Fp reminded her, Callie shook her head before heading back over to Pop's. She came down to the speakeasy, changed in the back before heading out to help with the shift.
"Where have you been?" Reggie asked.
"Hospital, " Callie answered. "Dodger took a parting shot at Fp."
"What?" Reggie asked.
"He's fine and very stabilized," Callie assured as she took the drinks he made over to the other guests.
"Hey, who's that?" Reggie asked walking up to her, Callie looked over at a booth to see someone. "Never seen her."
"We should say hello, don't keep her waiting," Callie stated, the two walked over. "Hello, Welcome to La Bonne Nuit."
"Is there anything we can do for you, ma'am?" Reggie asked.
"I am looking for a Ms. Veronica Luna," the woman answered.
"Reggie," Callie breathed.
"Right," He stated as he disappeared.
"Ms. Luna will be right over," Callie stated. "A drink?"
"Aren't you a little too young to be serving alcohol?" the woman asked.
"Water?" Callie asked.
"Water is fine," the woman nodded.
" Can I get a name?" Callie asked.
"I'm Shoshana Rutherford," the woman answered. "A recruiter from Columbia. And who are you?"
"Callie Andrews," Callie answered. "I am a senior here at Riverdale."
"And where are you going after this?" Ms. Rutherford asked.
"Harvard," Callie answered. "I will be studying law."
"May I add putting a business up there with it?" Ms. Rutherford asked.
"You sound like my mom," Callie smiled. "She said the exact same thing." She looked back to see Veronica heading over. "Veronica is on her way, and I will go fetch your water." Callie turned to go.
"What happened to your upper back? Ms. Rutherford asked.
"Oh--" Callie began.
"Columbia loves a good story and from the looks of it, you have a good one," Ms. Rutherford stated.
"Thank you," Callie smiled before going over to the bar to get the water.
"Ms. Andrews," Mr. Lodge greeted.
"Mr. Lodge," Callie greeted. "Care for a drink?"
A scotch will do," Mr. Lodge nodded.
"As soon as I grab the water for Ms. Rutherford," Callie stated as walked away with the glass, Veronica was starting her floor show, Kevin was on the keyboard and mic.
"It's getting late, have you seen my mates?" Veronica sang.
" Ma, tell me when the boys get here
It's seven o'clock
And I want to rock
Wanna get
A belly full of beer
My old man's drunker
Than a barrel full of monkeys
And my old lady
she don't care
My sister looks cute
In her braces and boots
Oh, don't give us none
Of your aggravation
We had it
With your discipline
Oh, Saturady night's
All right for fighting
Get a little action in
Get about as oiled
As a diesel train
Gonna set this dance alight
The mic switched over to Kevin giving the main vocals, as Veronica danced along.
'Well, they're packed
Pretty tight in here tonight
I'm looking for a dolly
Who will see me right (He pointed out to someone random in the crowd and winked as Veronica strutted up to Kevin, she felt his bicep.)
'I may use a little muscle
To get what I need
I may sink a little drink
And shout out
She's with me!
Veronica joined back on the vocals, she began to slowly make her way off the stage.
' A couple of the sounds
That I really like
Are the sounds of
A switchblade and a motorbike (Callie smiled to herself as her mind traveled to Sweet Pea, she associated both sounds with him quite a lot, along with serpents and pretty poisons.)
' I'm a juvenile product
Of the working class
Whose best friend floats
In the bottom of a glass
Oh (She pounded her fists on Reggie's chest before moving on)
'Don't give us none
Of your aggravation
We had it
With your discipline
Saturday night's
All right for fighting
Get a little action in
Get about as oiled
As a diesel train
Gonna set
This dance alight
Saturday, Saturday, Saturday
Saturday night's all right
Veronica then partly laid across a lone table as the music stopped.
"Love you!" a man shouted as everyone clapped for Veronica's performance. Callie was now cleaning up the bar.
"Daddy purposely invited her here," Veronica stated as she walked up. "I'll never get into Columbia with what she saw tonight."
"You may still have a chance V," Callie stated. "I got to talk to her for a minute before you came over."
"What about?" Veronica asked.
"Ms. Rutherford told me that Columbia likes a good story," Callie pointed out. "I'm sure you have a good one she'd like to listen to."
"Thanks, C," Veronica smiled at her. "You don't have to help to finish cleaning up."
"No?" Callie asked.
"You had a long day, with being here when Mr. Jones got shot," Veronica stated. "You go on ahead."
"Good luck," Callie stated. "You are going to do fine." Callie then grabbed her things before leaving, she came up to see Sweet Pea at a booth. "You look better than I thought."
"The fight was kept between Archie and Dodger," Sweet Pea stated as he stood up, Callie took hold of his arm, as they walked out. "For a second there, I thought your brother was going to kill Dodger."
"Archie's been going through this change ever since our dad was shot two years ago," Callie said. "Honestly, it is beginning to scare me."
"Scared of your own brother?" Sweet Pea asked as he opened the door to his truck.
"Sometimes," Callie admitted as she got in. He quickly went around, getting on the other side as she shut her door.
"Because he is able to kill a guy?" Sweet Pea asked. "Cal, I can kill someone and beat someone to a pulp like he just did." He began to drive off.
"I know that," Callie stated. "Archie was never like this when we were kids, back then I was able to beat him up." Sweet Pea smiled. " I think I'm more worried about a fight Archie will get into, and he doesn't come home."
"I'll step in before any of that happens," Sweet Pea assured.
"And what if you don't come home?" Callie asked.
"You worry too much," Sweet Pea shook his head as she checked the side mirror.
"I worry because I love the both of you," Callie stated. "I already lost my Dad, if anything happened to the two of you--"
"Shortstop," Sweet Pea breathed as he put a hand under her chin as they came to a red light. "There's no need to worry about that, not now and not ever." Sweet Pea's hand caressed the side of her face. "Archie will always come back home... and I will always come back home to you, forever and always. You have Serpent's word." She looked over at him, he wiped a stray tear, before kissing her, Callie happily kissed back. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Callie responded as the light turned green.
The next morning, Callie was with Cheryl, Toni, Betty, Jughead, Archie, Veronica, and Sweet Pea.
Cheryl was officially saying goodbye to Jason, his body was in a boat on Sweetwater River, the boat was filled with flowers. Cheryl was in the dress she wore all white and her spider pin.
"Thank you all for coming," Cheryl thanked them. "You were all here last time I was this river. When I tried to take my own life. It's only fitting that you're here now. My beloved Toni, and Sweet Pea." She was tearing up. "As I give Jason, at long last, the funeral he deserves." Cheryl grabbed a stick from the fire, she was in tears as she turned to the boat. With great trouble and sadness, Cheryl set the boat and her brother's dead body on fire. As the body burned, all of Callie's memories with Jason came rushing back to her. Cheryl went over to Callie and Toni, they both pulled her to a group embrace as the boys walked over to push the boat into the river. They all watched as the boat set sail, burning. "He was a good brother to me. I wish you could have met him for real."
"I know," Toni breathed.
That night, after the funeral, Callie sat up in her room, she was doing her homework, she couldn't stop thinking about everything that has happened over the past few years.
"Callie?" Mom asked as she opened the door. "You are still awake?"
"Yeah," Callie breathed. "My classmates...not everyone is going to be here to graduate...Midge...Jason...Dilton...Ben." Tears were in her eyes. "Dad won't be here to watch us graduate."
"You kids have been through one giant hell," Mom admitted. "And your father is here, he's watching over us, he is so proud of me, Archie, you, even Vegas." Callie smiled a little.
"Ms. Doiley spoke to me yesterday, she had me talk to her about Dilton," Callie stated. "This morning, Cheryl gave Jason a proper funeral at Sweetwater River."
"What is your favorite memory with the two?" Mom asked. "Midge as well."
"My favorite memory with Midge...that would be in the 9th grade, we were both on the cheer squad, every day after practice we would go to Pops...As for Dilton...that would be in the 7th grade, he was my first kiss after all...As for Jason...that would be in the fourth grade...I missed the bus, so Jason took it upon himself to walk me home, Cheryl was out sick that day. My favorite memory with dad...that's impossible to pick."
"I know," Mom smiled. "Dad's death has really taken a toll on all of us, for a second, you have been handling his death pretty well so far...but I think it's time you take some time to grieve...over his death, as well as the ones that are no longer here."
****Four weeks later****
Archie was standing over Jughead, his head was bleeding, Archie was taking his pulse.
"Well?" Callie asked.
"He's dead," Archie answered looking back at them. "What did you do, Betty?" Betty stared at the blood on her hands, along with the bloody rock she was holding.
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