Chapter 104

They managed to find an old VCR, they hooked it up to the tv in Sweet Pea's trailer, and for 6 hours it was nothing, but the front of the trailer and nothing else. The two looked at each other. Callie's phone rang.

"Jones," Sweet Pea greeted as he picked it up. "Yeah, we got one as well...Shortstop." She looked back at him. "The Coopers and Jones got a tape as well."

"What?" Callie breathed as she furrowed his eyebrows.

"That's what Jones is calling about," Sweet Pea stated. The two stared at each other, for the next few weeks little by little everyone was revealing these random tapes for the front of their homes or businesses being recorded for six hours. There was a not single message that was brought with the videos. Whether it was a prank or not, it was highly creepy. By Halloween the entire town was on edge, everyone constantly looking over their shoulder. The day before Halloween, Callie was in her room putting her makeup on.

"Do you really have to go?" Archie asked. "It's Halloween."

"I'll be fine Arch," Callie assured. "Mom wants me to fly to Chicago and attend this one-day law class."

"This is our senior year," Archie reminded her. "You are going to give up this teen filled fun holiday for some boring law class?"

"Mom said we can hand out candy together," Callie stated. "Arch, you'll be fine, hand out candy or set something up at the community center."

"What about Sweet Pea?" Archie asked.

"It's not really his place to allow me to go or not, that decision is entirely up to me," Callie stated. "Besides, he and Fangs are going to do something together."

"But--" Archie began.

"Let's head to school," Callie stated. "Honey sure is being a complete pain about tardies." The two-headed to school, after a few classes they now sat in the student lounge with a few others, 

 "Bee, you okay?" Veronica asked. 

"Um, I'm not going to lie I'm a little on edge this Halloween," Betty admitted. "I mean, people are dressed up like the Black Hood and the Gargoyle King and there are those damn videotapes."

"I'm with you, girl," Veronica stated. "Ever since my dad broke into the Pembrooke, I've been looking over my shoulder. And if the town's got a voyeur now..."

"What's up, guys?" Reggie asked as he entered the room. "Who wants to TP Mr. Honey's office with me tomorrow night?"

"Reggie, it's senior year," Callie reminded him. "We're seniors."

"Exactly, Strawberry," Reggie nodded. "It's senior year. This is our last Halloween at Riverdale High."

"You hear the Cal?" Archie asked. "Last Halloween at Riverdale High."

 "That's not going to change my mind, I'm still going," Callie said.

"I'm in, Reggie," Kevin agreed.

"Huh?" Sweet pea asked.

"What? Kev," Betty smiled. "Why?"

"Honey gave me a week's detention for going to the bathroom without a hall pass," Kevin answered. 

"That's what I'm talking about," Reggie smiled as he grabbed Kevin's hand.

"Mmm-hmm," Kevin agreed.

"What about you serpent?" Reggie asked as he looked over at Sweet Pea.

"For your information Fangs and I made plans to go TP Honey's house," Sweet Pea answered.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Reggie cheered as he and Sweet Pea high fived. Betty and Veronica looked at Callie.

"I'm taking no part in it," Callie assured them.

"Yo, Red," Munroe greeted as he walked into the room. "I just got some distressing news." He leaned over the couch. "You remember that crew that was working out of the arcade? Dodger and his boys? He's still pissed he got beat up and jumped by...That-uh, vigilante." He glanced around the room. "They're planning on wilding Halloween night, looking to bust some heads."

"Damn it," Archie sighed. "The kids in the neighborhood will be sitting ducks, we got to do something."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing," Munroe agreed. "Maybe keeping the center open later than usual."

"Callie did mention something about setting something up at the community center," Archie stated.

"Why don't you guys host a Halloween party at the community center?" Veronica suggested. "That'll keep the kids off the streets and out of harm's way. And don't worry about costumes. One of my gal pals in New York, Katy Keen, she goes to the High School of the performing arts and is an amazing designer. Let me see what she can whip up for you two."

"Yeah, sounds great," Archie agreed. After school ended Callie was zipping up her suitcase. "Come on Cal, you heard Reggie it's our last Halloween at Riverdale High, and probably the last at Riverdale for you."

"There will be plenty for Halloweens in Riverdale in the future," Callie stated as she put on her scarf. "Don't do anything stupid."

"Love you lug head," Archie stated as they embraced each other in a hug. 

"Love you too," Callie stated. "See you when I get back." She left to catch the taxi that was at the front door. Many hours later, Callie arrived at the front steps of her mom's apartment in Chicago. She knocked on the door, it immediately opened.

"Callie!" Mom greeted as she pulled her into a hug. "How was the plane ride?"

"Everything went smoothly," Callie answered as she was lead inside. The place was decorated just as she expected, her junior photo was hung up on the wall along with Archie's photo. She heard some voices. "Who's here?"

"A friend and his son," Mom answered. "He reached out to me hearing upon the program and I happily agreed, along with my friend from the Navy school." Callie walked into the living room to see two familiar faces and a different face.

"Sergeant Rivers," Callie greeted as she held out her hand.

"Just call me Brooke," Brooke stated as she shook her hand. "You are more beautiful than the last time I saw you."

"Thank you," Callie smiled. She then looked at the other two. 
"Bret Welston Wallis."

"You know him?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, we met when we were dropping Jughead off at Stonewall Prep," Callie answered. "This must be your father, nice to meet you."

"As it is to meet you," Mr. Wallis said as he shook her head. "You kids get some sleep, you got a big day tomorrow."

"Not now," Callie denied. "I'm going to spend some time will my mom first."

"It is only 6," Mom stated. "How about Brooke and I show you all around Chicago?"

"That would be wonderful Ms. Andrews," Bret stated. 

"Then it's settled," Brooke stated. They all went out to be shown around, Callie stayed back by Bret.

"No Stonewall prep traditions to do your final year?" Callie asked.

"I'm too old and mature for that kid stuff," Bret stated. "This is the real horrors of Halloween."

"Working on a fake law case?" Callie asked. "Something you might be doing for the rest of your life?"

"Precisely," Bret stated. "Enough about me, you left Riverdale?"

"Just for a night or two," Callie answered. "Riverdale is a bit of a horror town, Halloween will make it no different."

"Your tough-guy boyfriend was okay with this?" Bret asked. 

"Sweet Pea doesn't own me, he knows I make my own decisions," Callie answered. 

"If I were him, I would have more of a grip on you," Bret stated. "That's how you got those nasty scars on your back right?" He touched her back.

"How do you know about that?" Callie demanded as he stepped away from her.

"It's no secret you are not as sweet as you seem to be," Bret stated. "So drop the act and sneak off with me for a make out."

"No," Callie denied. "I'm loyal to Sweet Pea."

"Kids!" Mom called out. "Hurry up!"

"Coming Mom!" Callie exclaimed, she looked at Bret. "If I were you, I would back off, my boyfriend is a serpent."


The next day, the two kids went to the law class at a college.

"You kids sure picked a lousy day to be here," the professor stated. "But in the law world, cases are constantly rising, crime never stops, every day is Halloween."

"Which is why we all chose that day, right?" Bret asked. A lot of the class laughed.

"Right," the professor smiled. "I will split you into groups of two, each pair will work on a case, and present it to the class, determine it innocent or guilty, the rest will argue against them. Now, can I pair you up or are you brave enough to choose your own partners?"

"I'm sure we got it handled Ma'am," a girl stated.

"Grear," The professor smiled as she clapped her hands together.

"Well, shortstop, let's team up for the sakes of making our folks happy," Bret stated.

"Fine, but drop the nickname," Callie stated. They got their case, then began to work on it together.

"Fred broke in Shaggys home, he begins to take any sort of valuables in sight. Upon entry Fred trips on a broken step on the stair, causing him to fall and fracture his foot. Determine the outcome of the case," Bret read. "Well, Shaggy would be allowed to sue Fred for breaking and entering."

"But Fred would also be allowed to sue Shaggy for negligence," Callie stated. 

"But Fred is the one that broke in," Bret pointed out.

"And Fred also got hurt while on the premises of Shaggy's property," Callie argued.  "He would be able to sue Shaggy for the negligence of the staircase, resulting in Shaggy having to pay for Fred's injuries."

"It seems to me that Riverdale does a few lightbulbs in that school," Bret smirked. "Not all of you are useless lunkheads."

"Excuse me?" Callie asked.

"I'm only telling the truth," Bret stated. "How many actually graduated last year?"

"It's been a couple of rough years at Riverdale back off, " Callie ordered.

"That doesn't give anyone the right to ignore their studies," Bret stated. "That includes your lowlife brother." Callie glared at him.

"Mr. Wallis and Ms. Andrews?" the professor called, they looked forward. "We are ready for you." The two glared at each other but put everything aside for their case, which happily won. The night went on for another three hours of working on cases, it irritated Callie that Bret seemed to know a lot about her. Also it was highly creepy that he knew so much about her and she knew nothing about him. The next day came around, Callie was getting a flight home with the Wallis family. 

"Mom, I don't trust Bret," Callie stated. "He knows way too much about me."

"The law area is full of people that know how to dig up information about others," Mom pointed out.

"Including the fact, Archie went to juvie?" Callie asked.

"Oh please, everyone around Riverdale knows about that," Mom stated. "You are just being paranoid."

"I'm going to keep my guard up around him," Callie stated. "You should as well."

"Callie," Brooke said as she walked up. "I hope to see you again."

"Of course," Callie lit up looking at the woman. "Thanks for keeping my mom company." The two women looked at each other. "You are coming home soon, right mom?"

"Yeah, I have a trial for the two lodges," Mom stated. "I expect you to join to get more experience, but also be there for your friend Veronica."

"Of course," Callie smiled. 


Once Callie got home, she sat in her room doing research on Bret.

"Hey," Archie greeted as he walked in.

"Hey, how was the center?" Callie asked. 

"Not good, Dodgers and his buddies showed up," Archie answered. "Eddie, one of the kids got hurt, can you come with?"

"Of course," Callie answered. She closed her laptop, before going to the hospital with Archie. 

"Hey, Eddie," Callie greeted as the two took a seat in the hospital room.

"How are you feeling?" Archie asked. 

"Like I got shot in the leg," Eddie answered. 

"Doctor said it was just a flesh wound," Archie stated. "You got really lucky."

"Eddie, it could've been a lot worse," Callie added. 

"If Dodger and his crew did this, we can help you, Me, Munroe, Sheriff Hones," Archie added. 

"Help how?" Eddie asked. "The last thing I need is for these guys to think I snitched, especially since you took away my switchblade."

"That's not going to protect you from guys like Dodger,  but Munroe and I will," Archie said in seriousness. "Come hang with us at the center. They won't step foot in there ever again."

"And then what happens when the center closes at 10:00?" Eddie asked. "Where do I go then? I'm back out on the street 'cause I have to be. A lot of us are. I have two options...either I roll with Dodger or I hide from Dodger. That's it."

"We will figure something out, I promise," Callie assured. After visiting Eddie, Callie went to Pops for a shift, where she got a call from Jughead.

"They locked you in a coffin?" Callie repeated.

"Simply to get me out of the way to get Moose out of Stonewall," Jughead stated.

"Speaking Stonewall, I had to spend the entire day with that creep Bret, he did the class as well, his dad somehow knows my mom," Callie stated. "Have you been telling him anything about us? He knew a lot about me."

"No, he's done the same to me," Jughead stated. "I'm going to stick around here as long as I can."

"Try finding information," Callie answered. "For a guy that hows to get information on everyone else, it sure is hard to find any on him."

"Got it," Jughead stated before hanging up the phone.

"I got a week's detention," a voice stated before kissing her.

"Treetopper got caught?" Callie asked as she pulled away.

"Shut up, I didn't get it as bad as that Mangy Bulldog," Sweet Pea stated as Callie poured him coffee. "Honey wrecked that care."

"Honey destroyed Bella?" Callie asked in surprise.

"To get back at Mantle for TPing the office," Sweet Pea stated.

"TPing an office is completely different than destroying a car," Callie stated. "Reggie has every right to file a lawsuit against Mr. Honey."

"You seem upset about the car," Sweet Pea stated.

"Bella was good to me for all those years," Callie answered. "Once you ride inside, you'll want to fight for her as well, it's the same way you adore your motorcycle." Sweet Pea laughed.

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