Chapter 101
The rest of the school year was quiet...both Sweet Pea and Callie ditched the last day of school to do a short summer road trip before the 4th of July. Instead of going south, they went up to the state of Maine, and over to New Jersey and a few other states.
At the moment, Callie and Sweet Pea were in Pennsylvania, they laid in the back of his truck staring up at the stars. Both of them were under two blanket, nothing on underneath, Callie had her head on his chest, Sweet Pea ran his fingers through her hair.
"Let's head back to Riverdale," Sweet Pea suggested. "After we wake up."
"Yeah," Callie agreed. "It would be good to see everyone again, I'll drive."
"That's a no," Sweet Pea denied quickly.
"You don't the map job?" Callie giggled.
"I just think you are better at it," Sweet Pea said looking down at her. "I'll drive and you go give me instructions."
"It's a plan Treetopper," Callie gigged looking up at him. The two of them kissed.
Just as they planned, Callie and Sweet Pea set sail for home when they woke up. Sweet Pea drove and Callie gave him instructions, they had been driving all day and almost all night.
"We should be arriving in the morning," Callie said as they started drove under the stars. "I was thinking we stop at Pops before we head out separate ways."
"Strawberry milkshake," Sweet pea said. "I'm been craving one from Pops for weeks." He stepped on the gas harder.
They arrived to the Riverdale on a sunny morning, everyone was preparing for the 4th of July. The two pulled up to Pops just as Cheryl Blossom was leaving. They saw Veronica, Betty, Archie, and Jughead all working on the float.
"You four are sure are a sight for sore eyes," Callie said getting out of the car.
"Cal!" Archie exclaimed, he stopped hammering away, jumped off the float, and hugged her.
"You two were gone longer then I expected," Jughead admitted.
"They came back earlier then I thought they would," Betty countered.
"We decided to come back for the holiday," Sweet Pea said.
" A little warning would have been nice," Veronica said. "You said you would show up for the last day of school party."
"Sorry, V," Callie smiled. "It was a bit of a last-minute decision for us as well, the only ones we told were some of the serpents, Cheryl and dad" She looked at the parade. "I'm surprised Cheryl is allowing a parade to happen."
"Oh, she's not," Betty denied. "She will be there front and center with a sign of protest in one hand, and a horn of compressed air to silence any revelry in the other."
"Does it have to do with what happened to Jason?" Sweet Pea asked getting out of the car.
"Of course," Veronica said.
"We were just about to go in for breakfast, you two are welcome to join," Archie offered.
"We will take you up on that, Andrews," Sweet Pea agreed. They all went inside for Pops breakfast. Callie sat next across from Sweet Pea and next to Archie.
"So, camping this weekend, are we still on?" Jughead. "Call, Pea, I know you both just came back, but you are two are more than welcome to join."
"I'm game," Callie said as Sweet Pea nodded. He hasn't taken his mouth off of his straw since his milkshake appeared on the table.
"I'm open," Veronica answered. "But what are we talking about here? Like..."
"The woods," Betty laughed. "But remember, this could...possibly be our last summer to do this because next year we'll be getting ready to go to college."
"And if anyone is scared of bears, well, don't be, because Archie's been attacked, like multiple times and still survived," Jughead said.
"One of those times does actually include a bear," Callie added.
"Hey, I ear my scars proudly," Archie said. Betty chuckled as Archie's phone vibrated.
"Dad," Archie breathed, he picked up the phone answering it. "Hey, dad." Archie grabbed Callie and pulled her out of the booth, they both listened to what was being had been killed in accident. Archie's phone fell out of his hands, dropped to his knees, as Callie sat in a booth, tears in her eyes.
"Archie, Callie," Veronica breathed as all they rushed over to the two.
Archie and Callie both went home, Vegas was at the door whimpering as they sat in the living with their mom. Archie sat to the right of her and Callie sat to the left fo her. Fp was there reporting to them. The
"I, uh, talked to the sheriff up in Cherry Creek, and..." FP began, he was having a difficult time revealing the news. "Sounds like...what happened was Fred was...driving home to Riverdale when he...He pulled over to help someone's car that stalled on the side of the road, and uh...Another vehicle...came upon them way too fast and...He was struck by it."
"No," Mom sobbed shaking her head. "No." Callie grabbed her hand, Mom squeezed it.
"I'm sorry, Mary," Fred said wiping tears from his eyes. "I'm sorry, Archie. I'm sorry, Callie."
"Did the other car stop?" Callie asked. "The one that..." Fp shook his head. "So, it was a hit-and-run?" FP lowered his head as Mom rubbed Callie's knuckles.
"We have to find out who did it, we have to catch them," Archie insisted.
"No, Red, you don't think about that right now," FP ordered. "And I'll work with the sheriff's office up in Cherry Creek and make sure all this is taken care of, you understand?"
"So, what happens now?" Archie asked. Not long after that, a woman named Fisher was in the house with Veronica as they talked about the funeral.
"Have you decided on a burial or cremation?" Mrs. Fisher asked.
"Burial," Mom answered. "There's a plot, next to his father, Artie Andrews. Arthur Andrews."
"Since we're transporting the body from upstate, there will be an additional cost of$9,000," Mrs. Fisher informed.
"Whatever needs to be done," Veronica said. "However much it costs."
"The driver that makes these trips for us isn't available until July 5th because of the holiday," Mrs. Fisher informed. "Then we'll have the interment on the 6th if that's all right?"
After Mrs. Fisher left Archie and Calli sat in the backyard, they were with Kevin, Jughead, Bety, Veronica, and Reggie.
"Hey, do you remember that treehouse your dad helped us build?" Reggie brought up.
"You mean, the one he built for us?" Jughead corrected.
"I remember you fell out of it, Reg," Callie recalled.
"And broke my arm," Reggie laughed. "Your dad drove me to the hospital."
"I remember this one time," Betty began. "This time we were having a picnic when we were still in grade school in Pickens Park, and there was a father-daughter potato-sack race. Callie couldn't go cause she came down with the flu and uh, my dad...I don't know where he was, but Mr. Andrews said that he would do it with me. So, he was my dad for the day."
"When things started getting bad with my dad and drinking, my mom would call up Fred...for help," Jughead recalled. "And he would drive to the bar, and he would pick up my dad and he'd lay him on the couch. And he'd always stay a little while just to talk to see how I was doing in school, and...if I'd eaten dinner. He just wanted to know if I was hungry. I always was." They all laughed.
"Your dad was such a gentleman, Archie, and Callie," Veronica said.
"He was the best," Kevin nodded his head. "He built and donated all the sets for the musicals."
"You two don't have to, but..."Veronica began. "Do you have any memories you want to share?"
" I remember going to, uh...Going to Sears with him, just so I could ride the tractors," Archie recalled.
" I remember him trying to teach me how to ride a skateboard," Callie recalled. "I always kept falling off, but he never gave up on me. I remember how happy he got when I was able to make it down the street without falling off." They all laughed. " I remember how mad dad got when he caught me and Reggie kissing underneath the bleachers after the Powerpuff game freshmen year."
"He was livid," Reggie recalled, they all laughed.
"He taught me everything," Archie brought up. "Taught me how to play football, baseball, pretty much every other sport. We fixed up the jalopy together. He bought me my first guitar. He even sound-proofed the garage just so..." He started to tear yo even harder, he got out of his chair to head inside.
"Hey, Archie," Veronica said.
"I'm good," Archie said. "I just...I'm wiped out you guys. Could we call it a day?"
"Yeah," Veronica answered. He went inside, quickly after that everyone scattered.
Callie stayed awake most of the night, she stared out her bedroom window. She could remember the nights she couldn't sleep when she was in elementary school, dad would sit out on the balcony with her, they would try to catch all the shooting stars.
"Callie," Archie said opening her door. "We are getting dad."
"Let's go," Callie agreed.
"I'm calling Jughead and Betty," Archie said as he left the room. Callie picked up her phone and called Reggie. They all met in front of the house, dressed in everyday clothes. Reggie pulled up on a hearse, he got out handing the keys to Callie.
"She's all yours, strawberry," Reggie said.
"Thanks, Reg," Callie breathed,
"How do you even have a hearse, Reggie?" Veronica asked.
"It's been sitting on the lot for two years," Reggie answered. "No one wants to buy it. "
"Well, I owe you, Reg," Archie said. "Thank you. And you guys, I'm sorry for calling so late."
"It's really not a problem, man," Jughead said.
" I just...I just don't want my dad stuck in some weird town," Archie said. "And I can't wait for after July 4th for them to bring him back. He'd want to be home, I know that." They piled into the hearse, Callie took the wheel. They arrived at the police station in Cherry Creek early morning. Archie and Callie went to go talk to the front desk.
"Hi, I'm Archie Andrews and this is my sister Callie Andrews," Archie greeted.
"Our dad Fred Andrews was in an accident off the freeway yesterday," Callie said.
"Oh, yeah," the policewoman nodded. " I heard about that. I'm sorry for your loss."
"Thank you, ma'am," Callie said softly.
" I was wondering if you found the person responsible yet," Archie wondered.
"We got a description of the car that hit your dad," the woman answered. "The make and the model, but no plate number. Nothing yet. But, we're not giving up.
"Okay," Archie said.
"Do you know what happened to our dad's truck?" Callie asked.
"It's still at the accident site, parked on the side of the road," the deputy answered.
"Okay, would you mind showing us where that is?" Callie asked. The deputy grabbed a map, she placed it on the desk, opening it up.
"It's a few miles south on Route 80, right about..." the deputy used a pencil to mark the spot. "Here. The keys are with the rest of your father's belongings at the funeral home."
"Thank you," Callie said as Veronica walked in.
"I just received a call from the funeral home," Veronica informed. "They're ready for us."
"Thank you, Deputy," Archie said taking the map.
"Of course," the deputy said. "You two hang in there, okay?"
"Thank you," Veronica said as they walked out. They drove to the funeral home, they walked in to talk to the man at the desk. "Hi, Good morning. Uh, I'm Veronica Lodge. We just spoke. This is Archie and Callie Andrews. They are..."
"Fred Andrew's son and daughter," Archie said.
"Yes, of course, my condolences," the man said. "How can I help you, Mr. and Ms. Andrews?"
"We want to bring our dad home," Archie answered.
"It was my understanding the deceased would be transported to Riverdale on the 5th," the man recalled.
" I know. That's...It's not right, I...we want to bring him home," Archie said. "And we want to be the ones to bring him home. Today."
" I understand," the man said. "But I'm afraid that's not possible."
Callie then called home.
"Hello?" Mom greeted.
"Hey, mom," Callie greeted.
"Callie, aren't you upstairs in your bedroom?" Mom asked.
"No, Archie and I are both in Cherry Creek," Callie answered. "We came to pick up Dad."
"What?" Mom asked.
"We're sorry, we didn't think," Callie apologized. "The funeral home up here won't release Dad to us. Something about us being underage. We really don't want to leave Dad here."
"Put me on the phone with whoever's in charge," Mom ordered. Callie handed the phone to the man at the desk. They spoke.
" I see," the man said. "No, that won't be necessary, Mrs. Andrews. Of course, I'll just need you to sign an authorization form--No, I'll do it right now. Thank you." He hung up handing the phone to Callie. "I'll just go get your father's personal effects then." He began to walk away.
"There was a set of truck keys," Jughead brought up.
"They're in there," the man said. "I'm going to need two to three hours to get him ready for transport. You can wait here or you can come back at noon."
"Can we see him?" Archie asked.
"Archie, you two don't have to," Veronica shook her head.
"What if they made a mistake, you guys?" Archie asked. "We'd like to see our father."
"Of course," the man agreed. "He's just in the next room if you'd like to follow me." They followed the man around the corner, he stood in the doorway of where dad was being held. In the end, Callie went inside with Betty and Veronica. "I thought."
"My brother changed his mind," Callie said. "He wanted us to make sure it's him." The man slowly lifted up the cloth, they all looked was Dad. There were tears in all their eyes. "That's him." They then walked out of the room.
"Is it him?" Archie asked getting to his feet.
"Yes, it is," Callie confirmed. "I have his belongings.
"Are you sure?" Archie asked.
"Yeah, Arch," Callie nodded. "It's dad." They left to go find the truck on the freeway. They easily found it, they all got out, they all stared at the truck. Archie and Callie walked over, Archie stood on the driver's side as Callie stood on the passengers. Archie opened the front door, he reached over opening the other door, the two climbed inside. Archie looked a little piece of paper, Callie opened the hatch. She pulled out a folder. On the front behind the laminated part was a picture of her, mom and Archie. The two looked at it. They heard someone pull up, they look in the mirror to see a woman getting out of the car. The woman had a bundle of flowers with her.
"Can we help you?" Archie asked getting out of the car.
"No. Uh, I'm just paying my respects," the woman said.
"How do you know what happened here?" Archie asked as the others walked over, Callie stick her head out of the window.
"Wait, are you...Are you Archie?" the woman asked.
"How do you know my name?" Archie asked.
"Your father told me," the woman answered. "I'm guessing that girl must be your sister Callie." The woman started to get choked up as Callie got out of the truck. "One of my tires blew, and uh...I was stranded out here." She placed the flowers down.
"You're the one he was helping," Callie gathered. She nodded as tears slipped down her eyes.
" I think cars just you know, they kept...They kept whizzing by, nobody would stop, but your dad did," the woman cried. "He talked about you two the entire time. Just...his children...How he couldn't believe that a man like him was blessed with such thoughtful, kind children."
"You were with him when he..."Archie began.
"We were working on the tire," the woman said. "And a car just...It came out of nowhere, speeding and...Sorry. I just...I froze in its at and your dad, he just...He pushed me out of the way. He saved my life. And...If he hadn't done what he did, there's no way I would be here right now. I know that. I am so sorry. There's nothing I could do to ever repay him, but...But I would like to say a prayer for him. May by you two would like to join me. " They all walked over and stood hand in hand. "Our father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us for our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not to temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power, the glory, for ever and ever. Amen." After that, they found dinner nearby and went to go have food.
"Guys, our dad saved that woman's life," Archie said. "A total stranger. I mean, he sacrificed himself for her."
"That's an incredible thing, Archie," Veronica said. "He died a hero."
"Why did he have to be one?" Archie asked. "Why this time? Why...Why did he have to stop? Why couldn't he just kept driving like everyone else?"
"That 's who dad is," Callie answered. "He helped people."
"Yeah, and it got him killed," Archie said. "He died on the side of the road...waiting for an ambulance. Without his family, without his friends. I'm sorry, but that's...That's not heroic, that's...that's senseless."
"I promise you, that is not true," Veronica said. He stood up. " Arch?"
I'm just going outside," Archie said. "Need some air." He walked outside as everyone else remained seated. Callie saw Archie leave and not too long after that they got a call. They met Archie outside a stranger's house.
"Archie," Veronica breathed as they walked over.
"You had us really worried," Callie said.
"You okay?" Jughead asked they sat around him.
"How'd you know where I was?" Archie asked.
"My dad called," Jughead answered. "He had a bad feeling."
"What happened?" Callie asked grabbing his hand, his knuckles were bruised.
" I, uh...I came looking for..." Archie answered. "But he's just this dumb kid."
"Who is?" Betty asked.
"The kid driving the car hit our dad," Archie answered. "He's this's something that I would've done. Taking the car out without permission. Hell, I did it a dozen times, and his dad was...was protecting him. The same way mine would've. I don't know that the hell I'm doing, you guys. I can't believe I'm here, I can't believe I did this. I'm a terrible son." Betty and Jughead walked away as Veronica squatted beside him. "You're not a terrible son."
"I just went into a stranger's house and almost hurt an innocent man," Archie said.
"I think...your father would understand...under these circumstances," Veronica said.
" All we ever did was fight, Ronnie," Archie said. " I lied to him constantly. He would be ashamed of me, I'm ashamed of me."
"Archie, listen to me," Veronica ordered. "Your dad loved both of you more than anyone and anything else. Whenever he looked at the two of you, there was pride in his eyes. He was proud of both of you." Archie sighed softly looking up.
" I don't know what to do," Archie admitted.
" I do," Callie said as Veronica walked. "You're going to finish what you started. Let's bring dad home." A few hours later the body was ready, they were back at the funeral, Callie and Archie walked out of the building.
"Ok," Archie said. "The hearse is behind the funeral home and ready to go."
"Archie and I will take it," Callie said. "You guys take our dad's truck back?"
"Of course, Arch," Betty said taking the keys.
"We'll just follow you guys," Jughead said.
"Thanks," Archie breathed. They drove all night, they arrived back at Riverdale in the morning. They stopped at the sign to be greeted by FP.
"Everything all right, Mr. Jones?" Archie asked FP leaned in.
"Everything's good, Red," FP answered. "I, uh, heard what you two, and Jug, and the girls were up to, and I wanted to be a part of it. I'd like to give your dad a police escort the rest of the way home if two are okay with that. He deserves it."
"Yes, sir," Callie agreed.
" All right," FP nodded. "Follow me then." FP got back in his cruiser, he then drove them into town, they saw everyone standing on the sidewalk holding up signs, Sayong Welcome Home Fred. Everyone in town seemed to be there. Callie saw Cheryl and Toni standing out there with one of the babies. Reggie was with the bulldogs, Sweet Pea was with the serpents. Jellybean stood with the Pretty Poisons. Pops and the staff all stood out there. They arrived home to find the Kellers, and mom waiting outside. They got out of the car, Mom walked forward and pulled both her children into a hug with tears rolling down her face.
" We couldn't leave him there, Mom," Archie said.
" I know," Mom sniffled.
"We brought dad home," Archie said as they pulled away.
"You did," Mom smiled, She touched their faces. "You sure did." She pulled both of them back in. " I'm so proud of you both. I know he would be, too."
The funeral came around, it was a small funeral, everyone was in black, Callie stood next to her mom and Sweet Pea as Josie sang. They all held up a rose.
"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound," Josie sang as Jughead, Kevin, Mr. Keller, FP, Reggie, and Archie carried the casket. "That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost. But now am found" They placed the casket down. Mom walked up to it. "T'was blind. Nut now. I see." One by one they all walked up placing their roses down. "T'was blind. But now. I see." They all sat down and listened to the minister.
"And now...Fred's son, Archie, would like to say few words," the minster announced. Archie walked to the front of the casket, he faced everyone. He stood there sniffling, he rethinking everything he was going to say.
"Uh, earlier I was thinking...on the driver over much of Riverdale our dad built or just fixed up," Archie said. "Houses, office buildings...A bit of everything. He helped build this town. And one day if I'm lucky enough to have a son or daughter of my own or a niece or nephew...I'll be able to point to a building or even a brick in the building, and say, your grandpa made that...with his hands. It's the 4th of July. I remember this one was raining. The firework show was canceled, and, uh, Callie and I were so bummed, I remember sitting in the backyard just bawling as Callie was out with our dad...until our dad and Callie came home with all these fireworks. I mean, enough, to burn our house down, you remember that, Mom?" Mom nodded, she smiled as tears slid down her cheeks. "And uh, we lit them in the backyard, it was was the best night. Our dad was there for every high and every low. He's the greatest man I've ever known. It hurts me that I never got to say goodbye. That I won't get to see him again or talk to him. But his spirit and his memory live this town, and in everyone, he's met. Fred Andrews will always be a part of Riverdale. I love you so much, Dad."
Callie now sat at the kitchen table, she was reading the obituary that Jughead wrote as they through old pictures of dad.
"How do you sum up the life of a man like Fred Andrews? You could start with the facts," Callie read. "That he was born at the Riverdale General Hosptial. That his parents were Arthur and Virginia Andrews. That he led the Riverdale High baseball team to two consecutive state championships. Took over the family business at 18. Got married, had a son and a daughter, settled down. And while others were rushing to get out of Riverdale, Fred was setting down roots. When our town saw a pariah and closed its doors, Fred saw a lost soul and opened his. There was always room at his table, in his home, for others. Whenever our town was under attack, Fred was on the front line, fighting for ut, defending it. He was out Good Samaritan. Our George Bailey. Our knight in flannel armor. Oh, and by the way, he was a hell of a good tipper. Fred left Riverdale better than when he found it. That's his legacy."
"Mom? Cal?" Archie asked. They looked back to see Archie at the back door. "We're about to start. You ready?" They both nodded. It was night, they went outside to see friends down below. Everyone stood up when they saw them approach. There was Toni, Cheryl, Josie, Kevin, Jughead, Betty, Veronica, Reggie, and Sweet Pea. Everyone sat down on the blankets and pillow set out as Cheryl lit off the fireworks with her red lighter. Callie sat next to Sweet Pea, he put an arm around her as they looked up watching the fireworks. The two played with the sparklers they were given.
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