Chapter 100
After visiting the cell, Callie went into the office to talk with Jughead and Fp.
" We refuse to believe what Ethel said," Jughead stated. That Jason Blossom is the Gargoyle King."
" Even though his coffin was empty," Callie added. " It defies logic."
"Well," Fp began as he set down the glasses he was chewing on. " Say Ethel is off her rocker, okay, but where's Jason's body?"
" I might have a hunch," Callie brought up.
" And someone's still wearing the Gargoyle King's antler," FP added.
" I have a hunch about that as well," Callie declared.
" Tell us your hunches, and we will determine if it's a good source or not," Fp said. " Probably a Blossom."
" I keep thinking about the matchbook," Jughead admitted. " That Dr. Curdle found in Baby Teeth's throat?"
" What about it?" Callie asked as Fp leaned forward.
" Kurtz must have got that at the Maple Club, right?" Jughead questioned.
" Yes," Callie answered.
" What are you getting at, boy?" Fp demanded.
" Do you have a copy of Kurtz's mugshot I can burrow?" Jughead requested. Later that night the two went to the Maple Club to talk to Laura.
" Did you ever see a client in here by the name of Kurtz?" Callie asked. Saying his name, still gave her bad chills. " At the maple club? He looked like this." Jughead held up a very detailed drawing of Kurtz.
" Yes," Laura confirmed. " I never worked with him directly."
" Who did he work with?" Jughead asked.
" All of his interactions were with..." Laura began.
" The Red Dahlia?" Jughead asked.
" Penelope Blossom?" Callie asked.
" Yeah," Laura nodded.
" Out of curiosity, you never saw Penelope with a young man, a young redhead, did you?" Jughead asked.
" You mean her kid, Jason?" Laura asked. Jughead and Callie glanced at each other. " Yeah, sure. He came around."
When Callie got home she found her brother opening the front door and two packages on the ground. He looked up at her and ushered her over.
" What is it?" Callie asked.
" One for you and one for me," Archie informed as he handed the box, that had her name on the card. It read
Callie Andrews
" This night is never going to end," Callie sighed. She checked her phone to see a miss call from Sweet Pea.
" You can call him back later," Archie assured.
Callie now sat at Pops, she was with Jughead, Archie, and Veronica. All of them feeling creeped out.
" Someone left ours at the door," Archie informed.
" Mine too," Jughead whispered. " My dad or Jellybean could have found it."
" Mine was waiting for me downstairs," Veronica informed as she looked over her letter. " At the speakeasy."
" Are we sure they're not fakes?" Archie asked.
" I don't think so," Callie denied.
" And I've trying Betty at the Farm," Jughead brought up. " But she's not answering."
" The invitations say not tell anyone," Archie said. " And not to bring our phones."
" So it's a trap," Callie said.
" Was there ever a doubt?" Jughead asked. " We don't really have a choice."
" I'm kind of wishing I called Sweetpea," Callie said.
" Hey, we'll all be fine," Veronica assured as she put her hand on top of hers.
" I know," Callie said with a small smile. " Just hearing his voice would be nice, I guess." All her hunches were about to be physically real, a nightmare was about to start, and she couldn't tell anyone.
Not too long after that, Callie was at the Blossom hunting Lodge, she at a long table with Ms. Blossom, Jughead, Veronica, and Archie. She wore exactly what was picked out for her. A long ball gown red dress, with lace over it, long sleeves, but her shoulders were bare. In the middle was a red belt, with some gems in the middle of it.
They heard a door open, they looked over to see Betty coming down in a beautiful pink dress.
" Guys," Betty breathed.
" Elizabeth," Penelope smiled. " Pretty. Good evening. COme and join us, why don't you?"
" Penelope," Betty breathed as she walked forward. " What...What is this place?"
" I'm sure Ms. Callie knows that answer," Penelope suspected.
" This is the Blossom Hunting Lodge on the grounds of Thornhill," Callie informed.
" How did I get here?" Betty asked.
" I bought you from Mr. Evernever," Ms. Blossom answered. " Just as he was about to cut you into butcher's parts. Now, Agatha here will show you to your place." There was a gun click it was pointing at Betty.
" Sister Woodhouse," Betty gasped as she looked at the evil woman.
" You naughty, naughty girl," Sister Woodhouse growled as she shook her head.
" Agatha was one of my mentors," Penelope informed. " She cared for me when I was an orphan at The Sisters of Quiet Mercy." Sister Woodhouse pushed Betty to the direction of her chair, next to Jughead. Callie sat on the other side woth Archie and Veronica. " Taught me everything I know about poisons." Betty sat down with Sister Woodhouse still right behind her.
" The murdered nuns, you did that?" Betty asked as she looked at Sister Woodhouse.
" Oh, loose ends," Penelope shook her head. Such a bother, aren't they?"
" Loose ends?" Veronica asked. " Is that what we are?"
" Oh gosh," Penelope breathed. " No, not you. You are featured, players. The sons and daughters of the original Midnight Club."
" What's happening?" Veronica whispered.
" I think my hunches were right," Callie whispered.
"Oh, have you?" Penelope asked Jughead. " Are they right?" Jughead and Callie glanced at each other. " Because if anybody could figure it out, it would be you two, Mr. Jones and Ms. Andrews. But first two more guests." She picked up a bell and rang it. " I believe you know them already." In walked the man, that chased Jughead, Callie, Ethel, and Jack through the bus at the junkyard. Then the curtains violently opened, revealing the Gargoyle King. " What have I told you? No masks at the dinner table. Taken them off." Mr. Cooper took off his.
" Oh, my god," Betty gasped.
" Wait, King, before you do..." Penelope warned. " Hellcaster, Red Head Princess, care to take a stab?"
" Sure," Jughead took the challenge. " Arthur Conan Doyle famously said, ' Once you eliminate the impossible whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.' In which case, whoever is it underneath that mask must've had a connection to Hal and to you, Penelope. But it's not Jason, because he's dead. Even though his corpse is missing." Penelope looked surprised at this information.
" The one corpse that hasn't been accounted for and who was last seen by the Black Hood..." Callie trailed, some people thought she was crazy for this suspicion.
"Chic," Callie, Jughead, and Betty all said at the same time. The Gargoyle King took off his mask, revealing a redhead, Chic,
" What the hell?" Archie demanded.
" Since when does Chich have red hair?" Veronica asked.
" I'm guessing since he started working with Penelope," Callie suspected. " Doing her bidding." Jason went and sat down.
" But this was after he got the Gargoyle symbols tattooed his back," Jughead added. " It's why Ethel said the Gargoyle King was Jason."
" Because you called him Jason," Callie stated. " Cause you dressed him like Jason."
" You didn't murder Chic?" Betty asked her father, who sat next to him. " After you chased him through the woods, you..."
" I recognized a kinship in him and I spared him," Hal declared. " He begged for mercy and pledged his life to me in service of my mission."
" But it wasn't just your mission, was it, Mr. Cooper?" Callie asked. " Maybe not at first, but eventually, you started working with someone else who also had a grudge against Riverdale."
" In the middle of all that stuff with the Black Hood last year, my dad was having an affair with Penelope," Betty recalled.
" Yes, I did cultivate your father's...murderous impulses, it's true," Penelope blushed. " To take my revenge on a town that allowed me to be sold as a child bride to the Blossoms. Your parents knew. I told them. And they did nothing but mock me. And years later when Jason was murdered in cold blood, do you think one of them reached out to me? No, they were too busy ignoring the rotting, fetid truth that Riverdale is a hideous and cruel place, twisted and cursed. And the Black Hood and I, we were doing quite well. Exterminating the sinners."
" You murdered children," Callie told her as tears formed in her eyes. " Midge was just a child. Those were just students at prom. You two were murdering anyone, including children, including our Dad."
" Until my dad got arrested," Betty recalled.
" Yes, but that was fine because Hal's disciple came to me, lost and I gave him purpose," Penelope stated. " To continue our great work."
" But not as the Black Hood," Jughead stated. " So instead, you made him dress up like the boogeyman." He looked at the game leader. " The Gargoyle King."
" You introduced G&G to our parents 25 years ago, and then reintroduced it this year to Chic," Betty added.
" His name is Jason," Penelope corrected angrily.
" Who gave it to..." Betty trailed.
" Ben Button," Callie said.
" Who started playing with Dilton Doiley," Jughead said.
" Then Ethel Muggs," Betty said.
" And thenG&G spread like a virus or a poison," Callie said.
" And the true mastermind behind it all..." Jughead began. " The True king is you."
" Penelope," Callie breathed.
" Oh," Penelope breathed as she shook her head. " Well done." She picked up her glass. " Well done." She took a sip and set it down. " But now, it's time to play the final round."
" With us," Callie said.
" Yes, you the Midnight children," Penelope nodded.
" To what end?" Jughead demanded.
" Say it's to reveal your true nature," Penelope said. " To prove that you are as dark-hearted as the town that birthed you."
" And what?" Archie asked. " If we win, we escape?"
" You won't win," Penelope laughed.
" So what happens if we lose?" Veronica asked.
" Well, then, your parents will feel the pain that I felt." Penelope smiled. " The death of a child? Could anything be more dreadful?"
" Archie has been through a lot this year," Callie stated. " I will take the place as the only Andrews player. He shouldn't just get recently released from juvie, a crime he did not commit, and placed in your horrendous, twisted game."
" Your parents will feel the pain of losing two children," Penelope laughed.
" You're nuts," Archie breathed. The bells rang on the clock.
" It is time," Penelope said as she stood up. " Come to the lawn for the gathering." They all did as they were told. " The task before you is simple. Make it through the woods, survive the night. You will be tested, the four of you. Refuse my tests, try to escape, and my Gargoyle minion will kill you."
" You said the four of us, there is five," Callie pointed out.
" Your fate is already sealed, I knew you try to Archie's place." Penelope smiled wicked. " Since you have such art at being kidnapped, you will be tied up." Two of the Gargoyles grabbed her from behind. " Finish the game and you may save the redhead princess. May the final quest begin!" They all stayed there. " I'd start running if I were you." They all started off running as the other Gargoyles started to dragged Callie away.
" You're insane," Callie stated.
" Making everyone feel the same loss as me, is not insane," Penelope laughed as they walked toward the car. " It is simply teaching a lesson."
" Cheryl would not stand for this," Callie stated.
" Good thing, I don't care what the sick girl thinks," Penelope said.
" She's not sick!" Callie exclaimed. " How is my fate sealed?" She got thrown in the car, and someone started to drive and Penelope sat in the back with her.
" Simple," Penelope smiled. " Your brother and friends must prove themselves through the night and rescued the Red hair princess since nobody will win, you will all die. I suggest you get ready."
" For what?" Callie asked.
" Your wedding," Penelope laughed.
" What wedding?" Callie asked as Penelope looked the mirror.
" With Kurtz of course," Penelope smiled. " You still have the markings, you still need to ascend, Kurtz shall be waiting for you at the chapel."
" No," Callie protested.
" I suspect you will make a gorgeous bride," Penelope said, the Gargoyle put something around her mouth, and Callie was out. When they got the spot to the antidote, they tied Callie to the tree and slowed acting poison was poured down her throat.
Penelope was ow walking out congratulating Veronica on her performance.
" Remarkable, Enchantress," Penelope congratulate as she walked forward with Gargoyles. " You've completed your challenge, and proven your loyalty."
" What?" Betty and Veronica demanded.
" Of course," Jughead realized. " It was a character challenge. The game was testing if you had honor and loyalty. None of the chalices were poisoned."
" On the contrary, all the chalices were poisoned," Penelope corrected. " You guys had the same stuff that was given to the Red hair princess, the Northside Queen?"
" What did you give them?" Archie demanded angrily.
" Slow-acting, but the only way to obtain the antidote is to finish the game, and even then you might not make it," Penelope answered. Archie took off for the next challenge as the others looked at each other. " Tick Tock." They started running in the same direction as Archie."
Over at the Thistlehouse, Pretty Poisons and Serpents were coming together to find Cheryl and rescue friends.
" Toni!" a voice shouted, they looked over to Cheryl with Juniper, Sweet Pea looked over to see her, but no Callie. He has been calling and texting her all night.
" Baby?" Toni cried out, Peaches went and took Juniper and Toni ran over and indulged Cheryl in a kiss.
" We were justing coming to save you from the farm," Toni cried as they broke from the kiss. " How'd you get out?"
" An angel in disguise," Cheryl answered. " Where's Betty?"
" She's being hunted at Thornhill," Nana Rose answered as she held the baby. " With all the others?"
" What are you talking about, Nana?" Cheryl asked.
" Your mother has been preparing this for weeks, if not months," Nana informed. " It's the grand hunt."
" We have to go there," Sweet Pea urged as a weird suspicion grew.
" We have to save them!" Cheryl added.
" Poisons, Serpents, let's ride!" Toni ordered. Everyone agreed and ran to their cars and finished stocking weapons.
The four walked over to where candles were lit, a bok on the stump, antidote hanging from the tree, and Callie was tied to it right below. Betty had just opened the box revealing a gun, Callie was just waking up. She felt weak, she felt tired around, and the man walked in front of her, it was the Black Hood. Betty picked up the gun and Black Hood took off his hood. The other three eyes were watching her and the showdown between Betty and her father.
" You know how this has to end," Hal said. " You have to kill me, Betty. That's your heart, that's your truth." Callie started to tug at the rope, somebody stupidly put the knot in front of her. " You can't deny your destiny. " He took out a gun and pointed at her.
" Don't make me do this," Betty pleaded as tears formed in her eyes.
" Either kill me and get the antidote," Hal said as he gestured to the bottle hanging from the tree, Callie froze when he glanced back at it. " Or I will kill you and your friends." Callie quietly put the two ends apart, she felt wobbly, her eyesight was horrible. She grabbed the antidote and quickly stepped to the side. Close by Hal, but not so he could feel her presence, she stood so her side was lined up with her shooting arm. Betty glanced at her, Callie nodded for her to shoot, pointed at the handw, Betty shook her head along with the others. " You have till the count of three. " You either shoot me or I shoot you." Archie took a few steps to the side. " One...Two..." Both guns clicked. Betty fired her gun, it skinned the side of Mr. Cooper's hand and skidded along Callie's side. " Argh!" He fell over as Archie ran to Callie's side, she collapsed in his arms.
" I will never be like you Dad," Betty declared as she put the gun down.
" Archie," Callie breathed weakly.
" You're so stupid," Archie said as he put his hand to her side.
" If Betty didn't shoot, he would kill everyone," Callie said.
" So you got in the line of fire?" Archie asked.
" I thought it was just going to hit my arm," Callie admitted, she was starting to feel weak like when Kurtz held her hostage.
" Idiot," Archie said as tears formed in his eyes.
" Enough!" Penelope demanded as marched over. " Good God, Hal. The only idiot here is you, Callie stood so Betty knew where to shot. Knowing it will just cause an injury, not death. You can't be trusted with anything. " You were a terrible serial killer then, and you still are today." She grabbed the gun from him and pointed it at his head. " Useless." She fired the gun and Betty screamed out bloody murder, tears immediately pouring down her face. Jughead and Veronica ran to her side as she collapsed onto the ground. " And what do you think' you're doing?" She demanded as Archie stood up Callie in his arms, who was still holding onto the antidote.
" He's claiming our prize," Jughead said loudly. " We won, didn't we? We survived the night. We proved that we're better than this town."
" That may or not be true," Penelope considered. " But kill them." She looked at the Gargoyles. " Kill them all!"
" Just leave me here," Callie told Archie.
" Not a chance," Archie denied as he took off running with the others, still holding her. The Gargoyles chased them as Penelope watched intensely. They ran till the point the sun was rising. By this time, Callie was staring up at the sky, trying to hold on, Archie's hand was covered in her blood.
" Take cover!" Cheryl shouted as two trucks pulled up, Sweet Pea driving one of them. They quickly got behind the trucks at arrows flew hitting the Gargoyles.
" Ronnie, here," Archie said as he opened the bottle. He poured some down Callie's throat, then gave it to Veronica. She drank some before giving the rest to Betty. " Poisons, charge!" They all yelled, running after them the retreating Gargoyles. " All clear." Archie stood up, walked over and set Callie on the gate of the truck before hugging the other four. Cheryl immediately knelt beside her best friend.
" Chery, Cheryl," Betty began. " Why aren't you at the Farm? Where's my mom?"
" She sprung from that Jonestown-like nightmare and told me to find you," Cheryl informed. " Edgar was planning to ascend tonight."
" Oh, my God. We have to save her," Betty urged.
" Come aboard, cousin," Cheryl said as she held Betty up, and over Callie. "We have to drop Callie off first. Get in." Everyone hopped in, someone else took the wheel as Sweet Pea got in the back.
" Callie?" Sweet Pea breathed when he saw her, she was staring at the sky, she looked still. He looked at Archie to see him covered in blood.
'No,' He thought to himself, tears filled his eyes.
" Callie!"
Her head turned towards him, he crawled over and put a hand on her face.
" I should have called back," Callie softly as she looked up into his eyes.
" Hey Cal," Cheryl said.
" Cher Bear," Callie breathed.
" You know red is my color right?" Cheryl asked playfully.
" Tell that to your mom," Callie said. " She picked it out." Callie looked back up at the sky, things were starting to go white.
"How did she get shot?" Cheryl asked.
" Stood to close behind my Dad, " Betty sniffed. " She wanted to me to shot at his hand, so I did, and it ended up hitting her as well."
" Did he know she was standing behind him?" Toni asked.
" Not till I ran over," Archie said.
" She already grabbed the antidote, she should have just walked over to us," Veronica said.
" Hal had a gun too, if she did, he would have shot in the head," Jughead shook his head.
" You are such an idiot," Sweet Pea said in a small smile.
" I think we swapped roles," Callie said softly. Sweet Pea leaned over and kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes.
" Keep them open Callie," Cheryl urged as she tapped, her eyes opened back up to the sky.
" I just feel so tired," Callie said. Jughead felt something liquid touch his hands, he looked up to see a dark red line going down the truck, and a big puddle forming around Callie, Sweet Pea and everyone around her dying their knees red with her blood. Her eyelids fluttered to shut.
" Just hang in there," Jughead whispered as he put his head in knees.
Jughead was now typing away on her typewriter and about the details of recent events.
The Gargoyle King. The Red Dahlia. The Black Hood. Chich was in jail. Hal Cooper was dead. Hoping for a quick recovery from my detective partner, Callie Andrews. Finally, only Penelope Blossom managed to slip away into the night. Riverdale belonged to us again. The future was ours to write. But what would our stories be?
Outside the hospital room now sat Jughead, Betty, Veronica, and Archie, they told them about Charles Smith.
" Wait. Back up," Archie demanded. " Your brother's alive, and he's an FBI agent?"
" It's our half-brother," Jughead corrected. " And, it's pretty crazy right?"
Oh, and my mom is also working for the FBI," Betty brought up. " Undercover at the Farm."
" What?" Archie demanded.
" Actually, that kind of tracks," Veronica admitted.
" What about you, Vee?" Betty asked. " Any word about your mom?"
" She's trying to cut a deal with the DA, but in the meantime, Smithers is my legal guardian," Veronica answered. Everyone nodded.
" Guys, let's make a vow," Archie proposed. " Another one. We've got senior year ahead of us. Let's enjoy it. Let's to be done with death cults, and murder mysteries and gremlins."
" It's Gargoyle," Jughead chuckled.
" Our senior year could be the last time we're all together in the same place," Archie stated. " And I don't want to let anything ruin that."
" Agreed," Veronica said after they all glanced at each other. " I'm in, I'm so in."
" Me too," Betty agreed.
" Well, it sounds a little dull, but sure," Jughead gave in.
" And when Callie wakes up, she'll be brought in one the vow," Archie suggested.
" She's going to need more than a vow," Jughead laughed. " She'll need several reminders a day to not go snooping for clues." They all laughed. " Let's toast." They held up their glasses and clicked them.
" Friends for forever," Betty proposed.
" Friends forever," they all agreed.
Weeks later after numerous break downs from love ones, Callie finally woke up from the hospital. She laying in the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling. She was informed that a bunch of people that joined the Farm, went missing, about the Vow and Charles Smith.
" How are you feeling?" Mom asked.
" Like I just got out of this place not too long ago," Callie answered. " Weak."
" You'll get your strength back," Mom assured.
" Not in time for Vixens," Callie sighed.
" I'm sure Cheryl will still let you be on the team," Mom assured.
Now Sweet Pea was walking into the room for the first time with her. He walked into see her staring up at the ceiling.
" Hey," He breathed. She looked over and her face broke out into a smile.
" Pea," Callie breathed. He ran over and squeezed her tightly, kissing her face, she laughed.
" Promise you won't end up here again," Sweet Pea pleaded. " I just got you back."
" I promise my best to not end up in the hospital like this," Callie promised. " Again."
" I missed you," Sweet Pea said as he wiped his eyes.
" I want to say I missed you, but I don't recall the past few weeks," Callie said. " But I want to make up for that lost time, with everyone."
" What should we do?" Sweet Pea asked.
" How about a road trip?" Callie suggested.
" Done," Sweet Pea agreed.
***** Time flash-forward***
It was Spring break fo Senior Year, Callie stood around her underwear, with Betty, Archie, and Veronica. All of them had blood all over their bodies, Archie was holding Jughead's beanie. They stood around a fire at night.
" Archie," Callie breathed as he stared into the fire.
" Archie," Betty repeated. " Archie." He slowly looked over. " Are you listening to me?"
" Yeah," Archie breathed.
" We have to burn all our clothes including Jughead's beanie," Betty declared. " We'll wash off the blood in the swimming hole. After tonight, we never speak of this ever."
" Not each other, not to our parents," Callie listed. " No one."
" We finish our senior year, we graduate, and we'll go our separate ways," Betty said. " That is the only way we won't get caught." She looked over at Archie. " Do it." Archie reluctantly threw it into the fire.
Quick Author's Note: Hey everyone! I am so sorry for the long wait for an update! We reached a hundred chapters! Thank you to everyone who is reading this, without you, it would probably have stopped at chapter 5. I am very thankful for everyone on here! Anyways, what a crazy ending to season 3, two more months till next season! I hope they put in Sweet Pea more, lately from what I have seen, I have not seen any sign of Jordan Connor on the set. No worries. Once again, thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and the ending to season 3! Love you all!!
- Pickles
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