Red Oaks

"How long do you plan to keep that...that thing here? Can't you see what it did earlier?Henry, that thing has to go-!"

A glass vase was thrown into the kitchen wall. In anger, frustration, fear, a toxic combination the poor I'll grey haired man balled his fist. Wrinkled and vieny. He was doing the best he could, for all he could do at this very moment, begins to pace back and forth from the shattered mess to the back balcony door. He didn't know what to do. Everyone believed everything would passed, they all comfirmed it would on the fucking news, only for this horrendous viel chemically manufactured flu to spread like wild fire. Roles began to change. Humans were failing over one by one as all different types of Simians rise...

Humans were no longer on top of the food chain. That spot belongs to Apes now.

"That thing is my sister's child! Her baby girl Dawn! She died ill with that flu and asked me, us, to raise them!" Henry was scared, livid, so much was spinning in his heart and soul, yet he wasn't done, he had more to say "I-I understand that the world we live in is ending like this. I even..I saw what happened out there to Dawn. We raised a g-g-good kid! Splendid!Brilliant!Fuck, top of her class too! That kid is my sister's biologically but she was raised by us by day one....I'm not getting rid of her. I'm keeping my fucking promise."

The elder woman was in disbelief, scared shitless and shocked even, fiddles with her once pearly clean sweater. The reoccurring memory of earlier being replayed over and over like a broken record in her mind. What she witnessed scared her. What she saw wasn't human. And the fact they raised it from day one, even after giving birth while mother was infected, was still clinging onto them like a leech. Taking care of a monster hidden from plain sight. And her husband? He was a witness to it too. Why wasn't he agreeing with her? Why? That thing is in the house. Any second it could pop in and kill them and all he cares about is that mother fucking promise from his deceased sister?

The child needs to fucking go. Now.

Henry paused his pacing as his wife grabbed a sharpe kitchen knife, the biggest one there was, to which begins to follow after her. Dawn set her mind up. She will take care of it. For the better good.


His pleads went unheard so he had to pin her down. Both elder bodies fighting to save a life over ending one. Dawn kicked and attempted to bite and ram her elbow into his sides. She did everything in the book. Henry enduring the pain in hopes to save both his wife and his child. He did all he could to keep her down, calling out her name repeatedly, only for Dawn to continue on fighting.

As much as he could, with all his strength, neither noticed the pitter patters of small feet come their way. The so called thing heard the commotion all the way up from their room. A big panda doll backpack filled with treats, books, and water in it. The child even was dressed up as if they were prepared to adventure the unknown. Clearly, finding both parent figures on the floor, they were confused on what was going on.

"Uncle Henry? Aunty Dawn? Why are you ruff housing on the floor?" They both then noticed you, one set of eyes was reeking with danger and the other worried for your sake, to only ignore the signs by tilting your head to the side cutely "Is that a knife in Aunty Dawn's hand? That's dangerous.."

Dawn, now seeing you before her, fought harder to be released. Henry didn't wish to do this but when he had the chance he suckered punch his dear wife. It didn't knock her out however surprised the hell out of her. She dropped the knife to which Henry tossed far away. Dawn was completely upset that it slide under the couch.

The child gasped "Uncle hit Aunty!" not long you tried to come down, eager to save Dawn "Bad Uncle Henry!Bad Uncl--!"

"(Y/N)!Stay away from us! Don't even come near-SHIT!"

Henry was stabbed deep in the shoulder with a pencil. A sharpe pencil. No clue where she got that from but took it and used it to her advantage. Finally she scramble out of Henry's hold. Both eyes of child and crazy aunt were set on one and another.

She reach out her not so bloody hand, trying to be nice and sweet as possible "Come on now. I just wanna hug you baby."

You didn't like what you just witnessed. So when she took two steps close you took two steps back. It took a little bit but now, at this moment, now realize what was really going on. You were terrified. Terrified of your own aunty Dawn.

Henry tried to stand, do something, but all that knife swinging and fighting tired him out.

"Run! Get away as far as you can!"

Dawn grins her teeth "Oh shut up you dumb fool!" to which pins the poor soul down, and with the same bloody pencil, killed her lover and your biological uncle.

You witness this from above. Blood splatter and stabbing actions. It did not take long for little you to run towards your room. The loud scream of your evil aunty, no, monster followed not a second later. It was a miracle that you reached your room in time before she came two steps further. Locking it and stacked plenty of objects to keep her out. Far from hurting you.

You will miss this room very much. So many things you wish to take with you. Only you took your bag off your back and stuffed it with a light thick blanket, crayons, papper, hair brush, cloths, pj's, and all the other stuff you had earlier in it. Not long you slipped on your shoes, a wooly hoodie, a pillow to lay on, and finally a stuffed rabbit your mama left you. It was all you had of her now..

"Open the door you fucking monster!"

You frown at that, opening the window near your bed "No your a monster!" to which climb and shut it close. Escaping to the nearest tree and ran off on a abandoned electric scooter you found last week.


The electric scooter died.

It ran out of juice the moment you drove off towards the center of the woods. Uncle Henry said to never go wandering about here. He mentioned that it once was a safe place but now it wasn't no more, he called it 'The Place Of No Return' which on the big old sign says Red Oak. Uncle Henry lied. Clucking onto the stuff rabbit you wander upon a small stream. Excited about your founding ran over to inspect the stream.

You squat down once you spot tadpoles. So many of them too. Not long dipped your fingers into the luke warm waters. It felt nice.

Pulling your hand out you decide to draw. Your rabbit was tucked into the panda back pack, crayon in hand, decide to sit criss cross apple sauce on a big boulder that leaned slightly towards the small stream. You began to sketch out tadpoles and frogs for fun.

Your Uncle seemed to forget to explain why he nicknamed it that name. Because, as your now drawing, we're being watched from above. It wasn't a squadron nor an army. It was actually two Apes who accidentally wandered upon the human child. Each held onto a tree as they observe the human child below.

'Where is this human cub's parents?' Ash signs to Blue Eyes, he was not seeing any others here, just this child drawing away 'Why place a human cub as baite? They do no wrong.'

Blue Eyes, Ceaser's eldest son, recognized it too. All the two saw was that you wandered upon a stream, observed and felt the water, before climbing a stone rock to draw away. All those were signs of a curious innocent child. Nothing bad.

'I see that. Stay silent. Follow me.' Blue Eyes signs to which both climb down their trees, making no sound as Blue Eyes and Ash drew closer.

Meanwhile, back to your drawing, you were satisfied with the many frogs you drawn. Now all it needs is colors. Turning to grab your bag of crayons you paused at the sight of what was hidden away from sight. Further down the stream was a mama grizzly bear and her three bear cubs.

The mama didn't notice you, no, the bear cubs did.

"Please don't.." You beg the cubs, collecting your items one by one, eyes both connected to each other "..Don't snitch, please.."

But they did snitch. All three lost sight of you after sliding off the rock without a sound. Their wailing crys echo into the silent void of mother nature. The result left the mama to look up and inspect the area. Holding your breath, hidden away behind the rock, the grizzly didn't charge right away at you. Rather, it was charging towards what you didn't notice at all.

Blue Eyes has been spotted by the mama. She took that as a threat to her cubs, charging to end that Apes life.

Ash hooting re-directed the mama bear, now realizing there was two, to which helped Blue Eyes run up another tree to escape.

Widening your eyes, holding your rabbit close to your rapid beating heart, watch as the two work together to survive this anger protective mama bear.

As Ash annoyed the grizzly bear Blue Eyes glanced towards the human child. He noticed they were hidden from sight but were to close to the fight. At any second the grizzly bear will noticed them. Killing the human cub. Hooting louder towards Ash he understood that he was going around.

The bear cubs though?

They traveled further down stream. Ready to pounce on you themselves. Eager to make their mama proud of course.

Ash cried out in pain as the grizzly got him with a slash of her paw. Digging and tearing his flesh across his torso. The mother was proud of this. Knowing she will win soon enough.

Frowning you look down at your hands, unsure of performing it once again, decide to forget what happened earlier. Taking a deep breathe you focus on the mama bear...

The bear cubs were half way there. They could of have killed you off if it weren't for Blue Eyes landing infront of them. Snarling and showing of his sharpe teeth. Scaring the cubs away. Immediately they retreat. Crying and wailing too.

That attracted the mama. Now she noticed the calm human child and the other ape, her cubs running away in fear. She growls. Charging towards the two.

Blue Eyes immediately response was to run over to protect the human cub, the mama bear running there first, to only be covered up by a shadow from behind. The grizzly that would have killed off the ape and child was pushed back and placed in water like jail. They could breathe. For now.

Both Apes turn their attention to the human child, their tiny hand extended towards the bear with a not so enclosed fist, smiling upon their achievement.

"We don't want any trouble." The water jail floats towards the cubs, who stare up at it with confusion and awe, released the mama without further harm "There. Happy?"

The grizzly family was not sure what just happened. The cubs doesn't even know anything like that was possible. To which they indeed leave you all alone. Wandering the opposite way of this small stream.

Ash blinks, glancing back and forth from the human cub to the grizzly, signing '....since when did humans have powers? Better yet, where is mine?'

Blue Eyes didn't know what to do or sign. He was just standing there. Unsure and in shock himself...

The small child decided to depart. Only, that was the idea, till the tree tops began to roar with life. Leafes falling as the roaring hoots of Apes were heard. It did not take long for the three to get surrounded by an army of Apes. Many refuse to come down but a few came riding horses. Each face was covered in war paint. They must have all thought a war has been started up. There was no war. Just a bear fight.

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