Twenty Three

Twenty Three

By seven in the morning, Hazel had vomited again for the fourth time. Van picked her up off the floor, holding her against him even when she flinched at their proximity. He put her back to bed, going into the kitchen with the intention of getting her something to eat. To his surprise, he found China and Zash preparing breakfast. They gave him small smiles while Van sat at the breakfast bar, immediately cradling the cup of coffee Zash handed him.

"How is she?" China ventured.

After taking a long drink of coffee, Van replied,"Sick. Pale. Relatively unresponsive."

The brunette paled, stuttering,"Shouldn't we take her to the doctor? What if-"

Van stood up,"I've already called a doctor. I'm taking her there in an hour. Zash, could you cover for me at work? Tell no one anything. And thank you, China, for staying with her last night."

Blushing a bit, China nodded. She turned to Zash and kissed his cheek,"I've got to go. I've got a morning class and a shift at twelve." turning back to Van, she smiled,"Tell Hazel that she should call me whenever. Bye."

Zash grabbed her by the door, pressing his warm lips against hers, then followed her to the elevator. A moment later, he returned to find Van smirking at him.


"Nothing. Just hoping you guys wait until after the baby is born."

Zash gave him a questioning look,"Wait until the baby is born before your wedding."

Zash glared at the bone tired looking man,"Lay off it."

The light moment evaporated when Van heard Hazel calling for him.

Hazel didn't like having to depend on anyone but, so far, her legs didn't seem to exist. She had tried to get up on her own, only to get knocked back on her ass by an angry dizzy spell. Her bladder felt like a sponge that would start leaking any second now. Personally, 'peeing myself' wasn't something she wanted to add to the disgusting list of embarrassment she had started so far.

"Van." she moaned again.

For a brief second, she feared that he had abandoned her; like every other man in her life had.

Then he appeared at her side, chastising her for getting up without calling. He brushed back her nuisance of a hair then bent before her so they were on eye level.

"What is it?" his eyes raked her face in concern.

She shook her head then stopped, closing her eyes to ward off the dizziness.

"Nothing. I need to pee."

Van nodded, a slight blush gracing his cheeks before he stood, taking Hazel by the hand then lifting her bridal style.

"You're too light." he murmured, not looking at her.

Hazel, stared at his jawline, riddled with stubble. It was dark and looked soft to the touch. She wanted to run her fingers through it but clutched her hand, trying to dig her nails into it but realized that her palm was covered in a band aid.

"We are gonna talk about that later." he stated, noticing her staring at her hand.

Tentatively, he put her down on her feet near the toilet then went outside,"I'll be just here if you need anything."

Mentally berating herself for being weak, Hazel did her business then stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Her hair needed a good washing to get rid of the greasy look. Her olive skin was paper pale and her cheeks were beginning to hollow.

"Are you finished?" Van called.

"Just a second."

Hazel stared at the towel she was wrapped in, then took it off and shrugged on one of Van's thick robes.

After brushing her teeth, getting rid of the horrible taste in her mouth, and washing her face, Hazel called out,"V-Van."

Not a moment passed before he came in, his shirt abandoned once again. Hazel refused to be carried so Van wrapped his hands around her to steady her as she turtle walked back into the bedroom. Without permission or warning, he scooped her up, carrying her to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Hazel cried, startled by the sudden movement.

"You need to eat. I know I've never quite carried you before but, you were surely never this weightless when you got here."

Once she was seated on a stool, she allowed herself to saying,"The irony. When I was a 'starving artist' I was healthy and happy, now I'm the wife of a big businessman, I'm as heavy and happy as a feather caught in a bonfire."

The statement didn't miss Van. He turned to her, an eyebrow cocked,"A starving artist? But didn't your fat-"

Eyes wider than saucers, she sputtered,"I think I'm going to puke again."

"Bathroom?" Van rushed to her side but she waved him off, shaking her head slowly,"No. It's passed."

His dark eyes narrowed but he didn't press her, instead, Van gave her the broth China had made then sat across from her.

"You should eat. We leave for a doctor in half hour."

When he was satisfied that she was eating, Van cleared his throat,"We- I need to make sure- this is my baby?"

The unease and absurdity in the question flabbergasted Hazel. In all honesty, she understood his concerns but it did sting nonetheless. Swallowing hard, she summoned her voice,"Yes. I didn't sleep with anyone before or after our... Marriage."

With anger still cursing through her at his hypocrisy, she lashed - even though she knew she had no right to -,"Did you? After... The marriage?"

Van's lethal glare met hers,"I was told that I should but no, I have respect for the institution that is marriage."

Hazel's vibrant eyes shone,"Then why did you smell of perfume? Last Monday? The day I found out you lied to me about using protection!"

She stood, ignoring the dizziness that took her. Surely, she thought, other women weren't so inconvenienced so early in pregnancy.

Van held her arm to steady her then retorted,"I did use protection and I haven't slept with anyone since that blasted night with you!"

Tears sprang to her eyes, but she refused to shed them. Hazel had been right. He didn't care for her, only accepted what every male wanted. Any thoughts she'd harbored about their glorious -no disastrous- night together as being anything more was as pointless as a circular line. Dashing away a stray tear, Hazel licked her dry lips,"I assure you, I won't bother you with anything of mines. I'll make my own goddamn appointment to see a doctor and I'll see to it that whatever my decision is concerning my pregnancy doesn't pertain to you in any sodding way."

Hazel yanked away from his grasp, stumbling as she went, then collapsing in the sofa.

Soon, Van bent at her feet, not knowing where to begin, then he stroked back her hair,"Hazel. I-I didn't mean it that way. When we had sex that night, I felt like a leprechaun had handed me his pot of gold. It was like heaven on earth to be with you like that. I did get drunk that night but that was it. Zash literally knocked some sense into me. I don't want to have sex with anyone else and I definitely want to be in the life of our child. So please-" his voice rose to an hysterical point"-don't make me have to ****ing curse at you again. I refuse to be a monster. And I promise you that that is the last time I'll curse."

Hazel couldn't look at him. His words had been to reassure her but it left her on edge.

Didn't Flin Frank say the same? That her handing over her 'leprechaun pot of gold' -as Van so tactfully put it- had meant more to him than anything? His only interest was her rack.

Van's words were clearly different, but it brought to the surface the dirty feeling she would always get when thinking about Flin.

Her eyes exploded into another round of unhealthy tears, resulting in a headache that could kill a killer whale and the need to sleep so it would all go away.


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