Magician (.7)
"So let me get straight," Melinoe said as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "While you were meant to be relaxing, a bounty hunter tried to shoot you in the head; you discovered an assassination plot against us, and not only that, you managed to bring back a stowaway."
"Hello!" Astrid shouted. Realising the lady was talking about her.
"Yes, hello to you too," Melinoe nodded to the child.
"You make it sound like I did it on purpose," Karaay lightly joked.
Melinoe let out an annoyed sound. "So it was just the one bounty hunter."
"Yes, but there's likely more who have taken the job as well." Uka stepped forward and explained.
Melinoe, Karaay and the Juhani family had gathered in one of the many hallways to discuss the situation. Beings are rushing by. Eagerly on their way to get jobs done.
"Is there any way you could find out more about this?" Melinoe asked Uka.
"I could, but on one condition." Uka gestured with a raised finger.
Naree and Karaay both started shaking their heads at her in worry. Thinking she was trying to pull something cheeky.
"Make sure my family is protected," Uka stated.
"...oh," Melinoe said. Apparently, none of them were expecting that. "Yes, of course, I will."
"Excellent; I'll get to work tomorrow then," Uka said. "But first, I wanna go visit my favourite cousin."
Astrid's face lit up. "Can I stay and meet her too!?"
"Right, there's the matter of that," Melinoe said as she rubbed her temple. "Would you like to sort that out, Naree?"
"Yes, of course," Naree nodded her head.
"But I can help against the bad guys," Astrid told her soon-to-be mother.
Melinoe started walking away. Wanting to deal with her own jobs that had been piling up lately.
"Sweetie, please. We've been over this."
"But I can use my magic powers," Astrid held out.
Before anyone had the chance to shush the girl, Melinoe let out a noise that sounded as if she had just been pushed in the gut. The Sith slowly turned her head back towards the others.
They all stood there in silence. Not really sure what to say to the woman. Who looked to be trying to contain her anger. They watched as Melinoe took a deep breath and turned back around. She made her way down the hall without another word.
Collectively, they all sighed in relief. Karaay, Uka, Naree and Astrid all went down the opposite way down the hall.
Ruta's new office was a slick yet homely place. When the gifted young woman had been made head of the textile and clothes department by Melinoe, she wasted no time. She quickly set up her new office and hired several Marazi to help her out.
Much like the area of the buildings of Cold Sept (or the Nkua Etana Sept as it was starting to get called), it was wall-to-wall cool light grey. With large windows letting in natural light. The rectangle room had been decorated with advanced sewing machines and other tech that assisted in making the Sept's clothes.
As the group walked in, Ruta seemed to be testing some fabrics by placing clothing on a droid. "No, this isn't it..."
"Morning," Uka greeted. Causing the younger woman to turn around in surprise.
"Well, well," Uka laughed. Placing down the material and turning back to the droid for a moment. "You can take a break if you like, GeeCee."
The mannequin-like droid broke the 'natural' pose they had been pulling. Taking some of the equipment to put away before they left.
"I didn't expect to see you lot so soon!" Ruta shouted. Referring mostly to Uka and Astrid. She gave them each a tight hug.
"Your hair's so pretty!" Astrid blurted out. Looking at the women's blue and brown braids.
"You only say that cuz we're matching," Ruta joked as she patted the girl's head. Making the child let out a small giggle.
"It's great to see you, Ruta," Uka told her cousin.
"Same, but," Ruta stopped for a moment and placed a finger under her chin. "I thought the lot of you wouldn't be back until the election was starting."
Ruta sat them all down while Naree and Karaay both explained how the 'vacation' had been cut short by the assassination attempt.
"Oh, Jaks, I thought you were done with all that?" Ruta said, but it was clear she was pulling his chain.
"Why do people always act like I do it on purpose?" Karaay sighed. Causing Naree and Uka to give him knowing smiles. While Astrid was forced to sit there in confusion.
"And how long is Astrid going to be staying with us?" Ruta asked.
"She'll be heading back to Glee Anselm first thing in the morning," Naree said while giving Astrid a stern look. "For her own safety."
Astrid didn't try to argue back this time. Deciding to grumble into her drink instead.
"Speaking of children," Karaay turned his head to the door. "Give it a second."
Right as the man said this, a familiar young boy slid into the room. "Pa!"
"Hello, Jaks," Everyone but Astrid greeted with a hint of exhaustion.
"You gonna come see this weird thing I found," Jaks said as he pulled on his father's mechanical arm.
"Jaks," Karaay stopped him. Pulling him off and turning him towards the other child in the room. "This is Astrid. Say hello."
"Hi!" Jaks said as he gave a somewhat aggressive bow. "Do you wanna see this weird thing I found?"
"Do I?!" Astrid shouted back. Jumping up but stopping for a moment to silently check if it was okay with Uka and Naree.
Uka nodded her head, and Naree let out a sigh. "Okay, but come find us in an hour."
The two kids let out excited noises and thanked the grown-ups around them. Rushing out of the room without another word.
"Told you they'd like each other," Karaay exhaled as he placed his head on the table.
They all continued talking for a bit until Naree said something that caught Karaay off guard.
"I'm sorry about before," She tried to say. "... With Lady Lanami."
"Don't be sorry. These things happen," He reassured her. "I'll just bring it up again later today."
"What's with her anyway?" Uka asked before taking another sip from her drink. "Why did she look like she was gonna blow a fuse when Astrid mentioned her powers?"
Karaay messed with his hair for a moment. Trying to find the best way to put the whole situation into words for his old friend. "See, Melinoe has a 'complicated' past. At least from where we're standing."
The Marazi went on to explain how despite being introduced to several force-sensitive children, like Jaks, Oriana and Vana, she had refused to train any of them. They had all found it rather strange, considering how eager she had been willing for every other task she had been offered.
No one had yet gotten a straight answer from the Sith. They suspected it had something to do with her own training.
"Well, honestly, I'd still prefer her over our other options," Uka joked as she leaned back into her chair.
"We don't have options after what happened with Jaks and the Jedi Temple," Naree reminded her wife. Which made Uka look away with a guilty smile.
Karaay stood up from his chair. "No use putting it off. Thanks for the tea, Ruta."
"Any time," Ruta smiled back.
As Karaay wandered around the place trying to find Melinoe, he thought about what he was going to say to her. Over the past few months, the two had grown to trust each other a lot. Karaay even felt brave enough to say they were friends at this point.
Despite this, Karaay knew better than to push when it came to this kind of thing. People often needed time when it came to healing, and Melinoe was no expectation. This is why Karaay wanted to wait before bringing it up again. He had wanted to ease Melinoe into the idea, but with Astrid's confession, he had to push a little.
Karaay found Melinoe in one of the old meeting rooms. A long room with a large table and many chairs gathered around it. Melinoe was sitting at the head of the table on the other side of the room. Starting down at a datapad with her hands in her hair.
"Can you believe this list of candidates?" Melinoe asked Karaay without even looking up.
"What's wrong? I think it's a pretty good one for the most part," Karaay said as he walked down to sit in the chair next to Melinoe.
"You, Sestu and this Pyke fellow all make sense to me," Melinoe lifted the pad to show it to him. "But this?"
Karaay looked at the pad to see himself and the previously mentioned Overseer candidates. Along with pictures of his cousin, Antonella, and Melinoe.
"What's Antonella doing on this? She hasn't even visited the Sept before."
"What I don't understand is why I'm on here?"
"Well, when picking an Overseer, there's the first round of elections where the-"
"Karaay!" Melinoe stopped him from continuing his sarcastic explanation. "You know what I mean."
"You've done a lot to help this place get going," Karaay told her honestly. "Half the people currently living here are here thanks to your involvement in Obani."
"That's not enough to warrant wanting me as their leader," Melinoe insisted. "They're better off with you or Sestu."
"I can't speak for Sestu, but I've done the Overseer thing before and would rather clean a reaper's teeth than do it again."
Melinoe stayed quiet for a moment. "I always forget you used to be one... You're not running then?"
Karaay shook his head with a smile. "That just leaves you, Meca and Sestu."
"I'm not running! And what about your cousin?"
"Not enough beings are gonna vote for Antonella in the second run," Karaay confidently told her. "As I said: she's never even been to Nkua Etana before."
"What makes you think I have a chance?" Melinoe challenged him.
Karaay raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Again, you have a good reputation with half the beings here thanks to helping them be free of the Horne Company. Meca's a smart and well-put-together guy, but he doesn't have the same history with this place as you and Sestu."
"So you think it will be Sestu?"
"That depends on whether he'll claim the right to be a candidate."
"Of course, he will. He's a good man that cares about his people."
"All I'm saying is don't count yourself out. There are still a few days to decide if you want to claim it."
"Don't be silly," Melinoe rolled her eyes.
The man couldn't help but smile at her. Melinoe seemed to be easing up as they talked. Karaay thought about saying something else but then remembered why he was there in the first place. "Melinoe, I wanted to talk to you about training the children."
The Sith just gave him a tired look. "I don't understand why you and Cordelia think it would be a good idea."
"We've both seen what you can do-"
"Which is all the more reason," Melinoe stopped him.
"We can't afford to have them running around without any real training," Karaay continued. "Jaks is a good kid, but he's overeager. He's gotta get himself and others hurt without help."
"We'll find training somewhere else. For all of them."
"With who? The Jedi?"
"We'll, probably not," Melinoe said in an exacerbated tone.
"Please, I trust you,"
"Again, why?"
"You saved Sestu's life that night. I don't know how, but he was hours away from death and whatever you did saved him."
Melinoe stood up suddenly. Gathering up her datapad and making her way out of the room. "We're not having this conversation again."
And with that, she closed the door with a loud bang. Leaving Karaay to think about where he went wrong.
A ways away, Jaks Jr and Astrid made their way back inside after taking a look at Jaks' weird discovery. The thing in question was a deep crater that seemed to go through the whole island. The two were debating how deep it went. Jaks was determined that it went further beneath the island. Maybe as far as the crystal caves.
Astrid found this theory to be silly. 'Who would waste their time digging a hole that deep?' She reasoned.
The conversation moved on, and Astrid brought up something that had been bothering her all day. "That one lady with the really long dark hair?"
"Lady Vi?" What about her?" Jaks asked.
"Does she not like people like us? People with magic powers, I mean?" Astrid wondered as she fiddled with her hands behind her back.
"People will the Force, you mean?" Jaks wondered. Making Astrid nod her head meekly. "It's not that she doesn't like us. I actually think she likes us a lot. It's just..."
Jaks leaned over to Astrid as if he was about to tell her a big secret. "She has baggage."
Astrid thought for a moment. "So, she's worried something bad will happen if she likes us?"
"Yeah, just don't say anything to the grown-ups," Jaks told her as he went back to guiding her somewhere. "They act weird when you say something."
"Oh, got it,"
They eventually ran into who Jaks was looking for. A familiar Twi'lek and a human girl were sitting at one of the couches. Drawing and working on a puzzle, respectively. Jaks made quick work of introducing his new friend to them.
Oriana seemed delighted, but Jaks couldn't tell how Vana felt about it (as usual).
"So, he showed you the crater?" Vana asked without looking up from her drawing pad.
"I prefer to call it the big hole," Jaks corrected.
"Yeah, but I don't believe it goes as deep as he says," Astrid told her.
"See, Jaks?" Vana said in an 'I told you so' tone.
"One day, I'm gonna prove it," Jaks swore.
"Bet there's a ton of crazy stuff around here, huh?" Astrid asked the three of them.
"You should see some of the fish. They're like the size of speeders!" Oriana told her while stretching her arms out as an example.
"Sounds delicious," Astrid smiled.
"There's a lot crazier stuff than a crater," Vana said as she looked directly at Jaks.
"Are you saying you can beat my discovery?" Jaks kidded as he hopped onto the couch next to Vana.
"Anyone could," Vana grumbled.
In a very childlike fashion, this conversation turned into a competition over who could find the craziest thing before the election (cuz that seemed like a big deal to the grown-ups).
Astrid was a bit down at the thought of not being able to stick around for it. It was bad enough that she wasn't allowed to spend more time with her parents.
But someone must have been looking down on Astrid. Because, as Uka would tell her later that night, apparently, the storm had gotten so bad at Emiowara that Zelta was advertising them to stay on Marazi for now.
Astrid was over the moon when she heard this. She could barely even sleep that night.
"Someone's looking out for you, love," Naree said as she trucked Astrid in that night. Giving Uka one of her many knowing smiles.
The next week had been one of the most exciting ones Astrid had ever had. Making so many new friends and getting to explore her new home. To an extent.
None of them were allowed to go too far into the wilds without an adult to go with them. Adding a bit of a challenge to their new game. Despite the limitation, Astrid was determined to 'find the coolest thing'. Uka and Naree guessed it had something to do with wanting to impress her new friends.
All the parents went along with it, taking each of them out every other day. Just to wander around.
Oriana found a couple of plants she found interesting while out with Melinoe. Vana was convinced she had found the start of an underground tunnel system, but Sestu refused to let her have a further look. Jaks was pretty confident with his original find.
Astrid, on the other hand, felt like she was onto something big.
"What are we looking for again?" Karaay, being the closest grown-up Astrid could get her hands on, was dragged along today.
"Something amazing!" Astrid shouted as she walked along the seashore.
"Right," Karaay said as he rubbed his gloves together.
"I feel it! There's something around here, Lord Ray Ray!" Astrid shouted with glee.
"You can just call me Karaay or Jaks, if you like?"
While Astrid searched around the small lake, Karaay took the time to take samples. It was something they had been falling behind on lately. That was one of the things Karaay found annoying about finding Overseers. Everyone got distracted by it, especially beings like him.
The world wouldn't end if he didn't keep up with field research, but it still felt wrong to let it fall behind.
They stuck around for about another thirty minutes. They were a good distance away from the main facilities. Having gotten there via hover-truck. It was one of the clunker modes of transport, but it was much safer than a bike.
"We better start heading back. Winds are picking up," Karaay called to Astrid.
Astrid made a sad noise and started making her way up to Karaay. "Okay."
"Huh, that was easy," Karaay said in surprise as he looked down at the girl. "Guess I'm used to Jaks arguing a bit more."
The two slowly made their way back up the hill. Holding their coats closer to their bodies as the snow started to whip around them. Even with goggles on, Karaay could barely see what was ahead of them.
"What's that glowing?" Astrid asked. Staying close to Karaay's side.
He looked in the direction she was pointing. Spotting two faint blue glows. Karaay squinted as whatever it was started getting closer. His eyes snapped open as a large dog-like animal became visible. It started charging towards them. While making loud growls.
On instinct, Karaay grabbed the child and rolled out of the way. The beast narrowly scratched his side. Taking several tools off his belt along with it.
This caused Karaay to become somewhat disoriented. Losing track of which direction the truck was.
Karaay looked around in a panic. Seeing that the... wolf thing, shit! He couldn't remember what it was called at that moment. It was turning around and getting ready to leap at them again. He lifted Astrid up into his arms and started running.
With his stun blaster gone, Karaay had no way of defending himself, and he certainly wasn't going to take any chances by trying to get it back. Especially with Astrid in his arms.
The girl held onto Karaay tightly. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders in a death drip. Which, unfortunately, gave her the perfect view of the creature chasing after them.
Karaay didn't know what he was looking for. Anything that could work as a hiding place. Praying to the ancestors for something to get them out of this situation.
He got his wish, albeit, in a very unexpected and less-than-ideal way. The ground he was running on suddenly started giving way. Opening up a crack in the ground. Karaay tried to stop, only to slip on the ice.
All things considered, the fall could have been a lot worse. Karaay tumbled down the icy walls. Keeping Astrid from getting hurt by taking most of the bumps himself.
They landed on the rocky floor of what appeared to be a hidden cave. Karaay let out a goan. Feeling the pain from the fall in his back.
"Are you okay, Astrid," Karaay asked as the girl sat up from the ground.
"I think so," Astrid told him. "Is the dog gonna follow us?"
"I'm not sure," Karaay answered honestly.
Astrid looked up at the hole that they had fallen from. "What was that?"
"I think it's called a snow stalker," Karaay sighed. Still not getting up from the floor.
"I can't see her," Astrid told him.
"That's good,"
"I can't see anything," Astrid frowned.
"Here," Karaay passed her a flare. Knowing his torch was one of the things he lost. "Don't wander off. Give me a second, and I'll call the others to get us."
"I won't," Astrid told him with a pout.
The room was illuminated with a bright red glow. Karaay stayed still for a few seconds but opened one of his eyes when he heard Astrid let out a small gasp.
"What is it?" He asked. Finally, getting up from his lying position.
Karaay looked up to see something unbelievable. A massive creature was encased in the ice. A leviathan bigger than any animal Karaay had ever seen in this region.
So very a much huge update! Melinoe's love interest won't be Obi-Wan anymore. I realised recently that I just have no interest in Melinoe and Obi as a couple (literally look at my asks on tumblr for them, and I always answer something along the lines of "I haven't developed this, or I need to develop it more").
They'll still have an important relationship within the story. It will just be platonic (is that the right word when you're enemies?)
For anyone curious: I'm planning on doing a romantic relationship between Melinoe and Cody. But I won't be able to write that until clone wars, so I won't mark any love interests in tags and what have you until that part of the story.
(A selfish part of me knows the hits are gonna tank on this story now. I'm sorry to all the people that came here for a Obi-Wan/OC fic).
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