Interval (.5)
The two force sensitives stood in one of the corridors of the ship. Staring each other down. Not knowing what to say. Melinoe eventually decided to be the one to break the silence.
"What was that, Kenobi?" She asked. Feinting ignorance.
Kenobi blinked in confusion. As if he had just woken up from some kind of haze. "My apologies. I thought I heard... something."
Melinoe nodded her head. She started moving away. Only for Kenobi to reach for her arm. "Are you alright? You seem anxious."
"Do I?" Melinoe said with a smirk. The moment Kenobi found her, Melinoe's walls went back up. "The boy and I were talking. He misses his mother. It reminded me of my own family."
Kenobi let go of her arm. It didn't seem like he was expecting that answer. "I'm sorry."
Melinoe looked back at him for a moment. She could tell he didn't completely mean it. Kenobi had put himself in a situation he wasn't ready for and was trying to somewhat remedy it. "It's fine. I'm just being silly."
Melinoe started moving away. Only to have Kenobi follow after her.
"The boy. Anakin? Did he say anything else to you?" Kenobi asked.
A small smile appeared on Melinoe's face that was much more earnest than her previous smirk. "We talked about the weather."
Kenobi gave her a vexed look. "That's not what I meant."
"Well, how am I supposed to know that?" Melinoe joked.
"You're a very exhausting woman to be around." Kenobi sighed.
Melinoe felt a strange ping in her chest when hearing that. There was something mildly amusing about it.
"Are you worried about the boy?" Melinoe defected.
"I... No, no, I was just checking in."
Kenobi must have realised that the guard was trying to leave the conversation. He silently nodded his head and turned to go check on his Master. Melinoe, in turn, narrowed her eyes in suspicion but turned her head and started moving in the opposite direction.
The Jedi were messing with her head, and the sooner she was rid of them, the better. After checking in with the captain, Melinoe fell asleep against one of the walls of the ship.
She opened her eyes and found herself standing in a large meeting room surrounded by Jedi. All whispering among themselves until tiny green Jedi spoke up. "Master Qui-Gon more to say, have you?"
Melinoe snapped around to see the Jinn with a thoughtful look on his face. "With your permission, my Master. I have encountered a vergence in the Force."
"A vergence, you say?" The smaller Jedi replied curiously.
"Located around a person?" Another Jedi asked. Sounding more concerned than curious.
"A boy... his cells have the highest concentration of midi-chlorians I have ever seen in a life form. It is possible he was conceived by the midi-chlorians."
"You're referring to the prophecy of the ones who will bring balance to the Force... you believe this boy is one of the chosen ones?"
Quiet whispers filled up the room, but Jinn kept his focus on the Jedi Masters in front of him. "I don't presume..."
"But you do! Revealed your opinion is."
Jinn took a deep breath. "I request the boy be tested, Master."
The whispers become much more prominent. Some even voicing their doubts. "With all due respect Master Yoda. The prophecy is most likely nothing but the rambles of a mad man." A Jedi on the other side of the room said firmly.
"I don't believe that is the case," Jinn spoke over his fellow Jedi. "Finding this boy was the will of the Force... I have no doubt of that."
"Trained as a Jedi, you request for him?" Yoda asked Jinn.
Jinn didn't answer, but Yoda continued to study him and then turned to the Jedi next to him.
"Bring him before us, then." The other Jedi asked.
"Raza," A voice spoke up.
The scene faded, and Melinoe started to reluctantly wake up from her stupor. Seeing Captain Panaka looking down at her, she deduced that they must have arrived on Coruscant. She quickly got up from the chair she had fallen asleep in and followed the captain to join the rest of the group.
"Sorry, Captain," Melinoe said like a schoolgirl who got caught sleeping during class.
"Don't worry. Just stay sharp." Panaka replied as he rejoined the rest of the party on the ramp of the ship.
The group descend out of the ship. Lead by Jinn and Kenobi, the party make their way over to the Supreme Chancellor, Finis Valorum, and the senator of Naboo, Sheev Palpatine. Everyone bowed their heads in respect to the men before moving to the side to let the Queen approach them.
"It is a great gift to see you alive, Your Majesty." Senator Palpatine smiled. "With the communications breakdown, we've become very concerned. I'm anxious to hear your report on the situation. May I present Supreme Chancellor Valorum."
Palpatine turned to the Chancellor. "Welcome, Your Highness. It's an honour to finally meet you in person." Valorum said with a stern look.
"Thank you, Supreme Chancellor." The Queen replied.
"I must relay to you how distressed everyone is over the current situation. Therefore, I've called for a special session of the Senate to hear your position." Valorum said.
The Queen nodded. "I am grateful for your concern, Chancellor."
Palpatine continued to lead half the group over to a nearby transport while the chancellor stayed behind to speak privately with the Jedi. Melinoe followed the Queen and her retinue until she noticed that the boy had stopped to look back at Master Jinn and his padawan.
"Ani," Padmé called over to him. Causing him to snap back around.
Melinoe stepped over to him. Placing a gentle hand on his back as she walked him over to the waiting air taxi. Some of the tension radiating from the boy seemed to fade as Melinoe did this, but she pretended not to notice.
A few hours later, Melinoe found herself waiting outside the Senator's office with the boy and the Gungan. And while the boy's tension did fade somewhat, that didn't mean it was gone entirely. He had quaking hands and a pale look on his face. His eyes kept darting back and forth to every new thing that came into his line of vision.
It felt like Melinoe was slowly becoming the boy's babysitter. Which was the last thing she wanted.
"You shouldn't eavesdrop. It's not polite." Melinoe joked to the boy as he tried to listen in to the meeting between the Queen and Palpatine.
The Gungan, Jar Jar, eventually got bored and decided to take the boy exploring. Leaving Melinoe alone with her thoughts. Her mind drifted back to a time that felt a bit more hopeful.
"Mel... Mel, wake up." Eglantine whispered to her friend.
Melinoe looked up to see Eglantine's deep brown eyes and a familiar kind look on her face.
"What?" Melinoe groaned.
"I HAVE to show you something," Eglantine said.
"This better be good, Eggie," Melinoe said as she rose up from her rags on the floor.
Eglantine opened up her hand to reveal a small crystal in the palm of her hand.
"This isn't what I think it is?"
"It is what you think it is." Eglantine smiled proudly.
"Where did you get a kyber crystal?"
"I found it during the 'training mission'. Got a bunch of scars getting to it, though."
"Are you okay?" Melinoe asked. Taking her friend's hand.
"I'm fine, Mel. I've had a lot worse."
Melinoe smiled at her friend then down to the crystal. This meant they were one step closer to becoming powerful enough to overcome Heiss.
"I can't wait to get out here," Melinoe said quietly.
"Where are you going to go?" Eglantine asked.
Melinoe paused. She hadn't really thought about it beyond just getting off Byss. She didn't really want to go back to Csilla. There wasn't anything left for her there. "Honestly? I don't really know."
"You can come back to Marazi with me if you like?" Eglantine said with the most genuine smile Melinoe had ever seen.
"Are you sure?"
"I don't see why not. But, to be honest, I don't think I could imagine my life without you, Melinoe."
Melinoe that out a sigh. That was one of the few moments she remembers being truly happy.
"It'll be over soon." She thought to herself.
By the time the sun started to set, the Queen and her handmaidens had retired to their temporary living space in Senator Palpatine's quarters. So that the group could swap Sabe out for Padmé in preparation for the senate meeting.
Melinoe wasn't surprised when Skywalker came knocking at the door. He approached Melinoe with a hopeful look in his eyes as he entered the room.
"I'm sorry, but Padmé's not here," Melinoe told him. Causing the hopefulness to dim a little.
"Who is it." Padmé, now dressed in an oversized red and gold dress, walked into Skywalker's line of sight.
"Anakin Skywalker to see Padmé, Your Highness," Melinoe answered.
Melinoe silently commended the work the Queen and her handmaidens put into this routine. The way the six of them had to be so in sync with each other was indeed impressive. The heavy makeup, demeanour, and even how she sounded all worked together to create an admirable disguise.
"I've sent Padmé on an errand." The Queen said calmly.
"I'm on my way to the Jedi temple to start my training, I hope." The boy said. Suffling his feet nervously when the Queen didn't respond. "I may not see her again... so... I came to say goodbye."
There was a hint of sadness in the Queen's eyes as she spoke. "We will tell her for you. We are sure her heart goes with you."
Skywalker gave a smile and a quick bow. "Thank you, Your Highness."
The Queen bowed back and made her way back through the door she came out of. Melinoe led the boy back to the door. She looked down at him, a hint of pity on her face as he walked out the door.
Five hours and a building full of politicians later, the entourage returned to the Senator's office. With Padmé standing at one of the windows. Looking down at the bright lights and bustling people of the city below.
"I don't know what to do," Padmé said quietly as Melinoe passed by her. "The whole senate seems committed to taking as long as possible at the expense of our peoples' lives."
"It's quite the conundrum, my lady," Melinoe replied. Moving to stand next to her.
Padmé looked up at her with a fearful look in her eyes. Reminding Melinoe just how young the Queen was.
"You're scared," Melinoe said matter of factly. "But have faith in your abilities, my lady, and you will prevail,"
"Yousa tinken yousa people ganna die?" The Gungan asked suddnely. Padmé stayed quiet for a moment. "Gungans get pasted too, eh?"
"I want to stop it from happening if possible," Padmé said honestly.
"Gungans no die'n without a fight... wesa warriors. We gotta grand army. Dat why you no liken us, mesa tinks."
The Queen gave a small smile to the Gungan. Right as the captain and Senator Palpatine made their way into the room. "Your Highness, Senator Palpatine has been nominated to succeed Valorum as Supreme Chancellor."
"A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Your Majesty, if I am elected, I promise to put an end to corruption." Senator Palpatine said with a proud smile.
"Who else has been nominated? Amidala asked. Seemingly not sharing the captain's excitement.
"Bail Antilles of Alderaan and Ailee Teem of Malastare." The captain answered.
"I feel confident ... our "situation" will create a strong sympathy vote for us," The Senator explained without a hint of hesitation. "I will be Chancellor."
"I fear by the time you have control of the bureaucrats, Senator, there will be nothing left of our people, our way of life..." Amidala said.
"I understand your concern, Your Majesty; unfortunately, the Federation has possession of our planet," Palpatine argued.
"Senator, this is your arena. I feel I must return to mine. I've decided to go back to Naboo." Amidala said.
"Go back!! But, Your Majesty, be realistic! They'll force you to sign the treaty."
"I will sign no treaty, Senator. My fate will be no different from that of our people. Captain!" Amidala stated. Standing her ground.
Amidala turned to Melinoe. "Ready my ship!
"At once, my lady." Melinoe nodded
"You can't possibly agree to this! Have her stay here... where it's safe." Palpatine said. Moving towards Melinoe.
Melinoe felt her body go rigid for a moment. "I'll do as I'm instructed, Senator."
Amidala made her way between Melinoe and the senator. "It is clear to me now that the Republic no longer functions. I pray you will bring sanity and compassion back to the Senate."
Amidala made her way out of the room. Followed by the rest of the retinue. Leaving the Senator alone.
Once the taxi had reached the ship, the dock. The group found the two Jedi and Skywalker waiting for them.
"Your Majesty, it is our pleasure to continue to serve and protect you," Jinn said.
"I welcome your help. Senator Palpatine fears the Federation means to destroy me." Amidala replied.
"I assure you, I will not let that happen," Jinn said sternly.
Amidala gave him a nod and made her way over to the entrance of the ship. Followed closely by the handmaidens.
"Wesa goen home!" The Jar Jar shouted loudly.
Once in hyperspace, plans were made for when they all arrived back on Naboo. Amidala, with help from Jar Jar, hoped to form an alliance with the Gungans. Combining their efforts to take the Federation off the planet by Force.
Melinoe briefly expressed concern over Padmé choosing to approach the Gungans as a handmaiden but was quick to silence herself. Remembering that these people were not her allies. Despite Melinoe's best wishes, Padmé did seem to take note of it.
Once she was alone, she checked on her orders again and confirmed her orders to continue watching the Queen for now. She took a deep breath. Remembering her own mission here.
"You're letting yourself get attached." Melinoe thought to herself.
She reminded herself that these people didn't matter. Her goal was to keep playing along as Heiss' loyal slave until she was strong enough to destroy her. She knew damn well that she was no match for Heiss with her current skills and strength.
This mission was just a stepping stone in the end. Melinoe would keep waiting and biding her time until she was in the right position was turn on Heiss and make her suffer, but the state was indefinitely wasn't the right time.
Unfortunately, Melinoe wasn't the only one with plans. Halfway across the galaxy, the Sith Lady in question discussed her plans for the woman to her fellow Sith.
"Her ability to hide her force sensitivity from others is indeed impressive." Darth Sidious said begrudgingly.
"I'd be a fool to deny that she is strong," Darth Heiss said. "The both of them. Together they are most formidable."
"Do you fear them?"
"Of course not. I look forward to breaking the two of them. Lanami, in particular, I have special plans for." Heiss said with a soulless smile.
Me writing Viveza being a little nicer to baby Ani than originally planned just because a friend of mine expressed how much they love baby Ani? Why yes.
And to be clear Melinoe doesn't know that Darth Sidious/Palpatine are the same person. To Sidious, Melinoe is just Heiss' experiment/plaything so wouldn't let her in on the bigger plan. Like to the point where he doesn't even consider her and Eglantine Sith (which is how I justify Melinoe and Eglantine being allowed to exist in the canon despite the Rule of Two).
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