Chapter 7
Saturday, 05:33 pm.
Instead of going to the Mega Monster Amusement Park, Nya and Jay decided to hang out in his and Cole's apartment. However, Jay still insisted on going on another day to which Nya obliged to. They had spent a little bit alone time in Jay's room, cuddling with each other on his bed while talking about how much they had missed each other more in detail. Then they walked into the living room to eat some lunch together with Cole. While eating homemade lasagna, which was surprisingly delicious, Cole and Nya got to know each other better and made friends quickly.
Now they were back in Jay's car with him driving towards the movie theater. The car ride didn't take that long, and it was accompanied by a comfortable silence with Jay focusing on the road and Nya staring out of the window, watching the many cars and other vehicles pass by. After he parked the car right in front of the movie theater, Jay immediately hopped off and ran across to Nya's side, opening the door for her. She laughed, taking his hand once again and getting out of the car herself.
They walked inside hand in hand, seeing their path being packed with posters of premiering movies of all genres.
"Look at that!" Jay said, pointing at a science fiction movie with Fritz Donnegan starring.
"You still like that franchise?" Nya asked, chuckling. She could still exactly remember how he got excited when the first movie of Starfarer came out. He was the one to drag her to the very first movie premiere six years ago, after all.
"Like it? No. Love it? God, yes!" He then turned towards her, pouting while trying muster one of his best puppy eyes ever. "Can we watch it?"
She let out a cute laugh. "Sure, why not."
And, just as she had already anticipated, Jay tightened his grip on her hand and dragged her towards the cash register to buy the tickets.
After getting two tickets in one of the last rows, they walked up to the snack area to buy some popcorn and some more Coke.
It took them a while to find their seats inside of the theater due to the lights already being out, but once they did, they realized they had a little bit of space from other people that were waiting for the movie to start. And yes, they were mostly little children with their parents, screaming as if they were about to be burned alive. Every single time the two lovebirds thought the kids were done with screaming, they winced when another round was initiated.
Then finally, the movie began. Almost during the whole first half of the movie, the children kept screaming until a worker at the theater had enough of it and told them to keep quiet or leave, and luckily, the kids stopped.
Nya was quite fascinated by how many lines Jay knew by heart, but considering this being his favorite comic book hero ever, it wasn't anything unexpected. Even at his age. She smiled, letting him ramble on about how much he loved Starfarer and how much he would love to meet the actor, Cliff Gordon, in real life. It would be like a dream come true.
They both were enjoying watching the movie together, with his arm wrapped around her shoulders and her head leaning against his shoulder, but at some point it... escalated. It escalated a lot. Because when Jay grabbed into the huge bowl of caramel covered popcorn, he aimed for his mouth, however missing by a whole lot and hitting Nya in her face instead. She gasped, looking at him accusingly. Then she just had to take revenge and they didn't stop throwing popcorn at each other until they were actually kicked out of the theater.
They didn't mind, though.
All they did was laughing it off together and walking back to Jay's car. Once both were inside, and the doors and windows were closed, they were free to laugh as loudly as they wanted to, which they did.
"I can't believe we actually got kicked out like that!" Nya said, gasping for air as she looked at him trying to do the same.
He nodded before being able to answer. "I mean, we did deserve it." Jay then lost it again.
Nya leaned her head back at her seat, looking up, sighing. "That was amazing." She said, looking at him.
Then Jay did the same gesture, crossing his arms lazily in front of his lower stomach and turning his head towards hers. He leaned forward to her and reached his hand out to pull a piece of popcorn out of her hair, letting the window roll down just a little bit to throw it out of the car.
"You ready to tell my brother about us?" She asked, hoping for a positive answer.
"Will he rip my head off?" Jay asked, putting the car keys into the slot and twisting them, starting up the engine.
"Probably." She answered, grabbing the black cord to put on her seatbelt. "If you harm me in any way, then yes." She said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
The teacher pulled out of the parking area and got on the road, stopping at a red light immediately. He took her hand in his, flashing her a bright smile. "Then I have nothing to worry about." Just then, he focused back on the road once it was green again, however still holding her hand.
She smiled at his answer, feeling a warm feeling inside.
He pulled up in front of the Smiths' house and parked his Porsche just where he had parked it early in the morning.
Just as he got out of the car and put the keys into his pocket, he felt his heart pounding faster. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he imagined how the talk with his new girlfriend's brother might end like and honestly, he just wanted to back out again. It was when Nya walked around the car and held his hand, leading him across the street. They walked up the porch and he watched her pull out her keys, ready to open the door.
'There's no going back now.' He told himself, watching his girlfriend stick the right key into the slot and turning it a few times. Hearing a small click, she opened the door slowly.
He gulped.
There really was no going back at that point.
"Kai, we're back!" Nya yelled, tossing her keys into the little bowl right next to the front door. After taking off her shoes, and Jay doing the same, she made her way over to the dining table to see her brother sitting at the table with a bowl of ice cream in his hands, scrolling through his phone.
He looked up, smiling at the sight of her being back before curfew. "Hey. How was it?" He put his phone down, giving his sister his full attention.
"It was pretty good, but let's have dinner now, okay? We're starving!" She exaggerated a little, hoping for the conversation to happen a little bit after and not right now.
Kai raised an eyebrow. "We?"
"Yeah, we- Jay?" Nya turned around to not see him anywhere. "Where'd he go?" She asked herself, walking back in the direction she came from.
Around halfway through the corridor, she could see him standing in his tracks, looking at his fingers while playing with them. She walked up to him, stopping in front of him.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
Jay's head jolted up. "N-Nothing. Let's go." He said, walking ahead.
Nya held him back on his sleeve, making him turn back towards her. She raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to start. Jay stared back at her, not wanting to open up, however her stare and the silence were against it.
He sighed. "I'm scared, okay? What if he doesn't want me to be with you?" Jay asked in a hushed tone, not wanting Nya's brother to hear him.
She smiled. "Don't worry!" She took his hand. "It's gonna be fine, trust me!"
Jay looked Nya into her eyes, seeing the kind of spark he'd always longed for. Feeling a smile creep up on his face, he caved in. Nodding, he led the way.
However, right before they could enter the dining room, he let go of his girlfriend's hand, stepping to the side to let her go in first which she did. She understood that he was still anxious, so she decided to take it easier than first wanted.
"Hi." Kai greeted Jay, looking back up from his phone. "Take a seat." He gestured at the two empty seats on the other side of the table.
Jay gulped and waved at him, taking a seat next to Nya.
"So, how was your day?" Kai asked, stuffing his phone away.
"It was great, actually." Nya started. "We went to a lot of places, saw new things, I made a new friend, and so on." She laughed nervously.
Kai caught up on that. "Oh, was it? Who's your new friend?"
"I think you already know him. His name is Cole."
"Ohh, him! He's a nice guy." Kai then raised an eyebrow. "But how did you meet him?"
Then, Jay chimed in. "He's actually my roommate."
"No way, I- your roommate?" Kai's eyes wide, he turned to his sister. "You went home with him?" He narrowed his eyes.
Nya didn't know how, but somehow she was able to keep the oncoming blush to fade away as quickly as it arrived. "Yeah, Cole asked Jay if he could go grocery shopping quickly, so we just brought the groceries and left right away. That's how I got to know Cole." She simply stated.
Kai looked at Jay who immediately nodded, trying to convince him which he luckily managed to do.
"Alright. I've made some rice with chicken, it'll be ready in less than five. I'ma go check on it." So Kai stood up and left the room, heading towards the kitchen.
Both Jay and Nya let out a held in breath, looking at each other.
"On second thought, how about we keep it a secret for just a little bit longer?" Nya asked, embarrassed because of the fact that she was the one telling him to tell her brother immediately at first.
Jay nodded, relieved. "Yeah."
After a little while, Kai returned to the dining room with two plates and put them in front of Jay and Nya and went back to get his own plate and also the drinks.
After getting everything required, Kai could finally sit down again.
"This looks great!" Jay stated, looking down at the dish. Nya nodded.
"Thanks!" Kai beamed, feeling happy after getting a compliment from someone else other than his own sister for once.
They all started eating, then.
Around halfway through, Kai tried to attempt to start a new conversation. "So, Jay, what have you been up to for all this time?"
Jay swallowed down his bite before answering. "You know, after I graduated from high school, I immediately began with my teacher training." Then he looked at Nya, smiling. "I actually graduated from the same high school you're going to."
"Really?" Nya beamed. "That's amazing."
"I've heard to become a teacher, you need to teach at least two subjects?" Kai asked.
"That's true." Jay cut a piece of his chicken leg. "I'm teaching Physics and History." Then he ate his cut out piece.
"You're just my Physics teacher, though." Nya smiled sadly. But also not too sadly for Kai.
Jay looked back at her. He nodded. "Unfortunately." He whispered to himself. Luckily for him, Kai didn't hear that.
"I heard you're with Skylor?" Jay asked, turning the tables around for starting a conversation.
Kai almost choked on his food. "How do you know that?"
"Let's just say a little bird told me about it." Jay smirked, glancing over at Nya who was looking away obviously, drinking out of her glass.
She peeked at the boys with one eye while still holding the glass to her mouth. "What?" She asked innocently, pulling the glass a little away.
Jay chuckled at her behavior before turning back to Kai. "How did you get together?"
"I introduced them to each other!" Nya chimed in, raising her arm.
Kai laughed. "Yeah, she did. We first met when Nya told me she wanted to bring a friend over for a school project, and I guess it worked out fine for us."
"Mhm. Yeah, it did." Nya smirked, making her brother's face go red immediately.
"That's enough, Nya, thank you." Kai said, embarrassed.
They all laughed which was interrupted by a phone ringing. "Not mine." Nya said, putting her phone back into her pocket.
"It's mine, I'll be right back." Jay announced, getting off of his chair and leaving the room.
Kai looked at Nya who just shrugged, not knowing who it was either. After only a few seconds, Jay entered the room again. Based on the look on his face, Nya could see it wasn't anything good.
"It was Cole. He told me to come back home because apparently he blew up the water heater." Jay sighed.
Kai's eyes widened. "How is that even possible?"
"It's Cole we're talking about. Once you get to know him better, you'll understand everything." He chuckled.
Nya got up from her chair as well and walked up to him. "It's fine, go and save your damsel in distress." She laughed.
He chuckled. "Will do."
They then walked over to the front door together. She opened the door. "I'll see you on Monday?"
"Of course." He smiled.
Jay attempted to pull Nya into a hug, but decided against it once he saw Kai walking up from behind her.
"You can come over whenever you want to." Kai smiled. Nya nodded in agreement.
Jay smiled as he nodded back. Then he walked off the porch, towards his vehicle. Before he could get in, he heard his secret girlfriend shout after him.
"Drive safely!"
He looked back towards the Smiths' door, seeing only Nya standing there. Raising his hand in the air, he showed her a thumbs up, agreeing to her warning. Then, after both waved to each other, he climbed inside and shortly after, drove away.
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