Chapter 1

Thursday, 09:29 am.


That's how you can describe it.

Or weird, maybe?

Anyways, for a whole of ninety minutes, the situation was just very awkward. Skylor had tried to talk to Nya during class and ask her why she was so weird when she saw the teacher, but all she got was always 'what do you mean?' or 'I wasn't weird!'.

Mr Walker wasn't any better, really. He kept stuttering whenever he directed his gaze away from the board and looked at his students.

"Nya, what's going on? And I want the truth!" Skylor whispered into Nya's ear when the teacher turned back towards the board to write something on it.

Nya frowned at her friend. "Nothing, Sky. Why do you keep asking?" She answered quite annoyed.

"Well," The redhead began. "I can see something's not right. Call it best friend sense or whatever, but I know you too well to-"

Ding... Dong... Ding... Dong...

"Alright, that's it for today." The teacher turned around to see everyone already putting their stuff into their bags and making their ways over to the door. Everyone but one.

Nya looked at her teacher and then he started to look back at her.

Weird, that's the word.

She slowly stood up from her seat and put her book into her bag, slinging it on one of her shoulders. Skylor walked in the front and Nya just then realized that they both were, in fact, the last students in the class. Nya pushed her chair up to the table and started to walk after her best friend.

She heard a sigh. "Miss Smith, may I talk to you for a second?"

Both of the girls stopped in their tracks and turned towards the teacher behind the desk.

"Of course." Nya then turned towards Skylor who was standing in the doorway. "Can you go to the bench and wait?" She asked.

Skylor nodded and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Nya looked back at Jay and didn't really know how to start. That was until he walked over to her and pulled her into a hug, completely startling her. She was literally staring into his chest because of her height before she hugged him back.

"I can't believe this." He said when he pulled away to look at her.

She sighed, smiling. "You've changed so much, I see."

He chuckled. "I mean, four years are a lot. But you yourself have changed, also. Let your hair grow out, eh?" He looked at her high, pitch black ponytail.

"Yeah, after a while, very short hair became boring so I let it grow out." Her smile then turned into a frown. "Jay?"


"All those years back, why did you ignore all my calls and messages until I gave up and-"

"I never meant to!" Jay quickly interrupted her, slightly squeaking. "Please believe me!"

"Then why did you ghost me?" She asked, her voice sad.

He sighed. "When my parents and I moved here, it was all so new to me. I mean, it was very hard to leave you behind because my parents got promoted and we had to move. Then, one day, I was sitting in a bus and when I got off, I realized I had left my phone on my seat and when I turned around, the bus already began to drive away. We tried so hard to find it again, but I never got it back. And all my contacts were on that thing and I didn't write your number or anyone else's anywhere else, so I never got to text you and tell you. And when I told my parents to go back to you to get your number, they said no." By the time he ended his speech, he had tears in his eyes which Nya noticed.

This time, she initiated the hug. He embraced her in no time and cried into her shoulder softly. "I've missed you so much," was all he said.

She smiled. "I missed you too. And it's okay, I understand. What happened, I mean."

He sniffed happily. "Thank you."

They then pulled away. He went over to behind the teacher's desk and pulled out a tissue from his bag.

"I'm proud of you." She simply stated.

He turned around, still holding the tissue up to his nose. "Because?"

"You've always told me how you wanna become a teacher when you grow up. Looks like you've made it."

He quickly blew his nose and threw the tissue into the trash can. Then he walked over to her again. "Looks like it." He chuckled. "It also looks like I'm gonna be your teacher, so it's Mr Walker to you." He booped her nose.

She laughed, causing him so laugh as well. Just then, Nya's phone rang. She reached for her back pocket and pulled it out, sighing dramatically as she read the message she just got.

"What is it?" Jay asked.

She looked up at him. "You know, it's an emotional rollercoaster with Skylor."


"Because," She put her phone away. "she starts shipping me with any dude I talk to. And just before classes started and I actually knew you were the new teacher, I told her I didn't wanna have anything to do with the new teacher, not knowing it's you, and now it looks very suspicious that we're talking alone in your room. Sometimes I wish strangling people wasn't illegal." She murmured the last part to herself, but he still heard it.

Jay looked her dead in the eye, not saying a single word, before breaking out in laughter. She then laughed with him for a few moments before the bell interrupted them.

"Guess I gotta go back to class." She stated.

"Wait!" He panicked, trying to hold her back although she wasn't even moving.

She giggled. "I am waiting."

"I don't wanna make the same mistake twice." He started.

She raised an eyebrow. "What mistake?"

"Of losing you without having any trace of you. C-Could I have your number?" He suddenly got very nervous.

She smiled dreamily at him. "Sure," She then opened her backpack and ripped out a piece of paper and got a pen out of her pencil case. Then she quickly wrote down her number on the paper and handed it to Jay. "just text me whenever you want to."

He gratefully took it and looked at his watch. "We should both go to our next classes now." He said more like a thought than a statement. Then he extended his hand out to her and pulled out his pinky. "Besties again?" He asked hopefully.

She smiled at the hand and intertwined their pinkies. "Besties again." She repeated confidently.

Jay took that opportunity to pull her towards him and wrapped his arms around her for one last time. She hugged him back, not knowing he was just as blushing as she was. She closed her eyes, taking in his lavender scented shampoo.

"Girl, you got some explaining to do."

They broke apart and jumped slightly when they saw the one and only redhead leaning against the doorframe, her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.

Nya looked back and forth between Skylor and Jay, who was just as panicked, and ran over to Skylor, pulled her inside and closed the door.

"What's this about?" Skylor pointed between the two. "Nya," Her gaze stopped at her friend. "I thought you weren't interested in the new teacher, let alone any male being? Then I catch you in each other's arms? What's going on?" She narrowed her eyes at Jay. "Did he try something?"

"What? No! I would never!" Jay quickly defended himself by squeaking in a very high pitched tone, holding his hands up.

Nya pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Sky, how much did you see?"

"I opened the door and caught you hugging."

Nya then looked at Jay who was still jumpy and made a quick decision. "First, he didn't force me to do anything, don't worry." Skylor sighed in relief at that. "And second, do you remember what I told you about my last best friend?"

"You mean that Jay guy?" The redhead asked, raising an eyebrow at the sudden mention of Nya's former best friend who they hadn't talked about in a very long time.

Nya then smiled as she walked over to Jay and stopped right next to him. She gestured to him with her hands flailing for a short while until it clicked in Skylor's brain.

She gasped. "You're that Jay guy?"

Jay then relaxed and awkwardly waved his hand. "Hey, I'm that Jay guy." He smiled, however it stopped when he realized Skylor seemed to get furious.

She stepped closer to him and tapped on his chest furiously with her pointer finger at every word she spoke. "After everything you've done to her and hurt her so freaking much, how dare you return like nothing ever happened and hug her?!"

Jay's eyes widened when she mentioned how hurt Nya was because of him apparently and looked at her, opening his mouth. Nya, however, grabbed Skylor's finger and put it down. "Sky, don't worry. He explained everything and it's fine."

Skylor narrowed her eyes at her friend. "So you forgave him just like that?"

Nya looked at Jay and smiled. "Yeah."

Sighing, Skylor turned back towards Jay and looked him up and down. "Look, I'm just gonna say it as it is, I don't like you. For now. That might change over time, we'll see. And I'm still torn whether or not I approve of whatever the heck you two had going on when I opened the door. But I will tolerate you for Nya. Now, put your right hand to your heart and repeat after me."

Jay looked at the redhead in horror while he shakily put his hand on his chest. He then dared to take a quick look at Nya who was leaning back against a table and enjoying the show, smirking.

"What's your full name again?"

"Jason Walker."

"I, Jason Walker,"

"I, Jason Walker,"

"Pledge to never ever,"

"Pledge to never ever,"

"Cause any physical or mental harm,"

"Cause any physical or mental harm,"

"To my beloved friend,"

"To my beloved friend,"

"Nya Smith."

"Nya Smith."



Jay then let out a breath he was holding in and put his hand away. Then he saw Nya standing next to him again.

"Sky, I really don't know why we're friends, but there's something about you that always amuses me." She laughed.

Skylor chuckled. "Just making sure he knows what he's dealing with if he ever decides to hurt you again." She innocently smiled at him. Then she turned around to look at the clock on the wall. "Ugh, we're so late. And so in trouble." She groaned.

"No, you're not." Jay interfered.

"What do you mean?" Nya asked.

He chuckled and turned his body towards hers. "I think both of you kinda forgot the fact that I'm your teacher. And if I say I wanted to talk to you," Then he turned towards Skylor. "Both of you, the other teachers can't do anything about that."

Skylor crossed her arms in front of her chest and smiled sheepishly. "That just earned you a plus, Walker."

"Oh, Sky," Nya remembered. "can you keep this," She gestured between Jay and herself. "to yourself?"

"So you are together?"

"For goodness' sake, Skylor!" Nya narrowed her eyes at her. "No, we're not, but do you really think I have the strength to explain every single person that Jay's my 'long-lost' friend? Sounds a bit sketchy, doesn't it? And when we look at your first assumptions, you should understand why I wanna keep all this to myself."

Jay agreed, looking at Skylor who nodded. "Alright, I can understand." She agreed as well.

"Thank you." Both Nya and Jay said at the same time.

"We should get going now, though." Jay stated, taking another look at the clock, realizing they had been talking for like twenty minutes in.

He walked over to his chair and grabbed his bag. "Oh, and," He started. "When we're alone, you call me Jay. When we're in class or in earshot of others, I'm Mr Walker."

"Why of course, Mr Walker." Nya winked.

Jay laughed as they all exited the class together.

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