Prologue and Chapter 1


Saba was looking at Asma who was signing papers of her Nikkah. Fear was rippling in her orbs and she was anxiously gazing at everyone. While looking at her anxiety and face, flashes of her nikkah’s day floated in front of her orbs.

Two beautiful souls got one due to some misunderstanding. Saba and Sahir had uncertainty, fear and anger on their faces while they were signing nikkah pages. 

When Saba signed the paper for the third time, her eyes traveled toward Asma who was standing near her while grinning. Pain encapsulated her heart as her best friend had betrayed her. This best friend spread rumors about her that caused her to marry her teacher without her consent. This pain and betrayal was killing Saba at the time of her nikkah.

She shook away that memory and glanced at her husband, Sahir, with a bright smile on her face. Life has become a bed of roses in the company of this soft-hearted soul. 


The voice of a four-year old kid broke her trance and she gazed at the kid who was standing near the groom. Looking at the groom, her mind again slipped into the past.

“Asma has no shame! First, she accused Saba wrongly and now she was in the room with a boy Kashif. She has no dignity.” An aunt was saying these words in the marriage ceremony of Asma's sister.

The notification ring of her mobile again broke the chain of her thoughts and she gazed at the mobile to find one of the messages of her freelance client on Instagram. She opened the message and gave a quick response to him. Closing his message, her gaze fell upon the message present beneath her freelance client’s.

It is the message of Asma she received almost one month ago. 

“I am sorry”

These words were prominent in the long message of Asma at which she took a deep sigh.

“Let's go and eat.” Sahir reached her and said at which she averted her gaze from the screen and smiled at him.

“Yes, let's go.” She replied with a smile and a grateful heart for having a peaceful married life with this human.

Chapter 1

"Asma Khalid, kindly give us your consent for the marriage."

Maulvi's voice echoed into the room where the bride, groom, Saba, Sahir, their parents, and a few relatives were present.

Clad in fawn color maxi which had golden embroidery on the upper body with a red dupatta covering her half face, Asma's anxious being was nervously eyeing every individual present in the room.

There was murderous intent burning in her father's eyes, and Asma could see a prominent warning of "Don't commit any mistake" in her mother's orbs.

Her anxious eyes glided toward her stranger groom whose face was burning due to fury. He was glaring at her at which irrational fear seized her being.

Averting her gaze toward the Maulvi who was patiently waiting for her reply, she murmured "I do."

That's it!

It was the last time she was supposed to utter these two words and her fate was linked to the person sitting beside her.

Now, Maulvi was asking the groom for his consent.

"I do."

His loud and clear voice boomed into the room at which she again gazed at her groom through her peripheral side.

Ten years older than her!

This fact ran through her mind at which her orbs quickly got moistened. She averted her gaze toward her mehndi-decorated hands while there was an amalgam of happy sounds around her.

Men were hugging her groom and elders were saying their wishes to the newlywed couple.

Among those happy sounds, she identified the voice of Saba who was meeting her mother and congratulating her on her daughter's nikkah.

That voice!

Her mind got blank, and she traveled into the dark tunnel while Saba's voice was with her. At the end of the dark tunnel, there was a school ground where thirteen-year-olds Saba and Asma with Zarina were sitting on the ground.

"Asma, how many marks do you get in the English test?"

Zarina asked her at which her cheeks get red, and her being drowned into the sea of embarrassment.

"Below the passing marks!" she replied while avoiding eye contact with her friends.

"Oh my God! You are going to face the stick of Ma'am!" Saba said, concern laced her tone.

Tears stung in Asma's eyes and fear rippled through her being at the thought.

"You should ask for my help. I can help you in preparing for the English test." Saba said while putting her hand on her's.

"Yes, Asma! You should ask for Saba's help. She is perfect and can make you perfect in academics too." Zarina commented recklessly while chewing her burger.

This comment!
These words!

Something snapped into Asma and she furiously glared at her friends.

"I don't need anyone's help! I am perfect in myself!"

Saying this, she stood from the ground, leaving her friends.

Those words of Zarina were still ringing in her ears while she was glancing at the perfect couple of Saba and Sahir.

She is perfect and got a perfect husband too!

She thought and lowered her gaze. Eventually, one of their relatives put a mirror in her lap so that the bride and groom could look at each other through it.

Asma glanced at the mirror and saw the serious but handsome face of her groom. Icy orbs, lips set in a tight line, dark brown hair, raised nose; power was oozing from his being and his posture told her that this man was not to mess with.

A cold shiver ran down her spine and different negative thoughts ran through her mind. He glanced at the mirror for a few seconds and turned his gaze away from her.

Ten years older than me!

At this thought, a pall of gloom settled in her heart.


A four-year-old boy ran toward him at which a smile broke down on his face, and piercing orbs turned into an affectionate one.

Father of a son!

She felt herself succumbing into the sadness. Tears gathered in her orbs and she blinked numerous times to prevent them from falling.

"She is your bride?"

The boy asked his baba at which he turned his face toward her, and glared at her ducked face.

"No, she is your mother."

He said these words while gazing at her, as if sending her a message about his son.

"Really? Haadi will also have a mother just like Saad and Sheryar?"

There was a glint in the child's orbs and excitement whipped across his face.

Zaviyar Khanzada smiled at his son Haadi and hugged him.

"Go to your aunt, and we will talk when we will reach home."

He whispered to him at which the child nodded his head and ran toward the aunt.

Asma noticed that his voice was husky and authoritative. He didn't speak much but his words held command and authority.

After a few minutes, all of the guests went outside to have dinner. Only the bride, groom, Haadi, Asma's parents and Zaviyar's sister were present.

Dinner was served in front of them, and all started filling their plates except for Asma. Zaviyar filled the plate with different items and put it in front of his son who sat near him to eat.

Giving him the plate and flashing an affectionate smile to the little boy, he started filling his plate.

"Ohho '' He softly murmured when a drop of curry fell on Haadi's white kameez.

Taking out the tissue paper, he wiped the drop from his dress and cleaned his face.

"Baba, I want more."

The son said at which Zaviyar nodded his head, left his plate and started filling his son's plate.

Asma was seeing this whole scene through her peripheral view and smiled a bit at his affection toward the boy.

Instantly, Haadi's gaze landed on her and they had eye contact. Haadi smiled and waved his hand at which Zaviyar glanced toward her.

A small smile etched on Asma's lips too at which Haadi beamed.

He whispered something in Zaviyar's ears at which a smile broke down on his face, and he nodded his head while glancing at anxious and curious Asma.

She knew Haadi whispered something about her, but what he said? She didn't know.


"Why are you not eating?" Haadi asked her while taking sips from coke.

"I'm not hungry." She said in a mere whisper.

"It's okay. Sometimes, I am also not hungry but Baba does make me eat my lunch and dinner because it is good for health. And when sometimes, he doesn't want to eat something, I also make him eat it."
Haadi leaned toward her and whispered the last words.

"To take my revenge."


His whisper was loud enough to reach Zaviyar's ears so he called out his name in a scolding tone. At his words, laughter tumbled out of Asma's lips and she put her hand on her lips.

Voice of her laughter reached Zaviyar's ears and he turned around to look at his bride. A smile etched on his face for brief seconds and then he wiped it off and maintained a blank face.

Haadi smiled with victory, filled the spoon with rice and extended it toward the mouth of Asma. She swiftly stopped laughing and nervously gazed at the spoon. Zaviyar also gazed at them with curiosity.

"You eat. Thank you for the offer."

She replied with a smile at which Haadi's smile dropped and fury whipped across Zaviyar's face. He gently took the arm of Haadi and guided him toward himself, and started feeding him from his plate. Asma glanced at them and lowered her gaze.

Minutes ticked past, and at last, it was time for the groom's family to leave. Zaviyar, his sister, Haadi, and some other relatives stood from their places to take their leave.

Haadi again stood in front of her and murmured GoodBye.

"Allah Hafiz!"

She said with a smile at which Haadi nodded his head and stepped forward and hugged her.

Asma's whole body stilled at this act. She put her hands on his back at which small laughter erupted from the boy's mouth.

"Tomorrow, you will go with us. Right?"

He asked, breaking the hug.


Asma hummed with a nervous smile while fear gripped her being.

"Let's go!" Zaviyar called out at which Haadi nodded his head and left with his father.


Wings of night took the city in its embrace, its peacefulness and silence calmed down the creatures of the universe except for the most dominant ones of the world. These dominant creatures were either having restless sleeps, were engulfed in different sins, or were having a deep connection with the Creator of the world.

Among these creatures, one was lying on her bed with whole unrest concentrated in her soul. Pain was rippling in her orbs, and fear was swirling inside her soul.

Asma was gazing at the rooftop while the flashes of the previous month were floating in front of her orbs.

Her foolishness caused her to come across a dystopian hellscape. Her blind trust in a man ruined her life, and the man was still having a life of freedom.

She took the mobile from the side table, tapped on the Instagram icon, went into the search bar and wrote Kashif Salman in it.

Opening his profile, she found different pictures of Kashif. Recently, he posted a picture of him with his friends visiting Naran Kaghan.

A bitter smile etched on her face and she closed the profile.

"He is enjoying after making my life hell!"

Fresh tears came into her orbs and heart became heavy at this injustice.

Tears ran down on her face, and she took a deep breath to calm herself. To divert her mind, she started scrolling her Instagram feed.

In one picture, her thumb stopped. It was a picture of Saba and Sahir. The picture was taken just before Asma's nikkah, in front of the room where her nikkah took place.

Gazing at the smiling face of Saba, her mind again took a journey and ran back to the school.

She was standing in the vacant classroom, highlighter in hands and eyes were on the door. Her hands were trembling but she was determined to do her work.

After one and a half minutes, Saba and Zaheer were written on the chair's side arm. A triumphed smile came on Asma's lips, but there was anxiety in her orbs.

Coming out of the classroom, her heart was heavy and guilt was killing her. She saw the laughing face of Saba and the knife of guilt poked deeper into her soul. But then, different praising phrases of people for Saba and scolding ones for her resonated in her ears causing selfishness to encapsulate her, making her stern and emotionless.

Averting her gaze from Saba's smiling face, she again started scrolling Instagram feed when her fingers stopped at another picture.

It was the picture of Zaviyar and Haadi taken before the Nikkah. A bright smile was on the man's face, his arms were around Haadi as if protecting him from the world.

Asma clicked on Zaviyar's profile, going into his feed.

There were numerous pictures of him and Haadi. She started scrolling his instagram feed which was full of either his or Haadi's pictures. There were not many pictures on his feed so she came to its end quite swiftly. The last picture (or first picture) of his Instagram feed was a few days of Haadi in the arms of Zaviyar.

She saw that picture for a few seconds and accidently clicked on the heart icon under it.


She murmured, and the next second, her internet went off. A technical error came into the device so there were no internet signals.


A loud whisper erupted from her mouth and eyes widened.

On the other side of the city, Zaviyar Khanzada was sitting near the pool side in his house, reading the comments on his Instagram feed. At that instant, a notification popped on his screen at which a frown settled on his face.

"Asma Khalid liked your post."

He opened the notification and the post came on his screen.

"Hmm. So, stalking me."

He murmured with a bit of dislike in his tone. He opened her Instagram feed which was full of her smiling pictures. Zaviyar saw the date of the last post which was posted last month.

"So, she has been in grief for the last month. Disgusting!"

He again murmured and closed his mobile with a scowl etched on his face. Walls of the mansion gazed at the lonely man with a sad smile.

"Sir, Haadi has slept." A maid stepped into the area and told him, at which he nodded his head.

"Bring me a cup of coffee." He ordered at which the maid nodded and stepped away.

Zaviyar stood from the chair and sat on the edge of the swimming pool while his feet were in the water. His feet stir the moon's reflection on the water's surface. His gaze was on the moon's reflection while a line echoed in his ears.

"I think I am in love with you." A female voice echoed.

"Oh really!" A male voice resonated in the area.

"Yup!' A satisfied female voice echoed followed by her laughter.

A smile full of pain came on his lips while a vulture of grief gripped his heart in its merciless grip.

Ring of mobile echoed in the area and he gazed at the mobile. A disapproving frown etched on his face while he attended the call.

"Hello, Mr. Rehmat."

His calm voice stirred the peaceful symphony of night.

"Mr. Rehmat, it is not my working hours, I will appreciate it if you will call me tomorrow in the morning. We can schedule the meeting in the morning."

He stopped to listen to the other person.

"I do have freelancers in my team but it is against my office rules to call them now when it is their family time."

His voice was still calm and expressionless.

"Sure, Mr. Rehmat. Tomorrow, at 10 am, we can have a zoom meeting and you can tell me about your business and requirements."

He cut the call and took a deep sigh to calm down his frenzy nerves.


He turned around to find Haadi running toward him with a tear-stricken face.


He opened his arms and let his son come into his embrace.

"I got afraid in the room."

A scowl etched on Zaviyar's face at the trembling voice of Haadi.

"Don't worry, my son. Baba is here now."

He took him near to his heart at which Haadi's body got relaxed and he went into a peaceful slumber.

Maid came near him with a cup of coffee.

"Why was Haadi alone in the room?" He asked her calmly but there was fury rippling on his face.

"I don't know, Sir. I asked Huma to remain in his room."

Fear whipped across the maid's face at the inquiry and she swiftly replied.

Zaviyar averted his gaze from her face and gestured to her to leave with his hands.

Again gazing at Haadi, a smile etched on his face.

"You are my whole world, my son!"

He murmured and put his lips on his forehead.

Coming back into the room where a girl was staring at the mobile's screen with frustrated expressions.

"Uff! You stupid Asma! What was the need of it!"

She murmured and put aside her mobile as if putting aside all the worries of her life.


Morning sun spreads warmth and love in the city, giving a serene feeling to the atmosphere where birds are chirping and nature is saying their prayers to the God who created them.

At that hour, Zaviyar Khanzada was running on the track in the garden clad in a gray tracksuit.

While running, his gaze landed on Haadi who was feeding birds while sitting on the grass. A smile etched on Zaviyar's face and his legs took him near his son.

"Mama bird, take a little rice for your son too. He wants his mother to feed him."

Zaviyar's smile dropped when listening to the words of Haadi. He was talking to the bird who was standing near him, feeding on the rice he placed in a utensil.

"Next time, do bring him with you. I want to meet your baby."

He again said when the bird flew away.

Zaviyar retook his steps and went toward the track with an expressionless face.

"If we will have a son, we will name him "Haadi", and if we will have a daughter, we will name her "Hoorain ".

"Zaviyar, these clothes are so pretty! Our son will look handsome in them."

Words of a woman were echoing in his ears while he was taking rounds of track. Pain rippled in his orbs while expressions remained neutral.


At that hour, Asma was sitting on the prayer mat with a tear-stricken face, gazing at her hands on which tears were falling.

"Oh my Allah! Please have mercy on me! Be with me in this new journey. I trust you and know that You will never break my trust."

Concluding her dua, she gazed at the intricate designs of the prayer mat. At that instant, someone opened the door of her room and she instantly knew who she was.

"Come downstairs and have some breakfast."

Amma's voice resonated in the room at which fresh tears surfaced in her orbs.

She stood from her place and instantly hugged her mother. The cold wall among them melted down as she heard a hiccup from her mother's lips.

"I am sorry." She whispered.

"We love you." Mother replied with a smile at which a sad smile etched on her face.

"Kashif was not the best choice for you." Amma said at which tears ran down on her cheeks.

Mother grasped her arm at which she stood in front of her.

"Asma, we have chosen the best man for you. After Kashif's betrayal, this was the best we could do for you. Please, my daughter, give your best in this relationship."

Asma nodded her head at this.

"I will." She replied at which her mother placed a perk on her forehead.

On the other side of the city, Haadi and Zaviyar were coming back from the park.

"Baba, when will we go to my new mother house?" Haadi asked with impatience.

"When Haadi will have his breakfast, will take a nap, take a bath and change into his new dress."

Zaviyar replied with a smile at which Haadi nodded his head with excitement.

"Haadi will do everything quickly and swiftly!"

Haadi replied with shining orbs and excitement laced his tone at which Zaviyar flashed a smile to him.


She was descending the stairs when her gaze landed on Saba and Sahir who were standing in the hall with smiling faces.

"You should take great care of your health. In these days….." A wisdom full voice of an aunty fell on her ears while she was passing near Saba.

These words told her the reason of the couple's shining and smiling faces. Thinking of Saba's pregnancy, Haadi's innocent face flashed in front of her orbs and a smile adorned her face.

"He is the cutest child I ever met!"

She thought while taking out her phone, opened the gallery and gazed at the picture of her with Haadi in yesterday's event.

He was standing in between her and Zaviyar. Instantly, her smile dropped and pain flashed in her orbs.

"He is the son of my groom-to-be! A memento of his first wife!"

Sadness seized her being and the vulture of groominess was now sucking all the happiness and hope from her flesh, leaving her vacant and hopeless.

She dropped her mobile and gazed at Saba's shining face.

That shining and smiling face dissolved into a fearful and younger version.

"Asma, why do you always get a C in my subject?"

Chemistry teacher was asking her who was standing on her seat with a bowed head.

"Look at Saba, she always get A+. She is your cousin, friend and class fellow so why is there so much difference between both of you."

Chemistry teacher again snarled at which Asma gave a shooting glare to Saba who had a bright smile and glimmering orbs on her face.

Instantly, she hated her and teachers who always do favoritism.

Later on, in the break time, she went toward the first chair and wrote Saba and Zaheer on the chair's side with highlighter. A smile adorned her face but heart became heavy with guilt.

"It is her punishment to laugh at me."

She gave herself a justification of her sin and went outside to enjoy her break.

After break, she saw shock whipped across Saba's face and fear rippled in her orbs. Her legs and arms were shivering and gaze was carefully scanning the area.

She put her bag on the chair's arm which remained there the whole day.

Asma wanted to laugh at her situation but guilt was making her heart heavy.

That guilt again took over her being. Her heart lamented her to put unnecessary weight on it, and her old self started whispering fearful things in her ears.

You are the worst girl on this planet.
Allah will never forgive you.
You will never get any happiness in your life because of your sins.

These lines were echoing in her ears and her old fearful being started trembling. Her brain was locked in the prison of fear and unfortunately she was unable to find the key. So, she decided to make an attempt. She wanted that key before stepping into the new relationship.

That's why when everyone became free from breakfast and scattered around the area, she approached Saba with small steps. She was standing all alone in the corner of the hall.

"Congratulations, Saba" She whispered to her, who flashed a smile.

"Thank you, Asma." She replied and started gazing at the place, avoiding eye contact.

"Today, I am going."

"Yeah. Best of luck for your new life." She gave an uncomfortable smile and was going to step away when Asma's voice seized her.

"I want to apologize to you for everything I do."

Saba gazed at her face and found guilt and desperation there.

"No need, Asma. You have already apologized and I have accepted it. You are going to start your new life, I am going to step into the new phase of my life, so it is best to forget and forgive everything and move on in life."

Saba put a friendly and assuring hand on her shoulder and gave a smile to her who also tried to raise her lips corners.


Saba nodded her head, flashed a smile and stepped away from her.

Their bond still needs a lot of love and care to build and grow. And, this will take time. But, at least she took the first step. This didn't give her much satisfaction but still it meant something for her fearful teenage being.


Echoes of drums were resonating in the room where Asma was sitting in her red bridal dress.

Red lehenga had hand embellishments using variations of fawn color crystals and stones. Its dupatta was of golden color where red stones were sprinkled. Her black hair was in a bun which was covered with a dupatta.

She was gazing at her reflection in the mirror while her mind was a hodgepodge of different thoughts. A lump formed in her throat at the thought of leaving her parents and fear gripped her heart due to the uncertainty of the life ahead of her.

Instantly, her mother and sister along with her two to three cousins stepped into the room.

Barat had come. She was going to step into a new life. Gulping the lump, she stepped forward with her cousins, mother and sister.


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