Part 29
The next morning when I got home, I felt unsettled. Kori was going to work...and I was simply going home. On a weekday, when I should be at work.
However, I felt even more unsettled when my mom called me shortly after I got home.
"Hello?" I answered, "Is everything okay?"
"You tell me! Your sister told me that you got fired," my mom said to me, "What in the world happened? I thought things were going well at your job."
Thanks, Addison.
"Why did she even mention it?" I sighed.
"I was with her when you texted her. We were getting dinner."
"Got it," I said, and I then realized...I'm going to have to tell my mom why I got fired. I wasn't going to tell her it was based on my performance. I could tell her that it was due to budget cuts, however I had just told her how many new people my company was hiring so that would make no sense.
I was backed into a corner here.
Time to rip the bandaid off.
"Are you going to tell me what happened?" my mom asked me.
"Yeah..." I said reluctantly, "I got fired for dating my boss."
"Wait...when did you date your boss? Didn't you meet your girlfriend through a mutual friend?" my mom asked, sounding extremely confused.
"I didn't meet her through a mutual friend, mom. I met her at work, and she's my boss. She's the CIO. It's against the code of conduct for a higher up and their employee to date, so I got fired."
"What in the...Ashley! Why would you date your boss?"
"Because I'm in love with her," I said back, simply.
"You're really serious about her?"
"I assume she got fired as well?"
"Well, no," I said, "The company would be screwed without her."
"Typical, of course the boss gets to stay and the employee gets fired. Wait, Ashley, how old is your boss? Someone around your age would be awfully young to be a CIO."
"Yeah, about that...she's not my age. She's 13 years older than me," I said, realizing my heart was pounding.
"So you have a 40 year old girlfriend?" my mom asked in disbelief.
"We actually have the same birthday," I said back, hoping to lighten the mood.
"Ashley," my mom sighed, "I don't even know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything. I feel lousy enough already."
"I'm sorry. I do hate that you're feeling lousy. Well...maybe this is your sign to go back to nursing!"
I grew tense as I said, "I don't think so."
"I know you said you simply got burnt out, but there has to be more to that story. Most people don't just waste away a nursing degree. You could work at a doctor's office instead of a hospital."
"Alright, I'll think about it."
I lied just to get her off my back.
"Good, I think you should. I'll keep my eyes and ears out if anyone I know happens to be hiring."
"Thank you, mom."
"Of course, sweetheart. You know I love you, right?"
I once again tensed up as I said, "Love you too."
"Talk soon," my mom said, and then the conversation was over.
I sat on my bed, unsure how to even process how I was feeling. I then heard a knock on my door.
Of course it had to be Trey. Rachel was at work, and Trey didn't work until nighttime.
"Can I come in?" he asked.
"Yep, come in."
Trey opened the door and then joined me on my bed.
"I heard you talking on the phone and I figured I'd wait until you were done. How are you doing today?"
"A bit worse after talking to my mom to be honest."
"Did you tell her about your job?"
"Addison told her," I rolled my eyes, "But I did tell her the truth about why I got fired. She didn't react the best, but the conversation ended fine."
"Ugh, moms," Trey groaned, "Hey. How about we go to that bakery that Kori got you the cupcake from, Sunflower, right? We can eat our weight in baked goods."
I laughed, "I already got a milkshake with Kori last night to feel better."
"Okay, and? You can indulge in sweets two days in a row. Your fit body will be okay, I promise you that."
I laughed again, "Alright, fine. Let's go."
"I'll drive," Trey said, "Let me just grab my keys."
Trey drove us over to Sunflower, and we got 6 cupcakes total, as well as an extra one for Rachel.
"I'm going to grab Kori a fresh loaf of sourdough," I said, "It's her favorite."
"Such a good girlfriend you are," Trey smiled at me.
When Trey and I got back to the apartment, we each snacked on a cupcake, and after we finished Trey sat back, satisfied. He then said, "I was going to go to Colin's and hangout for a bit. He works from home today, and he asked me to keep him company. But if you need me here I'll tell him I can't come."
"No, go ahead," I said to Trey, "I'm going to start looking for jobs."
After Trey left, I sat in my room on my bed, scrolling for jobs on my laptop.
I was in this same position over 6 months ago when I was trying to find a job after quitting nursing.
However, this time I got fired.
I was much more discouraged now than I was back then looking for a job.
I also had no clue what to do. Yes, I served back in college part time, but I didn't want to do that again. That was the last resort.
I found some jobs to apply to, mostly receptionist type jobs, however not at doctors offices.
It was also a tough pill to swallow, knowing that I wasn't going to make as much money as when I was a nurse no matter what I did.
I was looking for jobs for about an hour when my mom called me...again.
"Everything alright?" I asked her when I picked up.
"Yes, sweetie. You always ask that," my mom said, "How about you come over for an early dinner? I'll cook you chicken piccata, one of your favorites. Your father would also like to see you."
I felt a bit backed into a corner, as my mom knew that I wasn't doing anything. I didn't have work.
"Okay," I said to her, "I'll come over. I'll leave shortly. Thanks, mom."
I wasn't particularly thrilled about going to my parents, but at least it would give me something to do. I left for their house at 2 PM, and as I drove, Kori called me.
"I'm on my way to my parents," I said to her, "My mom invited me over for an early dinner."
"Does your mom know about your job situation?"
"She does. Addison told her. I had to tell her the truth as to why I got fired. And now she knows about you. That you were my boss, and how old you are," I said to Kori.
"Oh god. How did she react?"
"She was in disbelief, I'd say. She didn't react badly, per say..."
"But not exactly good?"
"You could say that. I, however, don't care what she thinks about our relationship."
"She doesn't have a say in it, you're 27 years old," Kori replied, and she then said, "I just wanted to tell you that everyone in the department misses you. Including myself."
"That's really nice to hear," I said to Kori, "Do they all know I got fired?"
"I had to announce this morning that you were no longer with the company, however I did not go into detail as to why," Kori said, "Everyone was shocked and upset. You were a real asset to the team, Ash."
Surprisingly, a lump started to form in my throat when Kori said this.
"I wish this wasn't happening," I said to Kori, blinking back tears.
"I know," Kori said gently, "But we'll get you on your feet."
I really hope so.
When I got to my parents, my dad was still working, so I spent some time with my mom. I sat in the kitchen with her while she cooked dinner, and at one point she asked, "So. Do you have any pictures of your girlfriend?"
I nodded, "Yes. We went to a wedding last month and we took some pictures."
I grabbed my phone off the table and showed my mom my background, which was Kori and I.
She raised her eyebrows slightly and then looked at me, "Well, she is a very attractive woman. I'll give you that."
"So you can see why it was hard for me to resist, huh?" I joked.
My mom rolled her eyes but chuckled.
As I sat in the kitchen while she cooked, there was a certain sense of comfort I felt that I hardly ever felt or currently feel with my parents. But there was something about being with my mom, talking freely, that was comforting.
That was, until my dad got home.
He knew I was there, my mom had texted him that I was coming over. He also knew I had gotten fired from my job, she informed him of that as well.
My dad gave me a hug when he saw me and said, "Sorry about your job, Ash. Don't worry, you'll find something else. Consider being a nurse again."
"I'm considering it," I lied. I didn't feel like getting into it.
My mom set out dinner on the table for the three of us, and she and I were the first two to sit at the table together.
"This has been such a nice afternoon," she smiled at me.
I smiled back, "Yeah, it has been."
My smile disappeared completely when my dad walked into the dining room...holding an open bottle of Yuengling.
I blinked, just to make sure I wasn't seeing things. He walked over to the table, sat down, and put the beer by his plate.
"This looks delicious," he said, and started putting food on his plate.
He must've seen me staring at the beer, because he said to me casually, "I've started drinking again a bit. However, it's nothing like I used to. I have a much better handle on it now."
I watched as he took a sip of the Yuengling, and I suddenly wasn't hungry anymore. At all.
I knew that I couldn't be rude though, I had to eat. So, I forced some food down, and tried to engage in conversation with my parents. But all I could do was watch as the amount of beer in the bottle got smaller and smaller.
I wanted to say something. Badly. But I felt completely helpless and paralyzed.
I wonder how long he hasn't been sober for now?
The entire time we ate, I felt like I was seconds away from breaking down. When dinner was finally over, my parents walked me to the door and they each leaned down to hug me. My stomach dropped when I smelled the alcohol on my dad.
I cannot believe this is actually happening.
When I got in my car and started driving, that's when the tears started flowing. They were tears of sadness, but also fear and anger.
I got a handle on myself, knowing I couldn't be hysterical while driving on a highway, and I found myself driving to Kori's place, not my apartment.
I called her, and she picked up on the second ring.
She didn't even say anything when I blurted out to her, "My dad is drinking again."
"Are you serious?" Kori asked me, "Where are you now, have you left your parents?"
"I'm about 15 minutes away from your place. I didn't even bother driving home."
"Alright, good. I was going to tell you to come over right away."
I got to Kori's, and sat down on her couch in tears once again.
"He's been sober for years now," I said to her, wiping my eyes, "There's no way he can just have a drink occasionally and be okay. He's an alcoholic, that's not how that works."
"No, it's not," Kori said, a gentle hand of hers on my back, "He can't just have an occasional drink."
"Seeing him drink again made me feel like the scared child I once was when I would see a drink in his hand," I looked at Kori, "It was terrifying back then, and it was tonight."
"I'm sorry, Ash," Kori said to me, "You're here with me. Nothing is going to happen to you, you're safe, okay?"
I nodded, knowing that Kori was right.
I wasn't a child living with my parents anymore. I didn't have to worry about my dad getting drunk and putting his hands on me anymore.
However, I was still terrified.
Completely terrified for what this could spiral into.
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