It had been at least 2 weeks since Paityn last returned to work. She kept herself silent from everyone. Didn't answer Nick. Didn't call Sean. She wouldn't be surprised if they thought she was dead. Today she was going to work. She had prepared everything. Her outfit was clean, her gun was loaded, and her phone was charged. She walked outside just walking to work. When she got there she walked inside looking down. A bunch of people started murmuring around her about her. She still had to put patches on her neck.
She walked into the office seeing Nick and Hank. She gave them a small smile. Both stood up and went over to her hugging her tightly. She managed to hug them both back.
"Why didn't you return any of my calls?" Nick asked. Paityn gave him a small smile.
"I was too busy sleeping." She said. She laughed just a small bit about to sit down at her desk when the captain came out of his office.
"Paityn." He said. He motioned for her to come in and she nodded going into his office. "How are you feeling?" He asked. She looked at him debating whether or not, to tell the truth.
"Well, I feel alright. Not by 100% but that's just because my neck isn't better yet." She said. He looked at her confused.
"What? How is that possible it should've been better a long while ago." He said. She cursed under her breath. She looked around seeing that the curtains were closed and Sean started slowly walking towards her. "Let me see." He said.
"It's fine. Really. It'll be fine by tomorrow." She said nervously backing up. She hit the wall and he put his hands on either side of her head. His eyes bore into hers and she froze for a moment in fear. She turned her head over to the side so he could see the wound. She felt his fingers gently touch her neck holding her and she felt him take the patch off.
"What the hell did you do?" He asked. He looked at her confused.
"I took a knife to my neck because whatever it was that I was injected with, did not come out. It was on the outer skin that was poking out so I took a knife and I cut it off." She said. He gently put the patch back on.
"Does it still hurt?" He asked. She shook her head.
"No. It doesn't." She said. She looked at him and sighed. They stared at each other for a while before Paityn cleared her throat. "If you want, I am making some chili for dinner tonight if you want to come over." She offered. Sean smiled just a bit.
"I'll see you at 7." He said. She walked out of his office smiling like a dork but she managed to keep a hold on it and walk back over to the desk to see Hank grabbing his coat.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"Suspected Homicide at a school. Coming with?" He asked.
"Hell yeah. Let's do this." She said.
They arrived at the scene and they walked under a crime scene tape. They walked over to a girl and Wu was there.
"Detectives Burkhardt and Griffin, this is assistant principal Grace Kaplan. She found the body about an hour ago. Says it's Paul Lawson, a music teacher here." Wu said.
"Harsh. My music teacher was amazing." Paityn said quietly.
"He was the director of the music program. I just can't believe this has happened. It's so horrible." Grace said.
"Well, do you wanna tell us what happened?" Nick asked.
"I saw the car when I came in this morning. It's a little unusual for anyone to be here before me, that's why I walked over to the car." She said her voice cracking in the end. "I'm sorry." She said.
"Don't apologize. It's alright." Paityn said giving her a small smile. Seargent Wu started leading them to the car and Paityn winced looking at it.
"Looks to me like it happened last night. He's been dead for a few hours. Cars locked, we kept it that way. Got some evidence inside, didn't want it to get away." Wu said.
"Death by a rat," Nick said.
"Looks like it," Wu said.
"Oh god, rats. I can't stand rats." Hank said turning around. Paityn wanted to join him but instead stared ahead.
"Coroner here?" Nick asked.
"Yeah, waiting for you. So is animal control. Nobody wants to open the door until you guys give the okay." Wu said.
"Are the fingerprints done?" Hank asked.
"Yeah, we're good to go," Wu said.
"Open it up!" Paityn said backing up. Wu motioned for them to come over and unlock it. When the man opened it rats rushed everywhere and Paityn winced, even more, seeing the man, fully in the car.
"We also found some cages in the bushes," Wu said motioning behind him.
"Whoever put these here didn't make much of an effort to hide them," Paityn said.
"Geiger pest control, do we know them?" Nick asked.
"They're in northeast Portland by the river. According to the assistant principal, Lawson was here late last night rehearsing for a school performance supposed to happen on Saturday." He said. "glad I'm not a ticket holder." He smirked.
"Did anyone happen to see him leave?" Paityn asked.
"We're still checking, but we got the names of the four students that were here rehearsing," Wu said.
"Dang. They have a nice house." Paityn said. Nick looked at her and smiled a bit.
"Nice cars." He said.
"And bad things still happen." Hank sighed as they continued walking. They got inside after knocking and Paityn felt a small sting in her neck wincing just a bit. She saw the mother and she smiled gently.
"Do you know where the bathroom is?" She asked. She pointed down the hall.
"Down the hall to the right." She smiled a bit and Paityn nodded going down the hall into the bathroom. She took the patch off carefully seeing the wound. It was getting better but not very fast. She cursed seeing she needed to change the patch but she didn't have a spare one. She put it back on going to Nick.
"What time did the practice end?" Nick asked as everyone was altogether in a small group.
"A little after 10." The girl said.
"Did Lawson leave with you?" Hank asked.
"No. He always stays too close up." the boy holding the girl's hand said.
"Did any of you see him leave the building?" Paityn asked. They all shook their heads.
"Did any of you see anything strange when you left? Anything unusual? Maybe a car you haven't seen before or somebody standing around?" Hank asked.
"We just went to our cars and left." The boy with glasses said. Paityn didn't know their names quite yet.
"It was late, so we had to get home." The girl said.
"We still had homework." The boy with the headband said.
"Did Doctor Lawson seem a little nervous last night? Maybe a little upset?" Nick asked.
"Yes, but that was, that was just Doctor Lawson." The girl said.
"We found some cages while looking around his car. Did you happen to see anyone in that general area when you left?" Paityn asked.
"What kind of cages?" The man asked who was holding the girl's hand.
"The kind that holds rodents," Paityn said. They all shook their heads making Paityn sigh. Nick and Hank shared a look beginning to leave.
"Well, if you can think of anything else..." Nick started until one of them interrupted him.
"Roddy Geiger went to our school." The same boy from before asked.
"Who?" Nick asked, his interest peaked.
"His dad is an exterminator." He said.
"Geiger pest control?" Nick asked finally getting some information. The girl let go of the boy's hand.
"Roddy wouldn't do this." She said.
"Geiger's son goes to your school?" Hank asked.
"He did." The boy with the headband said.
"He was suspended, a couple of days ago." The boy with the glasses said.
"Why?" Nick asked. Paityn saw the uncomfortable and angry look in the mother's eyes and she turned around preparing to leave.
"If this is about that situation maybe you'd better speak to the school. That's a very troubled boy. I don't think it's appropriate to talk to the kids about him." she said. They left quite quickly not wanting to upset them.
They had gotten to Roddy's house. They walked out and it was obvious he didn't have much money. She heard the violin playing and she smiled gently.
"The sweet melody of violins. You know, I played the Viola in school." Paityn said. They didn't respond and she sighed a bit following the music.
"Captivated audience," Nick said looking at all the rats around him. Roddy stopped playing and he looked over at them confused. "Roddy Geiger?" Nick asked.
"Yeah?" He asked. He looked done with this already.
"I am Detective Burkhardt along with her and this is Detective Griffin," Nick said.
"Pretty dang good on that Violin," Paityn said smiling. "I used to play." She said.
"Why'd you stop?" He asked.
"I still have my Viola. Just...haven't felt the inspiration for it." She said.
"Thanks." He said. He seemed more friendly towards her. "What do you want?" He asked them now.
"We just want to ask you a few questions," Hank said. Suddenly Roddy's dad came over.
"You cops?" He asked.
"Yeah, well we've been called worse," Hank said. Paityn laughed a bit.
"What do you want here?" He asked mad.
"Are you Mr. Geiger?" Nick asked.
"You're here about that teacher dying aren't you? I heard all about it. Well, we had nothing to do with it." He said. Paityn smiled gently.
"Take it, easy sir, we just want to ask a few questions," Paityn said.
"Who died?" Roddy asked. Paityn looked at him. She looked at him confused for a moment. He had no clue. He wasn't the killer she knew that but she had no proof she could share.
"Doctor Lawson was found dead in his car this morning," Paityn said with an apologetic tone.
"What?" Roddy asked confused and shocked all at the same time.
"You don't talk to them until I found out what they're gonna do. What are you gonna do arrest us? You gonna arrest me? You gonna arrest my boy?" His dad asked.
"Sir. You need to calm down." Nick said.
"Don't tell me to calm down. I know what's going on here! They're trying to blame us for what happened up there and I'm tired of them treating us like garbage." He said.
Roddy tried to make a run for it but Hank grabbed him. "Stop. Don't move." He said.
"Hey get your hands off him!" His dad said. His face shifted as he said, "Leave him alone." He was some form of rat creature. Something in Paityn sparked a bit and she watched him carefully. "Leave him alone!" He yelled going to punch Hank but he caught his fist quickly. Roddy took off and Nick helped Hank while Paityn took off running. She smiled a bit at the feeling of wind going through her hair again. She managed to grab his arm and turn him to face her but she fell with him. She quickly stood up and they both got in a fighting position.
"Stop. I don't want to hurt you." She said.
"Yeah, you do. You're a Grimm. You wanna kill me." He said. He charged at her and she quickly punched his face knocking him over. He looked at her dazed for a moment.
"I'm not going to kill you. but you keep this up, you're gonna get hurt." She said. He looked at her both confused and scared all at the same time.
Hank was interrogating Roddy's dad and Nick was interrogating Roddy while she was stuck at the desk waiting. She had changed the patch on her neck so now she was just waiting for Nick and Hank to finish up. Hank got out first followed by Nick. As they were all sitting down Wu walked over to them.
"You're not gonna believe this. I talked to Sammy, the guy who put on the rave. Your perp is DJ Retchid Kat." He said. They all shared confused looks.
"Who's DJ Retchid Kat?" Hank asked.
"Tell me you know," Wu asked.
"Of course I know. Everybody knows. Who's DJ Retchid Kat?" Nick asked.
"Only the most famous Raver in Portland. Not that men, and women, of your age, would know what I'm talking about." Wu said.
"Oh come on you didn't know either." Paityn smiled a bit.
"Not until I talked to Sammy. DJ Retchid Kat always wears a big cat head, and Sammy is the only one who knows who he is and he swears it's your guy." He said.
"So his Alibi is good," Nick said.
"but not his dad's," Hank said.
"Except why would he leave his cages at the school?" Nick asked.
"Not so clever. Unless he wanted someone to believe that somebody else stole them." Paityn said with a shrug.
"Then it's clever," Wu said.
"Let Roddy go, hold onto the dad?" Nick asked.
"Absolutely. Not to mention he assaulted an officer." Hank said brushing off his sweatshirt making Paityn laugh. "He deserves a little downtime for that alone." Nick went to go tell Roddy he was free to go. Paityn sighed knowing it would not go too well. Hank came over as Roddy came out throwing some papers on the ground. Hank came over to her.
"Harper wants to see us," Hank said. She nodded standing up and following them ignoring the weary looks from everyone.
"He died of a heart attack," Harper said.
"What, so the rats just scared him to death?" Paityn asked.
"Well, they didn't help, but he was on Digoxin and Angiotensin for his heart. He was kinda high up on Death's to-do list." Harper said.
"So the rats were put in the car to kill him," Hank said.
"If they knew about his condition, but no guarantee a scare like that would trigger a heart attack." She said.
"Prank gone bad," Paityn said.
"Yeah, or a threat," Nick said.
"Then it's probably Roddy's dad," Hank said.
"A homicide occurred in the course of intentional maiming of the victim, so it's aggravated murder," Nick said. Harper brought over a tray that was covered over to brighter light.
"I did find something interesting in my other autopsy." She said.
"What other autopsies?" Hank asked. Harper flicked on a light and then lifted the tarp exposing dead rats. Paityn sighed getting used to this by now.
"Oh, man. There goes lunch." Hank said turning around.
"Oh, speaking of, a rat's stomach is like a road map to where they've been. Here we have some undigested bits of your victim, and some colored cloth and nylon fibers." She said lifting it with tweezers. "It didn't match any of the clothes he was wearing." She said walking away.
"They were chewing on something else inside of the car?" Paityn asked.
"Probably before Doctor Lawson got in," Harper said bringing it to a Microscope.
"Take a look at this," Nick said to Hank.
"Ah do I have to?" Hank asked. "It's green and red," Hank said.
"Same colors as the music school," Nick said.
"Let's find out if it matches anything in Lawson's car," Hank said. Paityn smiled a bit and Nick looked at her.
"What's got you so giddy?" He asked. "I haven't seen you smile like this in a long time."
"I, may or may not have invited the captain to dinner at my place tonight." She said smiling like a dork and both Nick and Hank's jaws dropped.
"No. Way," Nick said. Paityn smiled and Nick looked at Hank and then back at her.
"Do I need to give you the safe sex talk?" He asked. Paityn blushed hearing Harper's laugh behind her and she quickly tried to go in front of them.
"We are not having this conversation. Nope." Paityn said.
"Do you want me to give him the big brother talk?" He asked.
"No!" She yelled walking out.
They got back to the station. Nick, Hank, and Paityn all went into the captain's office to show him some things they found.
"Rats dine on a beloved teacher," Sean said.
"That's a little cold," Nick said.
"Guess who came to dinner?" Hank said. They both looked at Paityn for a split second and she sent them a glare trying to act professionally.
"What do you got on this? Press wants a statement." Sean asked turning to look at them.
"We have one suspect in custody," Nick said.
"Has he been charged?" Sean asked.
"We have enough evidence but we're not sure he's our guy," Hank said.
"We're waiting on some lab results," Paityn said.
"Well, I got a dead popular teacher at an expensive private school. I'd like an answer before politics screw things up." Sean said.
It has been at least 30 minutes and an entire newscast was in the room with Sean. Paityn was looking over at him as jealousy filled her.
"What's wrong?" Nick asked. Nick turned to look at the room.
"I want that to be me," Paityn said. They both looked at her confused not aware Wu was by them. "I want to be the news people in that room giving him the attention." She said. Hank and Nick laughed.
"Oh, she's so in love," Hank said.
"She's fallen deep," Nick said.
"Wait, she hasn't been screwing the captain yet?" Wu asked. Paityn blushed.
"We haven't even kissed yet," Paityn said.
"Okay. The entire office thinks you two are already dating and none of them are reporting it because everyone thinks it's adorable. Just saying." Wu said. Paityn blushed some more.
"Well, she's got a dinner date with him tonight," Hank said.
"Ooh, He's probably gonna wear something fancy," Wu said. She kept blushing redder and redder. He winked and the door opened suddenly. Sean looked at her.
"Detective Paityn Burkhardt. Please come here." He said. He gave her a pleading look and Nick grabbed her arm right before she got out of reach.
"Professional. You can do this." He said. She nodded going over to him and she walked in beside him.
"This is Paityn Burkhardt," Sean said. Quickly she was bombarded with questions.
"Are you still sick?"
"What happened 2 weeks ago?"
"Can you explain why you tried to kill a bunch of cops?"
"I did not try to kill any cops. I can't remember what happened. All I know is that Liam Argent managed to get a hold of me and drugged me so I couldn't remember anything. Captain Renard is the reason our crew is still alive and well." She said. She felt him slightly relax beside her.
"What about the rumors?" Someone asked.
"What rumors?" She asked confused.
"That you two are dating? Is it true?" They asked. The entire room went silent.
"No. It isn't true. He is simply my boss at work. That is all." She said.
"Then how come he knows where you live?" They asked.
"He knows where every one of his officers lives." She said.
"Why is he at your house more often than not?" Another asked. She could tell Sean was getting nervous.
"Because I am not a strong detective yet. But I hope, with my brother by my side, that I will become a better detective and not need to rely on people as much." She smiled just a bit and pictures were flashed multiple times. She was shaking just a bit worried she may blow it.
"That's all the questions for now. Thank you for your time." Sean said. They waited till they all left and then Paityn relaxed just a bit almost falling and Sean carefully caught her.
"That was horrifying." She said.
"That's why I sit down for most of mine." He said. She gave him a small smile.
"Is that all you needed Captain?" She asked.
"No. I was wondering if we could change the time to 8 tonight. I gotta do a bit of overtime tonight due to this case." He said. She nodded.
"That's fine Captain." She smiled at him and he let go of her as she walked out of the room back over to the desks.
"So? How was it?" Wu asked.
"It went well, but terrifying." She said. She sat down at her desk.
"Anyways, Um, You have a lady here to see you. and, How can I put this? She has a lot of smoke coming out of a lot of Orifices." Wu said motioning for the girl's mother to come over.
"Why hasn't Roddy Geiger been arrested? He came to my house and harassed my daughter. This boy is out of control. He got himself thrown out of school for fighting." She said. She was furious and Hank interrupted her.
"We can't arrest Roddy Geiger or anybody without evidence," Hank said.
"Well then get some, before somebody else dies. I do not want him coming to my house.
"Why was he coming to your house?" Paityn asked.
"My daughter went out with him a couple of times, now he thinks he owns her. If my husband sees him again I'm afraid of what he might do. That boy does not belong in our school." She said.
"Or in your neighborhood?" Paityn asked. The mother looked at her and glared a bit.
"Shouldn't you be writing this down? I mean, it's not like you don't flirt with every single boy. You're just a whore like every other girl." She said. Paityn's eyes hardened and Nick looked at the mother pissed. "I'm filing a report aren't I?" Paityn grabbed some papers beginning to fill it out. Nick looked over at Sean's office seeing him trying to contain his anger hearing the women call Paityn that. Sean kept his cool looking at Nick. They didn't have to share any looks to know.
Paityn had it finished within a few hours. Hank and Nick left to go get food. When she was done she set aside the report.
"When we are done with this case we will look into your report," Paityn said. The mother looked at her.
"No, you won't. You'll be too busy screwing the guy to even care. You fucking whore." She said. Sean looked at her through the window since his door was open.
"Ma'am I suggest you leave," Paityn said as calmly as possible.
"No, I suggest you quit your job you worthless slut." She said. "My daughter is 10 times the woman you are. I suggest you quit now and save yourself the pain." She said. She knocked down some of Paityn's things and Paityn caught most of it as the mother stormed out. Paityn sighed putting it all back and then she walked out a few minutes after everything and she went home. She began cooking the chili and she kept thinking about the mother. She winced thinking about it. Soon enough she slammed her fist into the wall hard in frustration and she panted looking at the wall. She looked at the Chili turning the heat off since it was boiling.
She went upstairs to her room changing into more flexible clothes and walked downstairs in a black sports bra and black capris that went just above her knees. She went to her backyard opening the gate and going to a tree punching it hard. This tree wasn't a real tree, it was a more solid foam beam that she used for when she had rough days. She punched it multiple times with her bare hands. When she landed the final punch her doorbell rang. She panted getting back inside.
"Door is unlocked hold on let me change!" She yelled sprinting upstairs. He walked in as she made it into her room and she quickly changed going as fast as she could into something a bit nicer and she took a deep breath walking downstairs. Sean set his banquet of flowers in the middle of the table gently. Wu guessed right. He was wearing a grey tuxedo with a white shirt under it and had a tie. She had on a nice dress shirt and some black leggings. He turned to look at her smiling gently.
"You look nice." He said. She blushed a bit and she went to the chili grabbing two bowls. She filled one with Chili for him and handed it to him. He sat down carefully and she scooped her bowl sitting down at the table across from him. He took a bite smiling just a bit and Paityn smiled as well.
"Do you like it?" She asked. He nodded continuing to eat it and even grabbing a second helping making Paityn giggle a bit.
"So. Paityn, what that woman said earlier..." Sean started. Paityn froze for a moment clutching her spoon a bit. Sean gently put his hand on her and she relaxed. "It wasn't true. I want you to know that."
"I know, no need to worry. Protective mothers am I right?" She said. Sean held her hand and then looked at it confused pulled her closer a bit.
"What did you do to your hand?" He asked.
"Oh. I just punched my wall." She said nervously.
"You punched your wall?" He asked. She nodded.
"Yeah. When I get super frustrated and focused at the same time I tend to punch things if I get angry enough." She said. He nodded. He gently moved his hand up her arm and she held her breath as he slid it up her arm and over her shoulder to her neck. He gently took the patch off seeing the wound.
"It looks a little better." He said. She nodded and he put it back on gently and he moved his hand up to her cheek gently. He cupped her cheek gently and she blushed a bit. She looked into his eyes and he looked into hers. Abruptly a timer went off startling Paityn making her jump and yelp falling off her chair. She burst out laughing as Sean looked at her concerned.
"I'm, I'm sorry. I forgot I had ice cream making. You like strawberries right?" She asked.
They were on her couch carefully eating ice cream. Her head was resting against his shoulder and they just watched random things on TV. Paityn finished her ice cream setting the bowl down. Sean did the same thing and she looks up at him.
"Sean?" She asked. He hummed looking at her brushing a hair behind her ear. "Is this..." She started before she turned around facing him. "A date?" She asked. She blushed while Sean went quiet thinking of an answer.
"I don't see why not." He said. She smiled and she sat up a bit more. "We still have to act professionally at work," Sean said.
"Well, the entire office is already making bets on when our first kiss is gonna be." Paityn giggled. Sean sighed.
"We just don't let anyone out of the workforce know." He said. She could only smile like an absolute dork.
The next day Paityn got to work a lot happier than ever before. She sat down at her desk and Hank smiled.
"Ooh, what's got you so excited? Did you finally kiss him or something?" Hank asked.
"Psh. No, I wish." Paityn said. Hank laughed.
"Ah, I can't believe it. My partner is dating our captain." Hank said. Paityn smiled continuing to do work.
The room looked at her for a moment before cheers were heard and papers were thrown. Thank god the captain was not here yet.
"You two have finally started dating? Do you know how long every one of us has been waiting for this?" One of the cops said.
"Dude we were shocked when we found out you two weren't dating." Another cop said. Paityn laughed.
"Just keep it down. I don't think he'd be the happiest knowing that everyone here knows." She said nervously. They all nodded.
"It's all gonna be on the down-low. We won't let Corporate tear you two apart." They said going back to their jobs.
"So. When are you two going to have children?" Hank said making Paityn choke on her spit.
"What? Hank, we just started dating children is not what I am worrying about right now." Paityn laughed. Nick walked in seeing Paityn smiling as much as she was.
"The date went well?" Nick asked. She nodded.
"It went great. No kissing though, to everyone's disappointment." She said. Nick chuckled sitting down. Later in that same day, the Captain showed up nodding in recognition at Paityn and she nodded back giving a small smile. He went into his office and Hank stood up.
"Come on. Let's show him what we got." Hank said.
"Once we got confirmation that the nylon fibers in the rat's stomach were used in German cars, we ruled out the teacher's car," Hank said.
"We ran every student registration at the von Hamlin institution to see if we could find a match with the fibers," Nick said.
"I'm guessing half the student body drive German cars," Sean said.
"We narrowed it down to just BMW's and Audis that use the nylon we're looking for," Paityn said.
"But the style is only used in SUVs," Hank said.
"We clicked it down from there to a half-dozen students. One of them fought with Roddy, Carter Brimley. He drives a BMW-X5, which is a match with the fibers." Nick said pointing it out on a file.
"Get a warrant," Sean said.
"Hell yeah, let's do this," Paityn said walking out excited. Nick turned to look at Sean.
"What in the world did you do? I haven't seen her this happy in years." Nick said. Sean shrugged.
"I have no idea. Just, go get that warrant. I'll talk to her." Sean said. Nick nodded leaving the room.
They got back to the house and Paityn sighed seeing the father and not the wife this time.
"This is ridiculous. My son had nothing to do with what happened to doctor Lawson." The father said.
"That's what we're here to find out," Hank said.
"We will be done quickly. No need to worry sir." Paityn said.
"Then I should call a lawyer." He said.
"Well, that's your privilege, sir, but you'll still need to open your son's car," Nick said. "Or we'll have to do it by force," Nick said smiling a bit.
"This is great. This is where my tax money goes." He said. He opened the trunk. "What do you think you're gonna find in there? There's nothing in there."
Paityn sighed going over to Wu to try and help him. He lifted a blanket out of the trunk looking at it.
"We got holes." He said.
"bag it!" Hank said.
"Holes? What does that mean?" The father asked. Wu suddenly picked up a piece of what looked like Rat poop.
"Doesn't look like a chocolate chip." He said.
"And the color of the carpeting matches the fibers we've got," Paityn said.
"Sir we're gonna have to impound your car," Hank said.
"What?" The father said shocked.
"Tell us where your son is," Nick said.
"I'm not saying anything until I can talk to a lawyer." He said.
"Well, in that case, we'll have to put a warrant out for his arrest he'll be taken to central jail," Hank said as someone's phone was ringing. The father started freaking out not wanting his son to go to jail. Hank picked up his phone answering it and he sighed.
"Nick. Paityn. We got a fire at the Geiger house." Hank said. Paityn cursed under her breathe.
"I got this go," Wu said as he finished up.
They got there and saw everything burnt to a crisp. Paityn sighed and saw the rat cages.
"Someone let them loose." She said.
"I bet you I know you did," Hank said.
They all showed up at The mother of Carter's house. Paityn looked at Nick and Nick kept her close to her. Nick knocked and she opened the door. She glared at Paityn and Paityn stood her ground.
"We need to talk to your daughter," Nick said.
"Why? She hasn't done anything." She said.
"We need to know where she is right now. She could be in danger." Paityn said.
"She's with friends at the movies." Her mother said.
"You need to call her," Nick said.
"Okay. You two boys can come in. I don't want her in here." She said motioning to Paityn. Paityn sighed.
"You two go in. I'll be alright." She said. They went in without her and she stayed outside for a good 20 minutes. It was chilly out so of course she was shivering trying to keep warm while out. Nick and Hank came out.
"There's a rave. Roddy is throwing it. We need to go." Nick said. She started running with them to the car getting in quite fast. Within around 20 minutes they were there and she got out quickly slamming her door and following Nick and Hank. After Hank checked the license plate and Nick established the blasting music from the building, they walked inside.
"Damn, this place is old and like, historic." She said looking around. Nick looked around using his flashlight and they found a set of stairs going down. She followed them as they went down. Abruptly she heard them yelling.
"They're everywhere! Rats! Rats!" Followed by a few screams. They all began running towards the area. Rats surrounded them causing Hank to scream a bit. She had to hold back a laugh as she went with them with her gun out and raised. Hank shot in the air a few times when Sarah got taken down by rats causing them all to scatter. Nick ran over to her pulling the rats off and helping her up when Sarah clung to him scared.
Nick held her carefully and Roddy started walking away with his Violin and his helmet. Paityn shivered a bit looking at all the rats.
They got them outside and in handcuffs as they admitted to it. Paityn sighed as the cops took them away.
"I guess they're gonna have to face the music," Wu said as he looked at Hank.
"Did you just go there?" Hank asked. Paityn laughed a little at Wu's joke.
"Well somebody had to." He said.
Back at the office, Paityn was just filing some paperwork and Hank was trying to type a report. Nick smiled as he walked over with pizza.
"How many rats?" Hank asked as Nick set the pizza down and then sat in his chair.
"what?" He asked.
"For the report. How many rats do you think were down there?" He asked.
"I'm sorry I didn't stop to count," Nick said.
"I'd like to put a million 'cause that's what it felt like," Hank said.
"Put a thousand. No one is gonna believe a million." Paityn said.
"Nobodies gonna believe a thousand," Hank said. "What are we gonna charge this kid with?" Hank asked.
"Well if it was up to me. Nothing." Nick said.
"We gotta charge him with something," Hank said. "He took a bunch of kids and tried to hurt 'em." He said.
"Yes, with Violins and rats. No one forced the kids to go down there." Paityn said.
"So all we got on Roddy is illegal rave with 5 people," Hank said.
"D.A.'s not gonna want this plus they gotta deal with all those other kids," Nick said.
"How does a kid do something like that?" Hank asked.
"Well, he was an outsider. He got pushed too far." Nick said.
"No no, I got that. I'm talking about how he got all those rats to go down to that building." Hank said. Nick opened the pizza box and she watched him put in a fake rat smirking just a bit but hiding it.
"Oh. I have no idea. There are lots of rats in the city." Nick said.
"Maybe they like raves," Hank said about to add it to the report. "It was a rat rave." He smirked.
"Do not put that in the report oh my god," Paityn said laughing a bit.
"Want a slice?" Nick asked.
"Sure," Hank said reaching for the box opening it seeing a rat, and yelling out. Nick burst out laughing high fiving someone as Paityn was hysterical in laughter holding her ribs in pain. "damn! That's not funny!" Hank said.
"Oh, it was funny if you knew it was there," Nick said smiling.
"Chuckle all you want but karma is a bitch. and she bites." Hank said. Hank grabbed the rat placing it in front of his desk as the office laughed. "This will remind me." He said. Suddenly Paityn struggled to breathe a bit and she sat up coughing a bit. Nick looked over at her concerned.
"Hey Pait, you alright?" Nick asked. Paityn tried to clear her throat but it wasn't working. Hank stood up patting her back and Paityn stood up running to the bathroom as Nick chased after her. She heard the second set of footprints chasing her that weren't Hanks. She slammed the bathroom door coughing out black goo into the toilet. She panted heavily throwing up more of it and she shook. She flushed the toilet standing up and going to the mirror. She had black goo on her lips and she wiped it off with her hands and then on her jeans to hide it.
She opened the door seeing Nick about to start pounding on it and Sean behind him with Hank following.
"Are you alright?" Sean asked.
"I'm fine. Just choked a bit." She said giving a small smile. She was shaking quite a bit. "I think it's about time I head home." She said slowly walking away and Nick joined up beside her.
"I'll drive." He said.
Nick dropped her off at home and she walked inside to her bathroom and she took the patch off seeing the skin turning black yet again.
"I'm not cured. It's still there." She said paling. She couldn't cut off more skin without possibly killing herself in the process. She cursed and changed the patch and she walked out sitting on the couch and she let out a scream of frustration.
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