Chapter 28

*A/N: Trigger warning-Very violent, graphic scene in this chapter. You can skip it *it starts when Enzo steps out of the car*

Also, you can wait to play the song until that part comes up =)



I should have told her I loved her even if that ass face, Sean, was standing there, hovering over her, like some insecure douche. I wanted to do more than that, to be honest, but then I smile when I remember the kiss I gave her in the bathroom.

If something goes wrong, then at least I was able to do that one last time even if she didn't kiss me back as I had hoped, but it felt like she wanted to right before I pulled away.

I look over at Enzo, and his eyes are closed, but his fingers are tapping rhythmically on his knees. I wonder what's going through his head now; no one wants Gio dead more than him, well, other than Stella.

Enzo and I spoke to Isabella before leaving, letting her know her brother would be dying tonight. She looked us straight in the eyes and told us she had no brother.

She made Enzo promise that Gio would feel everything that he's ever done. To leave no doubt that he was not going to get away this time, but Isabella wanted him to suffer; she didn't want a quick death for him.

Gio's ass-kissing enthusiasm to meet tonight was almost laughable. I never imagined that he would willingly fall into this plan, all on his own. Finally, after years of tracking dead ends, this was coming to an end; and then the only one left would be Jimmy.

"Ten minutes out, Capo," Adonis says from the front seat.

"I'm surprised you didn't grab Stella and give her one of those, I might die tonight, so I'm going to kiss the fuck out of you, kisses before leaving tonight," Enzo says, as he takes off the safety to his gun and cocks it.

"I know you're a little slow on the uptake on things sometimes, Enzo, but the obvious fucking fact that she's with someone else, and he was there, shouldn't have gone over your head, even for you," I tell him as I check my guns.

Enzo laughs heartily, "Wow, you sound so mature sometimes. The old JP wouldn't have giving two flying fucks if she was with someone or not and would have taken what he wanted when he wanted it."

The kiss in the bathroom plays in my head again as I smirk before I look over at him. "You seem to like the fucker she's with, unlike how you felt about me when you reemerged in Stella's life. Why would you encourage me to do that to your buddy?" I wonder.

"Aw JP, you sound jealous, bro."

"Pfft, jealous? Give me a fucking break."

Enzo laughs again, "Despite Sean being an asshole when he was a kid, he's a good guy. A decent guy. They seem very...compatible. If she's happy, then that's all I care about--it's not my place to tell her what to do with her life."

I grind my teeth, hearing him say everything that's been thrown at me every time I see her with him, and it eats me up inside.

"Awesome," I respond, holstering my guns.

Enzo laughs again, and I struggle, fighting off the impulse to punch the grin off his fucking face. "Come on, John Paul. You can't give up that easily. Not after everything you two have been through, man. Obviously, it's her choice, but I know her, and I know she's just scared you're going to pull the same shit you did all those years ago, and you can't blame her."

"But if Stella can actually forgive fucking Victoria and shockingly be friends with her, of all people, you don't think she's willing to take a chance on you, again? Come on, man, she just wants to be careful, and you know how she overthinks everything."

"We're here," Adonis says as we pull up to a chainlink gate. "Gio's already here, waiting."

"Someone is coming to open the gate," Mateo says through our comm pieces.

Fuck, I forgot about the comm pieces and the obvious fact that Stella and her fucking boyfriend overheard everything sits in the pit of my stomach like a boulder.

Enzo looks over at me and realizes the same thing.

"Don't worry; I sent Mateo a text to turn off the comm pieces until he heard back from me..." Adonis smirks back at me with a knowing look. He knows I'll compensate him, as usual, when he thinks ahead for me.

"Wait until I give you the signal," I tell Enzo. "Or unless it seems like shit is going down."

"Gio's snipers are setting up as we speak. So when you're ready, just give the signal," Mateo tells me through the earpiece. "The thermal imaging is picking up at least twelve others in the vehicles with him, too."

We pull up facing his three vehicles, and Gio steps out of one, buttoning his suit jacket. Two others step out with him and stand on either side of him.

"Let's end this." I pull my shades on and step out of the car. Adonis follows behind me. Along with Neri, who specializes in knife-wielding and we stand facing Gio and his men.

"Finalmente ci conosciamo, Giovanni Dante," I extend my hand. (It's nice to meet you finally)

"Anche tu, Johnny Santiago." He grips my hand in a firm handshake as well as my elbow. (You as well)

"I appreciate your pledge of loyalty on my behalf and bringing the trader to face his cowardice," I begin.

"It is my honor to bring those who spit on the customs passed down to us from generations. If it pleases you, I would like to take him off of your hands, Don Santiago," Gio states greedily.

"I appreciate your eagerness; however, I am not one who has others do my bidding for me. When it comes to giving consequences or punishments, I have no problem getting my hands dirty," I state, hoping he catches on to the insult.

But he, of course, doesn't or blatantly lies. "We are the same in that respect, then," He claims proudly.

"Bring him out, per favore," I instruct him.

Gio nods to one of his men, and they pull the door open of the second vehicle and drag out a disheveled and beaten Luca D'Angelo, throwing him at my feet. I bend down and pull Luca by the collar of his blood-stained shirt and look at him closely. His eyes are swollen, his cheek has a large gash, and I'm sure he has a couple of broken teeth.

"Don D'Angelo, do you know why you are here?" I question him.

Luca coughs and spits out blood before he speaks. "Don Santiago, per favore, I would never betray you. Giovanni is playing you, signore. I swear to you on my family I would never go against you."

"Why should I believe you?" I run my hand over my hair and tug on the knot at the nape of my neck, giving the signal to the men.

"It's done," Mateo confirms in the comm piece.

"Giovanni is not one to be trusted; he turned on his own blood and also tried to kill his niece, Stella Bracco. I was there when he coordinated Timoteo Bracco's assassination and tried to overthrow Cristian Romano as well. If you can locate Don Romano, he will confirm this, I swear to you."

Giovanni scoffs, shaking his head, clearly enjoying what he thinks is about to happen.

I pull my gun and cock it, pointing it at Luca's head, and he begins to beg. "Don D'Angelo, thank you for your honesty. Your loyalty will be rewarded. I know exactly who Giovanni Dante is, but he has no idea know who I am and what I am capable of," I raise my gun, aiming it at Gio.

Gio looks back at me, smiling but then realizes what's happening. "What the fuck are you doing, Santiago?" His men draw their guns, but so do Adonis and Neri. The rest of the men in the other cars behind Gio jump out and point their weapons at my men and me.

"Giovanni Dante, you know me as Johnny Santiago, but my friends call me John Paul Toretto." I lift my glasses, and he looks back at me with confusion.

"Toretto?" Gio's eyes widen as he recognizes me. "But Cassian shot you. I watched it happen..."

"You're right he did, but he didn't kill me." I take a step closer to him, "You also sent your one-eyed cock sucker to try to kill me a few months ago, and he failed, too, yet you have the fucking balls to state you pledge your allegiance to me!"

Gio looks at my men, then at his, and begins to laugh.

He circles his finger in the air giving a signal, and Adonis, Neri's, and my suit light up with lasers.

"You honestly think I wouldn't come prepared in case this didn't go as planned?" Gio chuckles then sighs dramatically. "I've heard of your cunningness, but you haven't been around long enough to take on someone like me, Toretto."

I smile, "Yet, it was you who came to me, sucking ass, pledging allegiance to me, stronzo!" (asshole)

"Tell me, how is your old man doing?" Gio grins back at me.

"Dead." I state, "You'll be joining him soon enough."

Gio laughs again, "Bold words, but look around you, coglione. You're a dead man. All I have to do is give the signal to my snipers, and they'll take you out faster than you'll have time to register that you're dead."

"You mean these snipers?" I ask.

Apollo and Paulie walk out of the shadows, holding four severed heads by the hair, and toss them at Gio's feet. Gio steps back as he looks at the heads of his men.

He also notices the lasers are no longer on my men or me but on him and his men. Bosco, Paulie, and Neri pull the remaining men out of the cars behind Gio and make them kneel.

"Your power is an illusion, Giovanni Dante," I walk closer to him. "Mine is real."

Adonis takes the guns from the two men on either side of Gio and makes them kneel as well, and then takes the weapons off of Gio.

Neri uses his switchblade to cut the ties on Luca and helps him stand.

Gio watches everything silently. "So what, you're going to kill me now then?"

My men shoot the two men on either side of Gio instantly, and they fall to the ground. The small glimpse of fear that comes across Giovanni's face is indescribably satisfying.

"No. I will not be the one killing you today, Giovanni Dante. I'm here to make sure you face everything you've done to the Bracco's, but also another family," I pause as he looks at me, waiting. "The Romanos."

"I've done nothing to Cristian," Gio states defiantly.

"Not Cristian." I lift my hand, signaling Enzo to step out.

Gio's gaze moves behind me when the car door opens, and Enzo steps out.

Enzo takes slow, measured steps towards us, and I know he's savoring the fear that is radiating out of not only Gio's men but of Giovanni himself.

Enzo's golden eyes are like a focused predator, unmoving and unflinching on his quivering prey. The look of the devil in them, as they appear to almost be glowing, and I know there's no stopping what's about to be unleashed from him.

Gio orders his remaining men to attack Enzo, and they do without hesitation. I watch in awe of Enzo's deadly skills, remembering the night he came to Timo's property and took several of us on at the same time. He was right. He was holding back then.

He's quick and efficient in his movements, and most of Gio's men don't have time to prepare to defend themselves before he kills them.

My men were given orders not to step in unless I say, and we watch as Enzo continues to work his way through each of Gio's men easily, breaking necks, slicing, and slashing at throats or other parts of bodies that kill instantly.

And then the only one left is Gio, himself.

Enzo isn't even breathing hard as he walks up to Gio, keeping a distance, yet it's short enough to inflict the pain and punishment he's been dreaming about for years.

"Buonasera, Giovanni Dante. Mi chiamo Lorenzo Romano, figlio di Franco e Katerina Romano." Enzo's speaks clearly and slowly. (Good evening, Giovanni Dante. My name is Lorenzo Romano, son of Frank and Katerina Romano)

If Gio felt fear before, there was no doubt terror was setting in now.

"I am also here on behalf of Isabella and Stella Bracco, who send their regards." The slow smile on Enzo's face is almost frightening.

Gio straightens himself but tugs at his collar slightly. He removes his jacket and undoes the cufflinks on his shirt, then rolls his sleeves as he speaks. "So you're here as my judge, jury, and executioner then; go on, get on with it. I'm not afraid to die."

"Dying is too easy for you, Giovanni. No." Enzo shakes his head at him, "I'm going to take my time. Just like you did with my mother."

Gio has the guts to laugh mockingly. "You should thank me, Furia. I helped shape you into the ruthless soldier you've become for Cristian. You're going to go down in history because of me."

Enzo moves quickly and grabs Gio, head butting him. He staggers back, covering his nose as it bleeds; he groans and spits blood but then quickly throws a combination, and Enzo lets himself get hit.

Gio smiles at Enzo with blood covering his mouth and teeth, thinking he actually did something. "You know what I remember? Your pussy-ass father begging me on his knees to spare him. To give him chance after chance to repay the debt he owed me," He chuckles before spitting out more blood, then looks back at Enzo, "I heard he killed himself; at least Katerina died with more fight in her. She's probably more of a Romano than Frank ever was."

Enzo moves at lighting speed and throws a quick combination, and Gio's head snaps back with each blow. Gio attempts to throw his mix punches again, but Enzo moves easily out of his way.

Yet, Gio still laughs, "Katerina may have been resistant in the beginning, screaming out for Frank to help her, to come save her, but by the end, she was moaning my name whenever I fucked her."

Enzo kicks in one of Gio's knees and swiftly grabs one of his arms, pulling it at an awkward angle until it snaps; Gio's screams drown out the cracking sound.

Enzo circles Gio, eyeing him with desperate hunger on his face to inflict as much pain as he can. Then, he pulls out a long serrated knife from his belt.

Gio is panting heavily now and groans as he tries to stand, and shockingly, manages to stand albeit, teetering on the verge of collapsing.

Gio coughs before he tries to speak, "She gave me half-assed blow jobs; no wonder Frank would rather be gambling, bleeding out money than be at home with her or even you. You weren't anything to be proud of until you had no choice but to man up."

Enzo makes quick movements and slashes on Gio; blood sprays and drips on the asphalt from the several cuts Enzo made on his body.

Gio groans in pain, and then Enzo kicks in his other knee, and Gio falls right on his face, not able to hold his hands out to break his fall after Enzo sliced at his arms.

Enzo moves down and places his boot on Gio's elbow, then pulls his hand back, snapping the other arm now. Gio wails out in pain, gasping for air.

Enzo flips him on his back, Gio begins begging. "Please, please no more."

Enzo leans over Gio, "Where was your mercy for my mother? For Carmela? For Timo? For Isabella? For Stella?" He starts punching him, repeatedly; releasing all the pain and anger he's held in for years.

I walk up to him when it's obvious Gio is practically dead. "Enzo, it's done."

But Enzo keeps going and starts screaming with each punch he throws. Finally, I pull him away roughly to stop him.

We look down at Gio, who's barely wheezing and making gurgling sounds from the blood filling his mouth.

"Finish it," I tell him.

Enzo pulls his gun and unloads it on Gio until he's out of bullets.

I walk over to my men and give orders; Luca repeatedly thanks me, kissing my hand in gratitude before leaving with the other men. I give out instructions to the rest of the men before I lead Enzo back to the car.

The drive home is silent. Adonis confirms a clean-up crew is on its way to the scene. I look over at Enzo, and he's looking down at his bloodied hands that are shaking violently.

As we pull up to the house, I see Stella sitting on the front steps waiting for us. I instruct the men to go inside.

Stella runs towards the car, but Adonis stops her from getting closer. We can hear her shout for Enzo, but Adonis ends up carrying her away from the vehicle until Topo grabs her from him and takes her inside, still fighting and screaming out for Enzo.

"Take as much time as you need, Enzo." I place my hand on his shoulder, and he breaks down.

I know he's releasing a different kind of pain now. One he wasn't allowed to show or let go of either for years. Knowing all too well, what that feels like, but eventually, I had Stella, who would tell me it was okay to cry.

Enzo never had that, and he is now releasing it all after unleashing the anger, resentment, and hatred in one night.

I lean back in the seat, prepared to stay with him until he is done and ready to go inside the house.


*Bittersweet moment for Enzo, he deserves the world in my opinion, but I am biased! Haha =)

Tell me your thoughts, what do you think of the everyone's journey's in the story so far??

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