THIRTY-SEVEN: Accomplice
THIRTY SEVEN: Accomplice
For a second, Viggo remained stationary as the auburn-haired Viking approached-but as Hiccup's Inferno sword flashed down, the Hunter drew his own sword and another flaming blade crashed into Hiccup's own. Grunting, Hiccup put all his weight and strength into trying to push the Hunter backwards but his keen eyes were already registering the weapon facing him-a chunky jewelled handle with a hollow blade, all edge and no middle with flames lapping along the metal.
"What?' he gasped.
"I liked your fire sword so much, I made my own," Viggo told him smugly. "With improvements..." He shoved Hiccup back and the lean Viking glared at the much stockier and more powerful man facing him. "I only want to talk," Viggo told him but Hiccup felt his rage at the betrayal that had happened...and what could have ensured...overwhelm him.
"There's nothing to talk about!" he yelled and threw himself forward, his sword slamming right at Viggo's head. The man ducked, barely scrambling his own sword up to parry the lethal attack, managing to back away.
"Please!" he entreated Hiccup. "If you would just..." But Hiccup had become a dangerous fighter, trained by Astrid and seasoned by hardship and now, driven by the horrific vision that had haunted his nightmares ever since that day, his entire being was focussed on killing Viggo. For a few moments, they traded blows and Hiccup slowly drove his enemy back...until the man narrowed his eyes. "ENOUGH!" he shouted and depressed a button on the hilt of his sword. Hiccup's eyes widened at the sight and familiar smell...of Zippleback gas.
"What the..." he managed before it ignited, blasting him back to slam into a tree, his sword bouncing feet from his outstretched hand. Winded and with a pounding head, he looked up as Viggo glared down on him.
"This is pointless," the Hunter said coldly and then turned to the Night Fury, who was still clawing at the bola. But muzzled or not, Toothless arched his back and narrowed his eyes at the approaching Hunter. "Easy, dragon," he said and sliced out with his blade, cutting the bola free. Still growling, Toothless bounded to Hiccup's side, curling protectively around him as he recovered and Viggo walked closer. After a long moment, the man laid his sword down on the ground, crouching so he was at eye level with the winded dragon rider. There was no artifice in Viggo's eye when he looked into the young man's face and spoke softly.
"Please listen to me, Hiccup," he said. "I need your help."
High above, Astrid lay low over Stormfly and peered through the spyglass, seeing Hiccup slowly clamber to his feet with Toothless at his side. She had insisted on following them because the Nadder was an excellent tracker and she was not prepared to allow her fiancé to face his nemesis alone. There had been too many close calls with Viggo, too many times the man had almost finished them to trust Hiccup to face him alone. Treachery flowed through Viggo's veins and she would not trust, moreso since the time when the Riders accepted his help in defeating Ryker, who had finally betrayed his younger brother-only to be repaid by his attempt to coerce Hiccup to hand over the DragonEye by holding Astrid hostage.
"Don't trust him," she murmured, keeping focussed on the man and seeing him lead the rider to a fire pit and invite Toothless to ignite the kindling there. Reluctantly, the Night Fury complied and then Hiccup and Toothless pointedly sat the opposite side of the flames from Viggo, well out of reach, as the Hunter unconcernedly began to fry a fish. Astrid frowned.
"Don't trust him," she repeated.
Watching Viggo do something as prosaic as frying a fish was an unreal feeling, Hiccup realised, for he had only ever seen the man calm and in control, playing his role. From facing Hiccup after trapping him in Flightmare mist to trading wits across a Maces and Talons board, the Hunter Chief was a man who was always master of the game...but to hear how he had been betrayed gave Hiccup some hope he could handle whatever the man was planning. He could hear Toothless's stomach growling softly as the aroma of frying fish filled the air.
"I won't spend the rest of my life waiting for Krogan or Johann to kill me! I must strike first!" the Hunter said firmly. Hiccup stared at him.
"I'll tell you what-I'll deal with Johann while you watch from your cell on Outcast Island!" he said sarcastically with Toothless standing at his back, still growling-though Viggo just laughed.
"Oh Hiccup-you have many admirable qualities...but ruthlessness isn't one of them," Viggo told him mockingly. "You are too good, too pure, too innocent...and that is going to get you or someone you love killed. Without ruthlessness, you will fail against Johann."
Hiccup stared at him, forcing his face impassive.
He doesn't know, he thought slowly. No one passed on the news that a Night Fury Rider has ravaged the southern hunters. That I killed and sunk them in my ruthless desperation to find and release Astrid before she and the baby came to harm. So yes, I am ruthless, just haven't ever seen it...or pushed the right button.
And that is my advantage.
For the longest moment, Viggo stared at him, as if reading his thoughts-and then tossed the cooked fish in front of the suspicious Toothless. There was a pause as the dragon sniffed it carefully...and then ate it.
"And the truth is...I exact my revenge without you...or your Night Fury," Viggo added. "Once they are defeated, I will disappear. You have my word," he added smoothly, resting his hand on his heart...but Hiccup wasn't falling for that one again.
"And what good is your word, Viggo?" Hiccup snapped back. "After all you've done, all the dragons and people you've hurt, you seriously expect me to believe you? The fact you threatened Astrid when we had an alliance? I will NEVER help you!"
"Even if it means acquiring Johann's DragonEye-and all his lenses?" Viggo asked silkily. Hiccup scowled. There was scarcely a pause as Hiccup retorted:
"I don't trust you."
Sitting down and taking a bite from his fish. "Oh, that's a shame," he commented and then stared at the fire. "Hiccup-do you know what Red Oleander is?" he asked.
I have never wished I was Fishlegs before, Hiccup sighed inwardly, not having a clue. "Yes!" he said forcefully but Viggo laughed at him.
"You don't actually," he said lightly, seeing through his subterfuge. He was actually laughing at the younger dragon rider and Hiccup felt his fists clench. "If you did, you would know that if the flower is ingested by a dragon, if causes a slow and painful death. Of course, dragons won't go near it, due to its pungent odour...but if it's disguised by another" He looked meaningfully at the fillet in his hand and Hiccup's eyes widened, flicking to look over at Toothless, who was licking his lips from the fish he had just scoffed.
A fish Viggo had given him.
Rage blinded Hiccup and he lunged forward, the sword in his hand, flaming, and he had no hesitation at pressing it close enough to scorch Viggo's neck. The man's eyes widened in shock, recalculating the limits of Hiccup's ruthlessness.
"You give me the antidote...NOW! Hiccup yelled, digging the flaming blade into the man's neck and almost enjoying the hiss of pain the man gave. And hating himself for becoming as bad as Viggo.
"I-I don't have it! Only Johann does!" Viggo stammered as Hiccup pulled the blade back an inch. "Help me and I will get you the antidote! three days, your dragon will die..."
His words melted away any guilt Hiccup may have felt at seeing the fresh burn on the man's skin and he glared in fury at Viggo. Somehow, he had been suckered again by the manipulative Hunter...but this time, Toothless's life was at stake. And Hiccup would have no qualms in handing over Viggo if it gained him the antidote he required. Reluctantly, he stepped back a pace, feeling his rage subside so he could think again and then he sheathed his sword, running to Toothless. Cooing gently, the Night Fury nuzzled gently against him and Hiccup closed his eyes in defeat. He hated that he had allowed himself to be trapped and played again. His only grace was that he had his own back-up, watching high in the sky.
"What's the plan?" he asked tonelessly. Viggo rose to his feet, lightly touching the red burn on his neck.
"We infiltrate the base and steal the DragonEye and lenses, making Johann worthless to Krogan," Viggo explained calmly. "And they will destroy each other."
"How do you figure that?" Hiccup asked him, his eyes still searching Toothless for some sign that he had been poisoned. Viggo folded his hands behind his back and paced backwards and forwards, like he was lecturing his men.
"Krogan doesn't work for Johann," he revealed. "He is employed by a mysterious buyer from the North." Interest piqued, Hiccup half-turned to inspect the Hunter.
"Mysterious buyer? Who?"
"Johann would never tell me," Viggo said dismissively. "Perhaps he thought if I know, I would eliminate him and take the contract for myself...which I would..."
"Such honour," Hiccup snarked.
"I am simply a businessman," Viggo replied calmly as Hiccup turned to glare at him again.
"I am sure the DragonEye and lenses will be heavily guarded," he pointed out sharply.
"Of course," Viggo conceded without any anxiety.
"Boobytrapped," Hiccup said.
"So how do you hope to get near them?"
"With this," the Hunter said, holding up the Maces and Talons piece. The Accomplice. Hiccup stared at him, his gut suddenly bubbling with anxiety. His mind was already flying ahead and he really didn't like the way this was heading.
And he felt less comfortable as they flew towards a distant, rocky island, Hiccup fought his qualms at having Viggo sitting behind him, the image of Astrid with her own axe pressed against her throat playing over and over in his mind. Toothless was flying easily, apparently fine but that didn't stop the young Rider leaning forward and pressing his hand on the dragon's flattened head.
"You okay, bud?' he murmured, feeling the dragon coo reassuringly to his anxious rider. Toothless didn't like the Hunter on his back, having felt the man try to stab his rider once previously and been captured by a bola only hours earlier. If the Hunter double-crossed them, the Night Fury had vowed to use his claws if necessary to rip the man in half, even if it was the last thing Toothless did.
"The symptoms won't start to show for another day-and by then our business should be concluded!" Viggo told him superiorly, sneering at the younger man's glare. "Don't look at me like that, Hiccup! What did I tell you about ruthlessness?"
"You poisoned my dragon, Viggo!" Hiccup growled. "What do you expect? That we're going to be best friends?"
"Toothless will be fine!" Viggo insisted, his tone slightly irritated. "You have my word!"
And how much is that worth? Hiccup thought grimly.
But they flew to a snow-swathed mountain top, amid the blizzard with lightning crackling around. Viggo was confident as he leapt off Toothless, a hefty skinning knife in his hand.
"In ancient times, the Singetail was one of the most feared dragons. However, there was only one dragon whose powerful blast could neutralise the Singetail's fire." He turned to the storm and held up his knife as the lightning bolts crackled around him. "Meet our accomplice!" he announced as a horribly familiar black and purple shape emerged, flapping through the blizzard. Lightning crackled around the dragon and Toothless growled in anger. "The Singetail's only predator-the Skrill!"
"Are you insane?" Hiccup yelled through the flying snow. "Have you any idea how territorial the Skrill is?"
"We don't have much time..." Viggo said superiorly but Hiccup had had enough.
"If you think I'm going to help you capture and torture this dragon for your revenge, you've got another thing coming!" he swore furiously as Toothless growled angrily.
"You're in no position to bargain!" Viggo snapped at him s he ducked under a lightning blast from the Skrill, straight at Toothless. Immediately, the Night Fury leapt backward and lit his plasma blast, ready to attack the ferocious Skrill. The two were enemies and Toothless wasn't about to tolerate any attacks. "Don't aggravate it!" Viggo snapped. The next blast caught Toothless's tail and the rider and Night Fury crashed to the ground, the tail fin wrecked. Hiccup was stunned, on his knees and vulnerable as the Skrill rose over him, crackling with purplish lightning...but Toothless was immediately in front of him, his mouth full of plasma, ready to protect Hiccup at any costs. But Viggo jumped between the dragons, facing the Skrill with his knife raised. "Don't fire!" he snapped, slowly moving the iron knife from side to side, seeing the Skrill's eyes focussed on the metal. "That's right..." he murmured as the dragon slowly flapped to land mere feet in front of him. "Berserkers used metal knives to lure dragons into traps," he murmured as Hiccup rested his hand on Toothless's neck. "The Skrill is drawn to this due to its electrical properties," Viggo continued, seeing the dragon slowly walk forward. "That's right..."
NO! Hiccup was shocked and felt a sudden surge of despair as the dragon pressed its nose into Viggo's hand.'s been captured by him...and it was all my fault. He would never have gotten close if not for me.
What have I done now?
But he looked at Toothless.
But for you, bud...I have to go along with this.
"We are not enemies. There is no way I would torture this dragon," Viggo continued, his low voice surprisingly sincere...but Hiccup couldn't bring himself to believe the Hunter. The man had lied too many times.
"I never thought I would hear you say that," he commented sarcastically and the man almost looked disappointed at the words but he controlled his face and looked at Toothless's tail.
"Do you have a spare?" he asked coolly as Hiccup gave a smug smile.
"What do you think?" he asked.
The base was in a deep valley, open at one end only and surrounded on three sides by solid rock Guard towers surrounded the only entrance and overlooked the main valley floor, ensuring they had a clear view in case anyone penetrated the base-or the Singetails grew frisky. The main part of the base was in the cave system in the mountain with the entrance flanked by guard towers. And the duty was usually dull, despite the overcast sky and the lightning flashing.
A knife fell from the sky and landed on the tower closest to the cave entrance and as the guards looked up, a huge explosion of lightning blasted them, exploding the guards tower. Watching from the hillside, concealed among the rocks, Hiccup and Viggo saw Krogan and the guards race out to battle the Skrill and it was with immense satisfaction that the young Dragon Rider saw the Singetails blasted by the Skrill, noting carefully-as the others had already told him-that as soon as their riders fell, the dragons flew away. But Viggo nudged him and he kicked Toothless into the air, gliding unseen to land in the now-unguarded entrance to the base. Viggo leapt off Toothless and stared up at the aerial battle, an unreadable expression on his face.
"Krogan's hubris will be his downfall," he commented, then turned into the base with Hiccup at his back. They ran through the base, seeking the DragonEye-but they had scarcely searched a quarter of the base when they rounded a corner-and saw Johann, Krogan and a whole squad of guards sprinting towards them.
"Okay-here's the plan," Hiccup began but Viggo turned towards him, a hand on his shoulder-and suddenly his fist crunched into Hiccup's middle, crushing the air from him, He grunted and almost didn't hear the man's words as he doubled up in pain.
"I want to thank you, Hiccup, for getting this far," Viggo told him, spinning him round and pulling him against his chest, a knife at his throat. The Hunter glared at the dragon. "One move and your master dies," he warned the dragon, causing the Night Fury to swallow his plasma blast as he turned to his hosts. Lowering his sword, Krogan stared in shock.
"Grimborn! I thought you were dead!" he growled as Johann assumed a servile tone.
"I must apologise, Viggo, for what happened in those caves," he said, walking forward with an apologetic look on his face. "Some of my Fliers became...over zealous." Viggo didn't even acknowledge the man's tone-or ease his ferocious grip on Hiccup.
"Were our roles reversed, I would have done the same," he said easily as Toothless was muzzled. "And to show there are no hard feelings, I've brought you a gift!" And he shoved Hiccup forward-to land at Krogan's feet. Immediately, two of the Hunter guards grabbed him and wrenched him to his feet.
"What are you doing?" he breathed as he was hauled away-to see Viggo fold his arms behind his back, a smug look on his face.
"I told you before, Hiccup-you are too pure, too innocent...and that will one day get you killed."
In the melee, no one had seen another shape sneak into the cave, hiding in a crevice as the auburn-haired dragon rider was hauled away. Astrid watched Viggo and Johann exchange a few words and then follow the struggling shape of Hiccup to a room full of heavy dragon-proof cages. The men watched as Toothless was driven into one and the frantically struggling Hiccup was thrown into another. Managing a worried coo, the Night Fury looked anxiously at his Rider as Hiccup hit the floor of the cave, his breathing fast and fighting panic. Too many memories were swirling around him right now, memories of days and nights of captivity, of despair and of pain. Of torture at the hands of the Captain. Of impending death...
And Viggo stood by Johann, a satisfied smile on his ruined face as the Rider scrambled to his knees, tugging at the chains around his wrists and masking his fear.
"I knew you'd betray me, Viggo!" he shouted. "You didn't change. You are nothing more than a common criminal!" And the glare that the Hunter gave him made him feel justified in the condemnation. Then Johann smiled.
"Tell me, Viggo-how did you manage to capture Hiccup and the Night Fury when so many others...including me...have failed?" Folding his arms, Viggo looked up with a triumphant smile.
"It was my greatest gambit," he revealed easily. "Simple but effective. I convinced him that I wanted to betray you-and I needed his help!" Hiccup glared at him, feeling sick with betrayal as Johann nodded.
"Impressive," he commented. But Krogan was eyeing the young Viking like a nasty insect.
"But what about the Skrill?' he asked, hefting his ferocious multi-bladed axe in his hand. Viggo adopted an apologetic smile.
"A necessary evil to get him to trust me," he explained. "I hope none of your Fliers were injured in the battle..." Krogan walked past him, his dark eyes fixated on the prisoner.
"Let's get this over with," he growled. "And kill the boy!" Viggo's hand gripped his shoulder tightly, arresting him as Hiccup felt a thrill of fear run down his spine.
"Need I remind you that lenses are our number one priority?" he said pointedly. "We only need one more. Hiccup can bring it to us-or we can force him to tell us where it is. I am certain there is ample knowledge in his head..." Johann snorted.
"This is a conversation that would be better conducted in private!" he said commandingly and turned away, followed by Krogan and finally Viggo. And, pressed against the back of his cage, as close as he could be to Toothless, Hiccup felt his heart plummet.
But no sooner had they left him alone than light footsteps closed and the familiar shape of Astrid rounded the corner, seeing him slumped in the cage. Emerald eyes lit up and the dragon gave a happy croon as the blonde warrior crouched by the door of the cage.
"Missed me, babe?' she asked him and he nodded, a shuddering sigh of relief easing the tension from his body.
"More than you can know," he admitted as she unlocked the cage and removed his manacles-before she was able to release Toothless. Unashamedly, he caught her face and stole a deep kiss before they pulled apart.
"Wow-neither the time nor the place, babe-but that was...nice..." she admitted, raising a hand to her lips. He smirked.
"Thor-this is the closest we've managed to getting any alone time," he reminded her as she chuckled.
"But we really don't want these guys walking in on us," she reminded him they got up and he retrieved his weapons.
"Tyrant," he teased her.
"I believe that's you," she retorted. "I'm the slave driver, remember?"
"How could I forget?" he smirked. "Okay, Milady-now we go and find that DragonEye. And it looks like we just got back in time-because they only need one lens..." She pecked a quick kiss on his cheek and then hefted the axe in her hands.
"Then let's find that DragonEye and stop them finding the King of Dragons," she said as they ran off into the caves.
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