Chapter Fifty-Seven
Taehyung sits at the end of his bed, staring at the framed pictures of him and Ria on top of the dark wood dresser. Her beautiful smile shines back at him in those beloved frozen memories as she poses beside him or with her arms wrapped around his torso or shoulders, her beauty always did truly shine from the inside out. Fond memories of those moments replay like a movie trailer and he can almost hear the words she had spoke just before the photo was taken.
The house was quiet minus the sound of the soft instrumental music playing from his phone on the nightstand and he closes his eyes for a couple of moments to relax, somewhat meditating as previously instructed by his therapist. It had been a very hard last few months with everything that had happened with Miles and although he was no longer a concern, it was going to take a while to completely rid him of all of the damage he had caused in his life. Especially the guilt he's still dealing with for taking another person's life, regardless of it being in self-defense. In all honesty, he'll probably always have to deal with that but he refuses to let it drag him down. At the end of it all, Taehyung did what he had to do and was unfortunately left with no other choice.
Footsteps outside of his door catch his attention as he opens his eyes and looks over to it when he hears a slight knock against the painted wood, "Come in."
"Tae Tae, are you okay?" Izzy worriedly asks as she sees him still sitting down in the same spot that she had last seen him at.
Nodding, he gives her a small smile, "I'm okay. Are you okay?"
"I need your help." She holds out the hair bow she was carrying and places it in the palm of his hand, "Can you put this on for me? Mommy always put it in where it doesn't fall out if I run or jump."
"I can try my best." He pulls her closer to him and slides the clip of the bow right in front of the ponytail sitting on top of her head, the rest of her hair falling into milk chocolate brown ringlets.
Wrapping her small arms around his torso, he hugs her tightly as she grins against his dress shirt, "I love you, Tae Tae."
Smiling at her sweet words, he kisses her forehead and squeezes her one more time, "I love you, too, baby girl. We have to go soon, are you ready?"
Nodding, she steps back and spins around, showing him her dress, "All ready."
"Go ahead and go to your room. I'll come to get you when I'm done," he instructs and she runs back down the hallway towards her bedroom to continue playing with her Barbies until it's time to leave.
Rubbing his hands over his black suit pants, he stands up and looks at Ria's picture one more time before grabbing the matching black jacket. Styling his hair in the way she had always preferred it when he had to be more formal, he takes one last look in the mirror as he adds some small earrings to his lobes and fastens the cufflinks on his jacket sleeve.
"Here we go," he whispers to himself through a heavy exhale to steady his nerves just before taking a step out of his bedroom door and calling out for Izzy to join him on the way down to the car where the hired driver is waiting to pick the two of them up.
Staring out of the back window with Izzy sitting next to him and preoccupied with the bow on her dress, he thinks about how much his life has changed since he had realized his true feelings. A man who was once secretly in love with his childhood best friend ended up being the hero of his story and getting the girl of his dreams, just to face scenarios he never in a million years thought he would need to. And although he wishes he could go back in time and prevent all of the bad things, he knows he'd do it all again for her without any reservation.
Izzy places her head on his arm as she gets comfortable during the ride and his heart flutters at the action. He was so terrified of no longer having this beautiful little girl in his life but will now protect and raise her as if she was his own because biology aside, he has always been her father and she needed him more than he'll ever know.
Watching her use her middle and index finger to walk across the fabric of her dress as if she was imagining them to be the legs of a tiny person, he envisions being the one to take her prom dress shopping her senior year and immediately disapproving of anything too revealing; visions of her walking across the stage of her high school graduation as he proudly takes way too many photos and her rolling her eyes at him in annoyance; thoughts of walking her down the aisle and having the first dance at her wedding should she ever find someone worthy of her heart.
Without a doubt, he would do anything to give her the happiest life he possibly could while doing his best to raise her as a decent person with morals and respect for others. Be able to make Ria proud of him for his efforts. He wants to be the type of dad she could call on when she needs help as well as just a friend to talk to about her day.
Pulling up to the secluded park where loved ones wait for their arrival, he turns to Izzy, making sure her hair was still neatly in place and there wasn't anything on her face or in her teeth. Taking a deep breath, he looks her in her eyes as she glances up at him innocently resembling her mother when she was younger, he nods his head in approval and slides out of the back door once the driver opens it for them.
The thing is, as Ria had said to him back when she started online dating, not everyone is meant to have a happy ending...
But as he walks up to hug the family and especially her father, and soon-to-be father-in-law who wraps him in a tight embrace, he's reminded that he and Ria are one of the lucky ones who do get to say they have their own personal fairytale.
Standing next to the officiant underneath a large oak tree at the edge of the cliff that overlooks a beautiful vineyard, he stares at the intimate group of friends and family talking amongst one another and smiling fondly back at him while he waits for his blushing bride.
After Ria's full recovery, Taehyung wasted no time in finally proposing to the woman he loves more than life itself. She had beamed with an overwhelming excitement after the romantic candlelit dinner for two on their patio as she accepted the engagement ring, wrapping her arms around him as she kissed him passionately. It was a simple proposal, no over-the-top scenarios or loads of people waiting for her answer, but the amount of love radiating from the two of them made it a moment to always remember as they slow danced underneath the moonlight.
Neither one of them saw the point in extending a long engagement when they both knew, without a doubt, that they were the ones for each other.
As she wanted, they planned an intimate wedding with only close friends and immediate family at one of her favorite venues. At first, Taehyung questioned if she may regret not having the big princess type of wedding she used to want as a little girl, but the more she excitedly came up with ideas to host the small gathering, he realized that this is exactly what she really wanted. As long as he got to call her his wife, he would be a happy man.
When he witnessed her almost completely losing her life, it made him appreciate her even more. Every smile and giggle she made was as if it was music to his ears. Every yawn in the morning and every time he watched her brush out her hair before bed was as if she, alone, made the sun rise and she hung the stars in the night sky.
So the moment he sees her at the other end of the aisle after Izzy finished covering it with flowers, Taehyung's heart exploded with the amount of love he held inside, and overjoyed tears began to uncontrollably cascade from his eyes.
Keeping her gaze on him as her arm stays hooked with her dad's, she smiles back at him as the lace and chiffon wedding dress flows gracefully around her feet and her long hair adorned in waves blows with the gentle wind.
After placing a kiss on both of her father's cheeks and him passing over the wedding bands that were left in his care, Ria hands her bouquet of light pink and white roses that were mingled with baby's breath over to Jane sitting down next to Chasity.
Since they were kids, Taehyung and Victoria had always talked about being each other's man of honor and best woman but as fate had it, they ended up being each other's bride and groom instead. Due to this beautifully unforeseen twist of events, they decided to nix the idea of a wedding party and just stand up at the altar as a lone duo. The two of them against the world, just like how it should be.
The officiant begins the ceremonial speech, adding in just the right amount of jokes to make them smile and Ria scrunch her nose up in the way Taehyung loves. As if no one else was around, they stay lost within each other while the officiant speaks words of love.
"Everyone in attendance today has their own love stories," the officiant states as every couple in love glances at the one who holds their heart and Izzy smiles brightly at her mother and soon-to-be legal father. "Some have yet to be written and others are just starting. Victoria and Taehyung, we're all here to support you, dream with you, be proud of the people you've become, and remind you that love isn't happily ever after; it's a journey. A series of moments that make up your own love story."
Squeezing his hands, she smiles up at him with love-filled honey irises as he fondly returns his signature boxy grin with his eyes turning into crescent moons.
Taking a step back, the officiant holds out his hands signaling to the couple standing before him, "These two have been through so much in life together that they felt it was only right to prepare joint vows as well."
Clearing her throat, Ria shyly smiles before beginning, "Through my entire life, I have had you by my side as you've loved me for everything I am..."
"...and I vow to love you for everything you will be," Taehyung adds with a slight blush to his cheeks.
"Kim Taehyung, I promise to always support your dreams and love you without reservation. To be your comfort in times of need and to always be your best friend first and foremost. I vow to forever be open and honest with you... whether you like it or not," the small crowd chuckles at her words, "and to cherish you for the rest of my life." Her heart beats excitedly as she knows the ceremony is coming closer and closer to an end.
"Victoria James, my Ria, I promise to always protect you and be your strength if you feel weak. To laugh with you in good times and cry with you in bad. I vow to be the best father I can be to Isabelle if she'll accept me," he looks over to the giddy little girl who nods her head with much conviction making him grin appreciatively, "and I promise to always make chocolate chip pancakes and dance with you in the kitchen."
Giggling at his last statement, Ria squeezes his hand in an attempt to not kiss him before it's time, "Once innocent kids and now adults, we've grown up with one another..."
"...and now we'll grow old together." Taehyung finishes her sentence as he smiles even wider than before.
"Always my best friend and now my spouse," Ria starts before Taehyung joins her. "I will give you all of this and more. This is my solemn vow." They finish saying in unison as they stare deeply into each other's eyes while they listen to Taehyung's mother in the background gushing at their cuteness.
Nodding with a proud grin, the officiant steps forward once more and instructs each of them to place the ring on the other's finger. And without further ado, Taehyung was finally given permission to claim Victoria as his wife whom he held tightly in his arms as he seared a meaningful kiss onto her smiling lips.
Friends and family stood from their seats as they applauded the action with Aunt Gigi and both of their mothers shouting louder than everyone else, including Tae's frat brothers and their respective significant others. Although, their mutual friends Hannah and Chris cheering at the top of their lungs would have to be a close second.
Izzy runs up to their side, hugging both of their legs tightly while bouncing in place, feeling like her own fairytale wishes had finally come true.
They were officially a family, first by heart and now by law, and there was nothing in this world that either of them would have ever wanted more.
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