History of Art

"L-Law?!" - You panicked to the sound of his voice behind you as you turned around.

In a quick momevent your face automaticly turned to the side, your eyes searched for a way of escape from his piercefull stare as a small pout formed on your lips.

"W-What a-are y-you doing h-here?" - Your irregular acute voice betrayed you.

Law's widdened at your oddly familiar expression. Not beeing able to hold it nor wanting to, Law's shoulders raised up and down at the sound of his own chuckles.

"You've..." - He spoke between loud and clear giggles - "You've been spending too much time with Luffy!"

You didn't know how to react at first, but hearing Law's laugh made you relax and undo that weird previous face expression of yours. Soon you joined him in slight giggles as a pink dust colored your cheeks.

"S-Sorry..." - You apologized as the mood cooled down - "I just thought... t-that maybe y-you had heard me..."

Your previously focused eyes on the floor shot up towards the sexy man in front of you at the gentle caress of his hand on your cheek.

"I did see it all... and I liked what I saw." - His thumb traced your now crimson flushed cheek in circles - "That's one of the reasons I like you, my rebellious little kitten."

Althought he was smirking, you could see a faint pink color on his cheeks as his eyes examined you cautiously. Quickly you lost yourself in his eyes, gazing passionatly for a moment, only waking up afterwards in realization...

"A-Are you checking me out?" - You suddenly remembered your relieving skirt and tank top.

"Can't I?" - He gave you one of his usual seductive smirks as you pouted angrily.

"P-Pervert!" - You covered your chest in a self embrasse as you made a mental note to never wear the slightest revieling clothes near Law.

"C'mon, we still have a date to go to!" - He grabbed your hand pulling you along with him as he walked towards the exit.

"B-But I'm not properly dressed!" - You saw him looking at you from the corner of his eye without stopping.

"Those are good to me." - His second intentions were so obvious you stook out your tongue like a child - "Not yet dear, we'll leave the tongue work for later..."

With that your muscles became tense as you walked hand on hand, which you hadn't noticed until you both walked outside the building. You felt his fingers interwine with yours, unconsciously making you smile like a creep as you innerly fangirled.

His hand, way bigger than yours, felt surprisingly soft. You had always expected them to be more rough, but it made sense as a medecine student he had to have a gentle touch. Again, your body betrayed you as you unconsciously caressed his hand.

"Someone's in the mood..." - He smirked as you gasped retrieving your hand immediatly in embarassement.

"I'm not..." - You mumbled not bearing to glace at him a single time.

"It's ok, you don't have to be so nearvous about it." - He stopped walking when already stepping outside the gateway - "I want our date to be natural and romantic in the purpose of getting to know each other."

His sincere smile melted your heart. You nodded agreeing to once more walking while holding hands.

"We'll leave the caressing to later when we're at my house, shall we?" - His provocative smirk annoyed you.

You tried your best to ignore his provocations as you walked towards your destination. It didn't take long before you two arrived at the entrance of a very beautiful park. Law explained to you that this was a very antique and highly regarder natural park, it protected many species of birds and plants, some even almost extint, but that wasn't the best part.

"The surprise is in the middle of the park, we'll have to walk a bit more to get there." - Althought his face and voice seemed the same, he clearly became more talktative and gestured a lot while explaining.

He told you this park was also very visited by many medecine students like himself, he often came here to study some of the rare plants. It was his favourite place in town and he wanted to share it with you. 

"No wonder he looks so excited..." - You thought as you observed his body language.

The guide didn't last long as you both were famished thanks to Hancock's long scene in the cafeteria and walked forward. To your surprise, in the middle of the park, was a giant gorgeous lake and...

"A burger restaurant?" - The disappointment in your voice was evident.

"Not just any burger restaurant, the best vegetarian restaurant in the city!" - He proudly smiled as you still gazed dumbfounded.

"OH MY GOD THIS IS THE BEST BURGER EVER!" - You shoved the burger down your throat like you hadn't eaten in days quickly turning to the mountain of french fries next to you afterwards - "And these... WHAT ARE THOSE?!"

"Could you please be more quiet?... You're making a scene like Hancock." - Law whispered as he tried to hid his face in embarassement while other clients oddly looked at your table.

His shy awkward face was so cute and a rare sight you just had to keep embarassing him!

"Oops, sorry... But how could I not know of this place? How do they make these these burgers so big and delicious? Are you sure they only cost this cheap?!" - You bombarded him with endless questions.

Law sighed before answering you.

"Yes, they sell a bowl of french fries per menu, both fries and burger are naturally this big, none of these are made of that meat shit you usually eat at other fast food restaurants and I'm glad you didn't know of this place otherwise they'd bankrupt a long time ago." - He calmly took a bite of his own burger while watching you as you desperatly called the waitress for another one.

"Aw don't be so mean, I'm just enjoying our date! Just like you told me, be natural!" - You happilly turned towards him once you made sure the waitress understood your order from afar.

"This isn't our date yet..." - He cleared his throat catching your atention - "I was planning on taking you to the grand openning of that new museum on the other side of town."

"Really?" - Your eyes sparkled with excitment.

It had been ages since you went to an art museum, a wonderfull place for many artists, especially a new one you had never been to and which promised multiple diverse famous works from all over the world. For once today, the luck was on your side!

"Was... until someone decided to ask for more burgers..." - His sarcastic comment stabbed your heart.

Faster than light, you ran to the previous waitress and told her to cancel it all. With tears in your eyes, you returned to the table.

"Was it too hard?" - He clearly mocked you.

"Of course it was! You monster..." - Leaning your cheek agaisnt the table you held your tears in.

"I wonder what else you'll call me in bed."

With a red cheek, Law walked outside the restaurant alongside you. He took you to his car, not far, previously parked in parking lot between One Piece and the park. You had to admit he had good taste in cars, but of course you'd never say it.

The ride was silent as you drifted in thoughts, you didn't feel nervous about exposing your doubts to Law anymore, in fact, he made you so confortable you still couldn't believe you splapped him.

"I'm sorry..." - You broke the silence as he parked near the museum's entrance.

"It's ok, It'll be nothing compared to the all the slaps I'll give your sweet ass tonight."

Inside the museum, people walked around in dazzle and curiosity, some admiring the paintings on the walls, some admiring the extremely red cheeks Law had. 

You tried your hardest to ignore the stares but couldn't endure them for long. You pulled Law, checking carefully before entering the woman's bathroom, locked the door for safety, then took a handkerchief from your bag, put it under water, squeezed it until all the water came out, and finally placed it over one of Law's red cheeks.

"The moist should help... Sorry, again..." - Both your hands held Law's face making you two close, as he lowered his head to help - "Maybe we shouldn't..."

Suddenly, he grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to his chest, only to place you on top of the balcony later on. He remained silent as he locked eyes with you, you were now almost the same heigh as him. A tiny smirk appeared on his lips, he took your free hand in his and leaned closer uniting your lips in a relaxing kiss.

"I'm not giving up easily." - He whispered in your ear enjoying the reactions of your body to his every touch - "I've been looking for you for too long, waiting for too long... studiply admiring from afar for too long..."

 You didn't respond, finally the topic had been brought up and you remained silent, waiting for him to continue as your anxiety grew. He understood what your silent and gaze ment, it was time to let the truth out, he just hoped it wouldn't sound too creepy as he sighed.

"Have you ever wondered why I accepted to be your model despite not gaining anything from it?" - He asked and you nooded - "The reason I did what I did is... because I envied you. I always have... ever since I saw you 1 year ago at Grand Line. Two years ago, Jimbei was my favourite medecine teacher here, in this college, he was considered a genius by many. I was one of his admirors and also as many, I didn't understand why he suddenly gave up all his life work to go teach arts at your previous college, One Piece, in your first year. 

I was very disappointed in him, but unlike others I didn't give up on persuading him. I went to One Piece during the annual 'Art Exposure Festival', last year, to persuade him but instead I found myself beeing persuaded... and falling in love with a young girl who's dedication and hardwork showed me something I had never seen or felt before... your artwork showed me the passion and freedom I lacked, despite loving medecine, my parents forced me to become a doctor, coincidence perhaps. I envyed you artists who carefree followed their dreams with no expectations from parents or rules to bind you to anyone but yourselves. 

Back then I was a scared little boy, so I go against my parents' will in fear of beeing disowned, everything I had was because of them, without them I had nothing. I observed you work from afar, falling deeper and deeper for you, but also for despare. The thought of never beeing able to reach you was killing me, I found a way to calm that feeling, by meeting other girls... When you moved here I thought it was a sign, a new oportunity, I had reach out to you somehow... "

"So you harassed me as a model!" - You interrupted him giggling with flushed red cheeks.

"It may not have been the best way, I admit it!" - He awkwardly dodged your stare - "But it did work in the end!"

You two laughed thinking about everything that had happened until now, life really did like to play sly tricks on you. In the end silence prevailed as the mood became tense...

"I'm sorry for what happened with Jimbei..." - He started in a serious yet nervous tone - "I know he was too your favourite teacher, he didn't deserve to die that way, in some stupid laboraty fire accident, the quimicals should have been better taken care of. 

He had a big heart, he always tried his best to suppress the rivalry between our courses, to make us understand and  sympathize with each other. I'm glad I was still able to change my mind before he passed away, he was right in what he said, art shouldn't be discriminated...

At least something good came out of this, the art students and the medecine students became friendlier in honor of his death and One Piece, like other universities, welcomed many of your previous university students as you were one of them. I'm glad we were able to finally meet in the end."

"You're right." - You smiled at him, pulling with closer for a kiss - "We should get out of here, it's been a long time, people might start to get suspicious."

Law nodded and pulled you from balcony, you walked hand in hand outside once more, without getting caught.

"I still can't believe you knew me back then." - You let out your most honest thoughts - "I was scared you'd say you were some sort of stalker instead of a secret admirer!"

"Depends on the perpective..." - He smirked making you not taking him seriously - "Does search for your family background count as a stalker or a secret admirer work?... Miss 'secretly making an art's course while my parents think I'm in a law's course'."

"No way! You did search!..." - You looked at him dumbfounded - "You're a stalker! A real stalker."

You spoke your last sentence too loud, atracting many people's atention. Law chuckled, pulling you closer while walking faster towards the museum's exit.

"You've been a very naughty girl during our date, I'm going to have to teach you some manners when we get home." - He whispered in your year - "My home."


Finally done it! It turned out bigger than expected, hope it isn't too much! I have the feeling it turned out more fun than romantic, comment what you guys think xD

Btw, your clothes are your choice, as long as their shorts and a tank top, I won't bother describing your apearance since it's YOU, same with Law, cause everything goes well on him! :)

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