14 | talk about it

[ SMUT WARNING. not my best smut ever either. but there you go, and I'm surprised I decided to have it this early but it was working with the plot ]



[ season 1 — episode 08 ]

THE LASSO PAIR HAD NEVER BEEN SO GODDAMN SILENT on a bus ride so long before, and their silence didn't go unnoticed. Allora tried over and over to get details from Daisy, but after telling her about the kiss with Roy just as the bus was pulling out of the hotel parking lot, she kept her lips sealed — though that was more because she didn't want anyone to overhear. She'd tell her about it at the studio later since they both had lessons.

And Ted was just as quiet as his daughter, which she even noticed despite her personal dilemma. So, after they got to Richmond and Nate rushed off the bus to throw up for the tenth time that morning, Daisy scurried after her father after Allora told her goodbye. Beard was following Ted as well, trying to get his attention.

"Coach. Hey, Coach," he kept trying. "Coach."

Finally, Ted snapped out of it and looked back at him. "Yeah?"

"Something on your mind, Coach?"

"No, why?"

"We just had a five-hour bus ride where you didn't talk a lick, and that's a record by about five hours," Beard told him. "Didn't hear a peep from Daisy either. Thought she was asleep."

Ted glanced nervously back at the team that was lined up to get their bags before looking at Daisy for a second. Then he sighed and told them, keeping his voice low. "Okay, look. I'm gonna tell you both something but then I don't wanna talk about it ever again, okay?"

"Okay," Beard said while Daisy just nodded.

"I'm serious," he insisted. "I don't want to make jokes about it. I don't want you giving me any knowing glances. You know what I mean? Okay."

"Okay," he agreed.

"And Daisy, do not get upset with me, Darlin'," Ted requested, looking at his daughter with a guilty expression.

"Of course, not," she promised. "Unless you killed someone."

"No, nothin' like that," he said, shaking his head. "Last night, I... I slept with Rebecca's friend Sassy."

Daisy stumbled a bit, surprised both because Ted was still in love with Michelle and because he just wasn't a one night stand person. Not even her mother was a one night stand — they'd been in love before Ted ever considered sleeping with her.

"Daddy, I'm not mad," was the first thing Daisy managed to say. Ted just let out a sigh of relief and looked at Beard for his reaction.

"Want to talk about it?" Beard simply asked.

"I'd love to. Yeah. Immediately."


Daisy was biting her tongue hard to keep from asking questions as her father paced his office anxiously. She wanted to know fucking everything, but first, he made sure Beard, Nate, and Higgins were there was well. Nate was sitting on the cabinet with his head in a trashcan, still so hungover even after the long drive back from Liverpool.

Ted was just trying to process it all verbally without actually giving any details on how it happened. "Cause, look, it's just not something I've ever done before, okay? And look, I got no judgment on people that have one-night stands, okay?"

"As you should not," Daisy agreed, nodding her head. She'd never had one herself but didn't think less of people who did. She'd just only ever slept with her past two boyfriends — one her she had in her junior and senior years of high school, and the last, who dumped her about five months before coming to Richmond because she was too positive.

"I mean, if you are, you know, nuts for butts, have at it. That's what I say," Ted went on.

Beard was getting over it, his feet propped on his desk as he leaned back in his chair. "Coach, did you have fun?"

"Come on, Coach," he muttered, a bit embarrassed. "I don't like all that kiss-and-tell stuff."

"Coach, did you have fun?" he asked again, smacking his desk with each word for emphasis. Ted finally reluctantly nodded.

"And did she have fun?" Nate asked. This time, Ted's nod was a little confused and hesitant, thinking back on it. But he did nod nonetheless. Nate had to look away, groaning into the trash can. "Yeah, that movement's making me feel queasy."

"Go, Daddy," Daisy said, snickering a little. When he cut his eyes to her, she stifled her laughs, knowing it wasn't the time.

"Okay. So, then what's the problem?" Higgins then asked, trying to make sense of why he was there.

Ted huffed. "I mean, maybe I just haven't really come to peace with the fact that I went from having a mental breakdown at a karaoke joint in Liverpool to, you know, sleeping with a woman I just met," he told them. "And then somewhere in between there, getting a divorce."

"Wait," Daisy said with a deep frown. "What mental breakdown?"

"I - I'll tell you about it later," he said, shaking his head, feeling ashamed of how Rebecca found him in the alley.

"Well, it makes sense to me," Higgins said with a shrug.

"I must say that this is lovely," Nate spoke up, earning odd looks from them. "Ever since I was little, I always used to dream about sitting down with a bunch of mates talking about the complex dynamics between men and women."

"That's sorta nice," Daisy told him. He tried to smile back but then felt sick again.

"Okay, here's another question for y'all — should I tell Rebecca?"

"No!" the three men exclaimed all at once.

"Come on now. Why not?" he whined. "I mean, it'd break my heart if I found out she was hiding something from me."

Higgens let out a little gag for some reason, which just triggered Nate again, who gagged and coughed up what little was left in his stomach.

"How is there still more?" Daisy asked him, shaking her head. He hadn't eaten since the night before. Surely his stomach was empty. Then she just moved back to the task at hand, looking at Ted. "Daddy, hate to say it, but Rebecca probably already knows. Sassy would've told her."

And if Sassy wasn't gonna tell her, Daisy sure as hell would.

Before Ted could respond, Roy stuck his head in the office, surprised by how many people were gathered. Daisy instantly tensed up, not taking her eyes off of him.

But Roy didn't want to speak to her. "What's happening? You having a meeting?"

Ted shook his head and sat down at his desk. "Yep. I'm having lady problems. I'd love to get your perspective on it—"

At the word 'lady problems', Roy's eyes flicked to Daisy for half a second before he shook his head and left. "No," was all he said, running off.

Daisy watched him leave with a small frown, knowing she wanted to talk to him before they both left for the day. The longer they went without talking about what happened, the worse it would get. After all, confronting Jamie had led so several great kisses before his moved back to Manchester.

It was Higgins who spoke next. "Ted, can I be honest with you?"

"Come on, let it rip."

"You seem intent on going twelve rounds with yourself. Why?" he asked. "What did you do wrong?"

"He's right. Time to get you some of these," Beard said while moving his pointer and middle finger back and forth, which confused Ted.

"What, scissors?"

"Yeah. To cut yourself some slack," Nate said smoothly.

"Ooh! Nice," Daisy said, grinning.

"Wow. Y'all stuck the landing on that. That was nice," Ted agreed with a small smile. "Tell you what, I gotta get you all some satin jackets made, with 'Ted Lasso's Personal Dilemma Squad' embroidered on the back there." Beard groaned, and Daisy grimaced, which clued Ted in on their feelings. "That's a clunky name. There's gotta be something better here. Let me think. I know. How about the 'EQ Warriors'?"

"No," Daisy told him.

"The 'Knights of Support'?" Beard suggested. And Daisy just gave him a thumbs-down.

"Nah. Sounds like a brand of jockstrap," Higgins added. "The 'Proud Boys'?"

"Oh, heck no, Higs," Daisy said, shaking her head. He grimaced and nodded in understanding, hearing his mistake.

It was Nate, who was in the middle of throwing up, that was the one to come up with the best name. "What about the 'Diamond Dogs'?"

Ted brightened up and looked at him proudly. "Attaboy, Nate. Diamond Dogs it is."

Higgins turned his head up and let out a small howl, which made Daisy laugh. Then she sighed. "I'm more of a cat person, but alright. I can break out the craft supplies and make nametags."


Daisy remained in her father's office with the others for a good twenty minutes, mostly talking about Sassy, but also the win and Nate's speech that helped them win. Higgins hated that he had to miss it all since Rebecca kept him here working.

Finally, though, Daisy had to swallow her nerves and seek out Roy. She finally found him in the not-so-haunted-anymore physical room. He was laying face down on a table while one of the physical therapists, Gail, was working on his legs with headphones in.

"Howdy, there," Daisy greeted, leaning on the door frame. Roy instantly looked up and smiled at her in greeting. "Glad this place isn't haunted anymore."

"Fuck, yeah," he agreed, nodding his head. "Sorry you had to lose your shoes."

"Sorry you had to lose Blankie," she said sincerely. "I'd never sacrifice mine — she's too important."

Roy let out a huff of a laugh. "Don't make me come steal it from jealousy."

"It is really nice. I kept it in good shape and it has Eeyore and Winnie the Pooh on it," she bragged with a grin. Then she swallowed thickly. "Is now a good time?"

"Yeah. You can come in. She can't hear anything with those in," he promised.

"You sure?"

"Gail, you think the royal family are lizards, right?" Roy asked, raising his voice a bit. Daisy couldn't help but laugh a little.

And Gail just dug her elbow in to get more pressure while shaking her head, staring off into space. "Twenty-three. So young."

"What's she listening to?" Daisy asked while coming into the room fully.

"Always murder podcasts," he informed her.

She couldn't help but scrunch her face up, too squeamish for stuff like that, and Roy thought she looked incredibly cute.

"Last night was, uh, a lot," she mumbled shyly. "Real wild."

"Right, yeah. It was pretty sloppy," he agreed.

And she was so frustrated that he didn't mention kissing her because it was right up there with Jamie's as one of the best kisses she'd ever had.

"I could really use a jug of coffee or something for my hangover. Would you wanna go get one with me when you're done?" she asked, deciding to just go for it and ask him out.

"Not today," he said, shaking his head. "I can't. I'm busy."

"He's lying," Gail said, startling them.

Daisy couldn't help but frown even though she knew that the other woman was talking about her podcast and not Roy. But it was the day after a match, so Roy didn't have training or anything important to attend for his job.

"Well, alright then. That's fine," Daisy said, forcing a smile.

"Right. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave, 'cause she's about to go to town on my hamstrings and I make a lot of noises, and I don't like people hearing my noises," Roy said bluntly.

"Cool. Have fun," she said, her mood falling even more. Roy hadn't asked to reschedule for another day or counter with a date offer when he wasn't busy, so she got the message that the kiss was just a mistake. "I'll see you 'round, yeah?"


The saddest sigh left Daisy's mouth as she turned and left the room, closing the door just as Roy let out a low, pained groan as Gail got to work.


"He seriously said no?" Allora asked Daisy, raising an eyebrow.

She and Daisy were amongst the last in the studio, closing up shop for the night. They'd stayed over an hour past their final lessons, taking the time to gossip about what happened over the weekend while just practicing the routines they planned for their students at the recital in a few months.

"Yeah, he's busy," she said, shrugging before going into a pirouette. "Didn't seem interested at all to do something when he wasn't busy."

"God, I hate men," the other woman grumbled, making Daisy smile a bit.

"Clearly," she said, laughing. "You know, by the way, when I asked if you wanted to come to Liverpool to make it a girls' weekend, I didn't think you'd spend the whole time having sex with Keeley."

Allora wasn't embarrassed at all as she sat down to take off her tap shoes. "Well, then you should've specified that your itinerary didn't include fucking the hot and newly-single model you've been hiding from me."

"Just please don't make things awkward," she requested. "I work with you every day and also see her nearly every day, and if things end messily, I don't think I'd be able to pick sides."

"Oh, Daze," Allora scoffed, "I'd drag you kicking and screaming to my side. And you're so short that it'd be quite easy."

"I don't know, Keeley seems pretty resiliant," Daisy said.

"Oh, yes she is," she said, smirking as she thought back on their time together. Then she cut her eyes to Daisy once again, who was finishing up the last steps for her pointe class routine. "And you are so one to talk, Daisy Lasso."

"What?" she asked innocently after a leap.

"Jamie Tartt and Roy Kent," she said knowingly. "Even if nothing is coming from them, you still were fucking around with them knowing you see them nearly every day. You know, despite all my teasing and pressing, it's likely not wise for the manager's daughter to consociate with the players."

Daisy finished her last step and then tilted her head. "Well, if conociate means 'fool around with behind my father's back,' then I've had the time of my life consociatin' between the two of them so far," she admitted. "Though it'd be better if they actually liked me enough to stick around instead of think of me as a one time makeout partner."

"Again, I hate men," Allora said, looking at Daisy. "Like, you're so fucking fit and sweet. God, they're dumb."

"You can't call them dumb for not liking me back," she told her while coming to join her on the floor and change out her shoes. "Roy isn't interested, and Jamie is gone. It's fine."

"Well, when you inevitably move on, pick someone actually nice like Sam. Not Richard, please. I think your dad would have a stroke if so," she joked.

"Sam's just a friend," Daisy told her, shaking her head. "I think he could be one of the best friends I'll ever have. No way would I consociate with him, as you said."

"Well, make sure that you rub it in Roy Kent's stupid face when you do move on."


It was really late by the time Daisy started toward home, the sun having sunk hours ago. And she was looking down at her phone as she walked, though made sure to keep an eye out when crossing streets — no way was Colin going to take her out with his car, which he got replacement keys for five days after burning the other set.

Daisy was texting Roy. Or more accurately, she sent a text and was waiting for a reply that clearly wasn't coming.

hey roy! if you get done
early with your 'thing'
let me know 💖 maybe we
could get a drink or
something — not vanilla vodka
Read 12:54

It was the 'read' that irked her so much. What kept him so busy past midnight if not some girl that clearly could keep his attention better than Daisy could?

Finally, she took in a deep breath and shoved her phone in the pocket of her cardigan, which was keeping her warm since she didn't change out of the athletic dress she'd been teaching in. Roy said no, and no meant no. She wasn't going to stay hung up on him when hardly anything had happened between them.

Daisy only made it about six steps without her phone before being interrupted. Well, it was less of an interruption and more she bumped into someone while coming around a corner. She felt a bit of deja vu as warm hands caught her waist, keeping her from falling back.

"Jamie?" she asked, looking up at the boy that ran into her in the dim lighting.

He looked equally surprised, raising his eyebrow as he looked down at her. "Daisy? Sorry 'bout that."

"It's fine," she said, shaking her head. His hands were still on her waist, a touch she didn't pull away from. "I - I thought you were supposed to be in Manchester?"

"We played West Ham, so I'm in town," he explained. He nodded his head over his shoulder. "Just saw Keeley. She kicked me out after about five minutes — says she has a bird coming over."

Daisy refrained from rolling her eyes playfully, realizing Allora wasn't going home. She was going to Keeley's. "Well, how are you doing? How was the game?" she asked him, smiling.

"Walk with me?" Jamie quickly asked, nodding forward so that they wouldn't be standing in the cold night air. She smiled and nodded, feeling a little bit sad as he released her and began walking. "And yeah, I'm good. I had ten touches, I had two completed dribbles, and in the eighty-ninth minute, they let me take a free kick. I scored. Got half a chub."

"Wow, that's amazing," she said, grinning.

Jamie peered at her, looking a bit amused. "You have no clue what I just said, do you?"

"Not a one," she laughed. "Except for the last bit about scoring. I'm proud of you for that, but I just hope you're having fun."

"Eh," he shrugged. "But, uh, I'm glad I ran into you. You know, everything happened so fast when your dad dumped me."

"No," Daisy quickly denied, shaking her head. "Daddy didn't dump you. Man City wanted you back."

Jamie just scoffed at that, right. "No, no. Lasso could have stopped it, but he didn't. Yeah."

"No, he went to Rebecca all mad—"

"Just let me finish, yeah?" he asked. Honestly, Jamie was still upset about the transfer and didn't want to talk about it. He didn't want to talk about how much he missed Richmond.

"Alright," she mumbled, looking down at their feet.

"I know we weren't dating or anythin'," Jamie said, which made her look right back up. "But you, you know, you made me happy and stuff. And you - you saw an even greater Jamie inside an already great Jamie."

"It wasn't hard to see," Daisy said softly. "You're already pretty great, Jamie Tartt, all on your own."

Jamie smiled and then bumped his shoulder into hers, their hands brushing as he did so. "You also taught me to try to not get in me own way so much. So, thank you for that. Thank you for helping me see how me being so great can help my teammates be pretty great too."

"You're welcome, Jamie."

He nodded and then looked back over his shoulder. "Shit, this isn't the way back to your flat. It's late. I've gotta walk you home, yeah?"

"Oh, you don't have to," she said, shaking her head. "Really, it ain't far. And the hotel is just up ahead. I'm sure you're tired from the match. Don't want you up even later."

"It's fine," he shrugged, not thinking anything of it. "It's the least I could do after not talking to you after I left. Bit of a prick move on my part."

"Jamie, it doesn't make you a prick just because we kissed a few times and then you moved."

"Nah, not for moving. I was gonna ask you on a date that next day, ya know? A proper one," he admitted, surprising her. "But then I was just so - so angry, ya know? At your dad. Couldn't think about you without him, so I couldn't even pick up me phone."

"It's fine. Not like I texted you either," she admitted, knowing that it was a two-person effort.

They hadn't actually stopped walking to head back to Daisy's flat. The hotel two blocks away was still where their feet were headed.

"Even still, just glad you don't hate me," Jamie said with a little smile.

"I couldn't hate you, Jamie," she assured him. "I mean, I came close a few times back when I was still gettin' to know you, but still. Not even then, and definitely not now."

"Oh, I know not now," he said, his smile morphing into a smirk. "You've been sportin' my kit at the games. I saw all the pictures, so you can't go denying it."

Daisy rolled her eyes playfully. "Of course, I wore it. You're a part of Richmond still — where it counts, at least. Plus, I've got to remember you somehow."

He let out a little laugh. "No one forgets about Jamie Tartt," he said cockily as they neared his hotel. But then his ego died down a bit. "But I am serious — I'm glad you didn't forget about me so quick, you know?"

"I'm serious too — you're not easily forgettable, Jamie Tartt."

"Good to know, Daisy Lasso," he murmured, stepping a bit closer to her. "I certainly couldn't forget you no matter how hard I tried."

"Well, given all the models you've been running around with, seems you tried quite hard," she said, smirking up at him.

"Yeah, and it didn't exactly work," he admitted, glancing down at her lips. Jamie's mouth hung open for a minute, taking half a moment to think his next offer through. "Uh, what would you say to a drink with me? Me room has a sick minibar. What do you say?"


A choked moan escaped Daisy's mouth as she was pressed up against a counter from behind, her hips digging into the granite. God, she could feel Jamie's hardening length through his sweatpants, grinding against her ass as she grabbed onto the sides of the counter, her eyes falling shut. The plastic cup half-full of wine tumbled to the ground, neither caring about the carpet soaking it up as Jamie's lips sucked on her neck harshly.

Wanting to kiss him again — because they'd only kissed for a mere two minutes before Jamie escalated it — Daisy turned her head while also reaching a hand back, it finding purchase in his hair so that she could guide him to her lips. His tongue explored her mouth happily, Jamie letting out a content moan when she tugged on his hair.

Before she knew it, he'd slid his hand underneath the skirt of her dress, beginning to rub softly against her clit. She shuddered and let out a weak moan, which he swallowed with his kiss.

"You sure?" he murmured in between heated kisses.

Daisy just nodded frantically while turning in his arms, throwing her arms around his neck to hold him closer. Before she knew it, he was lifting her up in his strong arms and carrying her over to the bed on the other side of the room. As he walked, she worked her hands underneath his shirt to push it up and over his head, revealing his well-defined torso.

"Right," Jamie said as he dropped her on the bed, her grinning as she bounced a little. He skimmed her leotard with the skirt built in, scratching the back of his head. "How do I get that off of you exactly?"

She rolled her eyes playfully before grabbing the thin straps and sliding them down her shoulders, giving him a hint. That was all he needed to dive back in, peeling the garment off of her. And when the fabric moved past her chest, he let out a low groan, seeing that she didn't have a bra on underneath — there was one built into the dress.

"Oh, fucking hell, babe," he groaned, letting the fabric pool around her waist. "God, I think I'm in love with your tits."

"Good. I like yours too," she said, making him grin as she eyes his pecs.

Then Jamie was on her again, first kissing her lips before moving his lips along her jaw and down her neck and collarbone, seeking out her chest. She let out a short gasp as he playfully bit one of her nipples while rubbing his thumb across the other. Her eyes fell shut as he began to suck on her breast, finally doing something useful with that infuriating mouth of his.

And all the while, his other hand worked the dress down her hips, struggling a bit with the tight spandex. But Jamie Tartt was nothing if not gifted, managing to get it off without missing a beat up-top, leaving bruising marks all along her skin.

"So good," she moaned, arching up against his mouth as his tongue swirled around her hardened nipple.

Fuck, she definitely didn't start her day thinking it would end with her moaning underneath Jamie Tartt, but there she was, not a single cohesive thought in her head that wasn't about him and his stupid mouth that was beginning to move downward, leaving behind a wet trail leading to her underwear.

Jamie pulled back and studied her flushed face with a grin before be moved his hand to her underwear, beginning to rub firmly over her covered core, back and forth, working her up even more. Her legs shook from the new sensation.

"Jamie," she whined.

"Fuck, say it again," he groaned, loving how she said his name.

Daisy opened her eyes and looked up at him, undeniably turned on by his flushed skin and the desperate look in his eyes. "Jamie," she moaned, moving her hips off the bed to meet his fingers.

He let out a deep breath that was verging on a moan before he dove down, his head falling between her legs. She cried out when he pressed his tongue flat against her covered core, dragging it upward and to her clit. Between the fabric and the way he began sucking on the bundle of nerves, she was a complete mess. With how often he stuck his tongue out, she didn't know why she was surprised at how good it felt.

"Keep going," she begged, reaching down to wind her fingers in his hair.

Feeling her in his hair again, he let out a pleased hum, which vibrated against her. Then, before she knew it, he'd pulled her underwear down, hardly taking the time to make sure it dropped from her ankles before returning to his previous position, his tongue lapping up the gathering wetness like he was dying of thirst.

Daisy was a mess of moaning and whining as she writhed beneath him, unable to remember the last time she felt this way — in fact, she was positive her past boyfriends hadn't gone down on her. It was all new and so overwhelming in the best of ways as he sucked on her clit while teasing her opening with his fingertips with the lightest of touches that made her even more sensitive.

Before she knew it, an orgasm was crashing into her as she came on Jamie's tongue, who was happy to continue his work, hardly giving her time to come down from her high. When he finally pulled back, she managed to catch her breath, sitting up on her elbows as she eyed him hungrily.

"Are you still sure?" Jamie found himself asking as he hooked his thumbs around his waistband.

Daisy nodded while sitting on her knees, moving to the edge of the mattress. She took the string of his sweatpants and pulled him closer. "Yeah, I'm sure," she promised, helping him take his pants off, leaving him in a pair of black briefs with a prominent and still growing bulge in the front.

Truthfully, she'd never given a blowjob or even a proper handjob before, but she was willing to learn for him. Daisy looked up and met his darkened eyes as she began to gently palm him over the fabric, loving the sound that he let out, which spurred her on. Daisy slipped her hand into his underwear and pushed them down his hips to hold him fully, using long and slow strokes.

"Fuck," Jamie breathed out, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment. Then he leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers, staring into her eyes while caging her in, putting his hands on either side of her on the mattress. "Nice and slow, just like that, babe. Shit."

She did as she was told, continuing her speed. Then she pecked Jamie's lips once before ducking down, running her tongue along his tip, licking up the bit of precum that had already gathered. Jamie couldn't even be embarrassed by the shuttering moan he let out as she gave small, stimulating kitten licks while continuing to run her hand back and forth along his length.

"God, babe, I need ya now," he declared, shaking his head. "Get back on the bed f'me, yeah?"

Daisy simply nodded and did as she was told, backing up until her head was at the top of the mattress. She looked at him, taking in his sculpted form that included his perfect chest, thick, muscular thighs, and a package much larger than the only other two she'd seen before.

Jamie crawled up her body, placing teasing, open-mouthed kisses on her thighs, her hipbone, her stomach, her chest, her collarbone. Then he found her lips again, tracing his tongue around them as he took the time to line himself up.

Daisy held her breath on instinct as he slid into her slowly, filling her with his long cock. But then Jamie was kissing her as a distraction from the uncomfortable stretching feeling, stealing her breath away again.

"Oh, fuck!" he swore as he grabbed her right leg and moved it up, hooking it around his waist to go even deeper, her finally taking him all the way to the base. "So fucking tight."

When Daisy was ready, she shifted her hips upward against his, giving him the go ahead as she kissed him again. Then Jamie took off, showing her exactly what kind of power and stamina a star footballer had as he rammed in and out of her, making her vision hazy from the euphoria he was bringing to the surface.

Her nails dug into his back, no doubt leaving scratches that his teammates would tease him about in the locker room. And Jamie would proudly show them off while keeping who gave them to him a secret, knowing Daisy wouldn't want people knowing all the dirty details.

"Oh!" she cried out when he suddenly hit a new, deeper spot that made her vision white-out for half a second. "R - right there. Jamie."

She continued to whisper and whine his name like a pleading prayer as he brushed that perfect place inside of her that made her feel like she was on cloud nine.

Jamie was the one to realize halfway through that he hadn't put on a condom, so he knew he had to hold off until Daisy got her own release. While still managing to keep up his pace with only one arm supporting him, Jamie reached between them, and his fingers sought out her clit.

Whatever moaned encouragement she was letting out was cut off with a choked gasp from the added feeling, her toes curling as her eyes screwed shut. She barely held on after that, and soon, the second of her orgasms washed over her, and Jamie moaned lowly in her ear, nearly coming himself as her walls tightened around him.

"Didn't cover up," he managed to say, huffing between his words. "Where do you want it?"

It took Daisy a moment to understand what he was asking with how hazy her mind was, just completely blissed out from the feeling he gave her — and still was giving that he was pounding in and out of her, taking all she had to give and more.

"Stomach," she managed to mumbled.

Jamie nodded with a grunt, and after a few more deep thrusts, he pulled out of Daisy, who was ready. He was delighted that she wrapped her hand around his throbbing cock and began stroking it back and forth before he got the chance to do it himself. She did it once, twice, three times, and then his hips shuttered as his own orgasm arrived, white, warm cum spilling over Daisy's skin, dripping down her sides and onto the covers.

Catching himself on his elbows, Jamie hovered over her, still catching his breath as he pressed his forehead to hers. Then he leaned down to kiss her slowly — sweetly, almost.

"How does a bath sound?" Jamie asked her, speaking against her lips. He also tucked a strand of messy hair behind her ear. "I'll clean you up."

Daisy smiled into the next kiss. "Sounds perfect."

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