Chapter 5: And I

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Mercedes POV: I went to go visit Kevin in jail just to let him know that we were done and been done. I did what my therapist said and face my past because I sure as hell didn't want it haunting the future. You know the past have a funny way of doing that. Of course he didn't take it so well.


Security: Kevin, got a visitor. (As Mercedes walked by the security was scanning her body licking his lips)

Mercedes: Hello Kevin.

Kevin: Bailing me out, momma?

Mercedes: No, far from that. But you will remain here for nine months.

Kevin: Quit playing.

Mercedes: I'm not.

Kevin: Wait a minute, you f*cking telling me what, ha! (Mercedes jump) Tell me! Is it that swirp you said was your trainer! Answer my f*cking question!

Mercedes: Do you see me flinching?

Kevin: Big girl now ha, tough girl. I own your ass, literally. I'm the best lover you'll ever have cause don't nobody even want you. That kitty belong to me and you better not be giving it away.

Mercedes: You're right. I should have kept it because you won't worth it. (Kevin snatches up Mercedes.) Go ahead. I'm done with you! I'm so done with you. I'm moving on giving it all away from head to toe. I'm going to ride his d---(Kevin slaps Mercedes and security comes and security pulls him off and takes him to the back and he gets in serious trouble)

Flashback ends.

Mercedes POV: He had nine months but now it's a year and I can live with that. Not looking over my shoulder us great but sooner or later this will come to a full head but right no I'm just living from day to day.

Mercedes pulls up to the nail salon and wanted for Rebecca. Rebecca walks in after five more minutes.

Rebecca: Sorry girl. Just came from the beach. Now I'm all nice and tan.

Mercedes: Becks, you been tan. (They both laugh) What color you getting your toes?

Rebecca: My favorite. Orange.

Mercedes: Always. I'm going to get cream orange tips with a silver lining. What color you going to get your finger nails? I'm getting mines midnight blue with a flower design with a diamond in the middle.

Rebecca: Fake ones?

Mercedes: Ones for nails crazy and yes. What color you going to get?

Rebecca: Orange and red.

The woman comes over and Rebecca and Mercedes continue to talk.

Rebecca: What about you and Colby?

Mercedes: I mean we're together but we're not because he made me mad and was a jerk so we're taking a break but he's so fine. (Giggles like a school girl)

Rebecca: Are you going to take him back?

Mercedes: Of course. If he continues being good.

They leave the nail salon and goes into a conference for their job. When they get to the front where the superstars sit there was, Nikki, Brie, Chris Jericho, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Charlotte, and Seth Rollins aka Colby. Colby looks up and pats the seat beside him and Mercedes sits down beside Colby then Rebecca sits beside Mercedes.

After the interview Colby stops Mercedes.

Colby: Haven't seen you lately.

Mercedes: It's been a couple of days.

Colby: I missed you. (Squeezes her and he tried to kiss her lips but she turns her head) What do I got to do to make it right? I'll do anything. I miss you. (Kisses her lips continuously)

Mercedes: Okay Colby. (He tickles her side while she was in his arms and she started laughing) Alright! Dinner tomorrow night.

Colby: Why not tonight?

Mercedes: I want to hang out with my friends tonight.

Colby: You can always hang out with them.

Mercedes: Okay. How about, after I get back and shower up you come over.

Colby: (Kissing her neck) We can do that.

They kiss and Eva and Emma walk by with their nose turned up. Ashley aka Charlotte walked up and stopped to talk to Mercedes about meeting for dinner.


Rebecca: You look great tonight. Well let me fill you in before nobody else arrives. You know Charlotte and Colby have had relations.

Mercedes: What?! When!

Rebecca: Sometime a go.

Mercedes: How do you know all this stuff? And do you think she's hanging with me to get back with him?

Rebecca: I don't know. I mean they were just sleeping together, never dated and plus people talk to me and even though I was in training, I got eyes and seen it for myself. But just remain calm and act like you don't know.

Mercedes: Well if she or any of them start---

Rebecca: You're going to finish it. So this must means Colby is off punishment.

Mercedes: Yeah but not fully. He's coming over tonight.

Charlotte walks up to the table with Nikki and Brie.

Nikki: Hi guys. Nattie is coming and she said she's going to invite some other people.

Mercedes: That's fine.

Brie: Guy congratulations on débuting and we love that you guys came and is doing so great.

They all toast and order their food and a little later Emma and Eva walks up to the table amd hug Nattie. When they sat down there was an awkward silence.

Nattie: (Clears her throat) So, what's going on tomorrow?

Rebecca: Me and Mercedes was thinking about an amusement park and movies.

Eva: If anybody didn't know any better they'll say y'all are lesbian. (Eva and Emma laughs)

Emma: But everybody knows she dating that fine Colby Lopez. He can rock my world whenever he feels like it.

Mercedes shoots Rebecca a look.

Rebecca: Umm. We're going to call it a night.

Nattie: Y'all barely ate.

Mercedes: Not that hungry.


Mercedes and Rebecca walks away and goes to her house and takes a shower after dropping Rebecca off. When getting out the shower she hear a knock and she was just wrapped in a towel with her hair wet when she answered the door. Colby eyes scanned her body as he bit his lip.

Mercedes: Like what you see?

Colby: Do I get what I see?

Mercedes: No. I'm going to go get dressed.

Mercedes and Colby was watching TV and she kept getting distracted due to Colby trying to kiss her.

Mercedes: Come on, you're going to miss the best part. (Pulling her strap up) Plus I'm not wearing a bra. (He was about to kiss her) What happened with you and Emma?

Colby: What?

Mercedes: She came to dinner with Eva and they were making comments and her body language was too convincing. And don't say nothing because nigga you be lying.

Colby: Nothing. She's not my type.

Mercedes: You sure?

Colby: Baby if was anything that you needed to know, I would have told you.

Mercedes: Telling me the truth and telling me things I should know is not the same thing.

Colby: Would you just please trust me?

Mercedes: Lets go to bed.


The next day they flew to the next city and Mercedes walked by Emma and Eva while they were talking in the locker room.

Eva: How far did y'all get?

Emma: Far. Seth was in the shower and I sucked him off.

Mercedes burst in and slaps Emma and throws Eva to the ground. She jumps back on top of Emma calling her a stupid b*tch and Colby rushes in after hearing Mercedes' voice and he pulls her off and she pushes him and runs out.


A week later...

Colby leaves Mercedes a voice message, "Hey. Baby I'm sorry about what happened. I wanted to tell you but others said I shouldn't but know I didn't even know she was there. She came into the shower and went down on me. I pushed her away and ran out the arena. I've been acting weird a little after that because I wanted to tell you so bad. Please call, text even email to let me know you're okay. I love you." Mercedes text Colby, "Come to my hotel room at 8. I'm in room 803."

8:00PM- Colby made his way to Mercedes room and Mercedes answers the door. The sat there in silence while they ate the Chinese food she ordered.

Colby: Mercedes I'm sorry.

Mercedes: Colby, why didn't you tell me?

Colby: Because I didn't want you to look at me the same. I love you and like you for so long and I didn't want that little stint at Emma pulled to ruin that.

Mercedes: That didn't ruin it. You lying to my face is what ruined it. I'm not some little girl who can't handle the truth. I'm grown and yes I'm younger than most at that company but see me as an equal.

Colby: I'm sorry and I do respect you. Forgive me?

Mercedes: Yeah.

Charlotte was listening to their conversation and it made her mad that she forgiven Colby. She walked away from the door and Mercedes gets a text from Charlotte, "Hey. Wanna meet me at the gym??" Mercedes responds, "Now?" Charlotte answers, "Yeah I'm going through so much and I need someone to talk to."

Mercedes: Colby, I'm sorry but Ashley needs me. She's going through a lot and I want to be there for her. If that's okay with you.

Colby: Sure. (They have a long kiss and she leaves)

Charlotte talks about her dead dog and lied and said he died a few days ago. The dog died really a year ago but she had a game plan for Mercedes to accidentally start abandoning Colby to push Mercedes and Colby apart. She kept Mercedes out for two hours and twenty minutes and it was now 1:58 in the morning.

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