Chapter 3
Written by
Present: Year Three-Month Ten: October
Dr. Jackson: So Mercedes, how did that make you feel seeing Kevin again?
Mercedes: I took me back to a place of hurt but I want to start recovering because I don't want to get a mind thing about it. Ha, I'm quoting my friend Rebecca. It's great that I have at least one person that's always there and supports me.
Dr. Jackson: Absolutely.
Mercedes: I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow.
Mercedes finds herself back to her apartment and finds flowers with a card that read, "I'm ready to do whatever. I don't care about your past but I looking to move forward. –Colby" Mercedes takes a shower and is about to walk out and opens the door and sees Kevin. Mercedes backs up scared.
Kevin: What is that?
Mercedes: Flowers.
Kevin: Don't be smart. Who are they from?
Mercedes: Kevin, I want to leave.
Kevin: No, you're not going anywhere [Unbuckling his pants]
Mercedes gets scared and starts hyper-vernalizing and she takes the flowers and glass vase as he charges at her and hits him across the head with it. She runs down the stairs as he starts running after her and he grabs her and she kicks him in between the legs. He grunts and grabs her and backhands her. She falls to the cement and struggles to get up as he gets on top of her and tries to rip off her shirt and she mace him and gets up running to her car. When she is about to close the door he catches it and they start struggling over the door and she kicked the door hitting him in the face as she cranked up the car leaving. She finally got to the arena and runs into the double doors down the hallway and runs into Colby that charges her to the ground.
Colby: Mercedes. [Helps her up] Sorry. Why are you running? [Moves the hair out of her face and strokes the mark and she squints in pain] Come on. [Takes her to his locker room and gives her a cold pack for her face and getting a warm wet rag wiping the blood from her mouth and nose]
After ten minutes all the blood is wiped away and stops and he's starts holding her and she falls to sleep for a brief moment.
Mercedes: [Wakes up and looks up at Colby] Sorry.
Colby: Not need to apologize.
Mercedes: [Tries to get up and falls unto him] Sorry.
Colby: [Sits her close to him] It's okay and will you stop apologizing? [She looks down and he lifts her head back up] I don't know what you used to but after all this time, I still want you. [Tongues kisses her like before but just a little more intense and this time she can't seem to pull away until it was over and she reciprocated holding unto his white shirt]
He finally let up and she was found trying to catch her breath and when he was about to go in for round two she started acting like she caught the coughs.
Mercedes: Maybe should stop, I umm... have to get ready.
Colby: Before you go, have supper with me tonight?
Mercedes: Okay.
She gets to the door and she didn't notice him behind her. When she tried to reach for the door, he stops her and pins her against the door and started kissing all over making me moan and biting her lip. He rips her shirt and he lifts her up and then a knock comes at the door and someone starts wiggling the door knob.
Roman Reigns aka Joseph
Joseph: How locked the door? [Wiggles the door knob again] Colby! Seth! Unlock the door.
Mercedes: You should---
Colby: No. No. No. Be quiet, he'll go away.
Joseph: No I ain't. I hear you.
Colby: Damn. [Puts Mercedes down and opens the door] Man---
Joseph: [Pushes pass him] Don't man me. Sup Mercedes? This still my locker room until Stephanie decides where to locate mine.
Mercedes: I'll see you later.
Colby steps into the hallway giving her a kiss goodbye. There were bystanders like Eva Marie, Lana and Emma hating. She walked to her locker room happy until she saw Naomi aka Trinity. She was in Naomi mode.
Naomi aka Trinity
Trinity: [Bumps into Mercedes] Watch yourself?
Mercedes: What is our beef with me? We're not inside the ring and in the ring we're Team BAD.
Trinity: For now but we all know, you're out for yourself. You play Sasha so well because in your heart or hearts, you are her.
Mercedes: You got me all wrong but sure despite of what people think I'm a kick ass woman with confidence and is becoming clearer of herself and taking back what many have try to steak my whole life.
Trinity: Exactly you're just becoming a woman. You spill out your drama at work, in the hallways, what kind of woman are you exactly because it ain't a professional one?
Mercedes: Oh please everyone have had drama, that's common. But just because I'm problem is people doesn't give you the right to look at me any less. My problem maybe people from my past but clearly yours is yourself and this company. Don't whatever it takes to get title opportunities because you want it to bad, just like you neglect your husband to do whatever this company call you to do even if that means diminishing you as athlete and being just another women like a big ass making this company revenue that you'll never see.
Trinity tries to slap Mercedes but she stops Trinity's hand.
Mercedes: You better watch yourself Trin, there's a new boss in town.
Mercedes marches off to the locker room feeling better than ever. Mercedes starts changing into her gear and in walks Eva Marie and Emma and walks up to Mercedes.
Mercedes: May I help you?
Eva: [Puts her hand in Mercedes face] OOP I ain't Naomi.
Mercedes: [Slaps Eva hand out her face] I don't give a damn if you're Stephanie McMahon, you better keep your damn hand out my face unless you want it broke.
Eva: Oh come on, give up the act. Just because you're sleeping with Seth Rollins now don't feel too uppity. But the higher you are the greater you fall and the more it hurts.
Mercedes: Whatever.
Emma snatches Mercedes by her hair and Mercedes hit Emma with a straight right and Eva starts choking from Mercedes behind and Emma and Eva was pulling her hair until Nikki and Brie comes and break it apart.
Mercedes: All y'all do is pull hair!
Emma: Slut.
Mercedes: Whatever! Your mouth bleeding, you should go see the trainers.
Eva: We'll see you again.
Mercedes: Don't wanna with that cheap ass hair dye.
Some women and male superstars rushes in hearing them argue and Triple H aka Hunter aka Paul Levesque comes in telling Eva and Emma to leave the locker room after telling them Sasha and Emma have a match against each other. Team BAD will escort Sasha and Eva will escort Emma.
Emma theme song.
Lillian: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is schedule for one fall introducing first accompanied by Eva Marie from Melbourne, Australia weighing 132 pounds, Emma. [Emma and Eva Marie entrance] And her opponent from Team BAD accompanied by Tamina and Naomi from Boston, Massachusetts weighing 115 pounds, Sasha Banks.
Emma throws Sasha out the ring and Naomi and Emma starts fussing and Naomi runs into a big closelines from Eva. Emma throws Sasha back in the ring Emma goes for a DDT but Sasha reverses and forearms Emma to the rope and does the knees to gut and then she goes the knees to face. Eva Marie gets on the apron and Sasha runs a knocks her off. Emma kicks Sasha about to go for her finisher and Sasha reverses and does the backstabber into the Bank Statement and Emma taps.
Lillian: And the winner by submission.... Sasha Banks.
Mercedes goes the back and gets ready for supper with Colby.
She comes out and Brie and Nikki tells her how pretty she looks. An hour later Colby came to pick her up and they went off to supper.
Colby: Mercedes can I ask you a question?
Mercedes: Sure.
Colby: Do you think I will ever hurt you?
Mercedes: No.
Colby: Do you trust me?
Mercedes: Not completely but if---Never mind.
Colby: If what?
Mercedes: If and when I decide to take it further, I desire to.
Colby: Will you be my girlfriend?
Mercedes: Of course.
Colby: Can I have this dance?
Mercedes: Sure.
She takes his hand and he holds her as the danced to the slow music. The other couples looked at them in awe.
Mercedes POV: This isn't the same guy that approached me some time ago. He have changed but I wonder if it's just for the moment and will the arrogant dog Colby come back. Maybe I shouldn't jump back in but I want to. I want to have moments like this where I feel safe. I want this forever. This reminds that after the storms and wars are over, life is still alright.
Mercedes went home with Colby that night because she sure didn't feel safe going back home to her apartment. Kevin and his temper tantrums is starting to become a nuisance to Mercedes and as her strength grew so did her self-insurance and she vowed to never let nobody to take that from her ever again.
The next week they headed out to the south where they will be performing in Atlanta, Georgia; Alabama; New Orleans, Louisiana; Raleigh, Charlotte and Greenville, North Carolina.
Atlanta, Georgia Arena
Mercedes and Colby arrived and Eva Marie was on her post of hate. Colby and Mercedes parted ways and Emma made her way to his locker room, trying to sleep with him. He turned her down and kicked her out his locker room. Mercedes heard some girls gossiping in the locker room and she rolled her eyes because she knew they were all liars. Mercedes gets called to Vince's office.
Vince: Sasha, we're swinging you in a new direction. You will be with Team BAD but not for long. Things changed and Team BAD will outlast them all but they also will end or should I say you will leave them.
Mercedes: Okay.
Match: Team BAD vs. Eva Marie, Emma and Summer Rae
Sasha makes Eva Marie tap.
Lillian: And you winners by submission.... Team BAD
Alabama Arena
Emma tries the same thing with Colby but the same thing happen.
Match....Sasha Banks vs. Summer Rae
Team BAD Naomi & Tamina w/Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch & Paige
Raleigh, North Carolina Arena
Match...Sasha Banks w/Team BAD (Winner) vs. Paige
Greenville, North Carolina Arena
Match.... Team BAD-Sasha, Tamina & Naomi (Winner) vs. Paige, Becky Lynch & Eva Marie
After watching Mercedes, Colby jumps in the shower and Emma comes in and starts getting naked and sneakily slides in the shower with Colby.
Colby: [Jumps] What the hell are you doing?
Emma tries grabbing for his middle part and she goes down putting his manhood in her mouth and starts sucking and he fights her off and gets out the shower and hurries at puts his clothes on and go into the parking lot and texted Mercedes, "I'M READY TO GO RIGHT NOW!" All that night he was at the hotel acting kind of distant. He found an excuse to leave the hotel and go hang out with Joseph and Randy.
Colby: So guys, what should I do?
Randy and Joseph: Don't tell her.
Joseph: But if another incident, tell her.
Randy: Don't. Hell naw that's stupid. I will sleep with Mercedes her then tell her if I was going to tell her and I would have let Emma finish the job because either way Mercedes is going to flip and probably going to blame you and break up with you and me personally if I'm going to get pushed or dumped it's going to be cause I actually did something.
Joseph: Don't listen to him.
Charlotte, North Carolina Arena
Mercedes was walking from backstage after her match versus Dana Brooke where she was successful. Emma attacks her from behind hitting her in the head with a 2 by 4 and grabs her up by her hair and throws her into the wall and a gash comes in Mercedes' forehead.
Emma: All I do is pull hair and all you do is lie in your back. [Walks off]
Colby rushes to the trainer's room where Mercedes ended up at. She have an ice pack on her neck and bandage on her forehead with stitches.
Colby: Baby I'm---
Mercedes: Won't where you said you'll be and I got attacked!
Mercedes throws the ice pack at him and walks out. He runs behind her.
Colby: I'm trying to say sorry.
Mercedes: I'm going to the hotel.
Colby: I'll drive you.
Mercedes: I'll drive myself.
Colby: Are you on your period?
Mercedes: [Stops in her tracks] What?
Colby: I mean if you're in pain you should take an Ibuprofen.
Mercedes: Ha. I'm gonna let that one slide and stopping this conversation because if you say one more asshole thing to me, you gonna regret it.
Colby: What are you pissed about?
Mercedes: You're lying ass have been nothing but lying for these past week and acting distant. For a person to lie about things that are so small---[Closes her eyes for a moment] You know, just let leave me alone.
Colby: You women bitch all the time. I'm trying to ask you wants wrong and you're flipping out. Maybe you should go back to bed and wake up again or finally let someone pop that cherry.
Mercedes slaps him so hard his bottom tooth because loose and his mouth instantly fills with blood.
Mercedes: Don't worry about my damn emotions or my period, they're just fine. And who even said your dick was big and strong enough to pop it.
New Orleans, Louisiana Arena
Sasha went against WWE Women's Champion Nikki Bella and Sasha won. Emma comes and truest to attack Sasha and Emma gets hit with a straight right. Emma head bounces off the mat due to the impact of Sasha's hit and she storms to the back.
Colby runs to catch up with Mercedes.
Colby: Babe, please forgive me.
Mercedes: Leave me alone.
Colby: I didn't mean it. I felt you blaming me for what other people do. What people do is not my control.
Mercedes: That's not the freaking point! The point is you keep lying! And about the simplest things and if you would lie about so etching that is so small makes me think what else are you hiding. Well let me ask you something. Is there anything that happened today or any other time that I should know about?
Colby: No.
Mercedes: Nothing?
Colby: Nothing.
Mercedes: You sure?
Colby: Nothing. I promise.
Mercedes: Okay. [He tries to kiss her and she pushes him back] What you doing slick? No, baby, roll with who you been rolling with and sleep where you been sleeping because until I'm ready that's how it is.
She walks away and he was watching her sway and looks up and see Emma.........
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