Chapter 1

Starring Colby Lopez aka Seth Rollins & Mercedes Kaestner- Varnado

WWE have ownership of all names and PPV events. This is a fiction story that consists mature language and events.

Mercedes is sitting in her room in a grey long t-shirt starring down at a pink stick as she rocked with her knees up to her stomach. She had tears coming down her face as she's been crying for over an hour now. But let's take it back three years.

Year One: January

Kevin was shaking Mercedes with a tight grip on her arms.

Mercedes: Kevin, you're hurting me.

Kevin: [Throws her to the floor.] Oh no I haven't hurt you yet.

With that said Mercedes gets up and tries to run into the hallway bathroom for safety but is caught by Kevin and thrown up against the wall with his body mashed against her's.

Mercedes: [Sobbing] Kevin, look I'm sorry okay.

Kevin: [Lifting her leg going into her panties] Show daddy how sorry you are.

Mercedes: [Hesitation in her voice.] I can't. I just don't feel good. I'm tired okay?

Kevin slaps her and throws her up against the wall and forces himself into her as she screams in pain and hurt. In her mind she thinks, "How could he do this to me? He was the love of my life. He's changed. He's so different." After an hour of being forced against her will she sinks down to the floor with no emotion of her face with her body drained as she starred off into somewhere blank because that's what she felt like, nothing.

The next day Mercedes goes visit her doctor, Dr. Jackson Morris. During the session they discuss her private matters professionally and personally.

Dr. Jackson: Mercedes, why haven't you try to rekindle things with your mom? She obviously an asset to your past and relevant in our future.

Mercedes: Because obviously her love for me is conditional.

Dr. Jackson: And what makes you say that?

Mercedes: [Walks to the window ceil] She made it clear when I started dating Kevin that I was no longer welcome.

Dr. Jackson: But weren't you sixteen?

Mercedes: Yeah. That's why I spent two years living with my cousin Calvin and his family then I moved out when I was eighteen into an apartment with Kevin but we moved into a condo now into the city.

Dr. Jackson: Let's talk about Kevin?

Mercedes: He's a great provider.

Dr. Jackson: Isn't he one of the main reason you started attending these sessions with me?

Mercedes: [Stumbling over her words.] He hits me.

Dr. Jackson sat there stuck and at a loss of words for a minute.

Dr. Jackson: H-How does that make you feel? [Shifts uncomfortably.]

Mercedes: [Flops down in the chair.] Worthless. Like nothing. But sometimes I say to myself he provides and that makes it all worth it.

Dr. Jackson: When does this happen?

Mercedes: Often. [Try to stop the tears but some fall anyway.] And I keep trying to convince myself that he's going through a faze. This can't be my life.

Dr. Jackson: Have he ever been to counseling or ever tried to seek professional help?

Mercedes: No.

Dr. Jackson: Invite him here with you.

Mercedes: [Pops up.] Are you crazy?! He would kill me if he knew I was even talking to someone else especially a male! No way! I'm not even supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be at the grocery buying things for dinner tonight.

Dr. Jackson: Okay. Okay. How about NXT? Wrestling, your training. As a matter of fact we talked last week about your training and orientation being today.

Mercedes: Can't go. He doesn't like Colby.

Dr. Jackson: Colby is?

Mercedes: My trainer but people know him as Seth Rollins. [Looks at her watch] Listen I have to go, I'll speak to you later. [Grabs her purse and sunglasses then rushes out the door]

Kevin text her and she responds that "she's at the store and it's full". She literally got to the store in five minutes and gathering things for dinner in ten minutes. She even rushed the cashier woman and made it home in twenty minutes versus 32 minutes that it takes to get tree if you're driving by the speed limit.

Mercedes blinks and its one year later.

Year Two: December 12th-Début at NXT as Sasha Banks

Announcer: Coming to the ring she is the self-proclaimed boss from, Boston Massachusetts weighing 105 pounds, Sasha Banks. (Sasha entrance) And her opponent she is the NXT Women's Champion from Norwich, England weighing 111 pounds, Paige.

Sasha lost her début match. She makes her way backstage and was stopped by Seth aka Colby.

Colby: You did great out there.

Mercedes: But I lost.

Colby: But you still did great and you still have to grow into yourself and develop your character and ring presence. Also, you have this fire about you so make that apart of your act. Change of wardrobe, tone, attitude and even hair.

Mercedes: What?

Colby: This wardrobe is not you. Shirt shorts and a sports bra, that's more AJ Lee and you're not AJ Lee. [Mercedes puts her head down.] You're somebody better and with more potential, style, attitude and worthy of being at the top as champion, you're Sasha Banks. Show 'em who's boss. [He slaps her on her butt and she punches him in the arm.]

Mercedes: I told you about that Colby.

Colby: Can't help it. It's all plump.

Mercedes: [Rolls her eyes] How will I know what wardrobe I need and how to develop my image more if no one will show me?

Colby: I'm here and will help you do that. Stick with me little girl. [Holds Mercedes by her face and surprisely tongue kisses her]

Mercedes pulls away gasping for breath and not understanding why did she enjoy instead of punching him in the face.

Mercedes: I'll see you soon. Tomorrow, at training. [Grabs her bags and heads to the hotel]

Mercedes POV: I'm glad I finally rid myself of Kevin. He was something I needed to wash out my system and hair for good. There is no chance in hell for me and him to ever be together. I spent almost five years with him and the hell he put me through wasn't going to be my life forever. However, I wasn't expecting that from Colby. He's been training me for the past two years and I never imaged that kiss. Now I think about it he have done and said questionable things alluding to liking me but he's probably like any other man, he wants the cookie. Kevin had to wait three years and so will the next. Now to be honest my first time was okay but not all that. Kevin wasn't the best lover in bed but I saw past that and never made him feel bad about it and made him feel like he was the best in the world. Even after a year and a half of abuse I never dissed him by telling him he sucked in bed. Yes, some of my orgasms were fake but I loved him and that's what mattered more than sex.

Later that night Mercedes went down into the hotel bar for a Cola over ice and she didn't recognize the guy sitting next to her until he spoke.

Colby: We meet again Ms. Varnado.

Mercedes: Colby. I thought that was your half blonde hair. [Hugs] Is that a virgin drink?

Colby: Are you?

Mercedes: You're such an ass. No.

Colby: This is yak. Want some?

Mercedes: No thank you. Not a drinker.

Colby: Smoke?

Mercedes: No.

Colby: When's the last time you got laid?

Mercedes: Over a year ago.

Colby: Damn, what you live under a rock?

Mercedes: Shut up stupid! Sex ain't that important. Wheels the last time you got laid?

Colby: A week ago. And that sounds like a person who haven't had good sex. [Mercedes gasp then rolls her eyes] Come to my room?

Mercedes: No. I didn't have sex with Kevin until three years later and I'm not going to have sex with someone who haven't even asked me out.

Colby: I've been trying but you been shutting me down.

Mercedes: And? Even if were dating you could get near my kitchen but you can't get in my oven and besides little man [Stands up and gets close to his face] I would use like dental floss than throw you away. [Pushes his face with her back hand]

Colby: That's big talk little girl. Now you gonna have to back that.

Mercedes: Just did, bye. [Walks away giving him the peace sign from behind]

Colby: F'ing tease.

Year Three: January

Mercedes have made friends with Becky Lynch aka Rebecca who was looking forward to her début in June. Rebecca sometimes train with Mercedes and Colby on Wednesdays and the weekend. They were walking into Applebee's and Mercedes see Colby at the bar. She walks over.

Mercedes: Drinking again?

Colby: No, this is an ice tea. Are you following me?

Mercedes: No. I'm here with Rebecca. Wanna join us?

Colby: Maybe later and that comes with conditions.

Mercedes: And what are those?

Colby: [Takes her hand] You be my girlfriend. [Kisses her hand]

Mercedes: [Snatches her hand away] Colby please. You're into playing games that I'm not going to play. Thanks but no thanks. Very funny though and the hand kiss was cute.

Mercedes walks to the booth Rebecca have picked out. They order drinks and appetizers and began talking.

Rebecca: What was that a little bit of go?

Mercedes: One of Colby's jokes.

Rebecca: I don't know. I think he likes you.

Mercedes: Sure. Anyway, how is training? Are you excited for your début?

Rebecca: Yep and don't avoid the talk. Mercedes you have to get back out there or you're going to get mind thing about men and dating. All men aren't the same and I've dated four losers and can still say that. [The waiter brings the food]

Mercedes: These ribs are amazing.

Rebecca: Here got some sauce. [Wipes Mercedes mouth and looks up] Here he comes.

Mercedes: [Turns to see Colby] What is it? Are you following me?

He nudges her to scoot over and she does while he takes a sip of her drink.

Colby: Maybe. Becks can you tell this beautiful, truthful, sexy woman Mercedes that I'm interested and how badly I want me to be my girlfriend. [Rebecca looks at Mercedes smiling]

Colby leans in taking Mercedes' face kissing her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and she pulls away.

Mercedes: Whoa. Whoa playa. You don't know me like that personally to keep kissing me like that and plus I seen you play women. Yep. Women after women and you mean to tell me you look at me differently?

Colby: Yep. Yep. [Kisses the tip of Mercedes' nose]

Mercedes: Stop it with the kisses and [Removes his arm from around her] Colby we can't work. You're up high, Mr. Successful and look at me, a girl form Boston, Massachusetts dreaming to be there and can't catch a break to save my life. I live an apartment that's looks like a shoe box compared to your house in Idaho and your penthouse in New York. No thanks. Then plus we'll have a long distant relationship, I don't like long distance.

Colby: But we're traveling for the most part and that give us 24 hours' worth of access to a relationship and plus days when you're away I can day dream about your [Draws closer while saying each word] eyes, smile, dimples, smell, touch, taste---

Rebecca: Hey still here.

Mercedes: [Clears her throat] It's hot. Let me out. [He does than pulls her into him]

Colby: How about a date? [Mercedes nods yes and walks to the bathroom]

Month Two: February

Mercedes receives a teddy bear, candy, roses, a necklace and card from Colby. She then receives at text that morning, "Your luck will soon run out just like you ran out on me and I will find you." This did shake her up but she thanked God for Rebecca coming over keeping her company while fixing them both Irish Hot Sauca Spaghetti catching a marathon re-runs of BET show, The Game.

NXT Takeover: Rival PPV Mercedes aka Sasha Banks wins NXT Women's Championship

Month Three: March

Mercedes receives a call, no response the receives a text, "Time is ticking and tell Mr. Lopez to step off or you give him the cold shoulder and let him move on. I would hate for something to happen that me nor you can control."😔

Mercedes makes her way out the door and runs to Rebecca's hotel room.

Mercedes: I think he's around.

Rebecca: Who?

Mercedes: Kevin, my ex-boyfriend. I have received some threatening messages last month and now they're starting back up again and if I don't back off Colby he's gonna hurt him. He told me that in a text and I just wanna---[Breaks down in tears as Rebecca comforts her.] I don't know Becks. As much as I like Colby I have to back off of him.

Rebecca: You can't live your life not living Mercedes. You need to stop running and be stern about your life.

Mercedes: But I'm so scared and if Colby gets hurt it will be my fault.

Month Four: April

Mercedes have took almost three weeks off and she walked into the gym where her and Colby trained.

Colby: [Pissed] Do you come to train because lately you've been wasting my time.

Mercedes: Sorry, I've been dealing with some personal issues.

Colby: This is a business of entertainment who can careless about your personal business and careless what personal problems you have. [Superstars males and women from WWE roster turns and see Colby chewing Mercedes out and starts drawing closer.] I take time out of my schedule to train you and you couldn't leave me a message or make a call to say "hey not coming".

Mercedes storms away. She have never seen him like that and it was apparent to her this had something to do with personal. She walks out the blue double doors into the hallway about to exit. Colby runs after her and grabs her and he turns her around and see she have tears in her eyes.

Colby: Mercedes I---

Mercedes- No. No. [Breaks down to the ground and he holds her in his arms] This whole thing is just not fair. Listen, me and you can't be together. I thought maybe we could try but I just realized I have to deal with some other things and issues before I deal with anyone. [Gets up and walks out]

Month Five: May- Was a drag. All Mercedes did was train with Natalya, The Bella Twins and Tyson Kidd of WWE.

Month Six: June- Kevin threats stop now that she went cold turkey on Colby.

Month Seven: July- WWE Début on July 13th on Raw

Month Eight: August

SummerSlam: WWE Women's Champion Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks vs. Nikki Bella: Triple Threat match for the WWE Women's Championship

Lillian: This match is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall and it is for the WWE Women's Championship, introducing first from Boston, Massachusetts weighing 120 pounds, Sasha Banks. [Sasha entrance] And her opponent accompanied by Brie Bella from Scottsdale, Arizona weighing 130 pounds, Nikki Bella. [Nikki entrance with Brie] And their opponent from Queen City weighing 142 pounds, she is the WWE Women's Champion, Charlotte.

[End of match] Nikki pins Charlotte while Brie throws Sasha into the barricade without the referee seeing.

Lillian: And the winner of this match by pin fall and your new WWE Women's Champion, Nikki Bella.

Month Nine: September

Mercedes POV: I am on the roll with my career and have put all that personal stuff behind me. Colby and Kevin are the last of my concerns but I can't hello but think back a few weeks ago a little after my début. Kevin came in here all maniac and Colby... Let's just say, he's a tad confused.

Note to readers: The next chapter will be a flashback.

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