Chapter 43


Side Note:

For anyone who's been reading my Christmas oneshots specials and read both the Following Him Christmas specials as well. They based in this storyline, of course both stories already happening but won't be mentioned in this book. They've happened in the past but I don't bring up the memories of those Christmas specials so please don't expect to read anything more over them.

My apologies for anyone who was expecting them to be mentioned or used in this book but they're simply Christmas specials linked to the book for you all to read a Christmas treat. 

I do hope that you all did at least enjoy them and I know one of them were a bit heart breaking but I felt like that side of a Christmas needed to be shown as well. 





Mikasa and Levi never really got to say what they'd prefer to actually say to Captain Barns nor did they do any actions they wished to do towards him. Since after they all returned, mostly safely, from the expedition a little early than planned, Captain Rory Barns had locked himself in the guest room he's been given during his stay. Time the morning came the next day, he had already held an rather early meeting with Erwin and left the camp to return to wall Rose and returning to do his Garrison duties. 

For the first couple days as all soldiers recovered from the expedition and from having to deal with the garrison captain. An unease was in the air, all awaiting to see what the Garrison captain would say about them and their regiment along with whoever sent him finally standing out into the spotlight. But nothing was said and nothing was done. 

Seems whoever secretly moved the Garrison into checking out the survey corps didn't hear what they wished too by Captain Barns. He either came out empty handed over what he truly was after or finally learnt better than to try attacking the regiment so openly like it seemed. So, the camp was once again saved and untouched. 

This left the Monday of the week after as a day off for all. No one had to stay on sentry duty around camp or miss out. The injured got a choice to return home and rest for the day or return to their own barracks. Anyone who needed a doctor or nurse 24/7 was already sent to a proper hospital within wall Maria since the camp hospital was small and basic. Meant for the simply of inuries or sickness. Any injures that needed proper treatment or to be full time watched was sent to a better hospital inside the walls straight away. 

Even Erwin enjoyed a full day off, no one actually knew where he went but he left the camp in ordinal clothes and enjoyed his day off. Hanji and Moblit heading out together during their day off, the two standing as friends instead of ranks and simply bonding like they use to do whenever having a free day off together. 

Mikasa was actually glad over that, she knew Moblit needed a friend after his break up. Even if he still hasn't told anyone else over it, she knew the day out with his friend would do him some good and help cheer him up a little. She also knew Levi agreed with her over the thought. 

For Mike, apparently he and Nanaba was spending their day off together in town. That small comment earned all around them to perk up and send a rather smug or knowing look towards both of them. Mostly towards Nanaba since none of the squad members for Mike and Hanji were brave enough to sent any cocky looks towards Mike apart from Mikasa, Levi and Hanji themselves. Even Erwin slipped a side commented towards Mike mid meeting before acting as if he didn't.

But of course, Captain and Nanaba both kept replying with "It's not a date!" before storming off. Like anyone would believe those two, they both could lie until the moon came out if they wanted too. They've been lying over heir feelings for years after all. 

Gelgar, Gunther, Eld, Petra and Oluo had all took the day to visit their parents and love ones. Not planning to do anything more then sit at their families home and make new memories with those they care for. 

Hemming had planned to take his wife out for a walk, using his wife wheelchair and helping to spend at least half the day outside with her. Planning to have a picnic somewhere and just have a date together like they were young again. Hemming wasn't ashamed over his sickly wife and wanted the world to see how lucky and blessed he was to have her in his life. Praying to any and all gods to let him stay as happy as he was by keeping her by his side a little longer. 

Abel was home to his wife straight away, happy to see his two weeks old daughter, Yukie. Blessed over his daughter and happily spending every second he could with her. Making memories and wanting to be as good of a father to her as he was as a brother to all those in the orphanage he looks out for. His wife secretly planning to take them for their own family picnic in one of the fields of flowers close by and letting all the town see how happy their family was. Smugly showing off both her loving husband and new-born daughter to them all. 

Lynne,  Thomas and Harold all spent the day out together and took it up to do some much needed shopping. Having a chat at a café and acting like teens who finally gained their freedom from their parents to go to the city alone. Lynne mother had plans during her daughter day off while Thomas brother was out with his own family and did invite Thomas to join but he knew his own nephew was rather scared by him, mostly because they were scared over getting close and finding their uncle to be eaten by a titan without warning due to his job. For Harold, he was an orphan and didn't really get along with anyone in the orphanage he went too making him have no links to any of the other children he grew up with. He had no one to visit and normally spent his day off doing a bit of gardening. But this time, the three decided to enjoy their day off together instead. 

Nifa was visiting her parents before planning to go one a date with a MP soldier she's been speaking with by letters since bumping into him last month. He was on duty as she was sent out on an errand for Moblit who was busy handling Hanji and she met the MP soldier. Both as shy and awkward as the other and decided to chat by letter before he finally took a chance and offered her out to lunch on their next day together. 

Rashad was seeing his older sister and planning to make new memories with his own nephews, both being twins and knew they were a handful towards his sister most days. He'd take them both out for most of the day before returning to eat lunch and tea with his sister, wanting to catch up with her as well. 

Keiji and Lauda was spending the time together and visiting their families together since the two had grown up together and their families were neighbours. Their parents being closed as their sons were and it felt silly to simply separate when they'd be together anyways.  

Mikasa took notice over all the squad members plans for their day off as she thought over what to do with her own spare time. Knowing Levi was shooing her away as he made his own plans making her sulk a little before trying to figure out what he had planned. Falling silent as it seemed he would be visiting an old friend called Yan, seemed he was from the underground as well but was now living above in a small hut on the edge of a farming town.

Mikasa knew that Levi kept his past to himself. He told her over Furlan and Isabel, more so when he would spill a drink into the ground on their deaths anniversary. So, she also knew to give him space when he asks to be left along when dealing with his past or someone from his past.

Hence, Mikasa talked to her friends over their plans for ideas to do on her day off. Finding Connie and Jean both returning to visit their families for the day and boast over their "war stories" that gained a burst of laughter from the rest of the group.

Marco had invited Sasha to come with him as he has lunch with his own parents as Sasha was still having some family issues herself and wouldn't go see her family. She wanted them to break first and be the ones to try reaching out to her, still upset with them it seems. Sasha agreeing and left to wonder around the small market close by to where Marco parents lived since they needed to waste time before lunch.

Reiner and Bertholdt planned to go see Annie who manage to gain a half day off In the morning. They did invite Mikasa but she knew how rare the three friends got to actually speak in person and wanted to leave them to bond alone.  

Christa and Ymir would be spending the day together outside the camp, no surprise came to anyone over that. But it seems the two girls would be meeting up with Reiner and Bertholdt after lunch and spend the afternoon with the two males. All four planning to eat out for tea today since nothing would be getting cooked in the camp after everyone got the day off. 

Armin was going to visit his grandpa and spend as much time as he could with him while Eren was going to see his mother, Carla. Both invited for Mikasa to join them since Armin and Eren family would sit down and eat lunch together before separating again. Mikasa took the offer, deciding to spend an hour in the morning with Armin and his grandpa before wondering the town on her own. Meeting up at the Jaeger household to have lunch with them all before spending an hour with both Eren and Carla before leaving to wonder about again. She knew how much her friends missed their families and didn't want to hog their time they got to have with their love ones. 

And so, the day off came. 

Mikasa injured her time with Armin and his grandpa. Praising Carla for her cooking when they all sat down to eat like a huge strange family. Enjoying her hour with Carla and Eren before leaving with a small excuse of having other plans for the afternoon. 

And well, in the end. Mikasa did turn out to have plans in the afternoon as she wondered along the streets and found herself up a certain, old one. 

It was strange, she expected herself to feel uneasy or frightened but she felt a bit brave. Confident in fact. 

Walking with pride and not caring over who passed her by or stared at her. Not even trying to hide up her face when soldiers passed by. She didn't care if they recognized her or not because she was a soldier now. She was worth a hundred soldiers and those were the rumours that glued themselves to her name. 

She was seen as a raising hero and that's who she stood as now. 

She may have once been a scared and broke girl but now she was a maturing and strong, impendent women. She could kick a grown ass man to the moon and back without them landing a hit on her. If someone came along, acting as her boss or owner than she'd gladly show them that she wasn't just some toy they could have. 

She knew she wasn't dressed in uniform and didn't hold any proof over who she was. No regiment logo on her or her papers that proved who she was. She didn't plan to use them or need them and she'd certainly know how to handle herself if trouble came sniffing around.

She might have froze up when Captain Barns tried grabbing her scarf but she wouldn't allow anyone else to put their filthy hands on her freshly clean and washed scarf. She even wore her spare one today, a nice, night sky black one. It was another gift from Levi after she completed her first expedition as a full fledge soldier. To stop herself from having to cower away in her room whenever washing her only scarf. And in return, she gifted him with a new cravat with a sew in Chinese knot, making his newer good luck charm to wear during an expedition as his other was getting a bit worn even if he did take great care over it.

She came to a stop outside of a familiar blacksmiths before entering inside, feeling the warm welcome within the air surrounded her like a huge hug. Happy to breath it all in before walking towards the counter, wondering who'd be greeting her today. 

She was rather hoping for it to be Joe, wanting to speak with him and catch up a little. She knew he had his own life and was busy getting his granddaughter ready to take over his business but he was an important part of who she stood as now. He helped her when he didn't need too and he never once thought over calling for the MPs on Levi either. 

In fact, he cheered them on and even thought over her. Believing that she'd be able to feel human again and find her voice. Waiting for a child he didn't even know any longer than half an hour to return and finally speak her name to him. 

Joe was apart of her pack, an lost strange grandparent to her and Levi. She wanted to check he was still doing fine by himself and enjoying his own life. She wanted to pass on her own war stories and funny little moments she's had in camp. She wanted a full conversation with him like they were old friends who finally met her again and in a way, they were. 

"Oh my, It's Miss M. I didn't expect to see you again, not in this little blacksmiths. Is everything all right?" Evelyn smiled brightly as she came walking out from the backroom, taking notice over the customer by the counter. 

"Miss M?" Mikasa repeated unsure, wondering If she's missed someone during their last visit. 

"Well, you're a raising star. My sister is still a huge fan over Captain Levi and grandpa told me over who you were. He seemed rather happy when he was able to give your name after returning from one of his walks one day. I've heard over a few rumours over you from my sister, says you'll be able to stand equal to Captain Levi one day. You've got my support on that, show the world what us dirty fighters can do, hehe" Evelyn happily explained, shyly itching the side of her cheek as she was mostly letting her mind fly wonder with the nickname. A bit embarrassed over also learning mostly more about Mikasa by her twin sister fangirl rants. 

"Your grandpa spoke fondly over both you and your sister. It's rather nice to see you again, Evelyn. My apologies for our last and first meeting not being the nicest but I was still not overly fond with people. But do know, you've got my support over taking over this blacksmiths one day. I know you'll do great" Mikasa calmly replied, her eyes honest and showing that she held faith in Evelyn over being the next blacksmith. 

"Thank you, Miss M. Not many agreed with me training to be a blacksmiths like grandpa. Only my grandma actually supported me over it and it took my sister some time but she's came around and knows this is the perfect job for me since I love it so much. But, having you on my side gives me some extra strength" Evelyn happily smiled back, feeling a bit more confident in knowing that she had a rising start support over this. She loved her job and her slowly had her family accepting her future plans but it was still feeling lonely sometimes. She was glad to have Mikasa cheering her own, more so if a mostly stranger thought high over her skills. 

"Your grandpa did the same for me long ago and I do believe in the faith he holds for you. I also believing his faith that he holds for  Charlotte in standing as a fair soldier. But why must you call me as Miss M if you already know my name?" Mikasa admitted, showing her faith in both of the twins before finally repeating her question over the nickname as it wasn't making much sense to her. 

"Grandpa never actually said how the both of you met and it's a bit strange he never learnt your name until this year. I gathered you both hold a strange past and knew better than to ask. We all hold our demons and I know not all is lucky to have the happy childhood I was given. Once I finally heard Grandpa use your name, I decided to give you a nickname. Make sure that if anyone was listening in, wouldn't know who I meant. This way, I can happily talk about you and pass on the rumours my sister told me to my grandpa whenever he wonders over your soldier life or reads the newspaper and notices you being mentioned with Captain Levi" Evelyn explained it all and never really expected to see Mikasa again making her not really think that the soldier would ever learn over the nickname itself. She was staring to feel a bit embarrassed now she was using it before the very person she gave it to. 

"That's very kind of you" Mikasa kindly replied, giving a small nod of thanks for Evelyn being so thoughtful towards her. 

"It's what family does. If Grandpa has adopted you in a way than we're kinda like cousins now. This blacksmiths might not be much but I'm glad it can stand as a safe spot for some. Come whenever you need. I look forward to your visit in the future, I've got to show off my skills as the next owner to someone after all" Evelyn admitted with a light shrug, wiping her dirty hands on her overalls and acting rather chilled over her what she just said. 

"I'll keep that in mind" Mikasa muttered back, a little surprised over what Evelyn had said before knowing she'd defiantly have to come visit more often. To see both Joe and Evelyn, the two were truly becoming apart of Mikasa life. Standing as important people who'd help shape her into the person she'd stand as. 

"Now, down to business. I bet you're after my grandpa" Evelyn grinned back, leaning her elbows onto the counter and resting her chin in her hands. 

"Indeed I am. I've been given a day off and well, my feet brought me here. I want to try and catch up while I'm free to do so. I never know when I'll gain the time or feel brave enough to travel down here again to see him" Mikasa answered, feeling a bit bad that she was openly admitting to only coming for Joe and not either of the twins. Evelyn had been rather thoughtful over her thanks to Joe and Mikasa knew she'd have to be the same from now on. 

"Well, he started up his fishing hobby again. One day a week he goes finishing and leaves the store in my care for the whole day. It's my test run to get a feel over how life will be like once I own this place and he's no longer around to help. But when my break comes along, I normally take down lunch for him. A late lunch due to my break being after lunch but that's the life of a store owner. Maybe you can take his share down for me, sit with him as he fishes and catch up"  Evelyn mumbled back as he gazed to the side, thinking over her grandpa new hobby that started up not longer he had learnt over Mikasa name in fact. Grinning up at Mikasa as she came up with the idea over sending Mikasa with his lunch instead of herself. Knowing her grandpa would love the surprise visit. 

"Are you sure?" Mikasa asked with worry, knowing that Joe loved his family dearly and cherished all their moments together. She didn't want to get away of their bonding and memory making. 

"I get to see my grandpa almost everyday. I work here five and half days of the seven days in the week already. I can miss this one late lunch with him. In fact, I hate eating with him while he fishes. He always leaves the wombs way to close to the basket and it grosses me out completely. You'll be doing me a favour" Evelyn shot back amused, standing up properly and adding on a view points that made sending Mikasa instead of herself seem a great idea. She really hated the bait being so close to the food and knew Mikasa wouldn't find much of a problem over it like she did. 

"Very well. Please pass over his share of the food and I'll be on my way. Thank you for this" Mikasa replied, happy to take over Joe late lunch and leave Evelyn in peace for her lunch break. 

"No, thank you for being so good to my grandpa. Not many customers or those he's helped in the past remember him. They forget over him, leaving him as a random stranger that was only in their life for a tiny moment. He's rather happy to see how grown up you've became and he's rooting for you. Always trying to defend you if he hears someone speak ill over you or the captain" Evelyn mindlessly replied as she knew how happy her grandpa was over Mikasa still remembering him and even trying to stay apart of his life in someway. She knew that Mikasa visit today would brighten up his whole week and in fact, Evelyn was rather happy over such a thought. She loved her grandpa but he always put other's first, always allowed himself to come last so no one else did. For once, Mikasa was his own selfish happiness that he did show and try being first in.

"He shouldn't bother with such a task. People will always talk bad even if someone stand as god themselves. Levi and I are perfectly use to it and it doesn't really bother us. We'll defend ourselves if needed otherwise we ignore them all. I don't want Joe getting himself into trouble by protecting our names" Mikasa sighed, shaking her head in disapproval as she knew some would happily try putting Joe in his place even if he was an old man. She didn't want to hear over him getting injured or worse.  

"He does it because he wants too. Trust me, he defends my sister and I as well. Doing so when other's laughed over me taking over his store and when some didn't think my sister will make a decent soldier. But here we are. I'm soon to be owner and my sister a Garrison soldier. We're both happy with our lives" Evelyn argued back in her grandpa defence, knowing he won't ever change and see it as a problem either. 

"I see, I'm glad you're all able to find your happy ending. But I'll still be scolding Joe for putting himself at risk over someone like me. Now, please tell me over what river he's fishing at and I'll hurry over before he starts to worry. Wouldn't want him to think that something happened to you because you're late meeting with him" Mikasa mumbled back, a faint smile on her lips that almost sent Evelyn tripping over as she didn't expect to see such a sight. 

Evelyn soon got herself under control again and hurried in the back to grab the small cotton string bag. Her grandpa sandwich and apple inside with a lather flask of water inside for him to drink. She hurried back to the counter, passing the bag over and passing on the location where grandpa normally liked to fish. Checking Mikasa knew over the area and ready to draw a makeshift map down for her if she didn't. Mikasa simply shaking her head, already having a small idea over where the river bit was and knowing the walk towards it should be rather pleasant for her. 

Taking the bag and heading towards the store door was Evelyn waved at her from behind the counter. Smiling as brightly as she did before and rather looking forward to hearing her grandpa speak about his day once they work together tomorrow. 

"Farewell, Miss E" Mikasa called back as she opened the door, giving a small greeting nod towards the young women. 

"Until next time, Miss M" Evelyn grinned back, pretending to tip an invisible hat and watching Mikasa step out, closing the door behind her. 

"Who was that?" Charlotte asked as she walked out from the back, dressed in her full garrison uniform and wondering who got her sister chatting away for so long. 

"Hmm, I wonder who indeed" Evelyn hummed back amused, knowing her sister wouldn't believe her even if she did speak over having the real life Mikasa Ackerman in the store. 

"That's a strange answer to give"  Charlotte commented with a sigh, raising an eyebrow towards her sister and trying to work out what she was hiding from her now. 

"I've always been strange. Never bothered you before" Evelyn argued back lightly, playfully shoving her sister. 

"True. Well, my lunch break is over and I'm doomed to return to my duties. I'll be patrolling for most of the afternoon and will mostly be returning home late. Who knows, maybe I'll be lucky enough to bump into Captain Levi and be carried away by him. Becoming Husband and wife after we fall madly in love" Charlotte admitted with a nod before mumbling back with a frown as she had to head back to work and knew she'd be late home. Knowing her sister was always late home, perks of both sharing a small cottage together but also knowing she'd most likely get home after her sister this time and didn't want her sister to worry. 

Evelyn rolling her eyes over her sister as she fell into the dream state while thinking over Captain Levi again. It happened a lot at their shared home and Evelyn had sadly grown more use to it than she would have liked. Wishing she could admit over their grandpa actually know the said Captain along with another famous name. 

"I wouldn't bet on it. As much as I love you, dear sister, I'm putting my bets on a different suitor for him. I think Grandpa might actually be on something good" Evelyn commented instead, moving out from behind the counter and ready to eat her own lunch while she was still on break. 

"Grandpa? How would he know any gossip involving Captain Levi love life?" Charlotte replied in confusion and seeing no link over how her grandpa would know Captain Levi better than she knew him. She was one of his top ten fans after all, she wouldn't say number one since she's met some real creeps during her duties. 

"Oh, you'll be surprised and in fact, I think he's rather involved with it. Most likely trying to push a certain two together in the end" Evelyn grinned back, rather amusing knowing what she did while her sister didn't. 


Yukie = pronounced yoo-kee-eh, is a Japanese given name used for females. A person named Yukie may be nicknamed Beauty or God's Gift.

I know I keep the backgrounds over Mike/ Hanji squads as basic while keeping updates since they're all linked to Mikasa and she'd keep in contact over their lives. I felt as if Abel would be overjoyed no matter the gender of his child and would just see it as a blessing after growing up in the orphanage. He'd still love all the orphanage kids he help look out for and still would help fix up or repair the orphanage whenever he could.

But I just assume that Abel, who is normally serious and seems as overly strict while always being kind by his actions. Would be overjoyed to have any form of family. He'd feel lucky for simply having the women he loves to love him as much as she does and to even accept marriage. And than, when he learns over being a father, he'd break down crying since he'd finally be getting the loving and caring family he's always dreamed over since he was a child. He'd see his child as a gift from god and would want his child to know how loved and precious they were in his eyes. 

Also, I know there seems to be lone a child restriction in AOT where you can only have one child per household and you still need permission to marry someone first. But I feel like only one couple can simply have a single child. If the husband as a child with another women or the wife has a child with another man, it's allowed. Or that if they asked for permission to have another child and the children count that year is low, they'd be given permission to have a second child.

I know that the population is kept an eye on and they try to stop over population happening but I feel like they wouldn't just let a year or two child-birth rates drop either. Married couples can sent in a letter, asking for permission for another child and when the population for child-birth rates had dropped in one year or was low, they send out permission. Hence, some families with have more than one child in this book while others won't. 

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