Chapter 1: Polus Problems
(I will write the prolouge as a form of flashback later.)
Me and my son Grey were walking around polus looking for tasks to do.
Y/n: (sigh) I wish I wasn't in this cursed game.
Grey: I know dad, you told me multiple times.
Grey was the son of another crewmate before Grey's dad got ejected by HIM.
All of a sudden, we heard a musical "BAAAAAAAAAH🎶"
(Y/n)/Grey: Huh?
When we went over to investigate, we saw two people.
The first person was a blue-haired kid with a red ball cap facing backwards, a white t-shirt with a red pre-caution symbol in the center, blue jeans, and a microphone in his right hand.
The other person was on top of some speakers. She had red high heels, a red dress, and red hair. (That's a lot of red).
I was surprised to see them, not because I know them, which I don't, I was surprised because they were actual HUMANS. So of course, I went up to them.
Y/n: Hey there!
?/??: Huh?/Beep?
Both turned around and saw me.
?: Oh hey there. Glad to see we aren't the only ones here.
Y/n: Same here. My name is Y/n and this (Grey walks up to me) is my son grey. What's yours?
??: Beep bo dah bee bi bep.
Y/n: What?
??: Beep.
Y/n: Sorry if I am being rude, but I don't understand a thing of what you said.
?: Sorry about him. He prefers to speak like that to people who are new to him, or people who he doesn't see as a threat. What he was saying was his name is Boyfriend.xml and I am Girlfriend.xml and before you ask, yes those are our actual names.
Y/n: Oh ok.
Bf: Bee Bee ba bo bai?
Gf: Bf is asking about the mask.
Y/n: that... is a touchy subject to me. I don't like remembering why I have my mask because it makes me depressed.
Bf: Oh sorry.
Y/n: It's ok. You wanna be friends?
Bf/Gf: Bep/Sure.
Y/n: Thank you.
All of a sudden, the kill sound played meaning Red was near so Grey decided to give Gf a report speaker.
Gf: What's this?
Grey: Use it when someone comes.
Right after he said that, Red started walking by us.
Gf tried to use the speaker, but Red ended up EATING the speaker and HER HAND but when I blinked, a light glow was there where her hand was and her hand reappeared. Angry at him, Bf yeeted a spare microphone at red.
Red: that really hurt :(
Bf: o my fault
Y/n: don't say sorry to him
Y/n: he's a killer apon us
Gf: you're right
Gf: he looks kinda....
Bf: now that you mention it... he does look pretty
(I'm using the images now because it works here.)
Red: hey what did i do :(( im a crewmate guys :( cmon :((((
Gf: Ermm.. This Guy
Gf: you have a gun!!!! also a knife !!but only in your up sprite!!!!
Red: wow :( you don't have to be a-
Y/n: dont finish that sentecne
Red: .
Gf: .
Bf: .
Red: }:(
Bf: lets just rap battle!
Red: ok !
Red: (heh.... they have no clue im actually the IMPOSTOR...)
Grey: you are speaking out loud
(Song name: Sussus moogus)
(Red vs Bf)
(Imagine that you and grey are next to the speakers looking at red.)
After the song, Bf did a peace sign while I congratulated him.
Y/n: good job dude!
Bf: Thanks!
Red, however, was not pleased in the slightest. So he put his mike away and took out a full clip for his gun, BLANTANTLY SHOWING us four that he is indeed the imposter. Despite this, Red still takes out his empty clip, puts in the new one, reloads his gun, and gets his mike back out. He then looks at me, points his gun at Gf, and shoots her, making Bf sad and leaving me and grey shocked.
Red: lol!!! you dumbass!!!!!
Red: you fell for it!! i was actually an imposter this whole time!!!!
Bf: girlfriend .... you.....
Bf: how could you do this??!!
Bf: why her ??!!
Bf: id rather it have been me than her !!!
Bf: you piece of SHIT!!!! i shouldve NEVER trusted you!!!
Bf: sniffle..... ill avenge you babe.....
Red: u done?
Bf: yea
(Song name: Sabotage)
(Red vs Bf)
(You're now sitting on the side of the speakers bopping your head back and forth while looking angry at red while Grey is covering his visor. When Gf respawns as a ghost, you switch from looking at red angrily to at Gf confused.)
After the second song, Red and bf were just standing there-
Patrick: They're just standing there, MENACINGLY!
After the second song, Red and bf were just standing there. Apparently Red was waiting for Bf to do a peace sign because as soon as he did, red immediately shot his head off and did his own peace sign.
Red: AYY
I was so mad at Red for killing my new friends. I stepped in, grabbed bf's mike (which turned into a bright blue one), pulled out a sword, and revealed my true form.
Y/n: yea
Y/n: what you gonna do?
Red: so sorry.. please just.. dont hurt me..
Red: i have a husband and kids at home....
Red: im gonna die........ arent i :((
Y/n: yep
(Use your own voice if you want to and imagine Ghost Bf and Ghost Gf on the speakers looking at me very scared while Grey is cheering me on.)
After the song, I untransform and reported the body. Suddenly, we were at the meeting table with red shivering.
Pink: where
Everyone then begins talking extremely fast.
Green: where
Brown: where
Blue: where
Pink: where
Orange: do you guys like my hat
Brown: who
Rose: shut up orange
Pink: kys orange
Green: Fuck off dude
Blue: nobody fucking likes you Orange fuck off holy fucking s-[The dialogue cuts off.]
Brown: why
Blue: where
Green: where
Orange: you guys fucking suck
Pink: We do not care
Brown: what
Green: where
Ghost Bf: awkwaaaaaard!
Brown: where
Pink: where
Rose: where
Brown: wh
Blue: have you guys played Friday Night Funkin
Brown: where
Green: no
Rose: no
Pink: where
Blue: you guys should play it theres a really good mod called Vs. Impostor i heard its getting a 4th update soon!
Green: where
Brown: that mod fucking sucks bruh stfu
Green: where
Blue: no it doesnt
Pink: ermm thers too much drama in the FNF Community!
Orange: shut up pink
Green: guys i think its rose
Pink: make me f*****
Brown: who
Blue: who
Ghost Bf: i love Friday Night Funkin
Brown: who
Green: where
Blue: where
Brown: who
Ghost Gf: Slay
Blue: who
Green: its not me dumbass
Orange: who
Blue: who
Pink: Who
Green: where
Brown: where
Y/n: Red's the impostor
Everyone immediately stops talking and looks at red.
Red: hey dude! it's not me! chill!
Red: i was afk!
Blue: seems pretty believabl-
Y/n: i saw him kill two people
Grey: I can vouch for Y/n!!
Everyone, except green and red, then immediately votes for red as red is then sinking into the lava. Me and Grey then are teleported into a void with bf and gf.
Bf: Where are we?
Gf: I don't know.
Y/n: Can I say something?
Bf/Gf: Sure.
Y/n: I am so glad to meet you two.
Bf: I am glad we got to meet you as well.
Gf: I am curious about that transformation you did before that song you two sang though.
Y/n: Oh that? That was my true form.
Gf: Oh ok then.
Bf: How were you not scared of that Grey?
Grey: The answer is obvious.
Y/n: He saw me use it before.
Bf: Ok then
Grey: Where will we head next?
Y/n: I don't know but wherever we end up, just know this, game!
The screen then cuts to black as I say the words that appear on the screen written in blood.
End of chapter one
(So how was that? I don't think a single person thought of this idea so I decided to give it a try. Also there may be a love interest in this story. I haven't made this decision yet so be prepared. Also also, I wanted Grey to have a happier ending so I made him the reader's son.)
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